
Punny Pinkie: Pirate

Apr 8th, 2013
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  1. >The seven seas!
  2. >"Actually there are thirteen seas in our world!" Twilight corrects.
  3. >...
  4. >The thirteen seas!
  5. >ARGH!
  6. >Being a pirate wasn't a bad life after all.
  7. >Take what you want, do what want, there were no ends to the fun.
  8. >And the treasure, oh boy, the treasure!
  9. >It was great and the adventures were awesome.
  10. >They would be a lot better if it weren't for your one swabbie, the pink abomination, Pinkie.
  11. >The annoying horse did nothing but get on your nerves, but she was a useful asset to your crew.
  12. >But the jokes drove you insane.
  13. >Enough of that, though, it's 2pm now.
  14. >Time for your usual gloating phase of the day!
  15. >Heading into the bottom of the ship, you look at your mass amount of treasure.
  16. >Digging your peg leg and your... normal leg in the pile of cool gold coins.
  17. >You lie down and let the cold coins press against your back.
  18. >Listening only to the waves press against the sides of your ship, you finally feel piece.
  19. >That is until you hear the sound of whispers.
  20. >"Why does he look so happy?" you hear Twilight whisper.
  21. >As you turn your head, you meet face to face with the annoying swabbie.
  22. >Her evil smile has extended.
  23. >"I don't know. He doesn't have very much: his booty is only shin-deep."
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