
msparp group roxy/kan+equ+cal stuffing/feeding/belly

Jun 24th, 2014
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  1. (a pseudo-followup to previous rose/roxy stuffing shenanigans)
  3. ROXY: sooooo
  4. KANAYA: So
  5. ROXY: i dont spose were already out of deserts
  6. KANAYA: I Sincerely Doubt That
  7. KANAYA: The Bubble Seems To Have An Infinite Supply
  8. ROXY: man whyd it taek us this long 2 find thses things i culd get used to this sorta stuffs
  9. ROXY: :she reclines on a couch, legs spread and tummy still enormously packed::
  10. KANAYA: Well Uh
  11. KANAYA: Yes
  12. KANAYA: You Seem To Use The Fruits Of This 'Labor' Well
  13. KANAYA: How Much Do You Even Have In There
  14. ROXY: mmmmnn
  15. KANAYA: *Kanaya very carefully prods the Lalonde's packed tummy.*
  16. ROXY: i dunnoooo
  17. KANAYA: Im
  18. KANAYA: Impressed
  19. KANAYA: In All Honesty
  20. ROXY: def not sayin i aint got room fer more tho
  21. ROXY: :she grins up at kanaya, a bit cockily:
  22. CAL: *He looks over at Roxy, raising an eyebrow* How much did she eat?
  23. ROXY: lossa eclairs, lossa ice cream, lossa tequila
  24. KANAYA: So Youre Saying You Do Have Room For More
  25. ROXY: p much an aeverage day in the house of lalonde if u ask me ;D
  26. ROXY: im sure this babe can handle sum more as long as its as deliceous as everythin else
  27. ROXY: :she smacks the side of her bare tummy for emphasis and looks at kanaya intently:
  28. KANAYA: I Could Provide
  29. KANAYA: *Kanaya seems flustered by the assertion.*
  30. KANAYA: *Mmf.*
  31. KANAYA: For Curiosity Sake
  32. KANAYA: Dare I Say
  33. KANAYA: Science
  34. CAL: Watching this could be fun. *He giggles a bit*
  35. ROXY: oho
  36. ROXY: u defenitly know how 2 get a girl interested ;D
  37. KANAYA: So You Fancy Scientific Endeavors
  38. KANAYA: Good
  39. ROXY: if its in the interests of scienece then feel free to see jus how much i can take
  40. KANAYA: I Dont Sound Like A Total Idiot Then
  41. ROXY: :roxy leans back, folding her arms behind her head and winking at kanaya:
  42. KANAYA: *She drags over that left over cake from before.*
  43. KANAYA: Roxy You Winking At Me Removes The Essence Of Professional-Ness
  44. ROXY: who said nethin bout bein profesesional
  45. ROXY: we got a cake and we got a girl n as far as im concerned thasall we need
  46. ROXY: all we need is for suuuuum1 to preform the experements
  47. KANAYA: I Believe I Am Qualified
  48. KANAYA: I Have Some Experience In Overstuffing Others
  49. KANAYA: And Myself Of Course
  50. ROXY: eeexxecelent
  51. KANAYA: Okay Well
  52. KANAYA: Here Goes
  53. ROXY: in that case the honor is urs mahryam
  54. KANAYA: *Kanaya picks up a hefty slice of chocolate pastry, prompting Roxy to bite into it. All at once or a bit at a time, it's the girl's choice.*
  55. ROXY: :grinning, roxy gives kanaya a devious look, before leaning forward and practically pushing her face into the slice, getting a majority of it into her mouth at once and smearing her cheeks with icing as kanaya is left holding but the outermost portion of the cake:
  56. ROXY: mmfffpphh
  57. KANAYA: *Holy shit.*
  58. CAL: This is definitely looking to be enjoyable.
  59. KANAYA: *She pulls away whats left, watching Roxy.*
  60. ROXY: :she swallows her mouthful of cake loudly with a pleased noise, licking the corners of her mouth and tapping her fingers on her tummy as the additional cake elicts a squelch from itscontents:
  61. ROXY: hmmmm
  62. ROXY: initail results seem promising ;D
  63. KANAYA: Well Youre The Scientist
  64. KANAYA: I Am Just The Tester
  65. ROXY: n as head scientest i think we shuold repeat the experement to confirm results
  66. KANAYA: *Kanaya answers with another slice of cake, offered promptly to the stuffed girls lips, and she wipes away chocolate residue with one finger and sucks it off herself.*
  67. KANAYA: Of Course
  68. ROXY: :roxy eagerly repeats her previous task, opening as wide as she can and taking a massive bite from the slice; this time, she swallows quickly and scarfs down whatever cake wasn't swept up in her first bite, leaving kanaya with nothing but chocolate icing and crumbs on her chubby fingers:
  69. CAL: Hehe. I'm loving this experiment.
  70. ROXY: an u arent even the 1 gettin all the cake
  71. ROXY: i culd do this aaaaall day
  72. KANAYA: *She watches Roxy gorge herself further with amusement, licking and sucking the rest once again off of her plump digits. Mmm. The cake isn't bad.*
  73. KANAYA: I Dont Recommend All Day
  74. KANAYA: You Can Only Stretch So Far
  75. ROXY: hehehe
  76. ROXY: mayb well get to see jus how far that is
  77. ROXY: hmm
  78. KANAYA: If You Feel At That Limit Please Tell Me
  79. ROXY: of course
  80. ROXY: but dont think im givin up that easely
  81. KANAYA: *With that, the Rainbow Drinker fits another slice in there, still relatively amused.*
  82. KANAYA: Youre A Lalonde
  83. KANAYA: I Expect No Less
  84. ROXY: :she eagerly scarfs down the slice, giggling through her mouthful of chocolately goodness and pausing afterwards to eject a bottle of tequila from her sylladex, the container bouncing off the couch and rolling away a short distance:
  85. ROXY: whuops
  86. CAL: Seems Lalondes tend to push their limits.
  87. KANAYA: *She watches the bottle with a puzzled expression.*
  88. KANAYA: What Is That
  89. ROXY: jus sum drinks 2 go w/ the main cuorse
  90. ROXY: have sum if u want but it might be a lil strong
  91. ROXY: course i like my drinks strong ;D
  92. ROXY: :she hiccups, her belly sloshing and bouncing a bit from the motion:
  93. KANAYA: *Kanaya picks up the bottle, opens it, sniffs the mouth.*
  94. KANAYA: *And she snorts in disgust.*
  95. KANAYA: Eugh
  96. ROXY: pfffft
  97. KANAYA: It
  98. KANAYA: It Smells Like Death
  99. KANAYA: Oh God That Is Foul
  100. CAL: I think it's alcoholic. I heard she's really into that stuff.
  101. ROXY: yeaaah u seem more lika wine kinda gal 2 me
  102. ROXY: oh well means theres more fer me
  103. KANAYA: Ive Actually Never Tried Wine Or
  104. KANAYA: Any Human Sophoric
  105. ROXY: :she leans forward and obediently opens her mouth, glancing at kanaya intently:
  106. KANAYA: Do You Want The Booze Or The
  107. KANAYA: Cake
  108. ROXY: im sure bothll get finsihed by the time were done here ;3
  109. ROXY: buuut probly need sum drink 4 all the chocolets
  110. KANAYA: That Makes Sense
  111. KANAYA: *Kanaya puts the neck of the strong drink into Roxy's mouth, tipping it upwards.*
  112. ROXY: :roxy begins glugging away, each gulp audible and adding to the already-enormous mass in her swollen tummy, although shes clearly delighted with the drink:
  113. KANAYA: Your Capacity Is Incredible
  114. KANAYA: *She waits until the bottle is empty to pull it away.*
  115. ROXY: :roxy downs the last of the bottle, giving a happy sigh of contentment before leaning forward onto her lap-filling gut and lolling her mouth open in a wet, drawn-out belch:
  116. ROXY: hhhhgggn
  117. ROXY: trus me it takes a loootta dedicateon 2 pull this sortta thin off
  118. KANAYA: *Kanaya's nostrils flare, her large ears fold back against her head and her eyes scrunch up from both the power and the stench of the belch.*
  119. KANAYA: Err
  120. KANAYA: I Can Imagine
  121. ROXY: hehe
  122. ROXY: sorry if that was a lil rude but
  123. ROXY: gotta get the resta th caek in sumhow
  124. KANAYA: Its Perfectly Fine
  125. KANAYA: I Can See Where It Would Come From
  126. ROXY: :she straightens back in a little, one arm draped over the back of the couch and the other idly rubbing her, bare, bloated belly:
  127. KANAYA: So Are You Ready For The Rest Of The Cake
  128. ROXY: psssh i as born redy
  129. ROXY: oh hey a burd lady
  130. B!TEREZI: TH3 N4M3S T3R3Z1 SM4RT4SS
  131. ROXY: oh hey a burd lady :3
  132. ROXY: :she giggles tispily and waves a little:
  133. KANAYA: Oh
  134. KANAYA: Uh
  135. KANAYA: Hello There
  136. KANAYA: *Kanaya returns to feeding the stuffed girl, offering another slic.e*
  137. ROXY: :roxy eagerly opens up, leaning forward a little bit less and thus taking a little bit longer to finish off the slice, though it ends up packed away in mere moments:
  139. KANAYA: My Name Is Actually Kanaya
  140. KANAYA: And I Am Doing This For Science
  141. ROXY: delicious scinece
  142. ROXY: buuut
  143. ROXY: gettin proper reseluts is important but so is makin sure all the experements get done and we only gots o many hours in a day or night or bubbl thing
  144. ROXY: so mayb issa bout time we kicekd it up a notch :3c
  147. B!TEREZI: N3RDS
  148. ROXY: we r doin nought but the upmost importantest sciences
  149. ROXY: :she lazily rubs her belly:
  150. KANAYA: Certainly Of The Upmost Importance
  151. KANAYA: *She casually shoves more cake in Roxy's maw.*
  152. CAL: I think she's trying to fill herself up beyond her normal limits.
  154. ROXY: :roxy herself is pretty much lying back in the couch by the time she finishes her latest slice, face covered in chocolate and crumbs peppering her top as she looks over her mountainous belly and teasingly gestures with one finger for kanaya to reach over the pale belly to keep the cake coming:
  155. ROXY: mmmhmhmmm ;3
  156. KANAYA: I Uh
  157. KANAYA: Well
  158. KANAYA: If You Insist
  159. KANAYA: *There's still a few slices left, and Kanaya keeps the cake coming as requested, occasionally cleaning the mess off of Roxy.*
  160. KANAYA: I Assume Youre A Terezi Of Some Sort
  161. ROXY: :her legs lift a little as she happily lets kanaya shovel cake into her face, eating beginning to slow as the noises coming from taut midriff slowly grow deeper and more guttural, and by the time only one or two slices are left its clear that whatever space was left in her packed belly was quickly running out:
  162. KANAYA: You Have The Look
  163. KANAYA: And Attitude
  164. B!TEREZI: 1F 1 R3C4LL CORR3CTLY 1 S41D MY N4M3 1S T3R3Z1
  166. KANAYA: You Can Take That Attitude And Kindly Stuff It Up Your Waste Chute
  167. KANAYA: I Wasnt Paying Attention
  168. CAL: Well, it's nice to meet you, Terezi.
  169. EQUIUS: *oh dear goodness gracious. He's just...going to watch what's going on, over by the door. Yes.*
  170. ROXY: hooooooggghh boy
  172. ROXY: i aint callin it quits here but goddamn if this hasnt been 1 helluva nihgt
  173. KANAYA: I Wouldnt Give You The Satisfaction
  174. KANAYA: *Unheeding to the protests of Roxy's gut, Kanaya glares at Terezi and just... shovels more cake in.*
  175. KANAYA: And Youd Probably Enjoy It
  176. ROXY: mmmph
  178. KANAYA: It May Just Be My Shoe
  179. ROXY: :the aggressive caking is met with a pleased noise from roxy and a burbling protest from her middle:
  180. B!TEREZI: L3T M3 PHR4S3 1T L1K3 TH1S
  182. KANAYA: ...
  183. KANAYA: *She ignores that, addresses Roxy.*
  184. KANAYA: Are You Doing Okay
  185. EQUIUS: (d --> oh dear heavens how filthy)
  186. ROXY: :her first response is a deep, chocolatey belch, face taking more and more of every slice of cake as her belly runs out of what little stretching room it had left, although she follows it up with a pleased but definitely groggy-sounding murmur:
  187. ROXY: mmmmmyyeaaah i thinkkim still good
  188. KANAYA: Okay Well
  189. KANAYA: There Is One More Left
  190. ROXY: jus sorta -oorrp- saovrin summore of it
  191. KANAYA: Do You Think You Can Handle It
  192. ROXY: :at the confirmation that she was on her last slice, roxy pushed through her fullness and sat up more, looking up at kanaya with a icing-covered grin and pressed one chocolate-smeared hand to her bare, bulging belly:
  193. ROXY: even if i cuoldnt handl it id still be tellin u to get it in
  194. ROXY: cmon kayanan
  195. KANAYA: Ill Take That As A Yes Then
  196. ROXY: gimmie erverythin u got
  197. KANAYA: *She feeds Roxy that last slice, slowly, gently pushing it in.*
  198. CAL: Well, that's the entire cake.
  199. EQUIUS: *That's a loud squake coming from the peeping troll as he watches that cake enter the human's waiting mouth*
  200. KANAYA: ...
  201. KANAYA: What Was That
  202. ROXY: :slowly and heavily she lets kanaya shove it in, cheeks puffing up from the cake, before she gives an enormous gulp and swallows, falling back against the couch and sprawling out with a deep, rumbling groan from her gut and an overfull whimper from her lips:
  203. ROXY: wooooooo
  204. ROXY: tkae that cake
  205. EQUIUS: D --> That was nothing
  206. EQUIUS: D --> Ack
  207. KANAYA: *And then she just. Prods at Roxy's stomach and after a moment gives a bit of a rub.*
  208. KANAYA: Oh
  209. KANAYA: Equius
  210. ROXY: hnnnn
  211. KANAYA: How Long Have You Been Here
  212. ROXY: yes plz
  213. ROXY: :she slumps in her spot on the couch, covered in chocolate and basking in any contact to her taut, enormous midriff as it bulged up and out in front of her:
  214. EQUIUS: D --> Does that matter
  215. ROXY: eyyy big boy
  216. EQUIUS: D --> Do not question me
  217. KANAYA: *She presses into the glorping, sloshing mass, trying to soothe all of the tight knocks of packed sweet in it.*
  218. ROXY: i think u sorta misesed the show
  219. EQUIUS: D --> Hello, big
  220. EQUIUS: D --> Big...
  221. EQUIUS: D --> Girl
  222. ROXY: :she moaned, obediently burping at kanaya's touch:
  223. ROXY: heheh
  224. ROXY: trus me this wanst this big when i got here
  225. KANAYA: She Has Been Gorging Herself All Night
  226. EQUIUS: D --> I saw that
  227. EQUIUS: D --> I mean
  228. KANAYA: That Cake Did Look Delicious Though
  229. EQUIUS: D --> That is obvious, I didn't, uh, see anything
  230. ROXY: oooooh
  231. ROXY: i take it u liked waht u saw then ;D
  232. ROXY: :her own hand thumped the side of her belly, proudly rubbing at the full surface:
  233. EQUIUS: *the tall, burly troll blushed at the scandal of it all*
  234. ROXY: :she stretched her legs out from beneath her own enormous middle, wiggling her toes a bit as she rubbing gentle circles into her tummy with both hands, making sure equius could see her motions and the cocky, teasing look on her face:
  235. EQUIUS: D --> 1-100k, I am just
  236. EQUIUS: D --> I am just trying to reach the kitchen for some
  237. EQUIUS: D --> Nourishment
  238. ROXY: well i hope u wernt espectin any cake since im p sure kanana jus finished stuffin the last of it into thsi thing
  239. ROXY: probs sum eclares left tho
  240. EQUIUS: D --> Eclairs
  241. ROXY: mmhmm
  242. EQUIUS: D --> You misunderstand
  243. ROXY: thyre pretty damn good 2
  244. EQUIUS: D --> I only want a, uh
  245. EQUIUS: D --> I only want a light salad
  246. EQUIUS: *and that's when his stomach rumbles and his hands go to his defined abs, embarrassed*
  247. KANAYA: Well Yes There Are Some Eclairs Left Over
  248. ROXY: r u suuuure
  249. ROXY: cus i think sum1 might be a lil hugnry
  250. ROXY: :3
  251. EQUIUS: D --> Nngh
  252. ROXY: ;3
  253. ROXY: try suuuum
  254. EQUIUS: *he finally steps away from the door and into the room proper, revealing a body so packed with muscle, it looked like he would burst out of his clothes*
  255. EQUIUS: D --> I will try one
  256. CAL: *He looks at the muscled troll, a blush creeping on his face* Wow.
  257. ROXY: hoh damn sum1s packin heat
  258. EQUIUS: D --> Who
  259. ROXY: heheh
  260. EQUIUS: *Equius gave her an odd stare, gingerly picking up an eclair and cradling it in one hand as he moves to sit on the couch*
  261. ROXY: :she leans up over her tummy to scope out equius' bod, licking her chocolately lips; goddamn that guy was built:
  262. EQUIUS: D --> Are there utensils available
  263. ROXY: mmmm i dunno
  264. ROXY: i aint the srota girl 2 see much use in forks when it cums 2 eclairs prsnally
  265. EQUIUS: D --> really
  266. ROXY: no1 herell jugde u if u just wanna eat it urself
  267. EQUIUS: D --> That's absolutely improper
  268. ROXY: hehe
  269. ROXY: sos eaten 2 dozen eclairs, most of a sunday n halfa cohcolate cake ;3
  270. ROXY: :she pats her tummy, still absurdly full but not quite incapitated by her own gluttony anymore:
  271. EQUIUS: D --> That is a highly specific e%ample
  272. EQUIUS: D --> Surely you cannot be...
  273. EQUIUS: *oh god. she is. She's completely serious*
  274. ROXY: u dont get this heug jus eatin salads
  275. ROXY: :she grins up at equius, winking a little:
  276. EQUIUS: *to avoid having to respond to that, he quickly takes a nervous bite from the eclair...and then, eyes falling shut in bliss, takes another*
  277. ROXY: kneeeew iiiiit
  278. ROXY: nobody can resest the bubble eclares
  279. CAL: I'm more into the fudge myself.
  280. ROXY: aw man they got fugde here
  281. ROXY: y didnt ne1 tell me befor i went an filled up on just cake n eclares n ice crem
  282. EQUIUS: *three bites and it's down. The giant of a troll licks his lips, one hand gently resting against his abs*
  283. ROXY: :she huffs a little and crosses her arms atop her sloshing tummy:
  284. CAL: Hey, I just found it not too long ago.
  285. ROXY: well then next time i do this its gonan be on fudge
  286. ROXY: makin all sortsa notes 2 self ehre
  287. EQUIUS: D --> Ne%t time
  288. CAL: Yeah, there's always next time. *Smiles wide*
  289. ROXY: hehe
  290. ROXY: tihs sure as hell aint the first time iv wiped out that much desesrt n it suree as hell isnt gonna be the last
  291. EQUIUS: D --> I
  292. EQUIUS: D --> I see
  293. ROXY: one gal pastry demoleshin machiene at ur service ;D
  294. ROXY: :she hiccups a little:
  295. EQUIUS: *here comes the sweat*
  296. EQUIUS: (d --> hot dog)
  297. ROXY: :roxy tries not to be too amused at the sight of equius very visibly getting a little flustered, and leans away from him just a little to wobble her tummy a bit, blurbling audible from the food and drink packed within:
  298. EQUIUS: *it's a tummysounds symphony, as Equius' own stomach begins to growl again*
  299. ROXY: id be haphy 2 get u sum more food buuuut i don rly have any plans 2 be gettin off this couch netime soon
  300. EQUIUS: D --> You do not 100k capable of movement
  301. ROXY: nah im p sure i cuold still waddle back to the kithcen since there aint ne doorways but after this much junk food u start getetin a lil lazy
  302. ROXY: so i tihnk ill jus crash here 4 a bit
  303. ROXY: :she stretches out for emphasis, settling in the corner of the couch and lifting one leg onto the cushions to let her belly bulge between them:
  304. EQUIUS: *his eyes bulge at the sight of the hefty gut, and Equius jumps out of his seat to start scurrying back to the kitchen*
  305. CAL: *He looks at Equius* You okay there?
  306. ROXY: :she giggles as he goes, idly rubbing the top of her fully-exposed tummy with one hand and occasionally brushing crumbs from her clingy top:
  307. EQUIUS: D --> Finefinefinefinefine
  308. CAL: Are...Are you flustered with Roxy's display? *He stifles a laugh, trying not to seem rude*
  309. ROXY: well if he is then i sure aint blamen him
  310. ROXY: i gots aaaaaaall tha charms ovr here ;D
  311. ROXY: :she pats her tummy, and belches deeply. charms.:
  312. CAL: I will say you're quite alluring, Roxy.
  313. ROXY: hehe
  314. ROXY: dont tihnk i aint had n eye on u over there ehiter blondie
  315. ROXY: :she turns to him, hand in one arm and giving him a half-sultry half-silly look:
  316. CAL: *He blushes heavily at her statement* R-Really?
  317. ROXY: hell ye
  318. ROXY: if i wasnt alrdy dealin w/ a godadmn continent of desserts id be all over eatin u up ;D
  319. ROXY: in the ur adorardble as shit was not the actual eatin u way
  320. ROXY: well
  321. ROXY: mebbe that 2 but def not atm
  322. CAL: O-Oh my. *He lets out a nervous giggle, his face a bright red*
  323. ROXY: way 2 much alreday occupien this gut 4 anythin invovlin eatin but that dont mean i wont vouch 4 cutie doughbois bein adorbs as fuck
  324. CAL: Hehe. Thank you, Roxy.
  325. EQUIUS: *he returns with a plate full of eclairs and a tall glass of milk, all the commotion having convinced him that indulging for one night would be fine*
  326. ROXY: :she tosses another wink at cal before turning back to equius, clearly approving the plate of eclairs:
  327. CAL: *He fidgets a bit, slightly nervous now*
  328. EQUIUS: *he returns to his seat, trying to take up less space than he normally would, and starts quietly eating*
  329. ROXY: :roxy watches him eat from the other side of the couch, content to splay herself out and rub at her tummy:
  330. ROXY: pssst
  331. ROXY: bloo guy
  332. EQUIUS: D --> What
  333. ROXY: pass me a claire :3
  334. ROXY: :she innocently reaches a hand out for an eclair:
  335. EQUIUS: *he realized in horror that she's looking at him while he's stuffing his face, and slowly places a pastry in her hand*
  336. ROXY: hell yeah
  337. ROXY: :she happily nods at him and stuffs it into her mouth, chewing and swallowing slowly and lapping up the cream as it leaks from the pastry:
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