
SLSS Mind Control College

Jun 8th, 2014
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  1. --- The Mind Control College ---
  3. "The mind is a fickle thing." The shadowy unicorn began. "It's with us every single day of our lives. It directs what we do, what we feel, who we are." the nondescript pony speaks, as the interviewer scribbles down notes eagerly "What most people don't like to hear is that it's just another object like any other. It can make mistakes, it can break, it can be manipulated." The Enchanter grins softly "Sometimes a mind needs a bit of...persuasion to do what it's supposed to. It's not all evil evil mind control, mind you. A skilled enchanter can also sharpen the mind and senses, help it function more as intended." The sorcerer smiles, "I apologize but I think I am needed elsewhere, it was a pleasure talking", the interviewer nods understandingly and packs up his notebook, heading back to his office slowly it dawns on him he cannot remember the Enchanter's appearance.
  7. The shady college of Mind Control magic is one both reviled and practiced daily in the lands of Equestria. Not all mental manipulation is necessary evil, it can be a strong alternative to brain surgery or psycho-therapy...or even for non lethal self defense. Still, a hefty portion of the spells herein are not regularly taught outside of specialized colleges, and many of the more unsavory spells are banned. Any spell in this college can only affect a sapient (Int 5+) creature. Animals, plants, golems, mindless undead etc are immune to these spells. To affect their behavior you need different spells. Note also that none of these spells can affect a faculty that doesn't exist. For example none of the sight related spells can restore sight to the blind (See Healing spells for that). The spells of the Mind Control college usually require an unusually sharp intellect or a good grounding in the Communication and Empathy college, or both. Some spells also crossover with the Body Control college, as it's often difficult to cleanly split mind and body. Unicorns are almost exclusively the practitioners of this art, and a master is usually called an "Enchanter".
  10. - Keen (Sense) -
  11. Enchantment, Regular
  13. This spell is actually multiple spells that must be learned seperately. The most common variant are Keen Sight, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Keen Smell. The spell functions by improving the brain's ability to process the incoming signals of that sense, giving a +1 bonus to all Per checks with that sense per point of energy invested.
  14. One of the more benign spells of this college, Keen Sense is a very handy and valuable spell for guards and detectives that need to be aware of minute detail in their work. Many high end magical detectives will have this and other Mind Control spells to aid in their job.
  16. Duration: 30 minutes
  17. Cost: 1 per point of increase (Maximum 5). Half that (rounded up) to maintain.
  20. - Dull (Sense) -
  21. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Vit
  23. The inverse of Keen (sense), this spell inhibits the brain's ability to properly process signals from the appropriate sense, giving a penalty of -1 per point of invested energy to Per checks using that sense. This spell is very subtle, and affected targets usually do not notice they are under it's effect, since their senses technically still function equally well but their brain processes them less effectively and more likely to ignore important stimuli.
  24. A handy spell for thieves and spies, Dull Sense can help someone trying to remain undetected not be spotted. The way the spell functions is much more subtle and therefor good in not raising alarm than say, a blindness spell, so it is favored when needing to sneak past a guard without alerting anyone.
  26. Duration: 30 minutes
  27. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Half that to maintain.
  30. - Alertness (Difficult) -
  31. Enchantment, Regular
  33. A more efficient distillation of the Keen Sense spells, Alertness sharpens the entire brains ability to react and process stimuli, giving a bonus to all Per rolls.
  34. A very good sentinel may want to consider investing in this spell, in either cast form or magic item form, since there is hardly a better way to increase your alertness without maybe going for coffee. This spell is also commonly taught, since it's a good stepping stone in learning how the mind functions and can be manipulated for good.
  36. Duration: 10 minutes
  37. Cost: 2 per point of increase (maximum +5 increase). Half that to maintain.
  38. Prerequisites: Any two variants of Keen (Sense).
  41. - Dullness (Difficult) -
  42. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Vit
  44. A distillation of the Dull Sense spells, this incantation inhibits the ability of it's target to process all sense, giving a penalty to all Per rolls. Similar to it's more specific cousin, this spell is very subtle and usually not even noticed by the subject itself.
  45. When you don't have time to cast two to three Dull (Sense) spells on your target, this will definitely save you time. Again it is a good spell for stealthy characters wanting to stay hidden, and a good stepping stone in delving further into the mysteries of mind manipulation.
  47. Duration: 10 minutes
  48. Cost: 2 per point of penalty (maximum -5 panalty). Half that to maintain.
  49. Prerequisites: Any two variants of Dull (Sense).
  52. - Fear -
  53. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  55. The subject(s) are instilled with a significant sense of fear and dread. Any failing to resist this spell are shaken, or frightened if you cast with a critical success or the subject failed resist with a critical failure.
  56. While unpleasant, some Equestrians consider this and other fear spells to be effective nonlethal ways of dealing with threats, and use the spells as such. This spell only inflicts relative mild fear, but it can still cause a significant effect on a battlefield to break up enemy morale. This is also the stepping stone to more advanced fear spells.
  58. Duration: 1 minute
  59. Base Cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.
  60. Prerequisites: Sense Emotions or Int 11+
  63. - Panic -
  64. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  66. Those in the affected area are overwhelmed by mindless fear and flee away from the caster for the duration of the spell. They are panicked while under the effect of this spell, and cower if they cannot flee.
  67. An actually highly effective self defense spell, some unusual Equestrians with no ill intent use Panic just as such. It is rare though since the sense of fear is still considered somewhat none-kosher to Equestrians to inflict, so the most common users of this spell remain the more unsavory adventurer and necromancer types.
  69. Duration: 5 rounds
  70. Base Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
  71. Prerequisite: Fear.
  74. - Terror -
  75. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  77. Anyone in the area is immediately affected by a Terror Roll at -3 (See Status Effects Guide for more info).
  78. A more unspecific fear spell, Terror does not attempt to directly target the flight instinct but just shocks the brain with significant fear and sees how it reacts. Can be more effective than Panic, can be less effective, it depends. Generally it is less effective against enemies with higher Will. It is rarely used for legitimate purposes and generally lies within the hands of necromancer types or the rarely-used spell cabinet of more legitimate arcane experts.
  80. Base Cost: 4
  81. Prerequisite: Fear.
  84. - Bravery -
  85. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  87. The subjects of this spell feel filled with bravery and heroism. They gain an immediate reroll on their resistance if they are currently under the effect of a fear spell and a +4 to Will against future fear effects. If a subject affected by this spell fails a resist roll against a fear effect, this spell ends automatically for them. They may also tend to act overly brave and even reckless.
  88. Again a more legitimate Mind Control spell, mastering Fear can allow a military commander to fight it more effectively and bolster his troops when morale faulters in the face of danger. It's therefor a good spell to pack as a leader of any group that might be facing overwhelming or terrifying odds.
  90. Duration: 1 hour.
  91. Base Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained.
  92. Prerequisite: Fear.
  95. - Rear Vision -
  96. Enchantment, Regular
  98. The subject's senses are so sharpened that he effectively can see all around him in a 360 degree angle. Enemies gain no bonus from flanking and the subject is always entitled a vision Per roll even when approached from behind.
  99. Somewhat modifying the skills learned in Alertness, the caster now manipulates how the senses are interpreted to allow the brain to reconstruct an all-around image of it's surroundings, an ability that can be very useful to many people in dangerous situations.
  101. Duration: 1 minute.
  102. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.
  103. Prerequisites: Alertness
  106. - Berserker -
  107. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  109. The subject flies into a foaming rage, attacking the nearest enemy with full force. The subject cannot cast spells while berserk, nor do anything else that requires strong concentration. He gains a +4 bonus to any rolls to resist pain or unconsciousness and a +2 virtual Str bonus to damage in melee. His distraction though lowers his Re by 1. When all enemies in sight are defeated, the subject will continue to attack the nearest living creatures, even friends, until nothing is left, and will then set out to hunt for more enemies until the spell wears off. He may reroll his resist every time he is forced to attack a friend or perform a similar deed that goes again his morale code (such as attacking someone begging for mercy).
  110. Highly looked down upon in Equestrian society, Berserk finds almost no use by it's inhabitants. It can be an interesting insight into the magical functions of rage, though. It may enjoy higher popularity in other more war-like cultures. Unpleasantness aside, the spell is both good as a buff for one's own party (since you can end the spell before your warrior attacks you) and an offensive attack if you hit an enemy undetected and that way pit them against each other.
  112. Duration: 1 minute.
  113. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
  114. Prerequisite: Bravery.
  117. - Foolishness -
  118. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  120. This spell clouds the subject's mental abilities, making him suffer -1 to Int and all Int-based skills (including spells) for every point of energy put into it. The GM may rule it takes a standard Int roll while under effect of this spell to recall complex things.
  121. Beginning one's journey into the inhibition of a mind's abilities, this spell teaches many important techniques for further spells that disturb mental functions. It is therefor one of the more commonly taught Mind Control spells, especially since it is ultimately harmless and opens the way to effective nonlethal self defense spells (it also makes for a great practical joke).
  123. Duration: 1 minute.
  124. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Half that to maintain (round up).
  125. Prerequisite: 12 Int or higher.
  128. - Daze -
  129. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Vit
  131. You inject a magical roadblock of sorts into the subject's consciousness, causing them to look and act relatively normal, but notice anything going on around them or remember it later! They are effectively dazed. Any injury or other shock snaps them out of the daze and back to full alertness.
  132. A great nonlethal self defense spell, Daze's uses is only limited by the imagination. It can quickly defuse a mugging, allow a thief to walk right past a guard's nose without being noticed, or makes for a great dorm room prank when combined with some imagination.
  134. Duration: 1 minute.
  135. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
  136. Prerequisite: Foolishness.
  139. - Mental Stun -
  140. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  142. You drive a sharp magical spike through your subject's mind, stunning them until they succeed at a standard Int roll. They may reattempt this roll once per round at the beginning of their turn.
  143. Another great hit-and-run-for-it self defense spell, you can quickly and safely defuse an enemy with this spell (especially if the enemy is not of all too high intelligence) while you book it. It's also a powerful spell for adventurers in combat since it can quickly eliminate a dangerous enemy, especially when combined with a big, allied warrior standing next to the subject.
  145. Duration: Instantaneous.
  146. Cost: 2.
  147. Prerequisite: Daze or Stun.
  150. - Disorient -
  151. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  153. You disrupt the subject(s) sense of orientation momentarily, making them lose their bearings. They will not immediately feel lost (or even affected by a spell), but as soon as it becomes necessary to remember the path they've taken, or remember the position of relative landmarks, they will draw a blank. They can regain their bearings in the usual fashion (maps, compass, back tracking, comparing notes etc)
  154. A more complex spell than one might think on the first look, Disorient is interesting because of how precisely it manipulates one part of the mind. It's usefulness is debatable except perhaps for sabotage or practical joke purposes (Man, Mind Control college dorms must be crazy).
  156. Duration: Instantaneous.
  157. Base Cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.
  158. Prerequisite: Foolishness.
  161. - Encrypt -
  162. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Int
  164. You place a magical protection over any visual information medium, making it unreadable to anyone but the caster. Anyone can see the writing, but they will be convinced it is hopelessly arcane, complex or foreign. The media is not truly encrypted, rather any viewer's ability to process the information is disturbed, making it unintelligible.
  165. Encrypt can be useful to pass information around securely, as long as the enemy doesn't know the trick, as a simple dispel magic or even just making a photograph of the medium would circumvent the protection (The photograph won't have the enchantment on it, and therefor be readable). It's also not all too useful if the caster is on hand to be pressed to "translate" the document. It is sometimes taught as a training in Enchantment or for intelligence passing means.
  167. Duration: 1 week.
  168. Cost: 1 for up to 1000 words of plaintext, 2 for up to 10,000 words of plaintext, 3 for up to 100,000 words of plaintext; +1 for ech additional 100,000 words.
  169. Prerequisite: Daze.
  172. - Fascinate -
  173. Enchantment, Regular or Blocking, Resisted by Will
  175. The caster makes deep eye contact with the subject who is then fascinated as long as the eye contact is maintained. Darkness breaks eye contact! If the caster knows this spell at at least SN 8, he may cast this spell as a Blocking spell when an enemy enters melee range, and may also move slowly (Move 1) while maintaining eye contact. Each meter the caster moves allows the subject to reroll resist! Any attack against the subject automatically breaks the spell.
  176. Fascinate is a nice, fancy enchantment spell to show off or also get out of a hairy situation. The possibly strongest part of this spell is the ability to cast it as an immediate action if in melee, so a wizard can instantaneously defuse an advancing warrior, even if it isn't his turn! If combined with some allies, it can also be quite deadly, giving them a well prepared first strike against a fascinated enemy. This spell is taught from time to time since it is non lethal and useful.
  178. Duration: Indefinite.
  179. Cost: 4.
  180. Prerequisite: Daze.
  183. - Forgetfulness -
  184. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  186. You find and selectively block of the memories of a certain fact, skill or spell in the mind of your subject. While Forgetfulness lasts, the subject cannot use the spell in question, only use the skill on default (if untrained checks are allowed) or cannot recall the fact specified. If a forgotten spell is a prerequisite for another spell the subject knows, the other spell CAN still be cast due to faint instinctive memories, but at a -2 penalty per missing prerequisite.
  187. Another spell where a caster's ingenuity is asked for, eliminating the memory of a critical event or blocking a vital ability can be devastating to a foe if done in the right situation. Lowering the SN to make Forgetfulness castable within one turn can make it into a highly effective offensive spell. Despite it's use as a weapon, it is relatively commonly taught since it is a perfect way to learn more about how memory works on a magical level.
  189. Duration: 1 hour.
  190. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  191. Time to cast: 3 rounds.
  192. Prerequisite: Foolishness.
  195. - Sleep -
  196. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  198. The subject falls straight to sleep. If standing, he falls, but this does NOT wake him up. Any injury, loud noise, slap to the face, or other effect that would wake a heavily sleeping person will rouse the subject normally. If not awakened, he will sleep for around eight hours and awaken normally.
  199. Triggering the brain's sleep centers directly, this iconic and highly useful spell is both an adventurer's staple and an insomniac's savior. Putting a guard to sleep and then tip toeing by is a classic adventurer's tool, and for good reasons. This spell is often taught or learned by people with sleeping issues or living with people with sleeping issues, since it often guarantees a full night's rest on command, without the need for unhealthy sleep medication or similar, again showing that not all if the Mind Control college is necessarily shady in nature. It doesn't always help though sadly, especially when nightmares or chronic pain are the cause of the insomnia.
  201. Cost: 4.
  202. Prerequisites: Daze.
  205. - Wisdom -
  206. Enchantment, Regular
  208. This quite advanced spell streamlines and boosts the brain's capabilities, increasing the subject's Int temporarily. This raises his skill modifiers, Per and Will, but does NOT add to spellcasting rolls! The subject's Int cannot become higher than the caster's.
  209. A fascinating spell that requires a firm thaumatological grasp of how brains and enchantments work, Wisdom can truly sharpen a subject's every mental faculty, from perception to memory. The caster though can only model after his own mind, so is limited by his own intelligence. Despite the wonder of increasing one's intellect, this spell is rarely used outside of laboratory settings due to it's difficulty and low usefulness outside of permanent magic items (which are VERY prized items!).
  211. Duration: 1 minute.
  212. Cost: 4 for every point of Int increase (maximum of 5). Same cost to maintain.
  213. Prerequisites: At least six other Mind Control spells.
  216. - Weaken Will -
  217. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  219. You mess with the subject's mental resistances, reducing his Will.
  220. Rarely taught formally but often learned by Enchanters that aren't satisfied with only benign Mind Control magic, Weaken Will is a great spell to use to soften up enemies, especially mages and other enemies that are expected to have a high Will, before following up with more detrimental Mind Control spells. Can be very effective if used as part of a team effort. Since it is not technically lethal or dangerous, the spell is not necessarily banned, but not a spell one wants to be caught casting, either.
  222. Duration: 1 minute.
  223. Cost: 2 per point of Will reduction (maximum Will reduction of 5). Half that to maintain.
  224. Prerequisites: Foolishness.
  227. - Strengthen Will -
  228. Enchantment, Regular
  230. You harden your subject's mental defenses against outside influences, temporarily increasing their Will.
  231. A more benign spell than Weaken Will, adventurers and other characters that expect to be facing enemies that use mind affecting abilities are well advised to pack this spell. It can also make a good buff for a spellcaster caught in a situation where his concentration might be easily disturbed.
  233. Duration: 1 minute.
  234. Cost: 1 for every +1 to Will (maximum Will increase of 5). Half that to maintain.
  235. Prerequisites: At least six Mind Control spells.
  238. - Memorize -
  239. Enchantment, Regular
  241. The caster supercharges his memory abilities, implanting a perfect memory of all he perceives at the time of casting and for 10 seconds afterwards into himself. This spell can be used to memorize a map, face, event, page of text, etc with perfect photographic detail. It cannot be used to learn a skill or retain a magically borrowed one.
  242. This very very handy spell is difficult to learn but well worth the hassle. The ability to perfectly remember a text for a test, a map during an expedition, or a completely foreign writing to be reproduced later from memory for translation are just a few examples of the many uses of this spell. It is quite benign and most Equestrian-endorsed Enchanters of higher ability know this spell rather well.
  244. Duration: 1 day. After that, roll a standard Int roll every day, at a cumulative -1 penalty. On a critial success, the memory becomes permanent, on an ordinary success, the memory is still there. On an ordinary failure, the memory fades to the level that the caster would normally have of the event, on a critical failure a plausible but false memory is created (which is still susceptible to eventual fading).
  245. Cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained.
  246. Time to cast: 3 rounds.
  247. Prerequisites: Wisdom or at least six Knowledge spells.
  250. - Loyalty -
  251. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  253. The subject becomes very loyal to the caster. The subject follows any direct, sensible orders, and in absence of orders acts in the caster's best interest as he understands it. The spell is immediately broken if the caster or his allies attack the subject. The subject will not follow any extremely hazardous orders (such as to jump off a cliff or commit Sudoku), and any command that goes against his normal code of behavior allows him another resist roll to break the spell per round of unacceptable behavior (such as if commanded to attack his allies).
  254. The first step into the more literal Mind Control magic, Loyalty is usually only taught for theoretical understanding, even then rarely, and is unspokenly considered a banned spell, though not officially. Some less savory characters will find this spell useful in enforcing loyalty in underlings already on one's side, especially if a critical mission is at hand, since it would say, prevent them from being bribed.
  256. Duration: 1 hour.
  257. Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. Double the cost if the subject does not know the caster, or triple if the subject is a foe of the caster.
  258. Prerequisites: Bravery and three other Mind Control spells.
  261. - Command -
  262. Enchantment, Blocking, Resisted by Will
  264. You give a subject one immediate command - a word and a gesture, or at most two words - which the subject is forced to immediately obey. If the subject is unable to fulfill the command immediately or on his next turn, the spell has no effect. Examples: "Drop it!" - the subject drops whatever he is holding. "Look!" - the subject looks in the direction the caster indicates. "Wait!" - the subject takes no action on his next turn.
  265. An immensely practical and flashy spell, Command is more commonly taught than one might think due to it's iconicness and relative safety. Since it is a Blocking spell, a Enchanter can cast this spell even on an enemy's turn, so he could tell a warrior to stop even as he swings at the mage. An effective and quite impressive ability to have.
  267. Cost: 3.
  268. Prerequisite: Forgetfulness.
  271. - Drunkenness -
  272. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  274. After some analysis of intoxicated subjects, you learn what areas to target to create a similar effect, making the victim completely intoxicated: loud, cheerful and badly coordinated. This gives a penalty to both Int and Dex. If the subject is a PC< he should be told he feels drunk, and encouraged to roleplay it! When the spell ends, it does so instantly (no hangover).
  275. This spell can be quite useful surprisingly both on the battlefield and in the dorm room. A drunken enemy will lose a noticeable bit of ability in combat, making this a good debuff spell, and hangover-less getting wasted can be quite fun. While officially looked down upon, the spell is not banned or similar and often taught during specialized courses.
  277. Duration: 1 minute.,
  278. Cost: 2 for each point of Int and Dex loss (maximum 5), Half that to maintain.
  279. Prerequisites: Foolishness and at least 2 other Mind Control spells.
  282. - Madness -
  283. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will-2
  285. Grossly messing with the target's mind, this spell drives him temporarily insane, this should be roleplayed. The caster selects the severity of madness to inflict, and then rolls inside that severity to determine what madness is inflicted. The GM may also decide if a certain type of madness is particularly appropriate and have that be inflicted. On a critical success at casting, the caster may select the madness to be inflicted. Each madness functions as the Flaw or Status Condition of the same name, and the subject always fails self control rolls.
  286. Mild: Mild Delusion, Mild Flashbacks, Whispering Phantom Voices, Mild Phobia.
  287. Moderate: Bestial, Dazed, Moderate Delusion, Moderate Flashbacks, Paranoia, Phantom Voices.
  288. Severe: Berserk, Chronic Depression, Severe Delusion, Hallucinations, Diabolic Phantom Voices.
  289. Extreme: Catatonia, Confusion.
  290. Banned almost universally unless for research purposes, this cruel but simple spell wrecks havoc on a victim's mind, twisting it into often nightmarish mental agony. Many victims of prolonged exposure to the Severe or Extreme versions of this spell have mental scars for long times to come, and it can make a very effective torture tool. The more subtle effects, especially Flashbacks, Paranoia and Phantom Voices, can be used as the part of the tool set of a clever gaslighter to harass a foe from the shadows by making him doubt his own sanity.
  292. Duration: 1 minute.
  293. Cost: 2 for a Mild madness, 3 for a Moderate, 4 for a Severe, 6 for a Extreme. Half that to maintain.
  294. Prerequisites: Foolishness.
  297. - Instill Emotion -
  298. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  300. You implant any one emotion of your choice into the subject(s). The emotion is strongly present, but not overwhelming, and the subjects are not FORCED to act on it, but likely will, and it doesn't disappear until the spell elapses, either. There is no "game system" effect, the subjects should roleplay this! Some sample emotions: love, hate, lust, anger, greed, jealousy, hunger, fear, sadness, joy, peace, unrest, depression, patriotism, boredom.
  301. While definitely unsavory, this spell is commonly taught at universities since emotions are such a crucial step in understanding the way the mind works. While not as overwhelming as some other spells, the true beauty and terrific power of this spell lies in clever utilization. It might not be very useful mid combat but instilling feelings of aggression within a demonstration outside of a political building could be quite effective...
  303. Duration: 1 hour.
  304. Base Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained, must be recast.
  305. Prerequisites: Loyalty or Mental Stun.
  308. - Mass Daze -
  309. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Vit
  311. You create a strong burst of invisible magic energy that disrupts thought processes, which functions as the Daze spell, but can affect an area.
  312. When taking out one target won't do it, a Mass version of a spell is always handy. Mass Daze is a very very powerful and useful spell to quickly temporarily clear an area to sneak by, flee, or prepare a devastating first strike, or anything else. Rarely taught directly, it is often developed be users of the conventional Daze spell on their own overtime, and it is a popular self defense technique for Enchanters.
  314. Duration: 1 minute.
  315. Base Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Minimum radius 2m.
  316. Prerequisites: Daze and 12 Int or higher.
  319. - Mindlessness (Difficult) -
  320. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Wil;l
  322. You drive a precise mental spike into the subject's mind, reducing their Int to 1 temporarily, making him nothing but a babbling fool. The subject cannot cast or maintain spells, use skills, talk or any other action beyond the mental faculties of a lizard. The subject can walk, laugh, cry, drool, eat with his hooves, react to heat and cold etc. He has a very short attention span and notices only colors, pretty things, movement and other things a baby would be curious about. If the subject is a PC, the player should roleplay this.
  323. A widely banned and, if seen in action, quite disturbing spell, Mindlessness in practice is quite powerful and can be devastating. An enemy that is affected is basically helpless and could be slaughtered with impunity with little to no resistance. Due to the severely lowered Will, it would also be easy to implant other Enchantments while the subject is in this state. But remember 4C: Characters under the influence of this spell can NOT give consent, m'kay?
  325. Duration: 1 minute.
  326. Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain.
  327. Time to cast: 3 rounds.
  328. Prerequisites: Forgetfulness and Mental Stun.
  331. - Compel Lie -
  332. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  334. The subject becomes unable to tell the truth: He cannot make any statement he believes to be true, and in fact feels compelled to tell lies, although he may (if he realizes he is under a spell) choose to remain silent. Compel Lie and Compel Truth resist each other. A magical analysis could be necessary to determine which spell won out!
  335. Turns out that making people lie is actually easier than making them tell the truth, and therefor this spell is easier to learn than it's truth counterpart. It can still be used as a pretty decent reverse lie detector, as the subject will be unable to talk about the truth of the matter, so a clever interrogator could home in on the truth that way. Some magical detectives know and use this spell, if only as a stepping stone to learn Compel Truth.
  337. Duration: 5 minutes.
  338. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
  339. Prerequisites: Emotion Control.
  342. - Lure -
  343. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  345. Any creature entering the area and failing the spell's resist feels compelled to approach the center of the affected area. The GM should roll for resistance in secret and then tell the unlucky victim that he "feels curious about the chest" or similar. Once he has reached the center, he is immune to the spell until he leaves and reenters the area again. A subject automatically resists the spell if the center of the area is clearly lethal to approach (open pit, raging fire, pit of acid etc but not a hidden trap or similar). Lure and Avoid resist each other.
  346. An interesting spell that is useful in trap making, Lure has few uses outside of said trapmaking. It is rarely taught and more often self developed from known emotional manipulation techniques, and can make a tightly localized trap a lot more dangerous.
  348. Duration: 1 hour.
  349. Base Cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to maintain.
  350. Time to cast: 1 minute.
  351. Prerequisite: Emotion Control.
  354. - Mass Sleep -
  355. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  357. This more powerful version of the same technique functions as the Sleep spell, but can be cast over an area.
  358. A nice way to quickly neutralize a group of guards or abruptly end a slumber party.
  360. Base Cost: 3. Minimum radius 2m.
  361. Prerequisites: Sleep and 12 Int or higher.
  364. - Peaceful Sleep -
  365. Enchantment, Regular, Special Resistance
  367. You place a small persistent enchantment within the subjects mind that guards over it while he sleeps, protecting it from disturbances and guaranteeing an undisturbed night's sleep. This spell cures insomnia, allows sleep in noisy, disruptive environments and protects against nightmares. It even resists magical nightmares. This period counts double in terms of HP and FP recovery. The caster can awaken the subject with a word. Otherwise, the subject cannot be awakened, except by injury or with an Awaken spell. This spell only works on a willing subject, otherwise resistance is automatic.
  368. A friendly and very beneficial spell, this spell, no doubtly invented by an Enchanter with insomnia or really bad neighbors, is a godsend to unfortunate victims of sleep disorders everywhere. Not only there, it is also a great spell for medical use in clinics, since it helps sick patients sleep well and even increases their recovery rate significantly. A magical doctor could actually really profit from learning enchantment techniques to master spells such as this or Emotion Control to calm agitated patients.
  370. Duration: 8 hours.
  371. Cost: 4.
  372. Time to cast: 5 minutes.
  373. Prerequisites: Sleep and Silence.
  376. - Sickness -
  377. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  379. You mix up the victim's sense of body, making them feel very sick and dizzy, causing them to be nauseated for the duration of the spell. The sickness is only imagined, and vanishes instantly when the spell wears off.
  380. Easily underestimated, this potent spell can knock an enemy, especially a spellcaster, right off the field. Nauseated is a strong debuff and as long as the casting time is reduced some, this spell is great for combat. It is a bit crude on the theoretical side, but effective and nonlethal, so it is not widely banned or looked down upon.
  382. Duration: 1 minute.
  383. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  384. Time to Cast: 2 rounds.
  385. Prerequisite: Drunkenness.
  388. - Will Lock -
  389. Enchantment, Resisted by (Str+Will)/2
  391. You create a circular zone that traps anyone inside at the moment of it's creation. The barrier is purely mental, working on the wills of the people trapped. For this reason, the subjects MUST be aware they are being circled, if they are not, Will Lock has no effect. Each being trapped inside has one chance to escape per day, roll a regular contest between (Str+Will)/2 and the Will Lock's Endurance. Each being escaping weakens the Will Lock's Endurance by 1. Upon reaching 0 Endurance or a critical failure on it's part, the Will Lock dissipates. The spell can also be broken if an outside party scuffs the circle away. The beings trapped can still freely cast spells or throw missiles across the Will Lock's boundary. An interesting method of escape is to be knocked unconscious and then thrown bodily outside the Will Lock!
  392. When an enchanter wants to trap a victim in a somewhat embarrassing way, this spell is sure to serve well. As long as the victim has no effective ranged attack method, the caster can sit literally an inch away from the edge of the circle and be completely safe. It can be used to augment an existing prison cell, so that even if the door were hypothetically left open by mistake, the subject would have an additional barrier to overcome before escaping. Overall though, the spell is rarely used.
  394. Duration: One day.
  395. Base cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained, must be recast.
  396. Time to cast: As long as it takes the caster to circle the area three times widdershins (counter-clockwise).
  397. Prerequisite: Emotion Control.
  400. - Oath -
  401. Enchantment, Regular, Special Resistance
  403. Similar to Great Geas, this spell strongly ingrains a code of conduct into the subject's mind, resisting any attempts to err from it. The difference is that the subject must speak the oath with this spell, and as such must be willing. A mind controlled subject cannot muster enough willpower to be affected by this spell. The subject may knowingly try to break his oath (resisting with Will) no more than once per day. The spell resists the attempt. If the subject manages to overcome the resistance, he manages to break the oath just this once. A critical success by the subject or a critical failure by the spell breaks the spell. Otherwise, it can only be broken by a Remove Curse spell. Unknowing attempts to break the oath, such as when the subject is tricked, are not resisted by the spell.
  404. A powerful spell, it is not directly banned but not taught anywhere in Equestria. Some splinter cultures may use this spell to enforce absolute loyalty in the servants of their leaders, and an evil overlord could surely benefit very highly from using this spell. Beyond securing one's own full might over a subject, this spell has little use. (Warning: Not recommended for BDSM games.)
  406. Duration: Permanent.
  407. Cost: 4
  408. Time to cast: 10 minutes.
  409. Material Components: A pound of Mugwort (50$) and a golden coin.
  410. Prerequisites: Loyalty and Emotion Control.
  413. - Permanent Forgetfulness (Difficult) -
  414. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  416. You implant a permanent suppression on one of the subject's memories, as per the Forgetfulness spell. The subject also forgets he ever knew that thing or that he was enchanted. Another mage with this spell can restore forgotten things by recasting the spell and winning a Quick Contest of spells with the original Permanent Forgetfulness spell.
  417. This powerful curse can completely sequester a memory from a person's mind, and is banned in Equestria due to it's highly abusable and, many would argue, cruel nature. Still though some few highly specialized magical doctors know of this spell for the exact purpose of diagnosing and treating it's use. If one has few ethical or legal qualms, this spell's power is only limited by the imagination. A clever user could completely restructure an entire person's personality, given enough time.
  419. Duration: Permanent.
  420. Cost: 15.
  421. Time to cast: 1 hour.
  422. Material Components: A large, perfect amethyst (150$) and a small silver knife (100$).
  423. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Forgetfulness, Int 13 or higher.
  426. - Recall -
  427. Enchantment, Regular
  429. You poke around the subject's deeper memory with highly trained precision, allowing him to recall a single forgotten or obscured fact or event with perfect detail. The penalties given under Time modifiers (See Knowledge college) apply, based on the time since the forgotten event occurred. Only a critical success allows a magically blocked memory to be recalled. A critical failure could create a false or distorted memory, or eradicate the memory beyond hope of future recovery!
  430. Whether during a test, when remembering the way home or in a pinch to remember a critical word of their language before the rabid pygmys eat you, Recall has countless uses. But be careful, poking around too often in your or another's brain is just asking for a critical failure.
  432. Duration: 1 day. Afterwards, the memory fades as per the Memorize spell.
  433. Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained.
  434. Time to cast: 1 minute.
  435. Prerequisites: Mage Level 2 and Memorize.
  438. - Vigil (Difficult) -
  439. Enchantment, Regular
  441. You charge your subject's brain and take over some of it's housekeeping jobs with magical help. He may skip a night's sleep with no ill effects and recover HP and FP as normal if he rests. Each successive night's casting on the same subject is at a cumulative -3 to cast.
  442. What may seem easy on first look is actually an extremely complex technique, requiring a very competent Enchanter to pull off, since replacing the brain's need to sleep is quite hard. The effects speak for themselves, and they can be handy to continue all night study or guard sessions without problem, or just give you 8 more hours in a day when you are running out of time. Rarely taught but can be learned easily enough from books.
  444. Duration: 1 night.
  445. Cost: 8. Cannot be maintained, but may be recast.
  446. Prerequisites: Peaceful Sleep and Lend Energy.
  449. - Charm -
  450. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  452. The quintessential Mind Control spell that comes to mind, Charm turns the subject into the caster's faithful slave until the spell expires, following any orders short of suicide. The subject will perform any command that is not 100% suicidal. He will not disembowel himself, but he will singlehandedly try to fight off an attacking dragon if commanded to do so. There is no mental link - the caster must give his orders to the subject verbally or written. However, the subject will protect the caster without orders. In all other respects the subject will be mentally normal and alert. He will be unable to explain (and unwilling to discuss or even think about) his loyalty to the caster.
  453. The spell most shady students of this college are going for, Charm allows one to completely override a subject's mind while still leaving it functional to perform tasks, which is easier said than done. This spell is of course banned in Equestria outside of a few specialists that use it for research into the function of enchantment spells, but the vast majority of users are criminals and other illegal magicians. While normally not lasting long, a minute or two can be all that is needed of unquestionable loyalty to destroy a foe or make him do something you need him to do.
  455. Duration: 1 minute.
  456. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  457. Prerequisites: Loyalty and seven other Mind Control spells.
  460. - Ecstasy (Difficult) -
  461. Enchantment, REgular, Resisted by Will
  463. Triggering just the right spots of the mind, the subject feels an incapacitating rush of pleasure, he can take no actions for the duration, not even to move out of harm's way! Treat him as stunned. Pain tolerance is irrelevant. Repeated exposure can be dangerous to the subject. If any character has been the subjet of an Ecstasy spell three times within 10 days, he must make a standard Will roll after the third time, and after each subsequent time until five days pass between exposure to the spell. If any of these rolls are failed, the subject gains the Addiction flaw, and will beg the caster (or anyone else that is known to have the spell) for more! See the Addiction flaw for more info.
  464. ...Do I really need to comment on what this spell is normally used for? Some cities ban it, most don't since few know and utilize this spell often, it isn't taught at any reputable school and is normally found through self experimentation. It can also be used as a very powerful blackmailing tool, addictions can be dangerous after all.
  466. Duration: 10 seconds.
  467. Cost: 6 to cast. Cannot be maintained.
  468. Prerequisites: Emotion Control and at least 6 other Mind Control spells.
  471. - Enthrall -
  472. Enchantment, Special, Resisted by Will
  474. The caster tells an enthralling tale and supplements it with some magical power. Anyone within earshot who knows the language and pays attention falls under the spell, resisting with Will. An hour of real time passes, but the victims notice only a minute slipping by. Anyone who resists will perceive the caster and his victims as paralyzed, although prolonged examination will reveal they are moving, very very slowly. Any subject that is attacked or shaken breaks free of the spell. A successful SN 15 perform check related to your story gives all subjects -2 to resist!
  475. This flashy spell can have some interesting niche uses. Beyond of course, making sure that everyone hears your damn story with undivided attention, it is a great way to take potentially a LOT of people out of commission for quite a while. It could even be used by a crafty adventurer to make a subject miss an important date or similar.
  477. Duration: 1 hour (real time).
  478. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  479. Prerequisites: Forgetfulness, Daze and Slow.
  482. - Permanent Madness (Difficult) -
  483. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will-2
  485. You implant a permanent seed of madness in your subject, as per the Madness spell.
  486. A more lasting modification of the subject, this cruel and widely banned spell can be an effective torture tool or way to remove a character from the scene for an extended period of time without killing him.
  488. Duration: Permanent.
  489. Cost: 20.
  490. Time to cast: 10 minutes.
  491. Material Components: A pound of lead, a bushel of nightshade and a pinch of diamond dust (500$)
  492. Prerequisites: Mage Level 2, Madness, Int 13 or higher.
  495. - False Memory -
  496. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  498. You insert a single, simple false memory into a subject's mind (Takes no more than 25 words to describe). If the implanted memory conflicts with an existing memory, the subject's brain will usually fit the new one in anyways, leaving him slightly confused but convinced. In case of extreme conflict, - "You remember killing the duke" (when the subject saw the caster kill the duke!) - the subject should be allowed a bonus to his resistance, the examp0le above would be a +5 for a loyal subject, but probably only +1 for someone that wanted to kill the duke anyways.
  499. A powerful and archetypical Mind Control spell, False Memory is just the PERFECT way to avoid paying a bill. Beyond that, the spell is highly illegal all over Equestria but still learned by licensed researchers to better understand the mind. A clever infiltrator could take down nations with this spell, preferably in combination with Forgetfulness and other Mind Control spells.
  501. Duration: Variable. When the spell ends, the subject gets a second resist roll, at -1 for each day the spell lasted. If this roll is failed, the subject will believe the false memory indefinitely, but is likely to remember the truth at some unpredictable time, perhaps as a result of shock.
  502. Cost: 3 for a duration of one hour, or 8 for a whole day. Cost to maintain is 3 per hour if cast for an hour or 4 per day if cast for a day.
  503. Time to cast: 3 rounds.
  504. Prerequisites: Forgetfulness and six other Mind Control spells.
  507. - Avoid -
  508. Enchantment, Area
  510. You plant a potent mental guard that makes the subject area unattractive to all creatures but you. Gazes will be averted and approaching characters will feel an intense unease, an urge to be somewhere else. The spell resists attempts to look at it or to approach is (roll SP invested in this spell vs searcher's Will). Victims won't be aware of the repulsion if it can act in a subtle way (e.g. you juse feel like sitting in the front rather than in the middle...). This is a subtle spell, and GMs should roll in secret to see if it works. If it does, the victims should not be told "You can't look in that closet", but just "you see nothing". The spell made them think they checked the closet, or made each searcher think that another had checked it...and so on.
  511. A sophisticated, subtle spell, a clever caster can use Avoid as a powerful tool to subtly manipulate people into certain paths of action or to hide things in plain sight. Other than magical experts, smugglers and spies are sometimes quite fond of this spell.
  513. Duration: 1 hour.
  514. Base cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  515. Time to cast: 1 minute.
  516. Prerequisites: Hide, Fear and Forgetfulness.
  519. - Nightmare -
  520. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  522. You implant a devilish nightmare of your design into the mind of a sleeping subject. Knowledge of the subject's fears and phobias gives a +2 to casting. The subject may try a resist roll with int-4 to realize the nightmare was caused by hostile magic. If the spell succeeds, the subject gets no rest from this night's very disturbed sleep, and instead loses 2 FP that cannot be recovered until the subject gets a good night's rest. Dispel Magic will stop the nightmare while it is occurring, preventing FP loss. This spell is also countered by the Peaceful Sleep spell. If the spell is recast the next night, the effects are cumulative. If the subject's FP falls to zero due to this spell, he falls into a coma and loses 1d6 HP each day until he dies, unless Dispel Magic is cast.
  523. One of the several truly evil spells of this college, Nightmare is an insidious and sometimes lethal spell that can be used to whittle away at the energy and sanity of a foe over a prolonged period of time. It is widely banned for obvious reasons, but is still a staple of evil Enchanters and Necromancers everywhere.
  525. Duration: 1 hour.
  526. Cost: 6.
  527. Time to cast: 1 minute.
  528. Prerequisites: Death Vision, Fear and Sleep.
  531. - Hallucination -
  532. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  534. The caster manipulates the victim's senses, making him completely convinced that one thing that is not present IS (or vice versa), he can see it, hear it, feel it and so on. This is similar to an illusion in some way, but it exists entirely in the mind of the subject, no one else can perceive the hallucination. The hallucination must concern the presence or absence of a single "thing": One person the subject knows or knew, one crowd of people, one pair of shackles on the subject's wrists, one army of dragons...If it can be described as a single entity in English (without amazing gymnastics), the it should pass. The hallucination does not require concentration, the subject supplies, unconsciously, all the "realism" necessary. By concentrating, the caster can "direct" the hallucination - put wods in the mouth of the absent person, have the crowd head off to a particular direction etc. Impossible or obviously false hallucinations are resisted at a bonus of up to +5.
  535. Another spell of untold possibilities, limited only by the user's imagination. Manipulating a subject's perception so precisely can, if one knows enough about the subject and works carefully, in theory drive him to do just about anything, without even having to get dirty with true controlling spells. This spell is most commonly used by wicked spellcasters with a taste for gaslighting.
  537. Duration: 1 minute.
  538. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
  539. Prerequisites: Madness and Suggestion.
  542. - Lesser Geas (Difficult) -
  543. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  545. One of the most powerful Mind Control spells, you give a subject one command, which the subject must obey. This must be a command to do one specific thing. It must be reasonably possible. "Destroy every tree on this continent" is not a legal geas (at least in a low tech world). Until the geas is fulfilled or removed (Only possible through Remove Curse), the subject must make it his first priority.
  546. The legendary geas spell(s) are the highest form of mind control, completely reprogramming a mind to do exactly what you wish to the best of it's ability. Only the rarest of archmage might be able to cast this mighty spell, and would be surely hunted and punished for doing so. Luckily most illegal mages do not have the power to cast such a spell.
  548. Duration: Permanent until fulfilled.
  549. Cost: 12.
  550. Time to cast: 5 minutes.
  551. Material Components: A flawless garnet cut into the form of a spiral (500$).
  552. Prerequisites: Mage Level 2 and at least 10 Mind Control spells, including Command.
  555. - Suggestion -
  556. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  558. You instill a suggestion into the subject's mind. The suggestion must be one simple idea and language is no barrier as long as the subject is capable of understanding the concept of the idea. If the suggestion goes against the subject's personal safety, it is resisted at +5, if it goes against his beliefs, convictions or knowledge, it is resisted at +3. The subject will act as if the suggestion were his own idea and will try to accomplish it the best he can.
  559. Another quintessential Mind Control spell, Suggestion is powerful in and outside of combat, allowing a clever Enchanter to exhibit great power over others by implanting clever suggestions. As most "true" mind control spells, this spell is banned beyond niche specialist research uses, and the most common users are magical criminals or adventurers.
  561. Duration: 10 minutes.
  562. Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  563. Prerequisites: Emotion Control and Forgetfulness.
  566. - Mass Suggestion -
  567. Enchantment, Area, Resisted by Will
  569. This spell functions as Suggestion, but affects an area. All subjects receive the same suggestion.
  570. Suggesting to one royal guard to assassinate the king is pretty good. Suggesting to the ENTIRE royal guard to assassinate the king is even better.
  572. Duration: 10 minutes.
  573. Base Cost: 45 to cast. 2 to maintain (minimum radius is 2 yards).
  574. Prerequisite: Suggestion.
  577. - Enslave (Difficult) -
  578. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  580. You graft a permanent Charm effect into the target's mind, making him follow any commands you give him without question until the spell is broken. At any time, the caster may concentrate and form a mental link with the subject to see through his eyes, hear through his ears and give orders.
  581. The perfection of the archetypical goal of Mind Control magic, Enslave is incredibly powerful and wielded only by equally impressive wizards. Use of this spell is extremely illegal, but luckily few evil magicians exist that are capable of this spell. At least, we like to believe that...
  583. Duration: Permanent.
  584. Cost: 30
  585. Material Components: A thin needle made of pure Thinaun (5000$) and the preserved brain of a once sapient creature
  586. Prerequisites: Mage Level 2, Charm and Telepathy
  589. - Great Hallucination (Difficult) -
  590. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  592. Perfecting the art of creating false sensory inputs, this spell functions as Hallucination but an entire ENVIRONMENT can be falsified. The subject might see himself stranded o0n a cliff side, in a crowded city street, in the middle of a lake etc. The only limits are the fiendishness of the caster's imagination. For any significant changes to occur in the subject's new surroundings, the caster must concentrate for a standard action., as per Hallucination. If the caster DRAMATICALLY changes the subjects perception, the subject may be given a new resistance roll, at the GM's option.
  593. A powerful Enchanter learns that perception is reality, and controlling that perception controls reality, at least for their unfortunate victim. This spell can be used for positive effects, if the subject is required to walk a narrow log across an thousand foot deep chasm, he might find it easier if the log spans only a shallow streambed...But the chances of a wielder of this mighty and forbidden spell to be out for positive effects is generally quite unlikely.
  595. Duration: 1 minute.
  596. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.
  597. Prerequisites: Mage Level 2 and Hallucination
  600. - Great Geas (Difficult) -
  601. Enchantment, Regular, Resisted by Will
  603. The apex of Enchantment magic, Great Geas allows the caster to give a subject one continuing command, such as "never touch weapons" or "Slay all Gryphons", and the subject must attempt to fulfill that command to the very best of his ability. A Great Geas does not have to be reasonably possible, it can occupy the subject for the rest of his life unless removed. Only Remove Curse can negate a geas. A critical failure on casting this spell costs the caster one point of Int.
  604. The ultimatum in Mind Control magic, few if any but truly divine creatures can cast such a mighty spell, which can instantly and wholly eradicate a personality and turn it into an automaton of it's creator's will. A very intelligent, capable, automaton. This spell is mostly unheard of, and therefor only banned in connection with Lesser Geas, but whether law enforcement could stop a spellcaster capable of using this spell is debatable.
  606. Duration: Permanent.
  607. Cost: 30.
  608. Time to cast: 1 minute.
  609. Material Components: A needle of pure Thinaun (5000$) and a flawless diamond carved into the shape of a spiral (15000$).
  610. Prerequisites: Mage Level 3 and at least 15 Mind Control spells, including Lesser Geas.
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