
Queenswoman: A Covert Help

Mar 14th, 2015
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  1. Kingsman: The Secret Service
  2. By Fortissmo's Pizzeria
  3. (SixStrings, Rising, Odama)
  5. Kingsman: The Secret Service
  6. Chav (Free): You grew up on the mean East End streets, and had to learn to fend for yourself. What you lack in class and refinement, you make up for in street smarts, even if some say you're destined to have more children then IQ points. Comes with either an Estuary or Cockney accent.
  8. Millionaire (100): Raised in the lap of luxury and fed with a silver spoon, you have an easy life to enjoy with all your riches. Pampered, and a bit spoiled, the resources you have had at your disposal could make a normal man green with envy. Comes with a posh, West End accent.
  10. Henchman/Mastermind (400): A philanthropic concern for the fate of the human race combined with a love for spy movies has turned you into a genuine Bond villain, and you use your legitimate businesses and multi-million dollar enterprises to further your dastardly plots.
  12. Kingsman (400): As a Kingsman Knight, you are an agent of an independent covert operations agency, operating at the highest levels of discretion. You have “The Gentlemen's Guide” memorized, and are dedicated to preserving world peace. Comes with a refined, courteous Received Pronunciation accent.
  13. ______________________________________________________________________________
  14. Perks (WIP)
  16. Chav:
  17. (100) Never Knocks: Your criminal past has offered you many advantages. For starters, your sleight of hand is truly impressive, and you can’t help but notice opportunities for you to distract a mark. In addition, your less than law abiding past allows you to spot when things don’t seem right… like when the bathroom mirror is actually a one-way window.
  18. (200) Straight Outta Estuary: You are an amazingly skilled driver, capable of evading cops through crowded side streets without so much as scratching the paint, all in reverse.
  19. (400) Honor Among Thieves: You don’t crack under torture, and can keep a secret till death. Furthermore, you find it easy to inspire such loyalty in others, who will take any information about you to their graves.
  20. (600) Top Scores: Your parkour skills are enough to easily pursue or evade the average person, and your gun skills are good enough to empty 10 shots into 10 different heads, all mid-cartwheel.
  22. Millionaire:
  23. (100) Silver Spoons Feed Silver Tongues: You were raised with care, and cultured to be a refined and charismatic individual, and it shows. Others respect you, and your opinion is always valued.
  24. (200) Oxford Educated/ Bloody Genius: Just because you are old money does not mean you are an idiot. Highly educated, you were groomed from birth to take over the family business, and you know exactly how to. Starting, maintaining, and receiving a profit from a successful business is second nature to you.
  25. (400) Talk Isn’t Cheap: Especially when it comes from your lips. Instead of wasting your time convincing others to help you, you can simply flash a check, or a promise of one provided you have the reputation, and many people will eagerly ignore the complicated matters of contracts and proof.
  26. (600) Blue Blood Privileges: It seems your nobility is less in question then one might think. Even in other worlds, people will treat you with the respect of a noble, even if you are not one. And while actual nobles will be scouring their family trees trying to determine their relation to you, your lineage is never in question: you are quite obviously nobleborn, even if not from them.
  28. Henchman/Mastermind:
  29. (100) Fan of the Three JB’s: You can tell when someone’s on to you, and you have a generally easier time getting your schemes to go unnoticed. This also helps when foolproofing your plans.
  30. (200) Political Pull: You know just which people can be convinced to work for your “greater good”. Furthermore, you have a damn good feeling of what you’ll need to convince them.
  31. (400) Pseudo-Philanthropy: The common masses don’t fall for the same old bread and circuses like they used to, but they still have their vices, and you know just what to tell them to have them hailing your praises. Of course, you need to be able to deliver, or at least pretend you can. Fortunately, most will never question your motives if they benefit from them.
  32. (600) Grace of a Gazelle: Your agility, reflexes and combat awareness have just skyrocketed, to the point where you can dodge bullets by moving before people shoot, and you are capable of defeating at least five armed men in a manner of seconds, with nothing but your hands and feet.
  34. Kingsman:
  35. (100) Well Dressed: Well, you clean up rather nicely. Your clothing always appears to be in perfect condition, your shirts always pressed, your hair always well groomed. Unless of course, you don’t want it to be. Oddly enough, this doesn’t seem to detract from your ability to tell if your equipment is damaged, it simply never looks bad when it is.
  36. (200) A Knight’s Oath: You inspire loyalty in those you fight alongside, and any minor quarrels simply melt away under the strength of your camaraderie.
  37. (400) Unflappable Manner: You are almost impossible to startle or panic, and can control your emotions to the point that petrifying fear in others becomes a sarcastic quip from you.
  38. (600) Manners Maketh Man: A good agent is always at his best. You have incredible martial arts skills, and have the physical strength of a weightlifter. Fighting a group of armed and unruly chavs is as simple a task as ordering a pint of Guinness, and furthermore, you look damned good doing it.
  40. An Arsenal Fit For a King:
  42. 50CP: An Evolution in Insects
  43. With this, you have a small tracking device, that also can be used as a covert microphone and speaker. Perfect for when you want people to believe there’s a ghost in the room, or when you need to perform a secret test of character.
  45. 50CP: The Gentleman’s Guide
  46. You receive a copy of the book all Kingsman Knights treat as sacred: The Gentleman’s Guide. Complete with the Rules of a Kingsman, and important lessons on refinement, this invaluable text should stay with you at all times.
  48. 100CP: Flaunting Your Wealth
  49. Or more accurately, that one perk that gives you money. One million dollars to burn, in fact. Millionaires get five purchases of this free.
  51. 100CP: All Seeing Spectacles
  52. These glasses are not ordinary. They allow the wearer to see a customizable heads up display, that can be easily updated with information by an ally connected to it from a computer.
  54. 100CP: The Kingsman’s Pistol
  55. A personal firearm for a more refined era, this pistol packs more power than it seems. Easily concealable, with little recoil, it can even fire shotgun shells from it’s underbarrel launcher. Comes with enough rounds to last months, and a detachable silencer.
  57. 200CP : The Watch
  58. A gentleman is never late, but always finds a moment to waste. Bremont has links to military special forces around the world, and has utilised these associations to pack the immaculate rose-gold casing of this watch with a host of hi-tech features. Beneath the sapphire crystal dome, sweeping hands and three chronograph counters there lies a 500,000-Volt projectile dart ready to stun anyone in the room, as well as a toxin that causes short term memory loss.
  60. 200CP: The Mightiest Pen
  61. Mightier than the sword? It’s true that many a conflict has been averted through a few well-chosen words, but a well-aimed poison dart can be just as effective. The standard-issue Kingsman writing instrument is made by English manufacturer Conway Stewart under a top-secret government contract, and comes loaded with a lethal pellet of poison gas that can be condensed into a liquid easily. Watch your enemies sign their own death certificate.
  63. 200CP: A Proper Spark
  64. Never get caught without a light in the heat of a social engagement. Explode on the scene with this killer new implement and snuff out the competition. This handy lighter can double as a blowtorch, sending out a blue flame up to a foot. In addition, the lighter packs a micro-munitions explosive, like a grenade, so lend the enemy a light and get clear before they light themselves up.
  66. 300CP: The Rainmaker
  67. Never rifle through the umbrella holder again. Swaine Adeney Brigg, who supply umbrellas to the British royal family, have turned their hand to the spy game. Fitted with an almost impenetrable bulletproof canopy and a hardwood handle that doubles as a long-barrelled pneumatic projectile device, this is the only friend a gentleman needs in a storm – whether it’s drizzling or raining bullets. Comes with a handy variety of firing modes, including Stun and Shotgun.
  69. 300CP: The Sharpest Pair
  70. With a past clientele that includes dukes, barons and knights of the realm, George Cleverley represents the pinnacle of British shoemaking, and there’s no sharper pair than the one crafted for Kingsman agents in a hidden room behind their workshop on London’s Royal Arcade. Going toe-to-toe with a foe? Simply click your heels together to release a retractable blade from the tip of the shoe, tipped with a venom that can kill a man in seconds.
  72. 350CP: A Knight In Stylish Armor
  73. The Kingsman tailors have always prided themselves on their unparalleled craftsmanship, and their suits are the best in the world, no exception. Handcrafted from their store on 2 Savile Row comes the finest clothing you will ever wear: The Kingsman’s Armor. Almost impervious to any firearm and blade, this double breasted suit is the pinnacle of formal dresswear for any covert operative. You receive one, complete with tie, Oxford shoes, cufflinks with your choice of insignia, and handkerchief, all custom tailored to your exact measurements.
  76. Drawbacks: WIP
  78. 100CP: Lisp: You have a lispth. It’sth hard for people to understhand you, and it’sth kinda embarrasthing.
  80. 100CP: Secret Sauce: Everything you eat tastes like it has twice its’ mass in the world’s most rancid jizz dumped onto it.. EVERYTHING.
  81. +200CP: A Happy Meal: You need to eat now. And by eat, I mean you have an insatiable craving for McDonalds, which will last you the whole ten years. I’m so sorry.
  83. 200CP: Positive Discrimination: No one respects you, and thinks that you haven’t earned the skills, position, or role you have. (Which you kinda haven’t). Guess they think your mum’s a one-legged lesbian or something.
  85. 200CP:Squeamish: You are afraid of blood, and can’t even look at a papercut without feeling the need to vomit.
  87. 300CP:Ain’t That Kind of Movie, Bruv: You seem to think this is still 007 Jump, and act with all the campiness, idiocy, and tendencies as one of it’s villains. Your speeches are cliche, your preferred codename is a horrible pun, and your plans tend to go sour fast.
  89. 300CP:South of the Border: You’re incredibly attractive with your fair skin and your sexy English accent, your amazingly meticulous hair, suave and charming walk, and your crisp and stylish suit. All of these mark you as a gentleman (or lady), and all of them are dead giveaways that you are a spy outside of England. Which is where you will be going. No matter what you do, people will automatically distrust you and treat you as an outsider.
  91. 300CP: Amputee: You are missing a limb. This is bad. And unlike Gazelle, you can’t replace it with anything cool or… anything really.
  93. 400CP: Welcome To The Most Dangerous Job Interview In The World: Oh, dear. It seems something’s went a bit awry in this last bit. You’re a new recruit for the Kingsman, and I certainly hope you’ve got the skills to make it through training. See, for some bizarre reason, your powers don’t seem to work here. The tests the Kingsman throw at you are different from the usual ones, and there does actually seem to be a good bit of danger here as well. And after all that, you still have a certain Valentine to deal with. On the bright side, you’ll be having a lot more fun now, won’t you?
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