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a guest
Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. Already your mind starts to feel different thoughts...feelings rush through your mind. Joyful, happy, and friendly ones.
  2. And although you feel completely relaxed... completely at home with the body you (will be? have?) reciev(ing/ed), a feeling of eagerness is slowly working its way to the front of your thoughts.
  3. If you've never experienced total euphoria before, you soon will, as every sensation... every memory... every thought will only bring you pure joy.
  4. Don't let these thoughts overwhelm you, however- you need to be patient while we finish what we started.
  5. Your voice begins to become more excited and bubbly. It expresses your true inner desires to enjoy life.
  6. You may giggle a bit at how silly everything seems now; those feelings of happiness only amplified by your new excited and eager voice.
  7. Words of fun, parties and happiness filling your mind,
  8. You start to feel a wanting to see smiles, a taste for sweets, and a feeling of silliness.
  9. You feel eager to meet new people and wanting to be their friend. You want nothing more than to make everyone-everyPONY around you happy.
  10. Just let your mind relax, inviting these new suggestions and thoughts to take hold.
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