
what.cd 4

May 16th, 2016
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  2. 17:52 *** AnAngryGoose joined #what.cd-interview5
  3. What.CD Invite Interview Room #5 || Questions must be answered quickly || Those getting interviewed please /part from the channel after the interview is finished.
  4. Topic set by Gautam on Wed Oct 23 2013 09:43:04 GMT-0500 (CDT)
  5. 17:52 AnAngryGoose NO. WAY.
  6. 17:52 NeuroWinter YES WAY!
  7. 17:52 AnAngryGoose HOLY SHIT
  8. 17:52 NeuroWinter ===================
  9. 17:52 NeuroWinter Intro
  10. 17:52 NeuroWinter ===================
  11. 17:52 NeuroWinter
  12. 17:52 NeuroWinter Hello and welcome to the What.CD interview process. My name is NeuroWinter and I will be conducting your interview today.
  13. 17:52 NeuroWinter
  14. 17:52 NeuroWinter Remember that the interview can take up to 2 hours, so if you don't have time right now, please let me know and this won't be
  15. 17:52 NeuroWinter counted as a fail. If you leave during the interview, for any reason, you will fail. The penalty for failure is a 48 hour
  16. 17:52 NeuroWinter waiting period before you are able to sit the test again. You have 3 attempts to pass the interview, but after 3 failures
  17. 17:52 NeuroWinter you will not be admitted to What.CD via the interview process, but you can still be invited by a friend. I strongly suggest that
  18. 17:52 NeuroWinter you study before this test. If you haven't yet, please leave and study here: http://www.whatinterviewprep.com/. If you have any
  19. 17:52 NeuroWinter questions about the interview, now is the best time to ask, and if you want to leave, please let me know.
  20. 17:52 NeuroWinter Otherwise please type my name "NeuroWinter".
  21. 17:53 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  22. 17:53 NeuroWinter =====================
  23. 17:53 NeuroWinter Rules
  24. 17:53 NeuroWinter =====================
  25. 17:53 NeuroWinter
  26. 17:53 NeuroWinter 01. Use your own words to answer questions in a reasonable amount of time. You don't need to sound like you swallowed an encyclopedia!
  27. 17:53 NeuroWinter 02. DO NOT search for answers in your notes or on Google, Wikipedia, hydrogenaudio, the What.CD Interview Preparation site, or any other site. Please close all of your internet browsers now.
  28. 17:53 NeuroWinter 03. If you do not know the answer to a question, be honest and say so.
  30. 17:53 NeuroWinter
  31. 17:53 NeuroWinter If you understand these rules and wish to continue, please type my name "NeuroWinter".
  32. 17:53 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  33. 17:54 NeuroWinter ==================================
  34. 17:54 NeuroWinter Section One: Background infomation
  35. 17:54 NeuroWinter ==================================
  36. 17:54 NeuroWinter
  37. 17:54 NeuroWinter Please remember to number your anwers and enter each answer on a different line.
  38. 17:54 NeuroWinter
  39. 17:54 NeuroWinter 01. Have you ever had an account on What.CD before?
  40. 17:54 NeuroWinter 02. Have you interviewed here before? If so, by whom and when?
  41. 17:54 NeuroWinter 03. Where do you live? Are you currently using your home connection?
  42. 17:54 NeuroWinter 04. Are you fluent in English? If not, what's your primary language?
  43. 17:54 NeuroWinter 05. What is your e-mail address?
  44. 17:54 NeuroWinter 06. Where did you find out about the interview process?
  45. 17:54 NeuroWinter 07. Have you ever participated in invite trading, buying, or selling? Admit to it now and your actions will be excused. Deny it and get found later and you will be permanently banned.
  46. 17:54 NeuroWinter 08. Are you a member of other private trackers? List all of them.
  47. 17:54 NeuroWinter
  48. 17:54 NeuroWinter Please say my name "NeuroWinter" once you have finished these questions.
  49. 17:55 AnAngryGoose 1) Nope
  50. 17:55 AnAngryGoose 2)Nope
  51. 17:55 AnAngryGoose 3)Lower Alabama, USA. Yes, this is my home conn.
  52. 17:55 AnAngryGoose 4) yep. only language
  53. 17:56 AnAngryGoose 5)anangrygoose1@gmail.com
  54. 17:56 AnAngryGoose 6)/r/trackers on reddit maybe? I heard about what.cd online somewhere and then just dug around
  55. 17:56 AnAngryGoose 7)nope
  56. 17:57 AnAngryGoose 8)Yes, bB (BaconBits) and IPT(IPTorrents)
  57. 17:57 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  58. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  59. 17:57 NeuroWinter ==============================
  60. 17:57 NeuroWinter Section Two: Screenshots
  61. 17:57 NeuroWinter ==============================
  62. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  63. 17:57 NeuroWinter You will need to follow these instructions very carefully. If you do not, I will request you to take a new screenshot.
  64. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  65. 17:57 NeuroWinter 01. The screenshot must include your full profile page on your private tracker with username and stats visible.
  66. 17:57 NeuroWinter 02. Only include one tracker per screenshot. If you are on multiple trackers I will need a screenshot for each tracker.
  67. 17:57 NeuroWinter 03. Make sure that this chat is visible in each screenshot.
  68. 17:57 NeuroWinter 04. The screenshot must be of your entire screen, this must include the entire taskbar or your dock. It must be uncropped and unresized.
  69. 17:57 NeuroWinter 05. Blacking out passkeys and/or blacking out irc keys is the only editing allowed on the screenshot. Do crop the screenshot at all .
  70. 17:57 NeuroWinter 06. Only upload your screenshot to http://imgur.com/ or any other similar image hosting website.
  71. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  72. 17:57 NeuroWinter If you have any questions about the rules, I am here to help you out.
  73. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  74. 17:57 NeuroWinter If you are having trouble with how to take a screenshot please refer to this website: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
  75. 17:57 NeuroWinter
  76. 17:57 NeuroWinter Once completed, please close all of your internet tabs and say my name "NeuroWinter"
  77. 18:00 AnAngryGoose Here is Baconbits:
  78. 18:01 AnAngryGoose And IPT:
  79. 18:01 AnAngryGoose I haven't gotten on IPT too much since I got on bB
  80. 18:01 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  81. 18:02 NeuroWinter AnAngryGoose can you please re read the instructions please, You need to have this chat visable in each Screenshot, and you need to close your reddit tab
  82. 18:02 NeuroWinter please do this and upload another screenshot
  83. 18:02 AnAngryGoose Oh I though just the tab was fine. Sorry. One sec
  84. 18:04 AnAngryGoose
  85. 18:05 AnAngryGoose
  86. 18:05 AnAngryGoose That okay?
  87. 18:07 NeuroWinter Thats great thank you AnAngryGoose
  88. 18:07 NeuroWinter ===========================
  89. 18:07 NeuroWinter Section Three: Bitrates
  90. 18:07 NeuroWinter ===========================
  91. 18:07 NeuroWinter
  92. 18:07 NeuroWinter Please remember to number your answers and enter each answer on a different line.
  93. 18:07 NeuroWinter
  94. 18:07 NeuroWinter 01. What is the target bitrate for V2?
  95. 18:07 NeuroWinter 02. Which one of the following is not allowed on What.CD?
  96. 18:07 NeuroWinter a. FLAC
  97. 18:07 NeuroWinter b. V0
  98. 18:07 NeuroWinter c. AIFF
  99. 18:07 NeuroWinter d. AAC (iTunes)
  100. 18:07 NeuroWinter 03. Please order the following from lowest target bitrate to highest target bitrate:
  101. 18:07 NeuroWinter a. V0
  102. 18:07 NeuroWinter b. MP3 320 CBR
  103. 18:07 NeuroWinter c. V2
  104. 18:07 NeuroWinter d. WAV (PCM)
  105. 18:07 NeuroWinter e. MP3 ~192 CBR
  106. 18:07 NeuroWinter f. AAC 256 CBR
  107. 18:07 NeuroWinter 04. Which of the following is a lossless codec?
  108. 18:07 NeuroWinter a. MP3 192
  109. 18:07 NeuroWinter b. MP3 V2
  110. 18:08 NeuroWinter c. WAV
  111. 18:08 NeuroWinter d. MP3 V0
  112. 18:08 NeuroWinter
  113. 18:08 NeuroWinter Please say my name "NeuroWinter" once you have finished these questions.
  114. 18:08 AnAngryGoose 1)190kbps
  115. 18:09 AnAngryGoose 2)V0
  116. 18:10 AnAngryGoose 3)c,e,a,f,b,d
  117. 18:10 AnAngryGoose 4)c
  118. 18:10 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  119. 18:11 NeuroWinter The correct answer to Q2 is AIFF
  120. 18:12 AnAngryGoose oh shit. Sorry, I wasn't sure between those two. Did i fail?
  121. 18:12 NeuroWinter Nope!
  122. 18:12 NeuroWinter ==================================
  123. 18:12 NeuroWinter Section Four: Formats and Encoding
  124. 18:13 NeuroWinter ==================================
  125. 18:13 NeuroWinter
  126. 18:13 NeuroWinter Please remember to number your answers and enter each answer on a different line.
  127. 18:13 NeuroWinter
  128. 18:13 NeuroWinter 01. Describe a lossy codec.
  129. 18:13 NeuroWinter 02. Give me 2 examples of a lossy codec.
  130. 18:13 NeuroWinter 03. Describe a lossless codec.
  131. 18:13 NeuroWinter 04. Give me 2 examples of a lossless codec.
  132. 18:13 NeuroWinter 05. What is LAME?
  133. 18:13 NeuroWinter 06. What is the difference between CBR and VBR?
  134. 18:13 NeuroWinter 07. What is the difference between lossless and lossy codecs?
  135. 18:13 NeuroWinter
  136. 18:13 NeuroWinter Please say my name "NeuroWinter" once you have finished these questions.
  137. 18:13 AnAngryGoose 1) Always compressed, usually smallest file size
  138. 18:14 AnAngryGoose 1) can't be transcoded to lossless
  139. 18:14 AnAngryGoose 2) MP3, AAC
  140. 18:15 AnAngryGoose 3)it stores ALL recoreded data, doesn't remove anything like lossy does sometimes.
  141. 18:15 AnAngryGoose 3) usually 'best' sounding files
  142. 18:15 AnAngryGoose 4)WAV(uncompressed), FLAC(Compressed)
  143. 18:16 AnAngryGoose 5)LAME is an encoder that compresses any input file and converts it to mp3 format
  144. 18:17 AnAngryGoose 6)constant bit rate(CBR) means the user sets the bitrate for the LAME encode, which it tries to follow throughout. VBR(variable bit rate) means the bitrate can vary throughout but still requires the user to set it up initally
  145. 18:19 AnAngryGoose 7)Lossless records all original data, nothing is removed, better sounding, way bigger. (WAV, FLAC). Lossy is smaller because it removes some of the original data and compresses the original file down quite a bit
  146. 18:19 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  147. 18:21 NeuroWinter Could you please give a more detailed explaination of VBR? How does the bitrate differ throughout the file? (which part would get more bits per second than average and which part would get fewer bits per second than average?).
  148. 18:23 AnAngryGoose Silence gets much less bits allocated to it than loud or active audio
  149. 18:24 NeuroWinter Could you also please give me a better explanation of a lossy codec?
  150. 18:24 AnAngryGoose for VBR:The user sets a major preset, LAME tries to follow that preset, but it can vary throughout for silence and noise, loud v. soft, etc.
  151. 18:25 NeuroWinter =============================
  152. 18:25 NeuroWinter Section Five: Transcodes
  153. 18:25 NeuroWinter =============================
  154. 18:25 NeuroWinter Firstly, please descibe what is a good transcode, and how does that differ from a bad one?
  155. 18:25 NeuroWinter
  156. 18:25 NeuroWinter For the following, please state whether or not the end result would be allowed on What.CD, and if not why.
  157. 18:25 NeuroWinter 01. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> MP3 V0 (VBR)
  158. 18:25 NeuroWinter 02. CD -> FLAC -> FLAC -> FLAC
  159. 18:25 NeuroWinter 03. CD -> MP3 192 (CBR) -> FLAC
  160. 18:25 NeuroWinter 04. CD -> MP3 320 (CBR) -> MP3 192 (CBR)
  161. 18:25 NeuroWinter 05. CD -> MP3 V0 (VBR) -> MP3 320 (CBR) -> MP3 V2 (VBR)
  162. 18:25 NeuroWinter 06. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> FLAC
  163. 18:25 NeuroWinter 07. CD -> MP3 320 (CBR) -> MP3 V0 (VBR)
  164. 18:25 NeuroWinter 08. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> MP3 320 (CBR)
  165. 18:25 NeuroWinter 09. CD -> MP3 320 (CBR) -> FLAC -> MP3 V0 (VBR)
  166. 18:25 NeuroWinter 10. CD -> MP3 V0 (VBR) -> FLAC
  167. 18:25 NeuroWinter 11. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> MP3 192 (CBR)
  168. 18:25 NeuroWinter 12. CD -> FLAC -> FLAC -> MP3 V0 (VBR)
  169. 18:25 NeuroWinter 13. CD -> FLAC -> FLAC -> MP3 V2 (VBR)
  170. 18:25 NeuroWinter 14. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> FLAC -> FLAC
  171. 18:25 NeuroWinter 15. CD -> FLAC -> FLAC
  172. 18:25 NeuroWinter 16. CD -> FLAC -> MP3 V2 (VBR)
  173. 18:25 AnAngryGoose Lossy: A lot of the data is removed, ususally higher frequencies if i remember right, but sometimes it can compromise parts of the actual audio. Most of the silence is removed to save space.
  174. 18:25 NeuroWinter 17. CD -> FLAC -> MP3 192 (CBR)
  175. 18:25 NeuroWinter 18. CD -> MP3 V2 (VBR) -> FLAC -> MP3 192 (CBR)
  176. 18:25 NeuroWinter 19. CD -> FLAC -> FLAC -> MP3 320 (CBR)
  177. 18:25 NeuroWinter 20. CD -> MP3 192 (CBR) -> MP3 320 (CBR)
  178. 18:25 NeuroWinter
  179. 18:25 NeuroWinter Please say my name "NeuroWinter" when you have finished.
  180. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 1) yes
  181. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 2) yes
  182. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 3)no
  183. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 4)no
  184. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 5)no
  185. 18:26 AnAngryGoose 6)no
  186. 18:27 AnAngryGoose 7)no
  187. 18:28 AnAngryGoose 8)yes
  188. 18:28 AnAngryGoose 9)no
  189. 18:28 AnAngryGoose 10)no
  190. 18:28 AnAngryGoose 11)no
  191. 18:28 AnAngryGoose 12)no
  192. 18:29 AnAngryGoose SHIT. 12) i mean yes
  193. 18:29 AnAngryGoose 13)yes
  194. 18:29 AnAngryGoose 14)yes
  195. 18:29 AnAngryGoose 15)yes
  196. 18:30 AnAngryGoose 16)yes
  197. 18:30 AnAngryGoose 17)yes
  198. 18:30 AnAngryGoose 18)no
  199. 18:30 AnAngryGoose 19)yes
  200. 18:31 AnAngryGoose 20)no
  201. 18:31 AnAngryGoose NeuroWinter
  202. 18:31 AnAngryGoose that was a lot haha
  203. 18:33 AnAngryGoose I do know that the only things allowd here are lossless to lossless, and lossless to lossy. Never lossy to lossy
  204. 18:33 NeuroWinter Sorry AnAngryGoose but I am going to have to fail you here, the main idea behind the transcode rule is there that there should only be one lossy step in the transcode chatin and it just be at the end
  205. 18:33 NeuroWinter EG 1 should be no since there are 2 lossy steps
  206. 18:34 NeuroWinter Also Q14 that should be no since there is a lossy step in it, but its not at the end
  207. 18:34 NeuroWinter ===============================================
  208. 18:34 NeuroWinter YOU HAVE FAILED THE INTERVIEW!
  209. 18:34 NeuroWinter ===============================================
  210. 18:34 NeuroWinter
  211. 18:34 NeuroWinter Unfortunately, you will not be receiving an invite today.
  212. 18:34 NeuroWinter
  213. 18:34 NeuroWinter Study up at http://whatinterviewprep.com
  214. 18:34 NeuroWinter
  216. 18:34 NeuroWinter COST YOU YOUR ACCOUNT!
  217. 18:34 AnAngryGoose Awe damn. That's why I mentioned that at the end
  218. 18:34 NeuroWinter
  219. 18:34 NeuroWinter You may return in 48 hours to interview again, for a total of 3 interviews.
  220. 18:34 NeuroWinter
  221. 18:34 NeuroWinter Do you have any questions?
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