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a guest
Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  2. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  3. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  4. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  5. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  6. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  7. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  8. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> XSS Filtering completed
  9. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
  10. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Language Class Initialized
  11. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Language Class Initialized
  12. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Config Class Initialized
  13. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Loader Class Initialized
  14. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Controller Class Initialized
  15. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Invoices MX_Controller Initialized
  16. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Config file loaded: application/config/invoice_plane.php
  17. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Session Class Initialized
  18. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
  19. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Session routines successfully run
  20. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
  21. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
  22. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
  23. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
  24. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: number_helper
  25. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: pager_helper
  26. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: invoice_helper
  27. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: date_helper
  28. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: redirect_helper
  29. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Model Class Initialized
  30. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/settings/models/mdl_settings.php
  31. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Model Class Initialized
  32. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/ip_lang.php
  33. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/custom_lang.php
  34. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Helper loaded: language_helper
  35. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/layout.php
  36. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
  37. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoices.php
  38. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Model Class Initialized
  39. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Pagination Class Initialized
  40. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/partial_invoice_table.php
  41. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/index.php
  42. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/filter/views/jquery_filter.php
  43. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> File loaded: application/modules/layout/views/layout.php
  44. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Final output sent to browser
  45. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:30 --> Total execution time: 0.1030
  46. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Config Class Initialized
  47. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Hooks Class Initialized
  48. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
  49. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
  50. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> URI Class Initialized
  51. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Router Class Initialized
  52. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Output Class Initialized
  53. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Security Class Initialized
  54. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Input Class Initialized
  55. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  56. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  57. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  58. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  59. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  60. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  61. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  62. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> XSS Filtering completed
  63. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
  64. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Language Class Initialized
  65. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Language Class Initialized
  66. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Config Class Initialized
  67. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Loader Class Initialized
  68. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Controller Class Initialized
  69. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Invoices MX_Controller Initialized
  70. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Config file loaded: application/config/invoice_plane.php
  71. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Session Class Initialized
  72. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
  73. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Session routines successfully run
  74. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
  75. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
  76. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
  77. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
  78. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: number_helper
  79. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: pager_helper
  80. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: invoice_helper
  81. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: date_helper
  82. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: redirect_helper
  83. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  84. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/settings/models/mdl_settings.php
  85. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  86. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/ip_lang.php
  87. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/custom_lang.php
  88. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Helper loaded: language_helper
  89. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/layout.php
  90. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
  91. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoices.php
  92. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  93. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_items.php
  94. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  95. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/tax_rates/models/mdl_tax_rates.php
  96. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  97. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/payment_methods/models/mdl_payment_methods.php
  98. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  99. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoice_tax_rates.php
  100. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  101. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/custom_fields/models/mdl_custom_fields.php
  102. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  103. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/item_lookups/models/mdl_item_lookups.php
  104. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  105. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/payments/controllers/payments.php
  106. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Payments MX_Controller Initialized
  107. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/payments/models/mdl_payments.php
  108. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  109. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/custom_fields/models/mdl_invoice_custom.php
  110. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Model Class Initialized
  111. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/modal_delete_invoice.php
  112. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/modal_add_invoice_tax.php
  113. ERROR - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable: invoice_balance /share/MD0_DATA/Web/fatture/application/modules/payments/views/modal_add_payment.php 59
  114. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/payments/views/modal_add_payment.php
  115. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/layout/views/alerts.php
  116. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/partial_item_table.php
  117. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/views/view.php
  118. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> File loaded: application/modules/layout/views/layout.php
  119. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Final output sent to browser
  120. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:36 --> Total execution time: 0.1229
  121. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config Class Initialized
  122. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Hooks Class Initialized
  123. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
  124. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
  125. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> URI Class Initialized
  126. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Router Class Initialized
  127. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Output Class Initialized
  128. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Security Class Initialized
  129. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Input Class Initialized
  130. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  131. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  132. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  133. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  134. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  135. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  136. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  137. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  138. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  139. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  140. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  141. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  142. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  143. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  144. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  145. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
  146. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language Class Initialized
  147. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language Class Initialized
  148. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config Class Initialized
  149. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Loader Class Initialized
  150. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Controller Class Initialized
  151. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Ajax MX_Controller Initialized
  152. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config file loaded: application/config/invoice_plane.php
  153. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Session Class Initialized
  154. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
  155. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Session routines successfully run
  156. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
  157. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
  158. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
  159. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
  160. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: number_helper
  161. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: pager_helper
  162. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: invoice_helper
  163. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: date_helper
  164. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: redirect_helper
  165. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  166. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/settings/models/mdl_settings.php
  167. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  168. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/ip_lang.php
  169. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/custom_lang.php
  170. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: language_helper
  171. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/layout.php
  172. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
  173. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_items.php
  174. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  175. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoices.php
  176. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  177. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/item_lookups/models/mdl_item_lookups.php
  178. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  179. ERROR - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Could not find the language line "invoice_number"
  180. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/english/form_validation_lang.php
  181. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config Class Initialized
  182. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Hooks Class Initialized
  183. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
  184. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
  185. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> URI Class Initialized
  186. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Router Class Initialized
  187. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Output Class Initialized
  188. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Security Class Initialized
  189. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Input Class Initialized
  190. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  191. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  192. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  193. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  194. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  195. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  196. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  197. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  198. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  199. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  200. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  201. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  202. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  203. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  204. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> XSS Filtering completed
  205. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
  206. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language Class Initialized
  207. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language Class Initialized
  208. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config Class Initialized
  209. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Loader Class Initialized
  210. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Controller Class Initialized
  211. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Ajax MX_Controller Initialized
  212. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Config file loaded: application/config/invoice_plane.php
  213. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Session Class Initialized
  214. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
  215. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Session routines successfully run
  216. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
  217. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
  218. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
  219. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
  220. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: number_helper
  221. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: pager_helper
  222. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: invoice_helper
  223. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: date_helper
  224. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: redirect_helper
  225. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  226. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/settings/models/mdl_settings.php
  227. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  228. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/ip_lang.php
  229. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/custom_lang.php
  230. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Helper loaded: language_helper
  231. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/layout.php
  232. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
  233. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_items.php
  234. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  235. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoices.php
  236. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  237. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> File loaded: application/modules/item_lookups/models/mdl_item_lookups.php
  238. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Model Class Initialized
  239. ERROR - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Could not find the language line "invoice_number"
  240. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:41 --> Language file loaded: language/english/form_validation_lang.php
  241. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Config Class Initialized
  242. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Hooks Class Initialized
  243. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
  244. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
  245. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> URI Class Initialized
  246. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Router Class Initialized
  247. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Output Class Initialized
  248. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Security Class Initialized
  249. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Input Class Initialized
  250. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  251. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  252. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  253. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  254. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  255. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  256. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  257. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  258. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  259. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  260. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  261. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  262. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  263. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  264. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> XSS Filtering completed
  265. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
  266. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Language Class Initialized
  267. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Language Class Initialized
  268. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Config Class Initialized
  269. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Loader Class Initialized
  270. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Controller Class Initialized
  271. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Ajax MX_Controller Initialized
  272. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Config file loaded: application/config/invoice_plane.php
  273. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Session Class Initialized
  274. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
  275. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Session routines successfully run
  276. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
  277. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
  278. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
  279. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
  280. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: number_helper
  281. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: pager_helper
  282. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: invoice_helper
  283. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: date_helper
  284. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: redirect_helper
  285. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Model Class Initialized
  286. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> File loaded: application/modules/settings/models/mdl_settings.php
  287. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Model Class Initialized
  288. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/ip_lang.php
  289. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Language file loaded: language/italian/custom_lang.php
  290. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Helper loaded: language_helper
  291. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> File loaded: application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/layout.php
  292. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
  293. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_items.php
  294. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Model Class Initialized
  295. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> File loaded: application/modules/invoices/models/mdl_invoices.php
  296. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Model Class Initialized
  297. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> File loaded: application/modules/item_lookups/models/mdl_item_lookups.php
  298. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Model Class Initialized
  299. ERROR - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Could not find the language line "invoice_number"
  300. DEBUG - 2015-03-08 18:55:48 --> Language file loaded: language/english/form_validation_lang.php
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