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May 27th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Sans - Lion primary with a burnt Badger primary model, burnt Bird secondary
  3. All right, so people love the Megalovania incident, and I'll get to that. And you're probably wondering why he isn't completely burnt, and I'll get to that too.
  5. Firstly, the easy part. His secondary is the remnants of a Bird. Sure, he no longer believes that he can accomplish anything, so he's long since stopped trying. But he already thought of passwords for just in case he ever encounters a time traveler. He reads at least one quantum physics book for fun, disguising it as a joke book to make himself seem less intimidating. He sets up elaborate pranks across time and space. And he knows the metaphysical laws of his reality and how to exploit them, to the point where he can effectively turn physics itself against you. Yes, he did almost all of that before he Burnt, but this little stub left of the Bird Secondary that he once was still lets him act when he absolutely must.
  7. He has an earnest love for bad puns, his brother, and hanging out at Grillby's drinking all the ketchup. He makes very few promises but once made he does not break them. His brother is the one thing he loves more than life itself, and on the rare occasions that he gets scary it's because you've threatened him. If you kill Papyrus, he just straight-up disappears from the rest of the game. So, sure, that looks like a Snake.
  8. But that's because he believes that nothing he does matters. Everything will get reset. The machine is unfixable. He will never achieve anything, so the only thing left to give his life meaning is the one person who makes him genuinely happy. Classic burnt-badger-appears-like-a-snake there. So, burnt Badger primary?
  10. Well... burnt Badger primary 98% of the time. It is definitely where he lives most of his life. After all, monster society is filled with Badgers, so it was easy to model himself after them... and after he burned, he no longer believed that he could accomplish anything, so trying to find a better approach hardly mattered anyway. But there is a glimmer of something beneath it.
  12. Think about the way he shows up in the Last Corridor. Despite saying that he will judge you, he (at least the first time round) doesn't pronounce a sentence or make a ruling like a judge usually would. He just defines some terms and tells you to contemplate how it feels - and then he says that as long as you're honest with yourself, that's all that matters. And in the pacifist route, he says "as long as you do what's in your heart, i believe you can do the right thing": that "what's in your heart" is, fundamentally, the guide to what's moral.
  14. And then there's what he does if you take the evil route. He could lie down and let the despair fully consume him, but he doesn't. When it's either his promise to the lady on the other side of the door or the world... he chooses the world.
  16. Underneath all the depression and despair, just like his brother, there is a Lion.
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