

Jun 28th, 2013
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  2. 18:11 <Pilz> Deploying in 5...
  3. <Pilz> 4...
  4. <Pilz> 3...
  5. <Pilz> 2...
  6. <Pilz> 1...
  7. <Pilz> All checks complete and clear.  Deployment imminent.
  8. <Pilz> ======================================================
  9. <Pilz> The Dollar.  Yen.  Ruples.  Pounds, Euros, Real, Pesos, Dinar, Yuan, Koruna, Krone, Sterling.  /Money/.  Defined as "A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively."  In the modern world, everyone needs it.  How you get it...well, that's how you've ended up where you are now.
  10. <Pilz> You are in Myanmar, "Burma", a decent-sized country on the coast of the Andaman Sea.  Stepping out of the plane onto the stairs that take you to the tarmac, you are hit by a wave of humidity and heat that has you drenched in sweat before you reach the bottom of the stairs.  Local welcomers smile and offer native greetings while handing you tourism pamphlets.
  11. <Pilz> But that's not why you're here.  No, you're here to work.  To make money.  For you, this means to kill some people.  You've been offered a contract by an Indian native, a Nina Singh.  Wealthy beyond belief, she's offered to pay for you and your gear to come to this mess of a country and to bribe the correct officials to have your mercenary status approved.
  12. 18:12 <Pilz> It's an offer you can't afford to refuse-even if you don't accept the work she wants you to do, being registered in Burma makes you a valuable commodity.  You could retire early, if you play your cards right.
  13. 18:13 <Pilz> As you walk towards the terminal, you have a brief chance to glance at the pamphlet they stuffed into your hands.
  14. 18:15 <Pilz> Reaching the terminal, you enter a thankfully air-conditioned room where signs in Burmese, Hindi, Chinese, and English direct you to the baggage claim.  Weaving your way through a maze of an area, you find yourselves standing together with the other passengers of your plane milling about, waiting for bags to begin coming down the conveyor.
  15. 18:16 * Collin_Moser reads over the information pamphlet.  Collin is a six foot two man with a average build and a pale complexion.  He has light blue eyes and his dark hair is streaked, prematurely of course, with grey.  He has on a set of dark grey fatigues with the company logo of his business, CMOS Freelance Security.
  16. 18:17 * Collin_Moser nods thoughtfully or at least nods like he appears to be thinking before he hands his pamphlet back to the younger woman with him.
  17. * Grigol_Gelashvili gives the pamphlet a brief glance, but not much more than that. He read enough about the country in his cramped seat on the flight here, learning the lay of the land. He's a strongly-built man just over thirty, though he looks like he's several years older than that. His jet-black hair and stubble beard accent his rugged features, though his eyes stare, focused, at whatever he has devoted his attention to.
  18. 18:18 * Saffron_Reynolds is an average height woman at 5' 7", with a heart shaped face, complete with dimples and a tiny nose. Her curly red hair is, like always, tied back in a ponytail. She is wearing a loose white blouse, though it does little to hide her feminine curves, and tight jeans, a simple leather belt with a large buckle, and black combat boots.
  19. 18:20 <Robert_Jackson> Robert puffs on his vaporizer as he mentally picks apart the pamphlet. "Ah, journalism. Dontcha guys love it?" his brown eyes go to his buddies, and he scratches at his black haired head, and shifts uncomfortably as the heat and humidity rake at his slightly shorter than average frame. His black shirt, BDU pants and sneakers already seem to sag with both sweat and water. "Wonder if
  20. 18:21 <Robert_Jackson> weed is legal here..." he mentions to himself, and a blueberry scent tinged with..something wafts from his vaporizer.
  21. * Saffron_Reynolds tries to retain her compsure around the massive crowds. As the locals attempt to hand her a pamphelt, she stares at them in horror and attempts to hide behind Mr. Moser. She accepts the pamphlet he gives to her, however, and reads over it, trying to hide herself behind the paper and ignore all the people.
  22. 18:24 * Collin_Moser notices Saffron's slight discomfort.  "Ms. Reynolds, can you see where the customs gate is?  We have to pick up our luggage...among other things.  You would think they would let us carry on the flight, we are licensed after all."
  23. 18:27 <Saffron_Reynolds> "Of... of course, Mr. Moser," she manages, swallowing, shuddering, and making a face at the idea of having to go out into the crowds by herself.
  24. 18:28 * Saffron_Reynolds departs for the customs gate, giving the throngs of nameless people as wide a berth as she can manage.
  25. 18:29 <Robert_Jackson> "Psh. Ya guys shoulda kept it all in a carry-on. Buy the essentials later." He hefts a giant, stuffed, backpack from where he left it resting on the ground a moment. As it slides onto his back, he noticeably hunches, in an attempt to keep from falling over. "Say. Where do we go for our other stuff, anyhow?"
  26. * Collin_Moser tuns to the freelancer "Ever been to Myanmar before Mr.  Jackson" he pauses for a moment to keep an eye on Ms. Reynolds.  Sara...Dr. Radcliff keeps saying he should let her take more iniative in new situations but he still can't help but worry...
  27. 18:30 * Collin_Moser shrugs his shoulders "The army gets a scan of everything heavy coming in, though Ms. Singh said she was having her people take care of eveything."
  28. 18:31 <Pilz> Robert: There's two exits from the room, one leading to the reception area for arrivals and the other leading to an Oversized and Commercial Baggage and Cargo area
  29. * Grigol_Gelashvili mostly walks by himself, though with purpose, to the cargo area to get his stuff.
  30. 18:34 <Robert_Jackson> "Nah. Been ta places like it, before." He reaches up to his vaporizer, and adjusts it, while making a dissmissive gesture with his free hand. "Gonna go with Grigol to get our stuff." Robert breaks into a short-lived sprint to catch up with the guy, making a ruckus with his baggage and leaving blueberry in his wake.
  31. 18:35 * Collin_Moser nods his head to Mr. Jackson and makes his way to where Saffron is ot collect their gear before going to check on the status of his heavy gear.
  32. 18:36 <Pilz> After getting your mundane belongings from the conveyor belt, you proceed to the cargo area.  Due to the size of the plane, very few things are there.  As you arrive, a man wearing what appears to be a postal uniform signs for some bags, which he brings to a trunk.  You can't help but notice that the man carrying the clipboard, and several other individuals in the room, are armed with assault rifles and wearing
  33. 18:37 <Pilz> and wearing Camo that you may recognize as belonging to the Myanmar Armed Forces.
  34. 18:38 <Robert_Jackson> Robert switches his vaporizer off, and casually stuffs it into a lower pocket in his BDUs.
  35. 18:39 * Collin_Moser slowly adopts a military stance and looks at the men and the documents that they are presenting.   "Gentleman?"
  36. 18:40 <Pilz> The man holding the clipboard turns to you, a bored look in his eyes.  He brings the clipboard up and pushes a button on his pen, extending the tip
  37. * Saffron_Reynolds tenses. Killing them all wouldn't be easy. Or likely. Not without her body armor and a gun, at least.
  38. <Pilz> "Names and goods to be recieved?" *He asks in a heavy accent you don't recognize*
  39. 18:42 <Robert_Jackson> "Tell im', boss." Robert says, nudging with his elbow Collin lightly.
  40. 18:43 * Collin_Moser nods his head "Ah yes.  I am Collin Moser, President of CMOS Freelance Security, and this" motioning to Saffron "Ms. Saffron Reynolds, Vice President of human resources of CMOS Freelance Security. and these gentlemen are."
  41. * Collin_Moser motions to the other two "Mr. Grigol Gelashvili and Mr. Robert Jackson, freelance security professionals."
  42. * Saffron_Reynolds glares at the man who elbowed her boss. Robert, his name was? Something like that. Maybe Rupert. It started with an R and ended in -ert, at least.
  43. 18:45 <Pilz> "Security, eh."
  44. <Pilz> The man says something under his breath in a tongue that sounds like Hindi.  The others laugh.
  45. * Collin_Moser nods his head "Correct." he then produces a copy of his contract with Ms. Sigh for him to examing.  The version she approved for custom officals anyways.
  46. 18:46 * Grigol_Gelashvili stares off somewhere else, he's really not interested in socializing, or whatever this is supposed to be
  47. <Pilz> "Going to need more than alarm systems here..."
  48. <Pilz> He glances at the contract and tenses up
  49. <Robert_Jackson> Robert rolls his eyes. "Yeesh, it's like you've never heard double-talk."
  50. 18:47 <Pilz> "You're the owners of the 'mech, an' MI parts?  The weapons?"
  51. 18:48 * Saffron_Reynolds narrows her eyes at the customs official.
  52. 18:49 <Robert_Jackson> "We've got permits, kiddos. Didn't anybody tell you to expect us?"
  53. 18:51 <Pilz> Clearly someone did.  The man barks out an order, and the troops snap to.  Two walk to the exit/entrance and stand at attention, and the others set about fetching several crates and specialized cases that contain the tools of your trade.
  54. 18:52 * Collin_Moser nods his head.  Hoping that the documents that Ms. Singh provides for customs do the trick.  
  55. <Pilz> When several of the containers that look awfully familiar are present before you, the men open them, displaying your gear.
  56. 18:53 <Pilz> "This yours, yes?"
  57. * Collin_Moser examines the gear to make sure.
  58. 18:54 <Pilz> The men with guns prevent you from getting too close, but the gear is assuredly yours.
  59. 18:55 * Saffron_Reynolds looks down at her CT-3PA Stealth Power Armor and her CT-90B RAM Accelorator, affectionately dubbed 'Miranda'. She nods.
  60. * Grigol_Gelashvili looks at the simple container containing his own MI armor. Content with its condition, he just nods.
  61. <Collin_Moser> "This appears to be our gear." he says really hoping they won't then resquest the myriad of licenses and proofs of registration he has.  
  62. <Robert_Jackson> "Ayup." Robert stares at one of the smaller crates.
  63. 18:58 <Pilz> "Liscences for registration in country of origin.  Liscences of registration in country of residence, if different from country of the flight's origin.  Liscence of registration in Myanmar.  Liscence to import goods to Myanmar.  Liscence to take goods from country of origin..."
  64. 18:59 <Pilz> This continues for some time.  Finally, the man asks to see your passports.
  65. * Collin_Moser gives a resigned sigh "And pulls out all of the requested liscences and registrations as well as a few others that he didn't request just in case."
  66. * Grigol_Gelashvili hands his passport, the thing being brand new, bearing the stamp of the Republic of the Caucasus on it.
  67. 19:00 * Collin_Moser finally produces his passport as well as Saffron's passport.
  68. * Saffron_Reynolds pulls her passport from her briefcase and hands them to Mr. Moser. It had required a fair sum of money to obtain, as she does not technically exist, what with not having a Social Security Number or birth certificate.
  69. <Robert_Jackson> Robert divulges his Canadian passport.
  70. 19:01 <Pilz> The man looks at EVERYTHING, signing here, initialing there.  Every now and again he holds the papers up to the light to check them for a watermark.  Swabs are taken from random documents and then tested for god-knows what.  Swabs are taken from the equipment and tested for god-knows-what.  Finally, one of the men takes a swab to Saffron's custom sniper rifle and pours some liquid onto it.  It turns red.  The m
  71. 19:02 <Pilz> the man with the clipboard raises his eyebrow
  72. 19:03 <Pilz> "Sir, this tests positive for gunpowder.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate this, and ask you to come with us."
  73. 19:04 * Collin_Moser sighs "Sir.  That is a gun, which we have a license to bring into the country and use.  We are also licensed to import ammunition." He digs through his stack and produces the appropriate licenses.
  74. 19:05 * Collin_Moser makes a noticable step between Saffron and the customs offical.
  75. <Pilz> The man doesn't even look at them.  He looks you right in the eye and barks another order.  The men flick the safties on their rifles.
  76. 19:06 <Pilz> "As I said you'll have to come with-"
  77. * Saffron_Reynolds growls and takes a step forward, but finds her path blocked by Mr. Moser.
  78. 19:07 <Pilz> "What is going on here?"  A clipped british accent with a decidedly feminine timbre rings out.  The man with the clipboard rolls his eyes and sighs.
  79. * Collin_Moser pause and keeps himsel between Saffron and the customs officals.  
  80. 19:09 <Robert_Jackson> Robert spins around to face the lady, one brow cocked in a decidedly curious manner "Customs."
  81. 19:10 * Collin_Moser glances over at the...woman he thinks, while keeping himself in the same place.
  82. 19:11 <Pilz> A breathtakingly beautiful Indian woman in her mid-20's strides towards you.  She wears a pantsuit, perfectly tailored to fit her.  It looks as if it is made of silk, and beautiful patterns are woven into the fabric in golden thread.
  83. 19:12 <Pilz> "This does not look like business as usual.
  84. <Pilz> "
  85. * Saffron_Reynolds doesn't pay any attention to the newcomer, her eyes focused soley on Miranda and the dead men who would consider taking her from her.
  86. * Pilz she stares at the man with the clipboard, who pointedly avoids her gaze.  breaking into a local dialect, she begins to argue with him in Hindi.  Finally, she drops into English.
  87. 19:13 <Pilz> "Very well.  I will be sure to tell my friends what a help the military has been to me."
  88. <Robert_Jackson> "Lovely. I take it you're here to help us get through the red tape, and into the fight?"
  89. * Collin_Moser takes the time to reach into his pocket and pulls out a fun-size pack of skittles and hands it to Ms. Reynolds.
  90. 19:15 <Pilz> Mr. Clipboard jumps as if hit with a taser round.  He stares at the woman for a moment, with a look that says nothing but hatred.  Suddenly, he breaks his gaze, and calls out another order.  The men jump to, sealing the crates back up and loading them onto a small truck, the keys of which are handed to Collin.
  91. 19:16 <Pilz> The woman nods, satisfied, and walks over to the truck.
  92. <Pilz> "Come.  I will show you where to go."
  93. 19:17 * Grigol_Gelashvili follows along, seemingly uninterested in whatever local politics is giong on.
  94. * Collin_Moser nods and smiles at the man "Thank you."  he then turns to the woman "I thank you Ms....."
  95. 19:18 <Pilz> "Singh.  I'm your employer and sponsor for registration.  Please, come with me."
  96. <Pilz> "We have things to discuss."
  97. * Saffron_Reynolds finally breaks her gaze with the customs official and takes the Skittles, opening the package deftly. Curious to be rewarded for not killing them, she thinks as she pops a red skittle into her mouth and smiles.
  98. 19:19 <Saffron_Reynolds> She almost fails to notice the others leaving her behind, and then hastens back to Mr. Moser's side.
  99. * Collin_Moser nods his head "Of course Ms. Singh, we appreciate you meeting us in person."
  100. 19:20 <Pilz> "Not a problem.  I thought something like this might happen."
  101. 19:21 <Robert_Jackson> Robert, following along quietly, glances around, checking for cops. Then provided there are few if any, he removes his vaporizer from his pocket, and puts it into his mouth, enjoying the great flavour of blueberry weed.
  102. 19:22 * Collin_Moser nods and smiles politely to Ms. Singh and continues to follow hoping she will not notice the odor of blueberry weed coming from Mr. Jackson.
  103. <Pilz> She directs you to drive the truck to a loading spot, where your gear is loaded onto another, larger truck.  This one has a driver, who leaves when Nina bangs on the side of the truck.  Taking you all to the parking lot, you get into a rather luxurious SUV.  Nina takes the wheel, and soon you're on the highway.
  104. 19:23 * Saffron_Reynolds takes a second skittle, yellow, this time, and pops it into her mouth with a great big dimpled smile.
  105. 19:24 * Collin_Moser walks up and gets in the front passanger side seat opening the door for the rear passanger seat as he passes.
  106. 19:26 <Robert_Jackson> George hops into one of the rear seats, after depositing his giant backpack into the truck. He lowers the nearest window, and continues puffing away.
  107. * Saffron_Reynolds hops into the car, rolling the candy across her tongue.
  108. 19:27 * Collin_Moser puts on his mirrored, polarized aviator sunglasses with the primative built in hud.
  109. 19:30 * Saffron_Reynolds lowers her own window and leans against the side of the car, enjoying the breeze. She curses herself for misplacing her own aviators, but forgets her anger with a third skittle.
  110. <Saffron_Reynolds> It is orange.
  111. 19:31 - Joined: Bludhawk (
  112. <Pilz> hey Blud
  113. <Robert_Jackson> "So, Ms. Singh. What's on the agenda?"
  114. * Grigol_Gelashvili reads a magazine he grabbed in the terminal. It looks like a travel magazine, showing exotic locales all around the world.
  115. 19:33 <Pilz> "That depends on if you accept the contract or not.  I cannot give you specific details until you sign, but until then I can give you some generalities."
  116. 19:35 <Pilz> "Let's wait until we reunite with your friend who took the truck.  I'd rather not repeat myself more than I have to."
  117. * Collin_Moser nods and smiles "Of course, if you would please Ms. Singh?"
  118. 19:36 * Collin_Moser nods his head. "Of course, as you say Ma'am."
  119. 19:37 <Pilz> You don't have to wait long before you arrive at a military-looking compound surrounded by a tall chain-link fence topped by razor wire.  Stopping at the gates, you show your ID and are waved through by soldiers wearing the uniform of the Indian Armed Forces.  the Indian flag flutters overhead as you disembark in front of the building.  Together at last, Ms. Singh shows you to her office.
  120. 19:38 * Grigol_Gelashvili takes a seat in the office, still reading his magazine.
  121. * Collin_Moser removes his sunglasses and cleans them before placing them back in their pouch.
  122. 19:39 * Saffron_Reynolds selects a fourth skittle from the bag, purple, and leans against the wall in such a manner that she can push off of it into an attack should she have to.
  123. <Pilz> A simple affair, there are cushy chairs for you to sit in.  Ms. Singh sits in her own plush chair at a desk, where she pulls out some paperwork which she begins looking through.
  124. <Pilz> "Perfect.  Everyone here, I trust?"
  125. * Grigol_Gelashvili nods in assent, looking up, but not putting the magazine away
  126. 19:40 <Robert_Jackson> Robet has since put his vaporizer away, and sits where there's a free seat. "Looks like it."
  127. * Collin_Moser looks around "It seems that way ma'am."
  128. * Saffron_Reynolds is lost in thought, enjoying her Skittles.
  129. 19:41 <Pilz> "Good.  Now, generalities.  My name, as you know, is Nina Singh.  I work for the Indian representatives here in Myanmar, or "Burma", as some still call it."
  130. 19:42 <Robert_Jackson> "Aight."
  131. 19:43 * Collin_Moser nods his head politely.
  132. <Pilz> "Now, how much do you know of Myanmar's local politics?"
  133. 19:44 <Robert_Jackson> "S'a mess, isn't it?" Robert offers, cocking his head in clear thought.
  134. <Grigol_Gelashvili> "Little. All I've seen is a few topo maps and the long-form tourist magazine."
  135. 19:45 <Pilz> "That it is.  For years, the Military have been in power.  This country has been democratic in name only for years.  Recently, however, the Military has backed off, allowing the democratic government to exert more control over the region."
  136. 19:46 <Pilz> "My country would very much like to be a part of this modernization, which is why our embassy and related facilities here are so large."
  137. 19:47 * Collin_Moser clears his throat at Mr. Jackson's comment "Of course, with the change in government the international comunity has recently opened up to Mymar, and so have internationl corporations."
  138. <Saffron_Reynolds> A fifth Skittle is selected with care and reverence. Green.
  139. <Pilz> "When I Was deployed here, I smelled opportunity.  Unfortunately, power dies hard.  Between the Rebels, who are trying to reinstate a military regime backed by China, and the Military itself, which tries to be as much of an obsticle as possible..."
  140. <Pilz> "I grow tired of being impotent in this war."
  141. 19:48 * Collin_Moser nods his head.  "I understand, please go on ma'am."
  142. 19:50 <Pilz> "This fatigue could be stopped, of course.  I am used to frustration in this world.  However, recently the situation has...escalated.  I can no longer stand idly by, and will, as the saying goes, "Put my money where my mouth is."  An odd saying, but it suffices."
  143. 19:51 * Collin_Moser nods his head in polite agreement hoping she will continue.
  144. 19:52 <Robert_Jackson> "So, you need us to crack some skulls where needed, right?"
  145. <Pilz> She nods
  146. <Saffron_Reynolds> Broken from her candy reverie, Saffron ponders this, remembering how Mr. Moser had explained what money is, but ultimately fails to decipher the meaning of the statement. She frowns, then returns to candy-filled bliss.
  147. 19:54 <Grigol_Gelashvili> "Aside from what you've done so far with getting our stuff in, what's the pay look like?"
  148. 19:55 <Pilz> "The terms of the contract are simple.  You will be compensated on a per-engagement basis, and supplied out of the Indian armoury.  Living costs will be paid, within reason, while you are here.  In addition, you will be compensated for 50% of the cost of any repairs your equipment requires."
  149. 19:56 <Pilz> "Unfortunately, the Myanmar Government has claimed salvage on all mechs destroyed by our forces, so I am unable to offer you salvage rights."
  150. * Collin_Moser 's raises an eyebrow "Only 50% or repair work with no salvage rights?  Are you supplying the technicians or am I to fly in my own people?"l
  151. 19:59 <Pilz> "We have several technicians onsite.  I have contracted one to be your assistant.  He will personally perform any work you require, including repairs and modifications."
  152. 20:01 * Collin_Moser nods and smiles "Of course, of course.  But you must realize that in our profession salvage constitutes a significant portion of our compensation.  Surely you will offering some additional services to cover this lose?"
  153. 20:13 <Pilz> "As I said, you will be paid on a per-engagement basis.  The board will evaluate the impact of your services and compensate you accordingly.  I'm sure you'll make a significant profit."
  154. 20:15 <Robert_Jackson> "That works. Any restrictions you wanna name now, though? Like, no filming stuff, or not burning particular things." Robert makes a rolling motion with one hand, prompting Singh to list some shit.
  155. 20:16 * Collin_Moser slightly annoyed at how this woman had dodged his question decides to press things slightly "Ms. Singh, exactly what sort of compensation and mission paramitters are we talking about here?"
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