
TSW 4: John and Arina's trip

Feb 18th, 2016
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  1. [21:53] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: You step out of the shop. It's situated atop a walkway that overlooks a underground pavellion teeming with people and stands. To your right is a stairway that leads to it. To the left, a alley way that leads deeper into the lower levels.
  2. [21:53] IcePickLobotomy * And Arina
  3. [21:53] Arina * JohnH turns to Arina "Okay, you pick where we go this time"
  4. [21:54] Arina hums. "The pavilion looks interesting."
  5. [21:55] JohnH "To the pavilion we go"
  6. [21:57] IcePickLobotomy It's crowded in the pavilion, you bump shoulders as you make you way down. The sound of people shouting over eachother mixes with a boombox playing something in the background alongside the snap-hiss-sizzle of a open-air grill. Food of many kinds await purchase, along side personal crafts and what are probably knock-off purses and watches.
  7. [21:57] JohnH
  8. [21:59] Arina whistles. "Looking for anything, John?"
  9. [21:59] JohnH "Something entertaining, I suppose"
  10. [21:59] JohnH "You know this area better than I do"
  11. [22:00] Arina "Not all that well. I spent most of my summer here training. Didn't have a whole lot of free time really."
  12. [22:01] JohnH "Well lets go find something!"
  13. [22:02] Arina "Sure, sure. Looks like a pretty decent market here."
  14. [22:05] JohnH "What are you interested in doing?"
  15. [22:06] Arina "Ah, hm, not sure if we really have time to check out any of the music places before they're done with their hair, so we should probably stick to exploring the local area and any shopping - interested in anything you see?"
  16. [22:08] JohnH "Lets go check out what some of these people are making"
  17. [22:08] JohnH "Crafts and whatnot"
  18. [22:09] Arina nods. "Yeah, that's going to have a lot of unique stuff."
  19. [22:10] JohnH heads to one of the little craft stands
  20. [22:11] Arina follows after him, humming.
  21. [22:11] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: It's a old man sealing hand made stained-glass trinkets and decorations. Some in the shape of animals, others more abstract.
  22. [22:11] IcePickLobotomy He doesn't say anything as your approach.
  23. [22:12] Arina looks at them, whistling. "These look nice..."
  24. [22:12] JohnH "How do you make these?"
  25. [22:13] IcePickLobotomy "Carefully." He says.
  26. [22:15] Arina looks over them on the table, humming to herself.
  27. [22:16] JohnH eyes the small statue of the bird
  28. [22:17] JohnH eyes a small statue*
  29. [22:18] IcePickLobotomy "60 Dollars American."
  30. [22:21] JohnH nudges Arina "What do you think?
  31. [22:21] Arina chuckles. "Now I feel obliged to get a bear."
  32. [22:22] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You don't notice any bears, but there is one that looks like a Siberian tiger stalking something.
  33. [22:23] Arina "Ah, this looks cute. Same price?"
  34. [22:23] IcePickLobotomy He nods.
  35. [22:23] Arina reaches into her wallet. "All right then."
  36. [22:24] JohnH "Wait"
  37. [22:24] IcePickLobotomy He takes the money and boxes the statue with padding for safe transportation.
  38. [22:25] Arina blinks. "Hm?"
  39. [22:25] JohnH "You want that tiger?"
  40. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy (Retconning my last line.)
  41. [22:26] Arina "Ideally, yes."
  42. [22:26] JohnH turns to the shopkeep "one hundred for both"
  43. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy The man looks at you, then to Arina, then back to you. He smiles. "120 for both."
  44. [22:27] JohnH leans in and whispers something to the man
  45. [22:27] JohnH "One hundred for both?"
  46. [22:27] IcePickLobotomy "110. Man must eat."
  47. [22:28] JohnH thinks for a moment
  48. [22:28] JohnH "I can respect a need to eat"
  49. [22:28] JohnH reaches into his pocket and pulls enough out to pay for both
  50. [22:28] Arina blinks. "Ah, I was fine with paying for mine?"
  51. [22:29] JohnH smiles "Don't worry about it"
  52. [22:29] IcePickLobotomy He boxes both of them and passes them to John and Arina.
  53. [22:29] Arina "Ah, well, thank you very much, then."
  54. [22:29] JohnH "Next place is your pick"
  55. [22:32] |<-- Kasra has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0.2/20160210153822])
  56. [22:32] Arina hums. "Well then..." She looks around.
  57. [22:36] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You see a burst of flame. A fire-eater is juggling flaming torches for a small crowd.
  58. [22:38] <--| JohnH has left #TSWshenanigans
  59. [22:38] -->| JohnH ( has joined #TSWshenanigans
  60. [22:38] Arina "Well, that looks exciting." She indicates to John.
  61. [22:38] Arina <JohnH> "Next place is your pick"
  62. [22:38] Arina * Kasra ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0.2/20160210153822])
  63. [22:38] Arina * Arina hums. "Well then..." She looks around.
  64. [22:38] Arina <IcePickLobotomy> Arina: You see a burst of flame. A fire-eater is juggling flaming torches for a small crowd.
  65. [22:38] Arina * JohnH ( has left #TSWshenanigans
  66. [22:38] Arina * JohnH ( has joined #TSWshenanigans
  67. [22:38] Arina <Arina> "Well, that looks exciting." She indicates to John.
  68. [22:40] JohnH "Well that's something I can get behind."
  69. [22:41] JohnH follows Arina
  70. [22:41] Arina smiles, heading over that way to watch the show. "Well, it doesn't seem to be something to get in 0x1dfront0x1d of."
  71. [22:43] IcePickLobotomy Ainra, JohnH You watch the man for a time.
  72. [22:46] IcePickLobotomy Arina: Part way through a rather elaborate array of spins and twirls, you note that the crowd quiets, and a few people begin to slink away. Slowly people are beginning to filter out of the area fearfully.
  73. [22:48] Arina blinks slightly, and looks around to see what's prompting that and if it's a good idea to do the same.
  74. [22:48] JohnH "What is it?"
  75. [22:49] IcePickLobotomy Arina: The cause of this appears to be a group of men in suits slowly making their way over to you, or rather the area you are in. They are grimfaced and rather well muscled.
  76. [22:49] Arina "Might be advisable to head back to the hairdresser."
  77. [22:50] JohnH "Nah, it's boring back there. I'm having a good time."
  78. [22:51] Arina reaches into her pocket and taps her pager, laying the other hand on John's shoulder. "I think it's about to get rough out here."
  79. [22:52] JohnH finally catches on "Oh"
  80. [22:53] Arina "They don't seem to be looking for us, but I don't think it's wise to catch their attention. Let's head back."
  81. [22:53] JohnH "indeed"
  82. [22:54] Arina moves back towards the hairdresser.
  83. [22:55] IcePickLobotomy As you leave you hear the sound of flesh striking flesh. As you reach the hairdresser you see that the fire-eaters stand is still there, but the man himself is gone.
  84. [22:55] Arina winces.
  85. [23:00] JohnH "Should we do something?"
  86. [23:01] Arina "... I called security. We can tell them what we saw and it... should help."
  87. [23:04] JohnH "Well lets get out of here. I'm sure Walker doesn't need her pilots getting in fights anyway"
  88. [23:06] Arina "... yeah."
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