One Shots

Oct 22nd, 2013
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  1. >In the dark, cold night, Blue Blood walks down a bad part of Manehatten. Reading an upside-down map, the look on her face is painfully obvious. She's afraid.
  2. >In the dark shadows, lurks a cluster of bright, reflective, white eyes.
  3. >They follow het every move, and make no effort to hide it. Blue Blood thought nervous, is not shaken.
  4. >Suddenly a figure cuts her off, and she's forced to a stop. Before her is a large diamond dog.
  5. >The beast squints his eyes, and tries to get a better look at her, "YUuu loSt! gib uZ geMs, N wE HaLp u!"
  6. >"YesH! GemS 4 HelTh!"
  7. >A large pack of dogs all surround her, with teeth bearing grins, and wagging tails.
  8. >Blue Blood begins to tremble, but speaks up, "You''ll be sorry if you pick a fight with me, I'm skilled in the deadly art of fencing!" She looks around, and then faces their presumed leader, "All I need is a rapier of some kind, I say, do you have one?"
  9. >"No! BaD pOnAY! JoO giB uZ gEmS! Wii Taint U hOmE!"
  10. "Just leave the poor girl alone, you're scarring her half to death."
  11. >From the shadows enters you, street rat Anon. In your tattered, and faded brown winter coat, you step over, and cut into the group.
  12. >"DiZ a maYer!?"
  13. >Blue Blood chuckles heartily "Why to be mayor would be a step down." She takes a small bow in an elegant fashion, "I, am a princess."
  14. >The dogs all look at each other, and scratch their heads. You on the other hand, see an opportunity.
  15. "Now back off you mutts, she don't need tah be bothered by ya. She's a strong, independent mare who don't need no male."
  16. >The dogs all grumble, and mutter while they walk away. Extending your hand out, you give your best, charming smile.
  17. "Come on, I'll show ya where ya need to go."
  18. >The moonlight catches you at just the right angle, causing a mystical glow to shine off your face.
  19. >Blue Blood can see it, and in this low light, you appear to be a gallant knight. Who's come to save the princess.
  23. ==================================
  26. >In the smoke-filled bar of a nameless town, you knock back your 3rd glass of whiskey.
  27. >Wincing at the burn, you groan tiredly and glance at the front. After living in this world for 3 years, you think you've seen just about everything.
  28. >Today, you see something you'd never thought you'd ever see, a new face in this bumfuck town.
  29. >And not just any new face, a lone mare in a spandex suit sits on a stool. Nursing her sixth glass of something, she signals for one more.
  30. >Getting up, you walk over to her and sit besides her. She gives you an irritated glance, before shifting her gaze back to her empty glass.
  31. "Hi there."
  32. >With a slow slur, she exhales "Who are you, tha welcoming committee?"
  33. "Not really, but I just had to talk to the mare in spandex."
  34. >Forgetting her anger at you, she turns her attention to her clothing, and sneers at it, "Its not spandex, its a flight suit, and I hate it."
  35. "Tsk, sure, I wear stuff I hate all the time. This tie, killed my father."
  36. >Her saggy face tightens as she forms a small smile. Deciding not to sour her smile, you let her be a bit from the teasing.
  37. >Reaching into your pocket, you grab a handful of bits, and set them on the table.
  38. "So, can I buy you a drink?"
  39. >You look down at her current drink count, and make eye contact with her again.
  40. "Or two?"
  41. >Giving you another smile, she nods, "Sure."
  42. "Names Anon, and you're?"
  43. >"Lighting Dust."
  45. >After conversing with her, the two of you learned much about each other. With each topic added, you drank less.
  46. >Pretty soon, the two of you were comparing notes about aviation, and physics, you scribble down your schematics.
  47. >"I just don't get what you''re trying to say, how can something like that even be possible?"
  48. "Its easy, look."
  49. >You flip the page around, and slide it over to her.
  50. "You lay on your back, while I lift your leg up at an angle. That way, I can thrust in way deeper than any stallion, regardless of dick size."
  51. >"Science is awesome!"
  52. >Today was a you expected more? day.
  54. Bathing in the afterglow of sex, both you and Lightning lay in bed. You glance over at your clock, it reads 3:45 am.
  55. >At this point she sleeps in your embrace as you look up at the ceiling.
  56. >On it is a painted mural of the moon, stars, and an object unknown to ponykind. Hues of white, silver, and black layer over one another, and connected to it, is a small silver man.
  57. >The pony you asked to draw this did his best, and despite you being the only one who gets it, it was totally worth it.
  58. >Stroking her mane, you keep focus over the mural.
  59. "Space."
  61. >The sausage sizzles, the oatmeal boils, and the orange juice flows as you prepare breakfast.
  62. >In the next room, Lightning Dust gradually wakes from her sleep. Rubbing her head, she looks around the room.
  63. >"Let's hope he doesn't turn ugly like the other ones."
  64. >With breakfast more or less ready, you walk over to check on Lighting. Slowly opening the door, you peak in and see she is awake.
  65. "Morning."
  66. >"Good morning."
  67. "So, did you sleep well?"
  68. >She looks you over from top to bottom, and smiles, "Next to that, who wouldn't?"
  69. "We already fucked, you don't gotta work for it anymore."
  70. >With a small chuckle, she looks up. Her eyes widen as her mouth goes agape, "What is that?"
  71. "Space, or the closest we'll ever get to it."
  72. >"Its beautiful." As she continues looking, you walk over and pat her on the shoulder encouragingly.
  73. "Its shit compared to you."
  74. >She gives you that same tired, worn smile, "We already fucked, you don't gotta work for it anymore."
  76. ===========================
  78. >Day Yogurt in Equestria, be Anon and jiving down the street singing.
  79. "Bitches aint nothin but hoes and tricks.."
  80. >Suddenly Pinkie Pie comes bouncing over, "Howdy doody Anon!"
  81. "Hey Pinkie."
  82. >"Say Anon, do you like yogurt?"
  83. "Yes indeedy I do!"
  84. >"Great, Rainbow Dash is making some, and wanted YOU to be the first to try it."
  85. "Awww, thats sweet. Sure, I'd love some."
  86. >You and Pinkie both skip over to Sugar Cube Corner, and come in. Rainbow Dash is sitting on a chair, reading a paper.
  87. "So, wheres the yogurt?"
  88. >Rainbow flips to the next page, and crosses her leg, "Just about ready Anon, give it a few more minutes."
  89. >You sit down next to her, and glance at her paper. Curiosity satisfied, you sniff, and detect something...fishy.
  90. "Do you smell that?"
  91. >Rainbow folds the paper closed, and gets up, "Ok, its ready. Now close your eyes Anon~"
  92. "Do I have to?"
  93. >"Just do it."
  94. "Tsk, fine."
  95. >You close your eyes just as Rainbow turns around, and sticks her butt in front of your face.
  96. >Lifting her tail, she and Pinkie snicker, "Now open your mouth~"
  97. >Doing so, Pinkie wraps her hooves around Rainbow's stomach, "Hey Dashie, what was that catch phrase again?"
  98. >"Blu-Gurt, Splurt till its hurts!"
  99. >Rainbow strains as she shotguns hot yogurt onto your face, Pinkie puts the squeeze onto her stomach, to coax more out. Naturally you pull back, and hack up violently.
  100. >It tastes like old milk, and rancid tomatoes, with just a hint of vanilla.
  101. >Opening your eyes, you wipe away the creamy beige, and red goop, and flop it on the ground.
  102. "Real, FUCKING, mature you guys! God it tastes awful!"
  103. >Rainbow and Pinkie both burst out laughing, and roll on the ground. Pinkie points a hoof at you, "Colt we got you good Anon, are you liking the dessert?"
  104. "No, and I fucking hate cherry."
  105. >Suddenly Rainbow stops laughing, and stares blankly at the wall, We didn't add cherry.
  107. ====================================
  109. >Many ponies gather, and observe all the things you have for sale. Today, is the day of your yard sale, and everyone wants in on it.
  110. >BonBon grabs a blender off the table, and shows it to Lyra, "Look Lyra, he blends things just like we do!"
  111. >Not impressed, she glares away, "Thats great BonBon, lets buy it, and go home already."
  112. >"Are you kidding?! There's a whole yard worth of stuff to look at!"
  113. >As the two carry on, a tall pony in a dark brown trench coat, and dark glasses comes walking past them.
  114. >Using her magic, she tightens the hold on it, and and browses that clothing table. Clearing her throat, she waves you down.
  115. "Yes?"
  116. >In a deep, gruff voice, she asks "Uh yes, do you happen to have any shoes?"
  117. "Sorry, dont have horse shoes."
  118. >"No, umm, I mean, do you have any..hugheman shoes?" The question caught you off guard.
  119. "Hmmm, well yeah, I guess."
  120. >"Would you sell em?"
  121. "Not really, I usually take em to Rarity to get em patched up."
  122. >"I'll pay you 100 bits for a pair of your shoes."
  123. "Sold!"
  124. >Reaching down, you begin to take off your shoes, and flip them onto the table.
  125. "Paper or plastic?"
  126. >"Uhh, paper, and I'll take one of these shirts, and these pants."
  128. >At the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is fixing the collar of your dress shirt, in the bathroom. "How can anyp0ny be comfortable in this?"
  129. >"Shining~ I'm ready~"
  130. >With an exhausted sigh, he steps out, and shows himself off to Cadence who is laying in bed.
  131. >Cadence gives him the once over, and smirks in approval, "Honey, I feel stupid in this."
  132. >"Dont be so harsh, you look good as a human. Now come here my humanized husband, come and break the ultimate taboo by sleeping with a horse."
  133. >Rolling on the bed, she lays on stomach, and raises her butt.
  134. >Shining walks over shaking his head, "Sweetie, I don't even know what a human would do."
  135. >"Can't hear you, I'm a horse."
  136. >"But.."
  137. >"WHINNY!"
  138. >"Cadence, I.."
  139. >"NEIGH!"
  140. >Shining sighs, and uses his magic to undo his pants, "Fine."
  141. >Today was a roleplay day
  143. >Day cocksmith in Equestria. Be Anon the skilled cocksmith, and hammering out the dents from a light blue cock-ring.
  144. >Looking it over, you clean it off in some water, and set it to dry.
  145. >As you wipe your hands, Rarity comes into the shop, and looks around.
  146. >"Why, I've never seen a collection of large, exotic jewelry like this before."
  147. >She picks up the ring you were just working on, and carefully tries to slip it on her hoof.
  148. >It gets about 1/4 of the way up, but stops when it hits a thicker part of her "arm" leg.
  149. >She chuckles, and calls out to you, "Uh, I say, shopkeeper, do you have this in a size 6?"
  150. >You turn back, look at what she's wearing, and go over to her. Pulling the ring off, you check it for damage and clean it off.
  151. >Suddenly, Princess Cadence comes in and walks up to you, "Is it ready?"
  152. "Yes ma'am, here you go."
  153. >You hand her the ring, and she in turn gives you a bag of bits. Cadence notices Rarity off to the side, "Oh hi! You here to pick up a cock ring for your special somepony too?"
  154. >Rarity proceeds to go back home, shave her leg, and scrub frantically for hours.
  155. >Today was a cock ring day.
  157. >Day sleepy time in Equestria, be Anon and getting ready for bed.
  158. >Crawling under the sheets, Rainbow Dash comes flapping into the room wearing light blue jammies, and holding a book.
  159. >"Ready for your bedtime story Anon?"
  160. "Damn right I am."
  161. >Getting cozy, you scoot to the side as Rainbow crawls in as well, and rests her head on the pillow.
  162. >Folding open the book, she licks her hoof and flips through a few pages, "Allll right, here we go. Chapter 2." Clearing her throat, she inhales deeply before reading, "Daring Do searched frantically around, what little give she had in her hooves was quickly dissi..dis"
  163. "Dissipating."
  164. >"Thanks. Dissipating. The tentacles came slithering out from the beyond the darkness, and made their way over her body."
  165. >As she is reading this, you begin to gently slide your hand over her leg, and work your way up.
  166. >"J-jumping! Up! She..she.."
  167. >Fighting to get the words out, you play with her pony clit, squeeze her lips together.
  168. >You can feel your own member coming to a stop when it hits the boxers. Burying your fingers into her, she yelps out in a pleasured pain, and groans.
  169. >"Oh forget it."
  170. >She closes the book, tosses it to the side, and rolls over you. The two of you begin to fool around under the sheets, as you get the light.
  171. >Today was a midnight fuck kinda night
  173. >Sitting on a chair naked except for a cheap santa hat over your head, you pat on your inner thigh.
  174. "Come take a seat on Santa's lap."
  175. >You beckon over to Soarin, who bites his hoof just eager to do just that.
  176. >Looking over your body, he walks over, and sniffs at your dick. His hot breath blows over you, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up, and the hairs on the top of your pelvis to blow back.
  177. >Scooping him up, you pull his back legs over to his mouth. Leaving his ass exposed, you slowly bring him down onto you.
  178. >Penetration was slow, and painful, but not without its pleasure. Soarin moans as you reach in deep.
  179. "Happy Kwanzaa."
  181. >Today you get ready for a nice day out on the town. Setting your shaver, cream, and toothbrush on a counter in the bathroom, you strip down.
  182. >Going into the shower, you turn the knob and let the warm water gradually flow.
  183. >At the right temperature, you move in, and wet from top to bottom.
  184. >As you rinse your body off, suddenly the door swings open as you hear hoofsteps quickly approaching.
  185. >The shower curtain pulls back as Pinkie sticks her head in. Looking where you are, she smiles, and swings her back half into the shower.
  186. >Lifting her tail, she hops up to stick her butt in your face, "Wet fart! Wet fart!"
  187. >She sputters flatulence at you, before giggling, and bolting off.
  188. "God damn it Pinkie! What did I tell you about doing that shit!?"
  189. >Still, it wasn't all bad, she had very fragrant gas. Slightly annoyed, you go back to showering with a faint smell of frosting, and strawberry permeating the air.
  190. >It was an all right morning.
  192. Be Anon in Equestria, and be on stage with The Great and Powerful Trixie!
  193. >You stand in your trashcan and hold up several letters as Trixie floats several animals and shoots sparks.
  194. >With the magic show done, Trixie takes the center stage, "And remember, just because somep0nies can do things other cant, we're all special."
  195. "Thats right Twixie, I'm no better or worse than you for living in a trashcan."
  196. >"And I'm no better or worse for living in a luxurious, I mean, humble wagon."
  197. >The kids all cheer, and raise their hooves in the air as you two take a bow.
  198. >With the show done, the two of you sign autographs, and head up to your trailer.
  199. >Trixie hangs up her hat and cape as you unstrap the trashcan, and set it outside.
  200. >"Ugh, Anon! The trash!"
  201. >You scoot past her, and change the kitchen trash. Taking it out, you throw it into the same trashcan you just took off.
  202. >Going back in, Trixie relaxes on the couch, and kicks up her feet before kicking off her horseshoes.
  203. >They plank, and clank on the ground as you go over, and pick them up.
  204. >Tossing them into the sink, you go over to the couch, and flip her over.
  205. "Now, this penis is brought to you by the letter "D"!"
  206. >"Oh, my FAVorite letter, well besides V."
  207. "Hmm, next time we'll invite Vinyl for a guest spot."
  208. >Taking off your pants, you stick it in, and start working her over.
  209. >Suddenly there is a knock at the door.
  210. "Ah damn it, probably another fan."
  211. >"No wait! Dont pull out!"
  212. "Why?"
  213. >"Lets see if they notice."
  214. >Trixie answers the door, and shows only half of her body, "Ah~ Yes?"
  215. >A little filly with a wide smile, and bow is holding a paper and pen, "Can I have your autograph?"
  216. >"Ah! S.sure~"
  217. >Using her magic, she levitated the pen, and paper, signs her name, and gives it back.
  218. >The filly looks over it, "What about Hobo Anon? Can I get one from him too?"
  219. >"AHH HE'S CUMMING!!"
  220. >"Ok, I'll wait."
  221. >She never got her autograph.
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