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Oct 3rd, 2014
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  1. 7 bit IN TRUE halui.spindle-override.count-enable
  2. 7 s32 IN 0 halui.spindle-override.counts
  3. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle-override.decrease
  4. 7 bit IN FALSE
  5. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle-override.increase
  6. 7 float IN 0.1 halui.spindle-override.scale
  7. 7 float OUT 1 halui.spindle-override.value
  8. 7 bit OUT TRUE halui.spindle.brake-is-on
  9. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.brake-off
  10. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.brake-on
  11. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.decrease
  12. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.forward <== spindle-manual-cw
  13. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.increase
  14. 7 bit OUT FALSE
  15. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.reverse <== spindle-manual-ccw
  16. 7 bit OUT FALSE halui.spindle.runs-backward
  17. 7 bit OUT FALSE halui.spindle.runs-forward
  18. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.start
  19. 7 bit IN FALSE halui.spindle.stop <== spindle-manual-stop
  20. 12 float IN 0 hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout5 <== spindle-all-cmd
  21. 12 bit IN FALSE hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.spinena
  22. 12 float OUT 0.0002441406 hm2_5i25.0.encoder.05.position ==> spindle-orient-fb
  23. 9 bit IN TRUE motion.spindle-at-speed <== spindle-at-speed
  24. 9 bit OUT TRUE motion.spindle-brake ==> spindle-brake
  25. 9 bit OUT FALSE motion.spindle-forward ==> spindle-cw
  26. 9 bit I/O FALSE motion.spindle-index-enable <=> spindle-index-enable
  27. 9 bit IN FALSE motion.spindle-inhibit
  28. 9 bit IN FALSE motion.spindle-is-oriented
  29. 9 bit OUT FALSE motion.spindle-locked
  30. 9 bit OUT FALSE motion.spindle-on ==> spindle-on
  31. 9 bit OUT FALSE motion.spindle-orient
  32. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-orient-angle
  33. 9 s32 IN 0 motion.spindle-orient-fault
  34. 9 s32 OUT 0 motion.spindle-orient-mode
  35. 9 bit OUT FALSE motion.spindle-reverse ==> spindle-ccw
  36. 9 float IN 0 motion.spindle-revs <== spindle-revs
  37. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-speed-cmd-rps
  38. 9 float IN 0 motion.spindle-speed-in <== spindle-vel-fb
  39. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-speed-out ==> spindle-vel-cmd
  40. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-speed-out-abs
  41. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-speed-out-rps ==> spindle-vel-cmd-rps
  42. 9 float OUT 0 motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs
  43. 14 float OUT 0 orient.0.command ==> spindle-orient-pos
  44. 14 float IN 0 orient.0.position <== spindle-orient-fb
  45. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.Dgain
  46. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.FF0
  47. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.FF1
  48. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.FF2
  49. 13 float IN 0.001 pid.spindle.Igain
  50. 13 float IN 1 pid.spindle.Pgain
  51. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.bias
  52. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.command <== spindle-orient-pos
  53. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.command-deriv
  54. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.deadband
  55. 13 bit IN FALSE pid.spindle.enable <== tool-change-request
  56. 13 float OUT 0 pid.spindle.error
  57. 13 bit IN TRUE pid.spindle.error-previous-target
  58. 13 float IN 0 <== spindle-orient-fb
  59. 13 float IN 0
  60. 13 bit IN FALSE pid.spindle.index-enable
  61. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.maxcmdD
  62. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.maxcmdDD
  63. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.maxerror
  64. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.maxerrorD
  65. 13 float IN 0 pid.spindle.maxerrorI
  66. 13 float IN 90 pid.spindle.maxoutput
  67. 13 float OUT 0 pid.spindle.output ==> spindle-orient-cmd
  68. 13 bit OUT FALSE pid.spindle.saturated
  69. 13 s32 OUT 0 pid.spindle.saturated-count
  70. 13 float OUT 0 pid.spindle.saturated-s
  71. 15 float IN 0 sum2.0.in0 <== spindle-vel-cmd
  72. 15 float IN 0 sum2.0.in1 <== spindle-orient-cmd
  73. 15 float OUT 0 sum2.0.out ==> spindle-all-cmd
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