
The Trickster and the Harlequin- Home Coming

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. You awake on the floor of Twilight’s library, your head still pounding at you. You sit up to see Spike sitting on top of a small pile of books. He gives you a smile and a bro claw.
  2. ‘Twi around?’
  3. ‘No, she went to Sugarcube Corner.’ He says‘What happened to you?’
  4. ‘You really want to know?’
  5. ‘Well, you turn up here covered in blood, smelling like a rotting fish and without your left arm. I worry bro.’
  6. ‘Okay, but I warned you. Three days ago I got kidnapped by some random maniac fan. I was beaten and at one point, raped. When Dash came to save me, she admitted that this was all just a prank, a birthday gift for herself. The whole rape was actually her.’
  7. ‘Dude…’
  8. You stand up from the ground and stretch as much as possible. You felt like shit, looked like shit and smelled like shit.
  9. ‘Spike, last night was the first night I prayed I would leave Equestria with all my heart. More than anything in the entire world.’
  10. ‘Are…Are you going to be okay?’
  11. ‘I need to take a shower and then go see Harley.’
  12. You walk into the bathroom and quickly shower. You look at yourself in the mirror, and realise you look like crap.
  14. Harley sat in school, finishing her project on cutie marks when her teacher, Miss Cheerilee called for her.
  15. ‘Harley Quin. You are needed outside.’
  16. Harley walked outside to see nop0ny around. She was about turn around when something grabbed her from above. She opened her eyes to find-
  17. ‘Daddy!’ she squealed
  18. ‘Hey pumpkin.’ You say, wrapping her in a one arm hug. ‘Hows my favourite filly?’
  19. ‘I’m good.’ Her smile dropped ‘Why are you here?’
  20. ‘I missed you. Did mommy tell you where I had been?’
  21. ‘She said you had business in Manehatten with your books. I didn’t know you had come back.’
  22. You sigh. You don’t want to break her heart, not at this age.
  23. ‘Yeah, I finished up with work, but I don’t think I will be coming home soon.’
  24. ‘Why…why not?’
  25. ‘Mommy and I had a fight again.’
  26. ‘Can’t you apologise?’
  27. ‘I’m not the one who needs to apologise. Mommy did something that made me feel very upset. I just came to see you if worse comes to worse.’
  29. Harley started to cry.
  30. ‘What do you mean?’
  31. ‘Harley. I might have to go back to Aunty Claire’s and I think it might be better if you stayed with Mommy.’
  32. ‘But you will be back?’
  33. You fall silent. This was the hard on you and would be hard on her too. You did what you thought was right. You lie your ass off.
  34. ‘Of course. Look, I have to go now, but remember how much you mean to me.’
  35. You wipe a tear from her eye.
  36. ‘Okay daddy. I love you too.’
  37. ‘Also, tell mommy I am living with Twilight if she needs to come talk to me.’
  38. You jump off the roof and send back into class.
  39. As you walk back to town, you start to wonder what you are going to do. You needed to sort everything out. As you reach the end of town, you feel a sharp pain hit your head and you lose consciousness before you hit the ground.
  41. You wake up strapped to a chair in a large auditorium. You look around to see Mjolna seated across from you.
  42. ‘Seriously? You are doing this again?’ you say
  43. ‘Actually, I needed to talk to you and I knew you wanted to throttle me.’
  44. ‘Fair choice. Still do.’
  45. ‘If I let you go, will you let me talk without attacking me?’
  46. ‘I guess we will have to see.’
  47. She looks at you, eyeing you up and sighs. She walks over and undoes all the ropes binding you. You immediately snap your right hand up around her throat. Looking deep into her eyes, you slowly release her.
  48. ‘You have 5 minutes.’
  49. ‘Okay, so I am sorry about what happened over the last three days, and I’m sorry for hitting you over the head again to talk to you.’
  50. ‘Getting off to a good start.’
  51. ‘Seriously I’m sorry. I fucked up. It was supposed to be a simple kidnapping, and Dash went too far. I can understand how you felt, especially after finding out it was her. It broke your heart. I just wanted to tell you, after you left she cried a lot. She realised what she did wrong.’
  52. ‘Oh and that’s supposed to make me feel better. Do you actually understand how heartbroken I was? I thought I was going to have to explain to her I was raped after so many attempts on my life.’
  53. ‘Lokie, I can’t say I understand the feeling. It must have broken you-‘
  56. You collapse on the stage, losing all hope for life itself. You couldn’t take this torture. You don’t want to deal with any of this. You wanted to sleep in your own bed with your family that was supposed to love you.
  57. ‘Lokie, I’m sorry.’ Mjolna said, sitting next to you ‘If there is anything I can do, just name it.’
  58. ‘Did you actually read my book?’ you mutter.
  59. ‘Pardon?’
  60. ‘Did you actually read my book?’ you repeated louder.
  61. ‘Yeah, it’s why I accepted to help her out. I really loved it, I think I over did it with the crazed fan.’
  62. You smile. ‘Thank you. I haven’t met a lot of readers, and I guess I felt special for once in my life.’
  63. ‘Coming from the only human in P0nyville?’
  64. ‘Hehe…yeah. Mjolna, do you have acting classes here?’
  65. ‘Yeah. Why do you ask?’
  66. ‘I know what you can do for me.’
  68. Rainbow Dash flies into your house after a long day working the weather. She still looks for you, hoping you will be home.
  69. ‘Lokie?’ she calls.
  70. Harley walks out of the kitchen and gives Dash a hug. ‘Hey mommy.’
  71. ‘Hey kiddo. Is daddy home?’
  72. ‘No, he said he was going to be at Twilight’s house. He is going to visit Aunty Claire.’
  73. Rainbow dropped out of the air, tears filling his eyes.
  74. ‘Oh…Well I should say goodbye this time. You right to stay here for a bit?’
  75. ‘Yes mommy.’
  76. Rainbow walks out the door before shooting straight for the library. She flew as fast as her wings could take her. She burst through the front door to see you stand in front of a large portal.
  77. ‘Lokie, please don’t go.’ She screams
  78. ‘Look after Harley for me.’ You say before walking into the portal.
  79. Rainbow flew for the portal, hoping to catch it before it closed. She slammed into the bookcase where the portal once sat, knocking most of the books from the shelves.
  80. ‘No…no….no.’ she started to cry before screaming ‘NO! Don’t leave me here alone.’
  82. Rainbow Dash sat there crying here eyes out, screaming out your name. She turned to Twilight and grabbed her.
  83. ‘HOW COULD YOU HAVE DONE THIS?!?’ She screamed ‘WHY DID YOU LET HIM… let him leave me?’
  84. ‘From what I gathered, you treated him fairly bad. He came here last night with cuts and bruises and missing his arm. I mean seriously Rainbow Dash, how could you do that to him?’
  85. ‘I…I loved him. I just wanted to show him I loved him.’ She let go of her.
  86. ‘So you had him kidnapped and beaten?’
  87. ‘I…I don’t even know anymore. I just want him back.’
  88. ‘Would you promise not to do this again?’ Rainbow Dash nodded ‘And you promise to make sure her knows how much you love him?’
  89. ‘Yes…’
  90. ‘You promise to forgive me for putting you through what I felt?’ came a voice.
  91. Rainbow spun to see you standing in the doorway, tears filling your eyes.
  92. The tackle that followed busted 3 more ribs, and almost punctured your lung. She planted kisses all over you.
  93. ‘I’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRY’ she said as she kissed you.
  94. ‘DASH!!’ she stopped to look at you. ‘I forgive you. I just hope you forgive me for having to do that.’
  95. She gives you a passionate kiss, signifying she does.
  96. ‘We should get home.’ She says ‘I left Harley alone.’
  98. When you get home, you re-attach your left arm, whispering that it should never leave daddy, and sit down on the couch with Harley and Rainbow, holding them both close.
  99. ‘I have good news. Harley has been accepted to the acting school.’ You say.
  100. ‘Really?’ Harley starts to jump up and down excitedly.
  101. ‘How did you manage that?’ Dash asks.
  102. ‘With a few blows to the head. Mjolna said she wanted to make up for what she did.’
  103. ‘Oh…talking about that. She said she wanted to have a signed copy of your new book when it comes out.’
  104. ‘Well I promised her that I would do a book signing in Manehattan, so I can handle that.’
  105. Harley eventually falls asleep in your lap, and you realise how much you missed having this warm feeling. Not the one hanging on your arm, or the one in your lap.
  106. >That’s usually the Taco Bell.
  107. It was the warm feeling in your heart, remembering why you did what you did every day. You tuck Harley into bed, and look up to see the Harley shaped splat on the ceiling. Her constellation. You walk into your bedroom, and slide into bed next to Rainbow. As you hold her close, you wonder what would set this mood just right.
  108. ‘Not tonight honey. I have a headache.’ You say with a smile. You hope to hear her chuckle, but there is silence. ‘Rainbow?’
  109. ‘I raped you once, and I’ll do it again.’ She says, climbing on top of you.
  110. You laugh as you willingly embrace your special somep0ny again, and make both of you feel at home.
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