

Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. [17:26:13] SeriousKiller72: why the demote
  2. [17:26:57] LzrGunPewPew: [10:50:46] &Vacate: your presence in the chat has been questionable recently
  3. [17:27:06] SeriousKiller72: lol wow
  4. [17:27:12] SeriousKiller72: that poopyhead demoted you huh
  5. [17:27:27] LzrGunPewPew: 3 ROs voted apparently
  6. [17:27:28] LzrGunPewPew: owell
  7. [17:27:36] SeriousKiller72: he used to be close to me 7 months ago
  8. [17:27:42] SeriousKiller72: he is power hungry and a poopyhead
  9. [17:27:58] SeriousKiller72: 3 ros were pobably the new friends he has
  10. [17:28:03] SeriousKiller72: blitz and jin
  11. [17:28:04] SeriousKiller72: and him
  12. [17:29:19] SeriousKiller72: so
  13. [17:29:19] SeriousKiller72: you know me right
  14. [17:29:19] LzrGunPewPew: Jin did literally nothing
  15. [17:29:20] LzrGunPewPew: for like 5 months
  16. [17:29:21] LzrGunPewPew: and got RO
  17. [17:29:23] LzrGunPewPew: No I don't
  18. [17:29:30] SeriousKiller72: Jin is unfair and so is kilan
  19. [17:29:39] SeriousKiller72: scene approves there unfairness
  20. [17:29:58] SeriousKiller72: trust me i gathered proof over 7 months and scene just destroyed it and banned me for those 7 months
  21. [17:30:06] LzrGunPewPew: uh
  22. [17:30:16] SeriousKiller72: oh shit i shouldnt tell you
  23. [17:30:31] SeriousKiller72: you were a staff before so you probably will tell scene
  24. [17:30:38] LzrGunPewPew: why would I give a shit
  25. [17:30:44] SeriousKiller72: okay good
  26. [17:30:49] LzrGunPewPew: I'm going to talk to scene
  27. [17:30:54] LzrGunPewPew: not about anything you just said
  28. [17:30:57] SeriousKiller72: come on
  29. [17:31:08] LzrGunPewPew: but about the demotion
  30. [17:31:10] SeriousKiller72: dont tell him i told you
  31. [17:31:38] SeriousKiller72: he will permaban me if he finds out
  32. [17:31:38] LzrGunPewPew: Why would I care
  33. [17:31:39] LzrGunPewPew: or tell him
  34. [17:31:55] SeriousKiller72: good well kilan should be demoted
  35. [17:31:59] SeriousKiller72: and so should jin
  36. [17:32:25] SeriousKiller72: and acast as well he has blacklisted all my alts when i dont even chat
  37. [17:32:43] SeriousKiller72: by the way i really am
  38. [17:32:51] SeriousKiller72: RandomlyStrong
  39. [17:33:00] LzrGunPewPew: that name
  40. [17:33:03] LzrGunPewPew: means nothing to me
  41. [17:33:12] SeriousKiller72: you dont know the famous troll
  42. [17:33:34] SeriousKiller72: i am the most banned guy in this game
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