

Jun 4th, 2013
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  1. [16:39] *** Kukulkan changed the channel topic to ' +++Prepare to meet thy God-Emperor+++ (Link:')'
  2. [16:40] *** Kukulkan changed the channel topic to ' +++Faith is thy Only defense+++ (Link:')'
  3. [16:54] * Takeshi is, for the record, a short man at a mere 1,60m. That is to say, short for other planet standards. Centuries of surviving on a steady diet of rice have made the Nipponese a hardy yet dependable race of soldiers that finds itself specially suitable for service in the Imperial Guard. After all, what commander doesn't love a regiment that's cheap to maintain, supply-wise?
  4. [16:56] <Takeshi> Clad in his planet's version of the guard flak armour, Takeshi is a silent and introspective man, preferring silent contemplation to others' chatter and conversation. His head, though covered by his helmet, sports a buzz cut and sharp features. His body, although not overly muscled, is fit for its purpose: finding the enemies of the Imperium and putting a bayonet in their bellies.
  5. [17:06] * Takeshi observes his new 'comrades', giving mark a look of contempt, men who can't take care of their appearance are obviously not well disciplined and thus not fit to serve the Guard; Grizz receives the same treatment, barbarians with no knowledge of proper tactics and civilized behaviour rate low enough on the scale to be considered just above beasts.
  6. [17:09] <Grizz> "What? Do i have something on my face?"
  7. [17:11] <Takeshi> "No," he responds drily.
  8. [17:14] * Takeshi stands up, resting his hand on the sword's hilt. "Let us find the local barracks."
  9. [17:16] <Grizz> "Barracks? We should keep a low profile. Don't want these heretics we're after learning of us."
  10. [17:16] * Mark ignores Takeshi's look out of long practice. "Barracks, rathole, we mean the same thing. Some place to bide our time. Get some shut-eye if we need it."
  11. [17:17] * Takeshi frowns, that is no way to talk about the accommodation provided to the holy warriors of the Immortal God Emperor.
  12. [17:17] <Grizz> "Ahhh, i get you. Agreed then."
  13. [17:19] <Mark> "Right. Near where we want to look around, but not inside. Not yet. Something on the border with this Heron Blue." He sets off.
  14. [17:20] * Grizz nods as he follows. "Nearby, but not close enough to attract attention."
  15. [17:23] <Takeshi> "The barracks will provide us with proper accommodation for the duration of our stay, as well as an environment proper to the maintenance of discipline among the ranks," Takeshi glares at Mark. "And a good starting point for our investigation. As the Guard and the Planetary Defence Force are the stalwart shield that protects this planet from evil, they should have information that will allow...
  16. [17:23] <Takeshi>, servants of the Immortal God Emperor, to carry out His will."
  17. [17:23] <Takeshi> "Not to mention contacts with the local Arbites."
  18. [17:24] <Grizz> "And what if they're in on this heresy? A hunter doesn't run screaming through the bushes after his prey."
  19. [17:26] *** Fisto has joined #XibalbaIC
  20. [17:26] <Takeshi> "Preposterous, even the slightest hint of heresy among the ranks of His Guard would be noticed and eradicated by His commissars."
  21. [17:27] <Grizz> "People that do shady things are suprisingly good at avoiding notice."
  22. [17:28] <Takeshi> 1d100 vs. 26+20
  23. [17:28] <Fisto> Takeshi, vs. 26+20: 67
  24. [17:28] <Kukulkan> ,part
  25. [17:28] <Fisto> Leaving this channel, chief.
  26. [17:28] *** Fisto has left #XibalbaIC
  27. [17:29] <Mark> "Reading between our dear patron's words, I think he'd prefer we keep a low profile, rather than show up with lasguns blazing. Er, no offense," he says to Takeshi. "But trust me, cults are great at hiding."
  28. [17:30] <Takeshi> "You dare doubt the capabilities of His holy commissars?" The small guardsman points his finger at Grizz.
  29. [17:37] * Takeshi approaches one of the hobos. "Citizen!"
  30. [17:37] <Grizz> "No one's perfect." Grizz says abesntly as he checks the area. After some closer observation, Grizz says "Ah, i think i've found what we're looking for. There's a rundown block with several promising buildings that have only a few harmless-looking squatters in them."
  31. [17:40] <Kukulkan> one of the hobos stops warming his hands near a barrel fire and looks at takeshi, "..." he looks like a cross between a deer in headlights and confused with a pinch of dazed
  32. [17:40] <Kukulkan> which is odd because it's not that cold out at all
  33. [17:41] <Takeshi> "Citizen, tell me who is the owner of this dwelling." Takeshi points at the run-down building.
  34. [17:42] <Grizz> "Uh, no one owns it i think. Since it's abandoned, you know."
  35. [17:43] <Kukulkan> "Oh yah man, this is my cousin's deck, he built this back in M966 back when the teggarts tried to blitz him for the snowcone business, let me borrow it so i could get soem penguins out back when the sun goes down."
  36. [17:44] * Takeshi shakes his head and looks for a door.
  37. [17:45] <Grizz> "Uhhhh, right. We'd like to crash here for a little while, if that's ok with you."
  38. [17:45] <Kukulkan> "you want some of this governor heat? he gave it to the city yesterday week, but then took alot of it back because he was cold or something"
  39. [17:46] <Kukulkan> he says gesturing to the barrel fire
  40. [17:46] <Grizz> "Uh, no. You can have it all, we'll just settle in upstairs." Grizz says before he goes looking for the stairs.
  41. [17:46] <Takeshi> "No."
  42. [17:47] <Takeshi> "We are not staying here."
  43. [17:47] <Takeshi> "This is not fit for us, let alone animals."
  44. [17:47] * Takeshi looks back at the hobos. "If any of you are sane then you will tell me where the local Guard barracks are located."
  45. [17:47] <Kukulkan> "yeah man, the upstairs are where the birds poop man, you want the downstairs, aint nothing but gophers and cats, but they are nice if you pet them"
  46. [17:48] <Grizz> "What, you haven't roughed it before? I thought you were a big strong soldier."
  47. [17:48] <Kukulkan> "at the words 'Guard Barracks' you see him straighten up and stand to attention
  48. [17:49] <Kukulkan> "Yes Sir, Conscript Lazzo reporting for duty sir, what were your queries?"
  49. [17:50] * Mark hides a snicker behind a hand and disguises it as a cough.
  50. [17:51] <Grizz> "You have fun with that~. I'll be keeping watch upstairs." Grizz calls as he goes to check out the approaches to the building from the second floor.
  51. [17:52] <Kukulkan> grizz finds that the building is surprisingly secure, most of it is made from rockcrete and even some exposed plasteel beams here and there. the approaches are only from the front, the back is completely enclosed by design
  52. [17:52] * Takeshi sighs and starts walking, with any luck one of the civilians will point him in the right direction when asked.
  53. [17:53] <Kukulkan> "Sir i recieved intel on the enemy, 2 clicks south and they seem to be green with envy of our transport"
  54. [17:55] * Grizz settles in hidden mostly behind a window looking out the front of the building, Long Las resting against the wall next to him in easy reach
  55. [17:56] <Grizz> *beside
  56. [17:58] <Kukulkan> Grizz notices something oddd about this place, it's all.. solid. and there are old posters featuring picutres of guardsmen and symbols that look like this
  57. [17:58] <Kukulkan> (Link:
  58. [17:58] <Kukulkan> and the liek
  59. [17:58] <Kukulkan> like*
  60. [17:59] <Grizz> ++Interesting. This place is very sturdy, and i see pictures of soldiers and interesting symbols *Grizz describes.++
  61. [18:02] * Takeshi keeps on walking.
  62. [18:03] <Kukulkan> takeshi runs into 2 grimy women in thier 40's pushing a cart full of tins
  63. [18:11] * Mark follows Grizz inside with a shrug, figuring Takeshi can take care of himself.
  64. [18:18] <Kukulkan> guard posters with officer etiquette, general orders, infraction policies and the like line a wall, and on the other side of the room is a desk with some cabinets
  65. [18:18] <Kukulkan> (Link:
  66. [18:18] * Mark raises an eyebrow, then approaches the cabinets, testing one of the doors.
  67. [18:19] <Mark> ++Takeshi, the bum wasn't lying. This place has 'Guard' written all over it.++
  68. [18:19] <Kukulkan> it is locked, but at the same time, a cabinet not a safe.
  69. [18:20] * Takeshi ignores Mark for now. "You there, what way to the Guard barracks?"
  70. [18:21] <Kukulkan> the 2 females look at takeshi, one with slight apprehension and the other with indignation "Thone no, you aint getting mah tins! you think you can hit it twice in one week and then take them back? uh uh! you aint getting these back anytime hunny"
  71. [18:22] * Takeshi looks at the other woman. "Tell your friend to shut up and tell me the way to the Guard barracks."
  72. [18:23] <Takeshi> "Failure to provide assistance to soldiers of the Immortal God Emperor's Imperial Guard is punishable by death."
  73. [18:23] <Kukulkan> she shinks further and says in a whimper "... you can have ave the tins if you really want them..."
  74. [18:25] <Takeshi> "I don't want your tins, I want directions."
  75. [18:27] <Kukulkan> "the only directions you gettin is to the curb with your scrawny ass!" the boisterous one says, but the quieter one looks up and asks "what do you mean? to where?"
  76. [18:27] <Takeshi> "To the nearest Arbites station or, preferably, the local Guard or Planetary Defence Force barracks."
  77. [18:29] <Kukulkan> "dont you be talkin to him, sug, this aint nothin' to say to you that you need to hear-" at the word Guard, the woman finally shuts up and looks oddly at you
  78. [18:29] <Kukulkan> (Link:
  79. [18:30] <Kukulkan> the loud one finally speaks up after a few moments "sug, you aint from around here, are you?"
  80. [18:31] <Takeshi> "That is none of your business."
  81. [18:31] * Mark leans in to the door, producing the multikey from a pocket, and gets to work.
  82. [18:33] <Kukulkan> "aw sug, if you were from around here you would know that the old guard is that way" she points to a cluster of rockcrete buildings that you came from. at this the other woman grabs on to the loud one "come on lil, this guys a foreigner, he probably is up to something fishy..." and starts pulling her and the cart away
  83. [18:36] * Takeshi looks back at the rundown buildings.
  84. [18:36] <Takeshi> ++The local says you are currently in the 'Old Guard'++
  85. [18:37] <Kukulkan> the loudmouth looks at you(Takeshi) funny for talking to yourself before turning the corner with her friend
  86. [18:37] <Mark> ++I think we figured that out,++ Mark returns, still working on the door.
  87. [18:40] * Takeshi returns to the buildings, eyeing the hobo. "You there, Conscript Lazzo!"
  88. [18:41] <Kukulkan> he snaps to 'attention' while making a sloppy salute "yessir officer sirsir"
  89. [18:43] * Grizz is keeping an eye on anyone that comes and goes on the street while mark does his thing.
  90. [18:44] <Takeshi> "Why are you out of uniform, conscript?"
  91. [18:44] <Takeshi> "And where is your commanding officer?"
  92. [18:45] <Kukulkan> "with all due respects sir, you are my officer, sir. and i am in uniform"
  93. [18:45] * Mark riffles through the contents of the mostly-empty cabinets, finding a charge pack; its indicator is dark, so he tosses it back before perusing the few sheets of paper, then putting them back, too. "Nothing interesting. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised."
  94. [18:46] <Takeshi> "Very well, go and fetch an arbites."
  95. [18:47] <Kukulkan> upon closer inspection, yes, this man is in what looks to be ancient guard fatigues, dirty as hell and worn apart in some places but it's guard "cannot do officer, sir"
  96. [18:47] <Takeshi> "Are you refusing a direct order?"
  97. [18:48] <Kukulkan> "sir, da order is incomp.. incomp... not able to do it, officer sir!"
  98. [18:48] <Takeshi> "Explain yourself."
  99. [18:50] <Kukulkan> 'uhh, the needledicks dont come to this sector..." he leans towards you and in a less military voice "dont ya know that, come on, how long have you been in da guard?"
  100. [18:51] <Takeshi> "You will maintain an appropriate tone when addressing an officer."
  101. [18:51] <Takeshi> "Now, where are the rest of the men?"
  102. [18:54] <Kukulkan> "dis is it. me Jenkins-" he gestures to the air on his right "- and puttello" to the air to the left" all that is left after the Scrimshaws got dont with us"
  103. [18:55] <Takeshi> "Who are the Scrimshaws?"
  104. [18:56] <Kukulkan> he leans in and in horrible hobo breath whispers conspiratorially "you know, /Them/. the guys what made this what it is."
  105. [18:59] <Kukulkan> as he leans in you hear a small thump at the floor, and look to see a book has fallen out of his jacket
  106. [19:02] * Takeshi picks the book up, looking for the title.
  107. [19:03] <Kukulkan> it is a standard Journal book, with the title of Bange Lazzo on the owner section. do you open it up?
  108. [19:05] * Takeshi pockets it for now.
  109. [19:06] <Takeshi> "What happened here, Conscript Lazzo?"
  110. [19:07] <Kukulkan> "hey man, no fair. you cant just take the rule-book like that. it'll spoil the ending for you!" abandoning his military tone and reaching for the book as you pocket it "come on man, gibbit"
  111. [19:09] <Takeshi> "Are you questioning a superior officer?"
  112. [19:10] <Takeshi> "As per the Uplifting Primer, an officer may, at any time, check if the soldiers under his command are carrying their copy of the Primer in prime condition, failure to present a copy of the book is punishable by death."
  113. [19:12] <Kukulkan> "hey man, how about we switch?" he takes off his jacket and throws it over your shoulders " you can be Lazzo, and i'll be officer Stuffy." he clears his throat and starts shouting nonsensical orders like 'Left-Hut! Right-HUE! Forwards Rest!"
  114. [19:14] <Kukulkan> (Link:
  115. [19:16] * Takeshi takes the jacket off. "Dismissed, Conscript Lazzo."
  116. [19:18] <Grizz> ++Found yourself a friend huh, Takeshi?++ Grizz transmits, barely holding back laughter
  117. [19:18] <Kukulkan> "you cant dismiss yourself Margret! now drop down and give me about four laps around the tent, and only then will you get to peel the potatoes!"
  118. [19:18] * Takeshi pulls out his laspistol and points it at the hobo. "I said dismissed, unless you want to be punished for insubordination."
  119. [19:21] <Kukulkan> the hobo looks panicked for a moment before collapsing on the ground, clearly fainting
  120. [19:21] <Kukulkan> the smell got worse somehow
  121. [19:22] * Takeshi puts the gun away. "Good." With that, he enters the building, opening the book to take a look.
  122. [19:27] <Kukulkan> (Link:
  123. [19:28] <Kukulkan> it is a journal of one conscript Lazzo, the beginnings detail being conscripted during his 20th year on a planet called Galerón, in which he wasnt too happy with but soon seemed to accept. as you read he is sent to a place he misspells as 'peletate 4' and is stationed in as he describes 'a rundown scraghole'.
  124. [19:30] <Kukulkan> It ends with him complaining about having to "come to some scraghole to just pack up some pansy officers' nighties and dresses" and arriveing just to leave so soon, but not minding moving on to someplace else. the diary ends there.
  125. [19:31] <Kukulkan> the odd thing is the dates
  126. [19:32] <Kukulkan> it is dated at least 250 years ago
  127. [19:39] * Mark has been rummaging through the desk for the last couple of minutes as well.
  128. [19:40] <Mark> "Oh, good--ammo."
  129. [19:40] * Takeshi hmms...
  130. [19:42] <Takeshi> "We will have to interrogate more locals."
  131. [19:42] <Takeshi> "Unless, of course, that man out there is 270 years old."
  132. [19:49] <Kukulkan> by now, the Sun has set, the night is out. and the sounds of the street are ever present
  133. [19:53] <Kukulkan> Mark looks through the files, most of them are supply invoices and disapline reminders, and the like, but the log book holds something of interest. it details a few causalities to undefined skirmishes with local rioters and even hints at a few arbites taking part in the melees before they departed this planet. dated 250 years ago.
  134. [19:58] *** Takeshi is now known as Alexandros
  135. [19:58] <Mark> "...Huh." That's all he says for now, though he pockets the log as well.
  136. [20:00] <Kukulkan> =][= End Session II =][=
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