
praincess adventures 2.5 khaali

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. [15:27] <~Kroked> BGM
  2. [15:28] <~Kroked> Khaali: you find yourself alone, alone again, you feel stupid for ever thinkinking anyone would ever like you, ever want to be a friend to you. you feel worthless useless.
  3. [15:28] <~Kroked> you left Luna quietly before she even noticed you were gone
  4. [15:28] <~Kroked> or maybe she did notice, and just didnt care
  5. [15:29] <~Kroked> you are currently in a small wooded area outside the small alien town
  6. [15:29] <~Kroked> just, sitting at the foot of a tree
  7. [15:31] <~Kroked> huddled up in a ball
  8. [15:31] <~Kroked> when a warm baritone calls from right next to you "You've had it rough huh?"
  9. [15:32] * Khaali looks toward the source of the voice
  10. [15:39] <~Kroked> there is a man sitting next to you, he has short dark brown hair, and a kind looking face with green eyes. With him sitting, it's hard to gauge his height, but he seems rather tall, and, what is visible of his arms is very muscled.He wears a plain pair of jeans like youd find on earth, a button down tshirt
  11. [15:39] * Khaali puts a hand on her pata but doesn't get up
  12. [15:39] <Khaali> "Who are you?"
  13. [15:41] <~Kroked> "I have a lot of names, but my friends call me Nate, so you can too"
  14. [15:41] <Khaali> "...Okay, Nate. What do you want?"
  15. [15:42] <~Kroked> he chuckles softly "Nothing you can help me with I'm afraid."
  16. [15:43] <~Kroked> "Nah, I'm here for you, you're headed into a pretty dark path, you know that?"
  17. [15:43] * Khaali looks at him suspiciously
  18. [15:43] <Khaali> "And how would you know that?"
  19. [15:44] <~Kroked> "I know a lot of things. I do a lot of observing"
  20. [15:45] <~Kroked> "I don;t ussually come out directly though, prefer to be a little more subtle if I can"
  21. [15:45] <Khaali> "Come out? What are you?"
  22. [15:46] <~Kroked> "Thats... complicated?"
  23. [15:46] <~Kroked> "What matters is that I was human, like you, at one point"
  24. [15:46] <~Kroked> "From earth even"
  25. [15:47] <Khaali> "Really? How did you get here?"
  26. [15:49] <~Kroked> "I wanted to be"
  27. [15:50] <Khaali> "You... wanted to be. Okay. Why are you here, then?"
  28. [15:56] <~Kroked> "Because you need help"
  29. [15:58] <Khaali> "...Thanks, I already knew that. But the last time someone offered to 'help' me... Everything went to shit."
  30. [15:58] <Khaali> "Not that it wasn't shitty already, of course."
  31. [15:58] <~Kroked> "Yeah I know. Brandon's a real piece of work."
  32. [15:59] <~Kroked> "But i promise you, I'm only here to help you, no catch, no deals"
  33. [15:59] <Khaali> "Brandon? Who the hell are you guys?"
  34. [16:00] <~Kroked> "He's got nothing to do with me, though he's important to the events in this universe"
  35. [16:00] <~Kroked> "He was using you, to try to cause events to go his way"
  36. [16:02] <Khaali> "To... corrupt the seekers? Will he come after me if I don't do what he asked me to do?"
  37. [16:03] <~Kroked> "Nah, he doesn't actually care about you... wel;. he does, he jsut doesnt care about you being alive"
  38. [16:03] <~Kroked> "He didnt care if you succeeded or not"
  39. [16:03] <~Kroked> "He was hoping you died actually"
  40. [16:03] <~Kroked> "When you agred to let him help you, do you remember what his catch was?"
  41. [16:03] <Khaali> "To help him?"
  42. [16:04] <Khaali> "To owe him a favor, to be more exact."
  43. [16:04] <~Kroked> "He said you 'Owed him one"
  44. [16:04] <~Kroked> "by agreeing to that bet, you gave him a claim on your soul"
  45. [16:04] <~Kroked> "As soon as you died, he would have tooken it"
  46. [16:05] <Khaali> "That sounds unpleasant."
  47. [16:05] * Khaali frowns
  48. [16:06] <Khaali> "So no matter what, I owe my soul to him?"
  49. [16:06] <~Kroked> "well..."
  50. [16:06] <~Kroked> "Not if you live longer than he does"
  51. [16:06] <Khaali> "How long does he live for?"
  52. [16:07] <~Kroked> "That depends on a lot of things"
  53. [16:07] <Khaali> "And why do you care so much about helping me?"
  54. [16:08] <~Kroked> "Because it's what I do"
  55. [16:09] <~Kroked> "I prevent people from dooming themselves"
  56. [16:09] <~Kroked> "Besides, I can empathize a little about your situation"
  57. [16:12] <Khaali> "Okay, fine. Assuming you are going to help me, and you're not tricking me, what are you going to do?"
  58. [16:12] <~Kroked> "I can't do a lot, interfering to much would cause... problems"
  59. [16:12] <~Kroked> "But, I can get rid of the evil taint you've got going on"
  60. [16:14] <Khaali> "This... this whole weird aura, corrupting thing? How?"
  61. [16:15] <~Kroked> "simple"
  62. [16:16] <~Kroked> the man places a hand on your head causally and you feel a warmth spread through your body
  63. [16:16] * Khaali stiffens but tries not to move
  64. [16:17] <~Kroked> after a bit it stops and the man removes his hand
  65. [16:17] <~Kroked> "Eugh that was... uncomfortable"
  66. [16:17] <~Kroked> you feel... different
  67. [16:17] <~Kroked> a little more light hearted maybe?
  68. [16:18] * Khaali leans back against the tree, breathing calmly
  69. [16:18] <Khaali> "That felt nice, sort of."
  70. [16:18] <~Kroked> "I wasn't able to get rid of all of it, but, I got rid of most of it"
  71. [16:19] <Khaali> "Thank you. You got anything to help with 'Brandon' owning my soul?"
  72. [16:19] <~Kroked> "Just stay alive till the Pillars deal with him"
  73. [16:19] <Khaali> "Pillars? Are they, by any chance, related to the 'seekers'?"
  74. [16:20] <Khaali> "Not that I have any clue what I'm talking about."
  75. [16:20] <~Kroked> "Yeah, difference being most people actually know about the Pillars here, but hey, don't worry about it"
  76. [16:20] <~Kroked> "You just live a long peaceful life ok?"
  77. [16:20] <~Kroked> "Make up for what you did in the past"
  78. [16:20] <~Kroked> "But dont let it chain you down"
  79. [16:21] * Khaali thinks for a moment
  80. [16:21] <Khaali> "Alright. Anything I can do to help take down Brandon? Or avoid him?"
  81. [16:22] <~Kroked> "Stay here. its a peaceful place, and I'm sure there's a nice family willing to take you in. just grow up, and live a good life, ok?"
  82. [16:22] <~Kroked> "Trust me, adventure isn't all it made up to be"
  83. [16:22] <~Kroked> he chuckles
  84. [16:23] * Khaali lets out a grateful sigh
  85. [16:23] <Khaali> "Alright, thank you. Thanks for the new life."
  86. [16:23] <~Kroked> "No problem"
  87. [16:24] <~Kroked> you look away for a moment, taking in this new peaceful feeling, and when you look back he's gone
  88. [16:24] <~Kroked> like he was never there at all
  89. [16:24] <~Kroked> end
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