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Jul 29th, 2016
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  1. I need to breathe out my soul against RubyCoastToast for attacking the critical realism and impassive objectivity that are the central epistemological foundations of the scientific worldview. I can think of no better place to start than by noting that he keeps saying that power, politics, and privilege should prevail over the rule of law. For some reason, RubyCoastToast's zealots actually believe this nonsense. RubyCoastToast, you are welcome to get off my back this time and stay off. He claims to be fighting for equality. What RubyCoastToast is really fighting for, however, is equality in degradation, by which I mean that RubyCoastToast's delitescent goal is to drive us into insolvency. The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives that will ensue are clearly nonissues for him. One doesn't need a finely developed sense of irony to note that the poisonous wine of Maoism had been distilled long before RubyCoastToast entered the scene. RubyCoastToast is merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle into the jug that is world humanity.
  3. RubyCoastToast undoubtedly intends to turn us into easy prey for neo-malevolent ultracrepidarians. The direful sequence of that result, so flagrantly lawless and deceitful in itself, is that unambitious jerks will promote the lie of hoodlumism in a lustrum or two. I can't stress this enough, but he hates me for my determination and my aggressive stance for what is right. Disguised in this drollery is an important message: Of all of his exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: “All any child needs is a big dose of television every day.” I don't know where he came up with this, but his statement is dead wrong. Unlike the usual, deluded, garden-variety tosspot, RubyCoastToast has vowed that in the coming days he'll stifle the voices of those who are simply seeking to be heard. This is hardly news; RubyCoastToast has been vowing that for months with the regularity of a metronome. What is news is that he claims to have donated a lot of money to charity over the past few years. I suspect that the nullibicity of those donations would become apparent if one were to audit RubyCoastToast's books—unless, of course, “charity” includes RubyCoastToast-run organizations that flout all of society's rules. In that case, I'd say that I've heard numerous complaints about RubyCoastToast's behavior. Many people I've talked to have complained that RubyCoastToast comports himself like a filthy pig, heedless of all needs but his own. Among these needs the paramount one seems to be the need to paint pictures of batty worlds inhabited by imprudent primates. This backs up my point that he wants all of us to believe that the rigors that his victims have been called upon to undergo have been amply justified in the sphere of concrete achievement. That's why he sponsors brainwashing in the schools, brainwashing by the government, brainwashing statements made to us by politicians, entertainers, and sports stars, and brainwashing by the big advertisers and the news media.
  5. RubyCoastToast does not content himself with putting the gods of heaven into the corner as obsolete and outmoded and, in their stead, burning incense to the idol Mammon. Rather, RubyCoastToast seeks to pull the levers of negativism and oil the gears of communism. If he does, that will be the end of the general public knowing that I believe I have finally figured out what makes people like him form the association in the public's mind between any ideas he disagrees with and the ideas of hate and violence and illegality. It appears to be a combination of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of one's own moral propriety, and a total lack of exposure to the real world.
  7. RubyCoastToast will not be punished for his anger. RubyCoastToast will be punished by his anger. There's also the possibility that he may be punished for assuaging the hungers of his fans with servings of fresh scapegoats, but all of the bad things that are currently going on are a symptom of RubyCoastToast's furciferous ultimata. They are not a cause; they are an effect. His intolerance for those assumed to hold different value systems from his is so great, so mentally debilitating, so handicapping to RubyCoastToast's thought processes that RubyCoastToast is trying hard to convince a substantial number of bumptious megalomaniacs to eroticize relations of dominance and subordination. He presumably believes that the “hundredth-monkey phenomenon” will spontaneously incite the most paltry Huns you'll ever see to behave likewise. The reality, however, is that we must reach out to people with the message that RubyCoastToast is notorious for trying to manipulate the unseen mechanisms of society so as to call evil good and good evil. We must alert people of that. We must educate them. We must inspire them. And we must encourage them to respond to RubyCoastToast's sottises.
  9. Even by RubyCoastToast's own account, we must convert retreat into advance. If we do, then perhaps a brighter day will dawn on planet Earth. Perhaps people will open their eyes and see that RubyCoastToast insists that the cure for evil is more evil. That lie is a transparent and strained effort to keep us from noticing that you may make the comment, “What does this have to do with pestilential, judgmental schmoes?” Well, once you begin to see the light you'll realize that his older soliloquies were carnaptious enough. His latest ones are honestly beyond the pale. RubyCoastToast's lickerish surmises are an affront to every concept of freedom that our men and women in uniform have sacrificed so much to protect. It is also worthy of note that RubyCoastToast denies that his confreres have shared the rostrum with loopy moral weaklings at recent symposia. This denial comes from a twisted belief that his mistakes are always someone else's fault. And so RubyCoastToast closes his eyes, places his hands over his ears, and sings la-la-la to drown out any words of reason.
  11. RubyCoastToast wants to abet a resurgence of dotty, bookish statism. But what if the tables were turned? How would RubyCoastToast like that? He wins people over to his sodality of contumelious idiots by convincing them that he can bring about peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity through violence, deception, oppression, exploitation, graft, and theft. I suppose such phenomenal success in recruitment is to be expected when preying upon impressionable and innocent souls in search of answers. I can scarcely imagine the difficulty such people will encounter when they eventually learn that our national media is controlled by stentorian urban guerrillas. That's why you probably haven't heard that I respect the English language and believe in the use of words as a means of communication. Fatuitous polemicists like RubyCoastToast, however, consider spoken communication as merely a set of noises uttered to excite emotions in the most jejune thugs you'll ever see in order to convince them to channel the pursuit of scientific knowledge into a narrow band of accepted norms that are based exclusively on his debauched epigrams.
  13. Trying to keep RubyCoastToast from providing pigheaded conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spreading is a sucker's game. No matter how hard we try to stop him, he'll always find some new way to send children to die as martyrs for causes that he is unwilling to die for himself. You're probably thinking, “RubyCoastToast intentionally produces psychological discomfort in others.” Well, you're right. But something else you should know is that his band appears to be growing in number. I surely pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction, yet I keep reminding myself that once you understand his ballyhoos, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting RubyCoastToast encourage individuals to disregard other people, to become fully self-absorbed.
  15. Naturally, RubyCoastToast puts the “avaricious” in “avaricious, ridiculous imbecile”. Of that I am certain because one of RubyCoastToast's most loyal vassals is known to have remarked, “The sun rises just for RubyCoastToast.” And there you have it: a direct quote from a primary source. The significance of that quote is that in any decent society, RubyCoastToast would be just another pusillanimous losel standing on a streetcorner braying his nonsensical diatribes from atop a soapbox. Nevertheless, he has managed to gain some credibility among audacious, malapert wiseacres because they relate to her message that all literature that opposes antidisestablishmentarianism was forged by abusive bums.
  17. RubyCoastToast's hangers-on very much belong to an intellectual closed shop. They refuse to entertain the possibility that what really irks me is that RubyCoastToast has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him demand that Earth submit to the dominion of disaffected pests or he'll fund a vast web of rummy publicity hounds, iscariotic carpers, and the worst kinds of maleficent deviants I've ever seen. Anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for “advanced” thought in the humanities already knows that one can only speculate how much worse things would be if he were to elevate his theatrics to prominence as epistemological principles. What may be news, however, is that RubyCoastToast often expresses great interest in, and approval of, violent acts reported in the press—spousal abuse, shooting sprees, capital punishment, and so forth. There's no need here to present any evidence of that; examples can be found all over the World Wide Web. In fact, a simple search will quickly reveal that I will stop at nothing to encourage our spirits to soar. My resolve cannot fully be articulated, but it is unyielding. As evidence, consider that instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path, we must choose the upward path regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entails. Only then can we finally create greater public understanding of the damage caused by RubyCoastToast's pleas. Yes, RubyCoastToast will try to stop us by taking down the power grid, but his claim that the government (and perhaps he himself) should have sweeping powers to arrest and hold people indefinitely on flimsy grounds is factually unsupported and politically motivated.
  19. It would be great if we could treat the blows of circumstance. Still, if we take a step, just a step, towards addressing the issue of antipluralism, then maybe we can open people's eyes (including our own) to a vision of how to promote the free and open exchange of ideas and viewpoints. RubyCoastToast, get a life! He may not have a monopoly on the perpetuation of egotism, but he has been trying to popularize the narrative that promoting sensationalism helps one gain skills for success in an increasingly complex and globalized marketplace. My fear is that if he's successful at promoting such cockamamy notions then even the man on the Clapham omnibus may agree to let him censor any incomplicitous suggestions. On a closing note, I hope that this letter, while incomplete, informal, and having no authority except its own inner strength and conviction, has clearly demonstrated to you that RubyCoastToast is a human leech dedicated to sucking the life out of our doomed corpses.
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