

May 18th, 2015
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  1. [6th - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil]
  2. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\6th - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil\th06e.exe
  3. FadeTitle=Touhou koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ahk_class BASE
  4. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  5. [7th - Perfect Cherry Blossom]
  6. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\7th - Perfect Cherry Blossom\th07e.exe
  7. FadeTitle=Touhou youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ver 1.00b ahk_class BASE
  8. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  9. [7.5th - Immaterial and Missing Power]
  10. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\7.5th - Immaterial and Missing Power\th075e.exe
  11. FadeTitle=Touhou Suimusou - Immaterial and Missing Power ver1.11 (Eng 1.1) ahk_class “Œ•ûä–²‘z ` Immaterial and Missing Power. ver1.11
  12. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  13. [8th - Imperishable Night]
  14. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\8th - Imperishable Night\th08.exe
  15. FadeTitle=Touhou Eiyashou - Imperishable Night ahk_class BASE
  16. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  17. [9th - Phantasmagoria of Flower View]
  18. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\9th - Phantasmagoria of Flower View\th09e.exe
  19. FadeTitle=Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View v1.50a ahk_class BASE
  20. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  21. [9.5th - Shoot the Bullet]
  22. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\9.5th - Shoot the Bullet\th095e.exe
  23. FadeTitle=Touhou 9.5@` Shoot the Bullet. ver 1.02a ahk_class BASE
  24. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  25. [10th - Mountain of Faith]
  26. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\10th - Mountain of Faith\th10e.exe
  27. FadeTitle=Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith ahk_class BASE
  28. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  29. [10.5th - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody]
  30. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\10.5th - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody\th105e.exe
  31. FadeTitle=Touhou Hisouten - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody ver1.06 (eng v1.0) ahk_class th105_106
  32. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  33. [11th - Subterranean Animism]
  34. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\11th - Subterranean Animism\th11e.exe
  35. FadeTitle=Touhou Chireiden - Subterranean Animism ahk_class BASE
  36. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  37. [12th - Undefined Fantastic Object]
  38. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\12th - Undefined Fantastic Object\th12e.exe
  39. FadeTitle=Touhou Seirensen - Undefined Fantastic Object ahk_class BASE
  40. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  41. [12.3th - Unthinkable Natural Law]
  42. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\12.3th - Unthinkable Natural Law\th123e.exe
  43. FadeTitle=Touhou Hisoutensoku ver1.10 (eng v1.0) ahk_class th123_110
  44. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  45. [12.5th - Double Spoiler]
  46. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\12.5th - Double Spoiler\th125e.exe
  47. FadeTitle=Double Spoiler ~ Touhou Bunkachou ver 1.00a ahk_class BASE
  48. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  49. [12.8th - Great Fairy Wars]
  50. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\12.8th - Great Fairy Wars\th128e.exe
  51. FadeTitle=Yousei Daisensou - Touhou Sangessei ahk_class BASE
  52. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  53. [13th - Ten Desires]
  54. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\13th - Ten Desires\th13.exe
  55. FadeTitle=“Œ•û_—ì•_@` Ten Desires. ver 1.00a ahk_class BASE
  56. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
  57. [13.5th - Hopeless Masquerade]
  58. Application=\\Storinator\Games\Touhou Project\13.5th - Hopeless Masquerade\
  59. ExitMethod=WinClose Application
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