
TF2 x10 Guide

Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. DISCLAIMER: Some of the information presented in this guide may be inaccurate, as weapons change, so will their x10 counterparts. Additionally, the TF2 Wiki page on x10 seems to be somewhat outdated and may not reflect the actual stats of the weapons as of the current patch. (Tough Break)
  3. Furthermore, most of the information in this guide is based off of personal experience and your mileage with these weapons may vary depending on a variety of factors. Just take this with a grain of salt.
  5. How to play x10 101:
  6. A guide by /u/Hclegend
  8. [](/hmmm) What IS x10? It's a modification of Team Fortress 2's weapon system that multiplies the statistics of the various weapons in the game by 10. Pretty simple concept, right?
  9. Wrong.
  10. [](/sp)
  11. [](/twiponder)Due to how drastically different each weapon behaves now, some weapons can be either massively overpowered (Panic Attack, Direct Hit, Black Box, Demoman in general, Powerjack, Pain Train, etc.) or nigh useless (Anything with a damage -% that isn't the stock Knife, Loch and Load, etc.) so I have created this guide in hopes of educating and informing you. Enjoy!
  14. What to use and why:
  16. Black Box
  18. Stats changed:
  19. On-hit: Gain up to +200 health per attack
  20. +200% sentry damage resistance on wearer (Simulates the Tank Buster set completion bonus)
  21. Leave a calling card on your victims
  22. -75% Clip Size
  24. Why use this?
  26. Recovering up to 200 HP per ROCKET will make you nigh unkillable, although the slower fire rate (Because you have to reload after every shot) is going to leave you open for attack. Also, you HEAL from ENEMY Sentries. I thought that this was a glitch at first, but nope. You can go up to 2000 HP using a Sentry, which means you'll be sticking around for a long, LONG time.
  28. Battalions Backup
  30. Stats changed:
  32. +200 max health on wearer
  33. 900% buff duration
  35. Why use this?
  37. Aside from the fact that you become a bigger Heavy with a rocket launcher, the defensive buff can be a major asset to your team and yourself. And since it lasts for such a long time, will most likely last you through several battles. Combining this with the Black Box is guaranteed to make you VERY hard to kill.
  39. The Buff Banner also falls into this category, albeit not quite as recommended due to the lack of a HP boost and lack of synergy with the Black Box. The extended Mini-Crit buff tine nay interest you however.
  41. The Direct Hit
  43. Stats changed:
  44. +250% damage bonus
  45. +160% projectile speed
  46. -99% explosion radius
  48. Why use this?
  50. Some have called the Direct Hit the sniper rifle of rocket launchers, and they'd be right. The x10 mod takes this concept to its logical conclusion. The Direct Hit is somewhat tough to use against faster opponents (Demoknights), but the 250% DAMAGE BOOST is MORE than worth it. Combined with the projectile speed buff, you will be able to wreak havoc with this weapon should you master it.
  52. Pain Train:
  54. Stats changed:
  56. +10 capture rate on wearer
  57. -100% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer
  59. Why use this?
  61. Now we're getting into the nitty gritty of things. This weapon looks AWFUL in concept. Taking double damage from bullets? That's going to kill you VERY quickly. HOWEVER, due to factors that we will be discussing later (Demoknight) and some points I have raised earlier (Black Box/Direct Hit), traditional BULLETS aren't really used in the x10 mod. There's one BIG exception to this that'll I'll be covering next, but for now, the Pain Train.
  63. As this can be equipped by either the Solider OR the Demoknight, this can actually be useful on Control Point maps (KoTH maps aren't quite as good for this weapon, although if you need to make a very fast capture, this is the Melee you should be using.) due to the fact you multiply your presence on the point by ELEVEN. This means that a SINGLE Pain Train user can be the equivalent of an entire TEAM when it comes to capping and can cause fast results if left unchecked. Combined with the Black Box/Battalion's Backup strategy mentioned earlier, and you become THE single biggest threat on the server, both from a defensive and offensive standpoint.
  65. There is ONE way to counter this though...
  67. Panic Attack
  69. 90% faster reload
  70. This weapon deploys 100% faster
  71. Firing rate increases as health decreases (Unchanged from the standard Panic Attack)
  72. Hold fire to load up to 40 shells
  73. +50% max secondary ammo on wearer
  74. +90% faster firing speed
  75. Weapon spread increases as health decreases
  77. Why use this?
  78. This shotgun. This. Fucking. Shotgun. You want something to hard counter a Pain Train? This'll work. This is burst damage incarnate. Holding up to 48 shells that can all be fired within TWO SECONDS, along with NO DAMAGE PENALTY? You're lucky that this thing has massive recoil, otherwise the entire meta would be Panic Attack/Gunslinger Engineers or Flamethrower/Panic Attack Pyros. (I suppose Heavy makes use of it too, but Heavy is... Kinda shit in x10 outside of Natascha and Solider already has a great set of Secondary weapons to work with.)
  80. Well, the massive recoil and the INSANE drop in accuracy as your HP depletes. It gets to the point where your shots COMPLETELY MISS the target even when you're aiming RIGHT AT THEM at around 50% HP. It's a insane risk/reward, but a good Gunslinger Engi can use this to completely wreck shop. It's pretty much the only good Primary Engi has too, which is kinda sad.
  82. TL:DR Don't lose HP and mind the recoil, then you can do massive burst damage.
  84. Dalakohs Bar:
  86. Restores 500 health points per consumption
  87. Raises max health to 800 health points for 30 seconds
  89. You're reading that right. 800 HP with no downside. Heavies are aleady tough, but by DOUBLING your health, you're basically a walking sponge for damage. Not on;y that, but due to a bug (I think?), the Bar's effects last for FAR longer than stated. This may be due to the server I was testing it on (As the Engi's Panic Attack had -128 ammo, not even kidding.), but if this is true, you don't even need to worry about refreshing your massive HP pool. Of course, Natascha is a great choice to compliment this chocolate with, due to the whole recovering 30HP a bullet buff it has for no reason. Don't question it, just smile and wave...
  91. Conniver's Kunai
  93. On backstab: Health restored to 1800
  94. -1799 max health on wearer
  96. Why use this?
  98. You're reading that right. 1800 HP. On a Spy. It's pretty fucking ridiculous, but it's counterbalanced by the fact you spawn with 1 HP, forcing you to choose your battles wisely. If you do manage to get a Backstab off however, you'll become VERY hard to kill. Combined with the Diamondback (Which can give you TEN FREE CRITICAL HITS for ANY destroyed building OR backstab.) and you become a massive pain in the ass, critting anyone in your path and being very tough to kill outside of other Spies backstabbing you.
  100. Syringe Gun:
  102. x10 Firing Speed
  103. x10 Reload Speed
  105. You're reading that right. The stock Syringe Gun is a force to be reckonered with, due to the massively amped up DPS (It can easily kill ANY class within a second, given the chance.) Simple as that really.
  108. Quick Fix:
  110. +400% heal rate
  111. +250% faster Übercharge rate
  112. Übercharge grants 3000% heal rate
  113. 5% max overheal
  114. Description of the nerfed max overheal is incorrect in-game, as it states as 95%
  116. Okay, so the Quick-Fix is already a great Medi-Gun, as it exchanges invulnerability for very fast healing. The X10 Quick Fix cranks this up to 11. With an even HEAVIER focus on fast healing, a Medic can easily, EASILY patch up an entire team within SECONDS. And you know how the Uber gives 300% heal rate? x10 gives it 3000%. No joke, you'll be healing damage faster than you'll be taking it. It might as well be a goddamned Stock Medigun Uber, because it is *that* fast. Barring anything such as the Direct Hit or Quickibomb, you'll easily coast through enemy lines with this. And what's more, it even charges faster, so you get MORE ubers!
  118. Ubersaw:
  121. On Hit: 100% ÜberCharge added
  122. 200% slower firing speed
  124. One successful melee = free Uber. If you're insistent on using the Stock (Or the Kritzkrieg/Quickfix), this is the melee for you.
  128. Demoknight:
  130. He's so OP, he needs his own section.
  132. Demoknight is something special in x10. No longer is he just a slow, semi-weak melee character. For in x10, Demoknight is pretty much the standard.
  134. Primaries:
  135. Ali-Babas Wee Booties/Bootlegger
  136. +250 max health on wearer
  137. +1000% increase in turning control while charging
  138. Kills while charging refill 100% of your charge meter
  139. +100% faster move speed on wearer
  141. The two important stats here are HP and move speed, which make Demoknight tankier than a Heavy (Or even Battalion's Backup Solider) and faster than even Scouts. This ALONE makes Demoknight far more viable than in vanilla TF2. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!
  143. Secondaries:
  144. Splendid Screen:
  146. +40% fire damage resistance on wearer
  147. +30% explosive damage resistance on wearer
  148. +700% increase in charge impact damage
  149. +500% charge recharge rate increase
  151. Are you starting to see why Demoknight is so used yet? Let's break this down.
  153. Resistances to fire (Granted, only the Pyro would be affected by this, but it's still a factor.) and explosive (A MUCH bigger factor, considering how much I banged on about the Black Box and Direct Hit) make an already tanky Demoknight even tougher to kill, as both AOE types of damage are nerfed pretty damn hard. The impact damage and recharge increases are why most people use this however, and it's easy to see why, with the damage able to shave a large chunk of life off of your target too. Please note that a skilled Black Box Solider can still kill a Demoknight, due to the fact that the Solider doesn't exactly need to AIM in order to out-heal the Demoknight's damage, and a skilled Direct Hit user will outright kill him in 2=3 good hits, possibly even less with the Buff Banner.
  155. Chargin' Targe
  156. +50% fire damage resistance on wearer
  157. +100% explosive damage resistance on wearer
  158. This weapon does not negate damage from critical hits
  160. THIS however, makes a Demoknight even TOUGHER to kill. A complete IMMUNITY to explosion damage (Bar critical hits) combined with taking HALF damage from fire means that you'll probably have to use either your own Demoknight, or use bullets. If you do plan to use a full Demoknight set, I'd recommend the Targe over the Screen purely for the immunity from Soliders and other explosion based weaponry...
  163. Quickibomb Launcher
  164. Able to destroy enemy stickybombs
  165. -0.8 sec faster bomb arm time
  166. Max charge time decreased by 99%
  167. Up to +100% damage based on charge
  168. -15% damage penalty
  169. -90% clip size
  170. Stickybombs fizzle 20 seconds after landing
  172. OR you could go full dickhead and use THIS monstrosity. See, the Quickibomb Launcher LOOKS unimpressive. That's because the stats don't quite indicate how INSANELY BROKEN this can get. You see, with the instant charge time combined with the damage bonus for charging, you can very easily one shot weaker classes, or even 2-3 shot tougher classes. It's tough to explain in words. The faster arm time also allows for the user to pop their bombs whenever the fuck they please, meaning that being upclose and personal will get you killed.
  174. To explain the sheer insanity of this weapon, I feel an anecdote is needed. I once dominated half of a server using this weapon ALONE, while my teammates capped the intel. Granted, I was under the effects of some buffs that carrying the intel game me, but I still could one shot ANYONE coming out of spawn just by laying a few bombs.
  176. Keep in mind that this only really applies when combined with the Booties/Bootlegger. I'm sure it's still really good without them, but then why are you playing Demo at that point?
  178. Melee:
  180. Pretty much all of them. I don't feel the need to go in-depth about WHY, but the Eyelander, Half-Zatochi, Persain Persuader and Pain Train are generally the best choices. Scotsman's Skullcutter is viable on servers using the Grappling Hook, but outside of that, I'd avoid it.
  182. The B-List:
  184. This section is for weapons that do have better alternatives, but are far too fun not to use.
  186. The Beggars Bazooka:
  187. Hold Fire to load up to 30 rockets
  188. Release Fire to unleash the barrage
  189. +900% max primary ammo
  190. +97% faster fire rate
  191. +70% faster reload speed
  192. +30 degrees random projectile deviation
  193. No ammo from dispensers when active
  194. -99% blast radius
  196. So, you know how the accuracy of the Panic Attack drops from "Typical Shotgun" to "Can't Hit A Fucking Barn Door" once you get to around 50% health? Well, the Beggar's Bazooka is always set to the latter. Do NOT expect this to actually hit what you're aiming it.
  198. "But Hc!" You might say, "Why would I use this if I can't hit anything?"
  200. Easy, you load up to 30 rockets into the fucker and let rip. Keep in mind that you also have a boosted reload and fire speed, so you can literally air strike people by Rocket Jumping, loading a few rockets in and letting loose.
  202. Be forewarned however, that the Gunboats are HIGHLY recommended when you use this. Why? Because no matter what you do, you'll end up shooting at your feet. So the immuneity to self blast damage is highly viable.
  204. Also, why the hell are you using the Beggars if you're NOT going to leap around the map like a fucking idiot? Seriously, it's brilliant to fling yourself across a map using a barrage of rockets! Rocket JuThe mper be damned, THIS is the way to fly! BAZOOKA AIRLINES OR BUST!
  206. The Degreaser:
  207. 100% faster weapon switch
  208. -50% afterburn damage penalty
  209. +250% airblast cost
  211. "Hc!" You may be screaming at me, "These stats are fucking shit! Why would I EVER use this over the Stock?"
  213. Easy, the Weapon Switch bonus. Remember the Degreaser/Axtinguisher combo from way bacK before both got nerfed into the ground? Well, as it turns out, being able to pull out your Melee nearly instantly helps a lot in achieving that combo.
  215. Well...
  217. The Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler.
  219. +100% damage bonus
  220. +100% crit chance against burning players
  221. No random critical hits
  222. -100% damage vs non-burning players
  223. No critical hits vs non-burning players
  224. +200% switch speed penalty
  225. +200% attack speed penalty
  227. "Okay Hc," you sigh in defeat, "You're fucking trolling now. Those stats are garbage."
  229. Well, while the damage penalty on non burning players and the attack speed can't be fixed, the switch speed is easily mitigated by the Degreaser (Or the Reserve Shooter if you so wish.) and as such, it's pretty easy to pull off the classic combo.
  231. However, there are one or two issues with this. One, the Backscratcher still exists, so unless you planned to get pocketed by a Quick Fix Medic, you're probably better off with that. The OTHER thing is that this combo is nigh useless against fellow Pyros, as they don't burn. This is why you keep a Panic Attack handy kids.
  233. I mean, this could work against Demoknights. Hell, as they take less damage from Fire normally AND come to Melee range, it's probably a good counter. Probably. I mean, Backscratcher.
  235. (Note: You could also potentially use the Scorch Shot to light your target due to the increases blast radius, but that gives them a chance to escape.)
  237. [](/ppcute) I think it's about time I wrapped this up though. Keep in mind that this is all my silly personal experience (With some TF2 Wiki checking to ensure that I had the right names/stats) and yours may differ. This is just what you might expect in a typical x10 server, but keep an eye out for other new, unique and strange oddities. After all, x10 is meant to be for fun and you should probably treat it as such.
  239. [](/sp)
  241. [](/scootacheer) SO GO FORTH AND EXPERIMENT!
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