
2019-11-12 TOEFL: word roots, reading paraphrase

Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Word Roots (list 2) - work together to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  8. cert (certain, ascertain, certificate) = sure
  9. chrom (monochrome, achromatic) = cholor
  10. chron (chronological, anachronism, synchronize) = time
  11. circum (circumscribe, circumspect, circumnavigate) = around
  12. claim/clam (exclaim, proclamation, clamor) = shout
  13. clar (clarify, declare) = clear
  14. cline (inclination, decline, recline) = lean
  15. co (coworker, coeducational, coauthor) = with/together
  16. col before L: (collaborate, colleague)
  17. com before M, P, B: (communicate, composition, combine)
  18. cor before R: (correlate, corroborate)
  19. con before other consonants (except H): (concave, condone, confer)
  20. (co before vowels and H, and in new words like “copilot”)
  21. cogni (cognizance, incognito) = think, know
  22. contra (contrast, contradict, controversy) = against (co+tra=contra; it’s the same ending that gives “extra”, “intro”, “retro”, which often expresses a direction)
  23. corp (corporation, corpse, incorporate) = body
  24. cred (credible, credit, credulous) = believe
  25. crypto (cryptography, cryptic, encrypt) = hide/secret (many words that start with “crypto” refer specifically to “cryptography”, which is a specific set of ways to hide information)
  26. de/di (decelerate, dethrone, decrease, divide, diverge) = down/away/apart
  27. dem/demo (demographics, democracy, epidemic) = people
  28. di (dilemma, dihedral) = two
  29. dia (diameter, dialogue) = through/across/between
  30. dict (dictator, dictionary, contradict) = tell/say
  31. domin (dominate, dominion, predominate) = master
  32. don (donate, pardon) = give
  33. duce/duct (introduction, deduct, conduct, abduct) = lead/guide
  34. dyna (dynamic, dynamite, dynasty) = power/movement
  35. dys (dysfunction, dystopia, dyslexia) = bad
  36. ---
  37. -ed pronunciation:
  38. /əd/ after /t/ or /d/ - needed, wanted, visited
  39. /t/ after other voiceless sounds - stopped, missed, washed, laughed, walked
  40. /d/ after everything else - stabbed, used, loved, begged, stayed, owed, called, judged, banged, banned
  41. -s pronunciation:
  42. /əs/ after /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/ - misses, uses, washes, judges
  43. /s/ after other voiceless sounds - stops, hits, laughs, walks
  44. /z/ after everything else - stabs, loves, begs, stays, owes, calls, bangs, bans
  45. ---
  46. - See how common different words and expressions are, compare across genre (fiction, academic, news, etc.), and find words with a particular root in them.
  47. dys* - find all words that begin with “dys”, in order of frequency (in American English)
  48. *crypt* - find all words with the letters “crypt” in them somewhere
  49. *cline - find all words that end with “cline”
  50. depend * - find the most common words that come after “depend”
  51. ---
  52. BREAK
  53. ---
  54. Reading Question Types:
  55. - vocabulary
  56. - fact
  57. - negative fact
  58. - paraphrase / sentence restatement
  59. - purpose
  60. - inference
  61. - reference/pronouns (probably not on the test any more)
  62. - sentence insertion
  63. - summary
  64. - organize/categorize (probably not on the test any more)
  65. ---
  66. Restatement/Paraphrase Questions
  67. ---
  68. Cambridge exercise R11 - For each pair of sentences, is the meaning the Same or Different?
  69. 1 S
  70. 2 S
  71. 3 S
  72. 4 D
  73. 5 D
  74. 6 S
  75. 7 D
  76. 8 S
  77. exercise R13 - Choose the correct restatement. Compare with your partners. If you disagree, try to convince them. (Pay close attention to the agent and receiver of each verb. Most of the wrong answer choices change who does what to whom.)
  78. 1 B
  79. 2 D
  80. 3 C (The width depends on the strength and nature of the fire. Only C says this.)
  81. 4 B (A and D don’t talk about medical quackery, which is the subject of the original sentence. C doesn’t mention that some of the diseases don’t really exist.)
  82. 5 D (The fly carries the protozoa. The protozoa causes sleeping sickness. The compound kills the protozoa. The other answer choices mix up one or more of these facts.)
  83. 6 A
  84. 7 B
  85. 8 C
  86. 9 A
  87. 10 A
  88. ---
  89. In a passage, the highlighted sentence might not make sense by itself. You may need to read at least the previous sentence and possibly skim more of the passage to understand what the sentence is about.
  90. (For example, if the highlighted sentence starts with “for this reason”, the reason will be given in the previous sentence, and the correct answer may include a paraphrase of that sentence as well.)
  92. Cengage exercise 5.2 - Take 10 minutes to answer the paraphrase questions. (Don’t try to read more than the bold sentence unless you need to in order to understand that sentence.)
  93. 1 C (A and D don’t mention the fight, and C is false because the first clause should be negative.)
  94. 2 A (B and C add comparisons that aren’t in the original; D adds the idea of validity which is not in the original)
  95. 3 B (A is true but incomplete.)
  96. ---
  97. Homework: finish exerciese 5.2
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