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a guest
Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. <requestHandler name="dismax" class="solr.SearchHandler" >
  2. <lst name="defaults">
  3. <str name="defType">dismax</str>
  4. <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
  5. <float name="tie">0.01</float>
  6. <str name="qf">
  7. text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4
  8. </str>
  9. <str name="pf">
  10. text^0.2 features^1.1 name^1.5 manu^1.4 manu_exact^1.9
  11. </str>
  12. <str name="bf">
  13. popularity^0.5 recip(price,1,1000,1000)^0.3
  14. </str>
  15. <str name="fl">
  16. id,name,price,score
  17. </str>
  18. <str name="mm">
  19. 2<-1 5<-2 6<90%
  20. </str>
  21. <int name="ps">100</int>
  22. <str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
  23. <!-- example highlighter config, enable per-query with hl=true -->
  24. <str name="hl.fl">text features name</str>
  25. <!-- for this field, we want no fragmenting, just highlighting -->
  26. <str name="">0</str>
  27. <!-- instructs Solr to return the field itself if no query terms are
  28. found -->
  29. <str name="">name</str>
  30. <str name="f.text.hl.fragmenter">regex</str> <!-- defined below -->
  31. </lst>
  32. </requestHandler>
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