
Flutterpaddle by Anon (Anon/Fluttershy)

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. Flutterpaddle by Anon
  3. ---
  5. >The time has arrived.
  6. >Fluttershy has been convicted of causing massive damage to Ponyville.
  7. >Her trial was short.
  8. >The fact that she first brought the parasprites to town is not at issue.
  9. >Any naΓ―ve pony can make one mistake.
  10. >But the fact that she kept "just one" was damning.
  11. >By that time she knew they were dangerous.
  12. >Furthermore she's an animal expert.
  13. >She ought to have known better.
  14. >Her friends were called to testify against her.
  15. >They tried to help her...put a positive spin on things.
  16. >Well, except for Rarity.
  17. >Rarity is still furious.
  18. >Her shop was trashed. It will take weeks to repair.
  19. >She's had to move back in with her parents until the damage is fixed.
  20. >They already converted her old bedroom into a game room.
  21. >Rarity has to share a bedroom with Sweetie Belle.
  22. >She's fuckin' pissed at Fluttershy.
  24. >Ponyville has no jail.
  25. >Fluttershy has been under arrest at the town hotel.
  26. >Two Royal Guards make sure she doesn't leave her room.
  27. >But today is the day of her sentence.
  28. >She was lucky...the Judge took pity on her.
  29. >Because of her social anxiety she is allowed to take her punishment in private.
  30. >Some of the town ponies are pissed off about that.
  31. >Their homes and businesses were damaged by the parasprites.
  32. >They feel she should be paddled in the town square.
  34. >The Mayor, Nurse Redheart & Judge Mint are already here.
  35. >It will be done inside Town Hall.
  36. >The doors open.
  37. >The two Royal Guard ponies lead Fluttershy in.
  38. >There are tears in her eyes, she's already trembling in fear.
  39. >The doors close behind them.
  41. >Fluttershy is trying to be brave.
  42. >But the instant she sees the punishment frame she has a panic attack.
  43. "No! Oh please oh please I'm sorry! I made a mistake, I'll never do it again!"
  44. >Her knees buckle.
  45. >Guards have to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way.
  46. >The Judge reads her sentence out loud. 50 strokes of the paddle; bare rump.
  47. >But Fluttershy hears none of it.
  48. >She's whimpering in fear, squeaking out feeble apologies between the sobs.
  49. >Dour & emotionless, the Royal Guards do their duty.
  50. >They bend her over the punishment frame.
  51. >They strap her down so she can not move.
  52. >They offer her a blindfold.
  53. >Fluttershy declines.
  54. "I'm *sob* a little afraid of the d-dark."
  56. >Mayor Mare hands you the paddle.
  57. >30 inches long, 6 inches wide, about 1/3 inch thick.
  58. >Ponyville only has 5 or 6 paddlings a year on average.
  59. >This paddle has been used for decades.
  60. >It was carved from hard maple wood long before Fluttershy was born.
  62. >It's time.
  63. >Fluttershy's terrified tears are heartbreaking, but it's got to be done.
  64. >Making her wait any longer would be cruel.
  65. >You swing the paddle and deliver the first smack.
  66. >Fluttershy gasps and screams.
  67. >Poor kid...she's got 49 more to come.
  68. >You don't linger.
  69. >The faster you get this done the sooner Fluttershy can go home.
  70. >But the ranking Guard motions for you to slow down.
  71. >There's an approved legal way to do this.
  72. >No faster slower than.
  73. >No harder softer than.
  74. >The Guard Ponies showed you how last night.
  75. >Let you practice on a stuffed dummy.
  76. >So you slow down to one whack every 4 seconds.
  78. >Fluttershy is in agony.
  79. >Her yellow rump is already bright pink.
  80. >There's light bruises forming where the paddle edges hit.
  81. >She is howling in pain, bawling her eyes out.
  82. >Surely the ponies outside can hear her.
  83. >You can see a few pegasi trying to peek in the high windows.
  84. >Under Fluttershy's face is a growing puddle of tears.
  85. >Then the ranking Guard speaks.
  86. "25...halfway pause."
  88. >Nurse Redheart gives the prisoner a quick inspection.
  89. >There's no excessive bruising.
  90. >She checks Fluttershy's pupils. She's not in shock.
  91. >The yellow filly gasps to catch her breath.
  92. >Nurse Redheart wipes drool & snot from her muzzle.
  93. >Fluttershy begs for mercy.
  94. "Please no more...please! I'm sorry, I'll do anything you say just please don't spank me anymore...I can't take it."
  95. >Nurse Redheart sighs.
  96. "If she can still speak she can finish. You may continue."
  97. >Poor Fluttershy moans in despair.
  98. >The nurse has a heartbroken look on her face; one that tells you she hates this part of her job.
  99. >You hate this too, but it's half over.
  100. >The Guard nods, the Judge nods, the Mayor nods.
  101. >And you resume your duty.
  102. *WHACK*
  103. >Fluttershy's rear-end is shaking violently.
  104. >Every muscle is straining against the straps, trying to escape.
  105. >The count is over 35're not the one counting though.
  106. >That's the job of the ranking Guard Pony.
  107. >Fluttershy's rump is fully red now.
  108. >If Applejack saw it she'd try to buck it out of a tree.
  109. >You don't know how much more the poor filly can take.
  110. >Mercifully, the Guard signals you at 40.
  111. >He explained last night, these last 10 heave to be delivered extra hard.
  112. >It breaks your heart but this is the job you accepted.
  113. >You swing the paddle even harder than before.
  114. >Fluttershy immediately knows the difference.
  115. >Her awful shrieks get even louder.
  116. >Tears are pouring from her eyes.
  117. >5...4...3...
  118. >You are actually getting short of breath.
  119. >Just two more.
  120. >2....last one!
  121. >You stand there panting.
  122. >Everyone present looks sad & guilty.
  123. >But at least it's over.
  125. >Fluttershy is still crying her eyes out.
  126. >But at least she's not still screaming in pain anymore.
  127. >The Royal Guards waste no time unbuckling her restaints.
  128. >As stern & official as they were before, they are tender and sympathetic now.
  129. >They prop the crying filly up until she can stand on her own.
  130. >Nurse Redheart gives her another check-over.
  131. >Her bottom is bruised & welted, but she's okay.
  132. >A few nights of sleeping on her belly and she'll be as good as new.
  133. >Mayor Mare hands you a sack of 50 bits, your payment for this.
  134. >You feel awkward about it, but it's old Equestria law.
  135. >Judge Mint opens the doors and admits a few nervous friends.
  136. >They say nothing to you, looking at you scornfully.
  137. >Even Rarity...what a hypocrite.
  138. >This morning she commented that she'd be happy to see Fluttershy punished.
  139. >You don't hold it against any of them.
  140. >They hurry to comfort Fluttershy...she needs it.
  141. >Pinkie immediately promises a party tonight.
  142. "It'll be a 'We forgive you and never have to talk about this again' party! And I'll bring extra ice cream just so you can sit down in it!"
  143. >That actually draws a giggle...even from Fluttershy.
  144. >You begin to leave but the yellow filly stops you.
  145. "Umm,'ll come to my party tonight, won't you please?"
  146. >Well that was unexpected.
  147. >You figured she'd never want to speak to you again.
  148. "That is...if you don't have something more important to do."
  149. >She's looking at you hopefully.
  150. >Like she really wants a hug but is afraid to ask.
  151. > grant her wish.
  152. >She practically melts into your arms.
  153. >Her face is soaked in tears, her nose is still runny.
  154. >A little clear snot gets smeared on your cheek.
  155. >Gross, but it's okay. Feels good man.
  156. "Thank you for the invitation; of course I'll be there."
  157. >Her friends have forgiven you.
  159. >Fluttershy is not fully forgiven.
  160. >A lot of ponies will be angry at her for a long time.
  161. >But the worst is over.
  162. >And every single pony has fun at Fluttershy's post-paddling-party.
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