

Oct 25th, 2020
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  1. so is there a chance
  2. i acknowledge all the things you said and yes i fucked up
  3. i broke your trust, i was inconsiderate, and i put stress on you that i shouldn't have. i'm sorry
  4. i'm not even going to try justifying how i thought or acted back then at this point
  5. i'm not expecting us to be friends again just like that or anytime soon
  6. i just want a chance to be on better/talking terms
  7. like yea i acknowledge my mistakes and i'm running away from them at all
  8. i do think that if i was more self aware or we had better communication from the start it could've been avoidable
  9. or at least not reach the tipping point where everything was just spilled at once
  10. being self aware would've made communication easier and communication would've made me self aware immediately
  11. and possibly able to stop myself from further making you uncomfortable in other areas as well
  12. communication is such an important thing in friendship for both of us and i think we just didn't handle it well
  13. such that we communicated to each other about our own issues but not about each other unfortunately
  14. in any case, right now the only perceptions you yourself have of me are from more than a month ago
  15. a time where i was making mistake after mistake
  16. so i don't blame that those are valid reasons for not wanting anything to do with me then
  17. but i'm hoping by being on somewhat talking terms, i can at least be judged for what i've been doing since then and not the mistakes
  18. such that in the long term future we might have something with a resemblance to a friendship again
  19. for the short term, i'm not expecting things to just change. i'm not planning to try to be involved with your business anytime soon
  20. for the most part, we'll still just be living our separate lives
  21. because i do understand that if we were to be friends again in the future, it's going to take a lot more time than what has passed
  22. and of course i know that when you lose trust in someone it's hard to regain it, and i can't guarantee you'll trust me like that again
  23. but no one can tell how things will go
  24. i guess my stance is that even if we can't be friends now, i don't want to shut the door completely on that potential
  25. despite all my messups, considering how things were in the months before that
  26. i'd like to believe we were both trying to be genuine in the friendship
  27. and i don't want to give that up
  28. to be honest, deep down, i wanted us to be like "partners in crime" i guess
  29. where we'd just be really good friends with similar personalities that can support each other as we both go through life
  30. because it's super hard to find someone that understands how i think so much
  31. not trying to justify how i acted, but if i really were to think hard about why it felt like i was treating you differently
  32. that would be it
  33. obviously that's not possible now, and i realised towards the later months i wasn't letting the friendship develop in a healthy way
  34. but i want to at least hold on to this connection instead of letting it die completely and permanently
  35. i know all those things you said are justified
  36. but a big part of why i took a month to say anything in the first place is that as much as i wanted to reach out to you sooner
  37. i wanted to make sure i'd actively worked on myself to where i felt i was in a good enough spot
  38. to never let this sort of thing happen again to anyone i interact with
  39. regardless of how talking to you turned out, even though being able to show you would still be good
  40. in any case, i'm really truly sorry for ever putting you through what i did
  42. i know i said a lot but this is actually the last thing i'll badger you about
  43. if after reading all that i said, you can see where i'm coming from
  44. and think we can at least give that small shot at improving our terms
  45. even if we're not going to be friends in the near future, to give time to potentially reconcile in the long term
  46. or if you've something to ask/clarify regarding what i said
  47. let me know
  48. but if you genuinely think there's no chance and you want to end this completely
  49. i promise you that i'll respect it and won't bother you
  50. i just hope that even if that's the case, you'll forgive me for my mistakes
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