
A Speech I decided to make re: the two biggest events

Nov 10th, 2016
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  1. My fellow American and British citizens
  3. Tonight, and in fact, this entire year, has been the most interesting time to be alive ever. Our civilized nations are faced with an unprecedented threat. Not just from ISIS. Not just from Chowdry. But we are mainly warring with a group of pedophilic tyrants that should be of extreme concern to all citizens. Yet, the state of our union has never been stronger!
  4. 5 months ago, the United Kingdom of Great Britain voted to leave the European Union, which means they were gearing up for an economic disaster, the likes of which, has never been seen before, even worse than 2008 they said. A little while later, and it seems that everything is the same as ever was, infact, maybe a little bit better. And tonight, as people celebrate this momumental victory with our loved ones with the election of Donald J Trump, you, the people, have done yourselves the ultimate duty.
  6. The NEET's and professional truth tellers have sent a clear message to the men and women of unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, and the 4th estate. Even as you're hiding away behind corporations like the BBC, ITV and Sky, as well as Goldman Sachs, CNN and MSNBC, in your very, VERY posh homes, on an island of your choosing, and even in countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, justice will be done, and you will not escape our wrath.
  8. For the many ordinary and decent people of the United Kingdom and United States, these 5 months have bought happiness that will be seemingly never ending. We've gone up against some of slimiest corporations on the planet, the most reptilian of bankers, the biggest of politics, the outdated media, and even celebrities that have lost our respect forever ever, and tonight, I would like to thank everyone here for seeing through the deception tactics, the games, and allowing honesty and reality to win the day.
  10. But rest assured, our cause is just, and our countries will never forget the 47 people who gave their lives attempting to expose Killary Clinton. We will never truly be able to repay their sacrifices, and for that, we thank them, along with Wikileaks, for bringing their pure, unadulterated evil to our attention. This victory is also a tribute to Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods, who tragically died in Benghazi, all of whom were forced to stay in the country, by a Mrs. Killary Clinton. Semper fi, Chris, Sean, Glen and Tyrone. Our cause is just, and it continues. The Wikileaks emails have confirmed the extreme's they are willing to go, and the true scope of the task at hand. Some of these people have been pretty quiet since Trump's election.
  12. But we know their real intentions. Already in the UK, the unelected few are trying to drive back the 17.4 million people that voted leave in the EU referendum, through the "parliamentary" voting, which are notoriously biased towards the remain camp. And you also have people in downtown Los Angeles and Seattle protesting the democratic vote, because their choice, an evil, and pardon the French, motherfucking witch who openly talks about starting World War 3, and wanting to increase the rapefugee count in the United States by 600%, did not get into the White House. These people, paid for by Soros, who walk in the path of fascism and totalitarianism, will end up following that path to where it ends. In history's unmarked grave of discarded lies.
  14. For the first time ever, I speak to everyone with a genuine sense of patriotism. For the first time ever, we have the true axis of evil on the run. Throughout the years, the Lugenpresse have shown no mercy for our hearts, and no respect for the men and women who keep us safe, taking genuine glee when officers die, and often referring to buzzwords when an opposing point of view challenges theirs. And now, they are crying wolf, because they're exposed to the event they themselves caused.
  16. Just as they will double down on false flag events to pin the blame on Trump and others like him, we will continue to work with our fellow Anglo-American's, and any other person that wants to save their great nation, to deny the tyranny of evil. Traitors will be named and shamed, and any move the globalists try and plot, we will become wiser, and put a stop to it.
  18. Our 2nd, most important goal from here on out, aside from making sure we defeat the tyranny of evil, is to make sure President Elect Donald J Trump actually follows through with his promises. When he gets into office, the next 100 days will decide if he's a one term president, or if he's gonna go down as the true successor to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, which is why we need to be critical of every move he does. We need to praise him when he does something good, and we need to criticize the holy hell out when he does something we don't like.
  20. Steadfast in our objective, we will now press on. We have shown our true power levels so far. Now we must continue to grow stronger, and stronger. We need to constantly keep pushing the line as further forward as we can possibly get. Until we eventually see freedom's true victory.
  22. And tonight, I have a message for the career politicians and the media: We are crashing this plane with no survivors.
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