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Nov 4th, 2014
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  1. >Twilight's eyes darted back and forth across the page, her mind absorbing the new information as she gleaned it from the textbook.
  2. >The initial embarrassment of what she was reading had long been drowned out by the sheer elation of learning something new, the hesitance replaced by keen interest.
  3. >Curiosity had made her read on, and she had convinced herself that a true scholar was not averse of any form of new information.
  5. "Twilight?''
  7. >This theory however did not prevent her from leaping in surprise at the sound of a voice calling her name.
  8. >She quickly spun around, standing on her hind legs and leaning back against the reading table to obscure the book.
  9. >In front of her stood an azure unicorn looking inquisitively in her direction.
  10. >She tried to act calm, but a deep blush betrayed her.
  11. >"What's the matter Twi? Reading something naughty are we?" Trixie cooed, enjoying the adorable red tint on her companions cheeks.
  12. >"No no, its nothing like that ...." Twilight responded quickly, avoiding eye contact.
  13. >"It's purely scientific! It's just that the chapter I'm on is a little ... embarrassing."
  14. >"Oh?" Trixie grinned. "What's it about?"
  15. >Twilight glanced over her shoulder at the book as if she hoped the volume would speak up and explain itself to save her the trouble.
  16. >"It's about ... horn sensitivity," Twilight finally admitted.
  17. >Trixie raised a hoof to her mouth to stifle a laugh, genuinely trying to be supportive of her innocent little bookworm.
  18. >"It's really quite interesting," Twilight continued, trying to shake the awkwardness of the conversation. She turned back to he book. >"For example, did you know Trixie that if a unicorn's horn is ... stimulated in the right way, it can cause almost complete paralysis due to the endorphins released?"
  19. >"Well actually yes, Trixie did know this," the showpony replied from behind. Though if Twilight heard this she ignored it, having gained steam and entering lecture mode.
  20. >They can sometimes even ... oooh ... ahhh ...."
  21. >Twilight's teaching was cut suddenly short as she felt a hoof brush gingerly along her horn, and felt the warmth of Trixie's body lower itself onto her back.
  22. >"Trixie know's plenty about horn sensitivity," she explained in a breathy voice close to Twilight's ear.
  23. >"Haven't you ever had a horn rub before darling?"
  24. >Twilight was finding it extremely difficult to focus her thoughts as Trixie ran her hoof along her horn.
  25. >The hoof was making as little possible contact with the horn whilst still touching it.
  26. >The sensation was akin to a feather being lightly hovered over her skin, although the result of it was far more intense.
  27. >With each motion a tingling shot down from her horn and throughout her body, making her legs feel weaker with each passing second.
  28. >"I've ... I've had a horn file a few times b-but ... it never felt like t-this ...." Twilight stammered in response, struggling to take control of her vocal cords as the sensations spread throughout her body, leaving a warm feeling behind wherever the tingling travelled to.
  29. >Her usually purple face was most likely now a complete shade of red as she blushed heavily from the new sensations.
  30. >Trixie made a dissaproving clicking sound with her tongue.
  31. >"Of course it wouldn't. Those spa ponies are too rough with those files. The secret is to apply as little pressure as possible," she explained as she continued her work.
  32. >Absolutely delighted with herself over how she was making the bashful unicorn feel.
  33. >She grinned happily as she heard Twilight emit a soft moan as she ran her hoof over the horn again.
  34. >"T-Trixie ... I think I'm g-gonna ...." Twilight tried to warn as her legs began shaking visibly.
  35. >"F-fall."
  36. >Trixie quickly grabbed Twilight around the waist just in time as her knees buckled.
  37. >She gently lowered the paralyzed unicorn onto the floor.
  38. >Twilight's legs flopped uselessly out in front of and behind her, leaving her sprawled belly-down on the floor, a shocked expression on her face.
  39. >"I c-can't m-move," Twilight muttered.
  40. >"Oh don't worry Twilight," Trixie giggled. "The book says the paralysis only lasts a few moments."
  41. >Twilight released what seemed to be a sigh of relief.
  42. >"Unless ...." Trixie continued, "the unicorn in question has not experienced it before, in which case it can last up to ten minutes."
  43. >Trixie laughed as she read the passage aloud.
  44. >A look of horror entered Twilight's eyes.
  45. >"Hmmm, ten whole minutes," Trixie spoke in a pondering tone. "What to do? SPIIIIIIKE!"
  46. >The summoned dragon appeared from the basement at the sound of his name.
  47. >"What's up?" he asked. He then spotted the paralyzed Twilight.
  48. >"Oh my gosh is she ok?!" he yelled.
  49. >"She's fine," Trixie assured the dragon. "It was just an ... experiment," Trixie grinned, looking down at the immobilised unicorn.
  50. >"But she's going to be inactive for at least ten minutes, you know what that means!"
  51. >Spike's eyes lit up. "ICE CREAM!" he yelled, sprinting into the library kitchen, Trixie running after him.
  52. >"No ... stomach ... ache," Twilight mumbled helplessly into the floor.
  54. END
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