
One Shot: Prison Guard Anon

Sep 27th, 2014
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  1. >You are Guardsman Anon, and today was your least favorite day.
  2. >Prison duty.
  3. >The Equestrians didn't have literal prison guard. They treated it as a general rotation of the normal guard force, as Celestia felt it important for every member of her policing force to see the aftermath of their duties.
  4. >This week, you had finally made the rotation back into prison watch, and you were not pleased.
  5. >You tried to explain it to your captain, and even had a few friends back you up due to the severity of the issue, but he felt you shouldn't be exclusively left out of the job.
  6. >"Every side of ponykind needs to be seen if you're to be a guard, Anon."
  7. >You wish his definition didn't turn out to be so literal.
  9. ...
  11. "Can I interest you fine gentlemen in some slop?"
  12. >The four individuals looks up at you, each with a unique grimace. Two playing cards immediately resumed, the other two, on cots, slept.
  13. "It's really quite good. Oversaw the cooking myself."
  14. >No response.
  15. "How about you, the large fellow with the long scar on his face?"
  16. >The stallion on the top bunk stared at you before jumping off the cot and moving to the door. His cellmates followed him with their eyes, which then darted between the two of you.
  17. >The stallion was tall enough to be nearly at your neck height. The gash in question lay on the lower half of the left side of his face, starting at the bottom of the eye, moving back and down towards the jaw joint.
  18. >You placed some slop into a bowl, making the telltale plop of its potato mash base, grease, and miscellaneous vittles.
  19. "Come on then, try some."
  20. >You reached out with the bowl, which the stallion sniffed, then took hold of with his mouth and back towards his cot.
  21. "Very good. None of you other gents?"
  22. >The two at the table placed more cards down in the center, seeming to play a variant of Slap the Jack. The bottom cot dweller remained dormant.
  23. "Fair enough."
  24. >You moved your trolley further down the line.
  27. >As you neared the next cell, you came across a familiar scent. You paused, the squeaking of your cart coming to a sudden halt, and mentally forced yourself to drop the scowl from your face. It was still early morning, and the resumed screech of your poorly oiled cartwheels could be heard echoing off the solid, white painted cement and brick of the prison walls. You stopped once more, dead center with the cell bars to your left, and slowly turned your head to the sole incumbent.
  28. "Vaermina," you said, sniffing the air with disdain. "Always a pleasure to see you."
  29. >The mare twisted in her bed, rolling off her back to look at you. Her coat was purple, with a red mane flowing down and around her back, currently wrapped around herself. Her tail flared, long and unkempt, and dropped off the cot to the floor.
  30. >"Hmhmm...good to see you back, Anon."
  31. >You kept your face flat as she smirked at you, bending her head down to give you a seductive glance. She slinked off the bed, her mane slowly unrolling itself from around her form to rest on her back, falling on the right side. The walked slowly to the front of the cell, hoof over hoof, as if on a catwalk, never breaking eye contact with you.
  32. >"Is it breakfast already? You're so good to bring it to me."
  33. >She leaned her head forward, opening her mouth halfway, tongue held down behind her teeth. You slowly reached to the side of the of your cart and pulled up a pair of tongs, using them to grasp the bowl instead of your hand, and moved it towards the mare. She closed her mouth, looking disappointed, but immediately sniffed the bowl, giving its contents a curved lick with her tongue, then took it.
  34. "I see you're not wearing your regulation bodysuit."
  35. >You motioned to the orange prison wear handing over the back of her cot. Vaermina shifted back towards it, giving you a good look at her tail as she went, then placed the bowl on her bed.
  37. >She dipped her muzzle into the bowl, gently nibbling at the top of the slop, pulling it in with her breath. Eventually, she looked back up at you, licking some of the mash off of her lips.
  38. >"A little birdy may have told me you pulled duty this week. I just wanted you to see me at my best when you got back."
  39. >She leaned towards the orange garb, picking it up with her teeth, before dropping it on the ground between the two of you.
  40. >"I could put it on now, if you want. It takes some wriggling to get into. Hold my mane for me?"
  41. >She turns sideways, swishing her hair towards the bars. It flows like dark flames before resting on the left side of her back. Pushing through her own hair, she turns to stare at you, expectantly.
  42. >You slowly shake your head.
  43. "That can wait until after I've left, thanks."
  44. >You sniff the air again, trying to place the odor that seemed to be emanating from her entire cell.
  45. "Seems I'll be needing cleaning equipment again."
  46. >You reached for the soap sprayer and rag in the lower compartment of the trolley. Looking at Vaermina, you wait for her to move to the back of the cell. She knows the drill by now.
  47. >Her eyes glance over each of the bars, admiring them, before she turns her smile back on you.
  48. >"You'll have to clean them all today, I was a bit excited. It's been two weeks since you've been back, you know."
  49. "I know," you say, now waiting patiently with the rag and sprayer in hand.
  50. >The mare shifts, moving her hind legs back behind her, prepared to step away. She leans close to the bars and takes in her own scent before staring at you one last time.
  51. >"Don't worry, I did it early in the morning like always. Nobody saw me."
  52. >She drops her voice to a whisper, then begins to move back.
  53. >"It's just for you."
  54. >You begin to clean the bars grasping them with the rag and moving up and down the length of each section. Vaermina eyes you the entire time, sitting at the back of her cell, tail wrapped around her.
  55. >Day one begins.
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