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Jul 13th, 2016
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  1. 1) Jenny and I seperate from my father and move to Bristol. Year later I would realise we had been stalked for years, visibly through the 90s, as shown in the scam of 2002 that was linked to this; I am followed in streets by the likes of a girl in a witch hat, a stand-in for Leon Trotsky, dismissed as weirdos at the time, and find an occult design at my gate.
  3. 2) Jenny reports an attempted sexual assault in the street; police abandon investigation claiming a lack of evidence; CID suggest to me, prior to interview, their doubts in mentioning the case of a girl claiming she had been abused in a family and it not being true. My mother had claimed abuse at thirteen, denied by the family, while raised in Italy.
  5. 3) I receive a card apparently from a schoolgirl through my door, untraced.
  7. 4) My mother dies in 1998. Blood is cleaned from the kitchen floor, and the chaplain at the local hospital describes the morgue to me as a 'big fridge'.
  9. 5) A letter from the author of my father's obituary goes missing from my desk, and is never recovered.
  11. 6) I am attacked when I go online in a scam linked to a local magazine, offline activity, a media network including The Guardian newspaper, and sex investigations including Operation Ore, the later Yewtree, evidenced in messages, including one noted Operation Ore arrest; evidence of intrusion is more clearly registered at my address, and a rootkit or similar is employed. Online and magazine content heavily references film, and is strewn with the family and my dead parents, including the traits of the stolen obit. Online data data also refers to 'DNA', in the context of child sex scams and 'feminist nightmare', and is replete with my mother's cousin and her daughter.
  13. 7) A trip to London shows related knowledge, unconfessed, among family; return finds a pet cat almost dead; I find a card in a bag with a quotation from Alice in Wonderland ("six impossible things before breakfast") on top of the kitchen fridge. I change both locks at the address.
  15. 8) Among many other items in media, DNA Films release 28 Weeks Later, Notes on a Scandal and others. 28 Weeks Later shows a cameo for my mother's cousin, employed at the company, her daughter, and a good likeness for my mother and a hospital murder based on a scene from Blade Runner. Inspection of media data shows the close links to The Guardian, the role of the NHS et al in coverup, the links to Ore and Yewtree, the role of the magazine themselves, closed following their links to thousands of pounds in theft of all we had from storage, and the media-network behind, and raises the spectre of media inception that has led me to analyse and sequence film over forty years. Both my mother's cousins are shown to be making money at our expense as I continue to be stalked, bothered and blacklisted by Britain and its nut cult operation.
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