
X-files Part 10 The Izzy Talk

Dec 24th, 2015
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  1. [01:29] Arkalest Sam: Later that week, on a late evening- Nearly 11 PM- Someone knocks on your door.
  2. [01:30] Sam rubs his eyes and sets the book he was reading on his lap. "Come in?"
  3. [01:32] Arkalest Izzy trots in, wearing a pair of jean and a t-shirt. "Hey." She sounds tired.
  4. [01:33] Sam "Hey yourself. You're up awfully late."
  5. [01:38] Arkalest "So are you." She trundles over to your bed, flopping down.
  6. [01:39] Sam "Well, not like I was getting much sleep anyways, and it beats laying in bed doing nothing."
  7. [01:39] Arkalest "Sort of wanted to check on you. They're squeezing the life outta you as well, I guessed."
  8. [01:40] Sam "Some, I don't really mind though. I'm kinda glad they've been keeping me busy, and even if they weren't I'd be going about this pace anyways."
  9. [01:43] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  10. [01:45] -->| Arkalest ( has joined #Adeva3IC
  11. [01:45] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  12. [01:46] Arkalest Izzy barely hides her frown, head low. "I....See."
  13. [01:48] Sam "look. I. . . Sorry. . . I guess I ain't doing you any favors. But it's. . . This is something that I can. . . I. . . that I can focus on."
  14. [01:53] Arkalest "No it's..It's okay, man." She rubs her neck, looking down as she does so. "I guess we all...Got our objectives?"
  15. [01:54] Sam "More like. . . I'
  16. [01:55] Sam "I'm not really sure how to do anything else really. I just. . . this kind of thing is familar, but trying to. . . I dunno, do more with myself? For myself? I don't even know how to start, and considering what I want. . . it's probably better if I don't, at least not yet."
  17. [01:58] Arkalest "..........Yeah."
  18. [01:59] Arkalest Izzy sighs, her hands tormenting the coves in a estless motion. "I suppose it's...It's a thing that needs to be...Addressed."
  19. [01:59] Sam "They've got me signed up for therapy here actually."
  20. [01:59] Sam "It's a start I guess."
  21. [02:00] Sam "I'm just. . . sorry to see you hurting over this." he says quietly.
  22. [02:01] Arkalest "No, it's..Okay. " She tires to make a dismissive hand gesture. "Can't help it."
  23. [02:01] Arkalest "Just...Take care of yourself, okay? Don't give up.."
  24. [02:02] Sam "I didn't give up before, I ain't planning on doing so now."
  25. [02:04] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@D38C3EC3.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  26. [02:05] |<-- Yi-Ping has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  27. [02:05] Sam "What about yourself? You seem pretty. . . down here, things not going like you'd hoped or. . .?" He leans over and pats her back reassuringly.
  28. [02:06] Arkalest Sam: It tenses a bit under her touch. "Nah, 's fine. they're just...Wringing every drop of attention i have." She touchess her temples, shaking her head. "You can spend onl so much time concentraing."
  29. [02:07] Sam "It drains and wears on you like nothing else will. . . Maybe some time off for you to relax is in order?"
  30. [02:08] -->| Yezare (AndChat688@70BC76CB.D0BD394D.E164C3F6.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  31. [02:08] Arkalest "Yeah...Maybe visit my parents..."
  32. [02:09] Sam nods. "Be good for all of you I think.'
  33. [02:10] |<-- Yezara has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  34. [02:10] =-= Yezare is now known as Yi-Ping
  35. [02:10] Arkalest "......Yeah."
  36. [02:11] Arkalest There's an awkward silence, and then she looks away. "I...Thik I should go..."
  37. [02:12] Sam "Izzy, I'm. . . not sure what it is you want to ask me, but. . . I won't ever think poorly of you just for asking a question."
  38. [02:16] Arkalest She works her mouth. "I.....Nevermind, it was a silly one. I can wait."
  39. [02:17] Sam "Just cuz you can doesn't mean you should. But it's up to you." Sam sighs
  40. [02:20] Arkalest ".............Yeah." Izzy stands up, and reaches for the door- But not before shooting you one last longing, lingering glance. "...good night."
  41. [02:21] Sam nods, not quit sure how to respond.
  42. [02:22] Arkalest Sam: You feel someone's gaze drill into your back.
  43. [02:23] Sam "Think I should go after her then?"
  44. [02:26] Arkalest Sam: Neph looks up from her position at the feet of your bed- A tentacle slithers off her back and undulates in a sort of questioning motion
  45. [02:27] Sam turns to Neph with a downcast face. "I just don't really know what to do. I. . . She's a good friend, better than I deserve really. I just. .I don't think I could. . . do her right like that but. . fuck this ain't doing her any favors as things stand."
  46. [02:33] Arkalest The dog nods slowly, and trots over to you, sitting down next to you as to tell you to continue talking.
  47. [02:34] Sam "I just. . . I can't say I don't /like/ the idea but. . She deserves better, and if I thought I was good enough I would without hesitation but. . . I don't think I am. Not sure I ever would be."
  48. [02:35] Sam "And I'm pretty sure that's the worst possible thing I could say to her."
  49. [02:39] Arkalest Neph sighs, and butts her head against your knee.
  50. [02:40] Sam "/me pats Neph on the head and takes a deep breathe. "I want to be wrong I think. And. . . so much of what I though I knew turned out to be false that . . . well I probably will be wrong about that, won't I?"
  51. [02:48] Arkalest She nods again, eyes closed.
  52. [02:49] Sam "Well. . ." Sam stands up "I best get going before I lose my nerve." He quietly heads to Izzy's room, hoping she's there.
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