
GS2 Route Difference

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. "Major" route changes between GS2 sub 7 route and modern route
  3. This is by no means an exhaustive list of changes, rather just those which warrant mention for whatever reason. I will include potential future optimisations where ever applicable.
  5. Sleep Bombs
  6. The modern route now picks up two sleep bombs. One in Daila and one in Madra, these are used in the King Scorpion and Avimander fights. New RN methods have basically allowed us to perma-sleep both of these bosses.
  7. Optimisation: work out RNG method to get sleep bomb from aqua jelly in Pier's ship to skip the Daila sleep bomb.
  9. Gondowan Skip
  10. New Gondowan skip, door is now on the left of the screen as opposed to the right. This means its possible to only get one fight on route to the door as opposed to two or three (or more if unlucky).
  12. Staff of Anubis
  13. We now have an RNG method to get the Staff of Anubis drop in Gabomba, and generally makes the rest of the dungeon easier. It's used as a weapon for Jenna until Mist Sabre and then sits with Sheba for the rest of the game.
  14. Optimisation: There is some time wasted in dropping the encounter steps to 0 before entering the second room of the statue, eliminating this would obviously save time.
  16. Aqua Rock Interior Skip
  17. Significantly better skip found. Its very easy to set up and while it doesn't send you to the optimal location, it gets you close enough to be faster (by a lot) over the previous methods.
  19. Djinn Setup
  20. After the Aqua Rock interior skip Jenna and Felix get placed into the Brute class (Venus on Jenna, Mars on Felix). This used to happen at Ankhol ruins, but now happens much earlier.
  22. Lightning Sword
  23. Is now skipped. Piers will eventually get the Thanatos Mace instead.
  25. Alhafra Cave/Gabomba Catacombs
  26. The power bread from Alhafra Cave is now skipped. The mint from Gabomba is also skipped.
  28. Avimander
  29. Fight now takes place after Ankhol ruins. The fight is also very different (Avimander gets sleep locked). Champa is sill visited after acquiring mud, but is used only to buy stuff from Champa to prepare for the Serpent.
  30. Optimisation; is this shopping trip even necessary?
  32. Serpent
  33. Completely rerouted the fight. Now significantly more reliable for a host of reasons.
  35. Poseidon
  36. Now is RNG dependent (somewhat). Strategy is mostly reliable, but greatly benefits from the right RN seeds. Will be aiming for those seeds in the run.
  38. Lemuria Fountain
  39. Much better fountain strategies were developed (thanks to KadaverBB). The biggest innovation is exit/entering the fountain (amazing how much easier that makes this).
  41. Moapa/Trial Road
  42. Aroma is still obtained before the Moapa fight, but better PP management greatly optimises this. Manipulating for x2 Wild Coats in Lemuria means only one trial road glitch needs to be done (as opposed to three). Moapa strat no longer needs Petra, therefore boat can take the short way back to Atteka (as opposed to the long way which connects to the place you get Petra, which you access by doing a sanctum warp in Shaman Village).
  44. Iris
  45. Takes 50seconds to get, is now cut from the route.
  47. Jupiter Lighthouse
  48. Piers/Sheba swap djinn, this speeds up Piers and, with the Wild Coat, should allow for all party members to outspeed mobs. Not wasting PP on Kaarst/Agatio speeds up dying to them.
  49. Optimisation: skip phaeton's blade? if can manipulate for clotho's distaff in mars lighthouse this would be fine probably?
  51. Isaac's Party
  52. Remains unused. However, there is a very good case for swapping Piers for Mia which could be looked into at some point.
  54. Magma Rock
  55. Optimisation: skip mars djinn here? no longer need Iris so may be a useless djinn? Might mess up djinn count for DD.
  57. Petra
  58. Is now obtained after Loho.
  60. Gel vs Balm
  61. Optimisation: Currently get Gel from Kalt island, but takes about 1 minute to obtain. Plausible that obtaining Balm (from Mars lighthouse) is quicker.
  63. Flame Dragons
  64. Fight is now very different (because no longer getting Iris). After this fight Jenna/Felix go into Ninja class.
  66. Doom Dragon
  67. Optimisation: second party no longer used for Iris summon, maybe bring them in to do extra damage (i.e. from summons?) maybe this would speed things up.
  69. I'm sure much more optimisation is possible. But it may take some more runs to get a better handle on where and how time can be saved.
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