
Teri The Tiny

Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. >At a small outdoor resturant, Rory nervously checks his phone for the time and swallows down the chocking anticipation welling in his throat.
  2. >His date said she was going to be wearing glasses, but he saw nobody like that.
  3. >His heart was speeding a mile a minute as thoughts of rejection run wild in his head. Suddenly he hears a soft womanly voice "Orion?"
  4. >He looks up quickly but only sees an empty seat across. Confused he looks to the table and sees a small pixie like figure before looking back up and then down again.
  5. >She fixes her glasses in that cute way that only women can do while looking up at him. "You're...much taller than I imagined."
  6. "T.Teri?"
  7. >She politely bows before sitting herself on rolled up utensils and setting her purse on her lap. "I'm sorry, I should have told you I was a Breezy online. I hope you're not mad at me."
  8. "Not..not really."
  9. >"You can tell me if you're disappointed. I don't want to keep you."
  10. "No, no, I said I'm fine. Really. I don't get many dates haha, so I would love to go on one."
  11. >"You don't mind that I'm a Breezy?"
  12. "No, my mom tells me it's important to never judge someone on their size alone. They can turn out to surprise you in ways you never imagined,"
  13. >"She sounds very wise."
  14. "I always thought she was just talking about my dad's penis."
  15. >Teri covers her mouth in genuine surprise before snorting a laugh "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. That was just very abrupt, I was not expecting it."
  16. >By now Rory can feel his stomach in knots at his nervous blurt. But he's somewhat relived she doesn't seem phased by it.
  17. >It's then a stallion comes up and looks to Rory, "What shall you be having sir?"
  18. "Shoot I didn't look over the menu, can we have a moment?"
  19. >"I men to drink sir, and when will your guest be arriving?"
  20. >"I'm right here." She states waving happily, "I'll have a water, with some lemon on the side."
  21. >"My apologies I did not see you. And as for you sir?"
  22. "Water too."
  24. >"Very well." He walks away as Rory cracks open his menu.
  25. "What do you want to eat?"
  26. >"I'll just help myself to the free salad and bread. Not many places cater to Breezy orders."
  27. "Oh, well ok. If you want something though feel free to order it."
  29. >With the salad at the table, Teri sits on an olive and holds a stray lettuce slice while biting into it every so often.
  30. >She used the ranch bottle top as a makeshift bowl for her salad dressing and dips the lettuce into it when needed.
  31. "So where are you from? Do you live here in Ponyville?"
  32. >"Yes I do actually, with my father."
  33. "And your mom?"
  34. >"Visits every so often. The dangers of the big world can be..tiresome for a Breezy."
  35. "Not for you?"
  36. >"Well I'm only half Breezy, I seem to get along better here than I do with my mom."
  37. "I can tell, most Breezies don't usually go out to town often."
  38. >As he happily talks to his tiny companion, some of the nearby patrons look on confused and wonder who or what he is talking to.
  39. >As he carries on with her, the waiter comes with a new salad bowl and drags the old one away. The sudden shift in direction causes Teri to yell startled as she falls into the dressing by her side.
  40. "W.w.w.wait! My date is still in there!"
  41. >"Huh? Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea." He apologizes setting the bowl down as she slowly crawls out covered in sticky ranch dressing.
  42. >Disgusted, she looks around helplessly as Rory does the gentlemanly thing and begins cleaning her with a napkin.
  43. >She stands there and endures the strokes but gets her dress snagged. Causing her breasts to be exposed. "Kyah!" She winces covering up her bare chest as Rory tries to look away. The mental image of the tiniest titties he had ever seen still fresh in his mind.
  44. >" Take me home." She states annoyed, arms crossed and avoiding eye contact.
  45. "Check please."
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