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The HARD TRUTH Exposed About Muslim Majority Countries

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Dec 31st, 2016
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  1. The HARD TRUTH Exposed About Muslim Majority Countries
  2. By TFPP Writer 954 Comments
  4. Russ Hepler reveals the true non-politically correct history of Islam’s violence:
  5. We have ISIS loyalists gunning down innocent French and American citizens.
  6. We have a President sending his Attorney General out to warn Americans to stifle their Free Speech rights.
  7. We have a shadowy American Muslim advocacy group blaming American citizens for bringing radical Islamic terrorism on ourselves.
  8. But here is the unvarnished truth about Islam’s history of rape, murder, torture, and slavery – all done in the name of being true to the Muslim faith.
  10. The American Thinker has complied the facts from the past:
  11. When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty.
  12. The enormity of the slaughters of the “religion of peace” are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.
  14. This is a very strong statement to make. But just look at the facts as The American Thinker presents them:
  15. The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. — Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site.
  16. Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.
  17. According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). — Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site
  18. 80 Million?! The conquistadors’ crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.
  20. Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.
  21. … a minumum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions. When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. — John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue
  23. Guess we won’t be hearing this anytime soon from Rev. Al and Minister Farrakhan.
  24. But The American Thinker is not finished:
  25. Add just those two numbers alone together, and Islam has surpassed the victims of 20th-century totalitarianism. However, it does not end there. Add the millions who died at the hand of Muslims in the Sudan in our lifetime.
  26. Much of Islamic slavery was sexual in nature, with a preference for women. Those men who were captured were castrated. The mulatto children of the women were often killed, which explains why Islam was not demographically shifted towards the black race, unlike slaves in the West, who bore children to breed a mestizo class. Add in those dead children; and we arrive at well over 200 million.
  28. We know that over 1 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary Pirates. How many died is anybody’s guess.
  29. …for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000 – BBC
  30. In the Middle Ages…
  31. …many slaves were passed through Armenia and were castrated there to fill the Muslim demand for eunuchs. — Slavery in Early Medieval Europe.
  32. The same practice ran through Islamic Spain. North Europeans captured from raids up to Iceland, or purchased, were butchered in the castratoriums of Iberia. Many died from the operations that ran for centuries.
  33. Don’t forget the 1.5 million Armenian Christians killed by the Turks during WWI.
  35. And these are certainly not all of those slaughtered by Islam throughout the world in history.
  36. The American Thinker grapples with a total number:
  37. Add this all up. The African victims. The Indian victims. The European victims. Add in the Armenian genocide. Then add in the lesser known, but no doubt quite large number of victims of Eastern Asia. Add in the jihad committed by Muslims against China, which was invaded in 651 AD. Add in the Crimean Khanate predations on the Slavs, especially their women.
  38. Though the numbers are not clear, what is obvious is that Islam is the greatest murder machine in history bar none, possibly exceeding 250 million dead. Possibly one-third to one-half or more of all those killed by war or slavery in history can be traced to Islam; and this is just a cursory examination.
  39. Now consider the over 125 Million women today who have been genitally mutilated for Islamic honor’s sake. In spite of what apologists tell you, the practice is almost totally confined to Islamic areas.
  40. As President Obama speaks to the nation Sunday night, it is doubtful he will cite any of these historical facts.
  41. It seems his criticism of religion is limited to Christianity and Judaism.
  43. Please share these truths to all you know. The national media has not given up on the propaganda that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
  44. Of course, they also thought the old Communist Soviet Union was THE model of government as well!
  47. Scary Facts About Islam
  48. Dr. Peter Hammond
  50. Note from David: Many Muslims are disillusioned with Islam but are too fearful to think of escape. Please pray for them to know the God of love and peace.
  52. Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.
  54. Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges. When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
  56. Here's how it works.
  58. As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
  60. United States -- Muslim 0.6%
  61. Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
  62. Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
  63. China -- Muslim 1.8%
  64. Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
  65. Norway -- Muslim 1.8%
  67. At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
  69. Denmark -- Muslim 2%
  70. Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
  71. United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
  72. Spain -- Muslim 4%
  73. Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%
  75. From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
  77. France -- Muslim 8%
  78. Philippines -- Muslim 5%
  79. Sweden -- Muslim 5%
  80. Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
  81. The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
  82. Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%
  84. At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
  86. When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
  88. Guyana -- Muslim 10%
  89. India -- Muslim 13.4%
  90. Israel -- Muslim 16%
  91. Kenya -- Muslim 10%
  92. Russia -- Muslim 15%
  94. After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
  96. Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%
  98. At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
  100. Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
  101. Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
  102. Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%
  104. From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
  106. Albania -- Muslim 70%
  107. Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
  108. Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
  109. Sudan -- Muslim 70%
  111. After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
  113. Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
  114. Egypt -- Muslim 90%
  115. Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
  116. Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
  117. Iran -- Muslim 98%
  118. Iraq -- Muslim 97%
  119. Jordan -- Muslim 92%
  120. Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
  121. Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
  122. Palestine -- Muslim 99%
  123. Syria -- Muslim 90%
  124. Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
  125. Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
  126. United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%
  128. 100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
  130. Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
  131. Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
  132. Somalia -- Muslim 100%
  133. Yemen -- Muslim 100%
  135. Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
  137. 'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of us against the infidel. -- Leon Uris, 'The Haj'
  139. It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrasses. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate.
  141. Today's 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world's population. But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Some say Muslims will exceed 50% of the world's population by the end of this century.
  143. ~Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book - "Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat"
  144. Andrew Strom
  147. When Among Muslims, Remember These Rules, Or Else... CHOP!!! CHOP!!!
  149. Rules of Social Conduct When Among Muslims
  151. 1. Do not make sexual remarks about women or tell an off-color joke. Maintain a sober and serious manner. Speak only when necessary.
  152. 2. Make no flippant mention of religion. Above all, do not smile or appear flippant when mentioning the Koran or the name of the Prophet.
  153. 3. When anyone mentions the name or the title of the Prophet Muhammad, the servant and messenger of Allah, you must cry out the invocation “Salla-Liahu alaihi wasalam”; (“May Allah bless him and give him peace”); or the equally valid “alaihi-s-salam”; (“Peace be with him”). Failure to show such reverence could result, at best, in a severe flogging or, at worst, should you be considered an apostate or blasphemer, in the removal of your tongue.
  154. 4. Do not wear anything that has Jewish or Christian significance, such as a cross or the Star of David. Anyone who wanders among Muslim tribes sporting such things could be beheaded.
  155. 5. Do not squeeze hands when shaking them. Tightening your grip around an outstretched hand is an act of aggression. After shaking hands, touch your chest as a gesture of submission and respect.
  156. 6. Never touch an agent of al Qaeda or a member of any other Islamic terrorist group with your left hand. The Muslims wash their privates and wipe their backsides with this hand. It is deemed unclean.
  157. 7. Never pass food with your left hand. Such a disrespectful act committed in the presence of certain emirs could result in amputation.
  158. 8. Never urinate in the presence of Muslim fundamentalists. This, too, is a sign of disrespect. Always sit or squat when emptying your bladder.
  159. 9. Never blow your nose in the presence of people who live by a strict interpretation of Islamic law. Such an act is a grievous insult.
  160. 10. Never eat while walking around- not even a candy bar. This is a sign of inhospitality and disrespect.
  161. 11. Never take photographs without permission. Above all, never take pictures of women, the infirm, or the elderly.
  162. 12. Never gaze at a woman, not even in passing. When a woman, even one dressed in full burqa, appears before you, cast your eyes to the ground.
  163. 13. Avoid gazing at another man, even in passing. A Muslim terrorist might assume you are gay, and all homosexuals are an abomination before Allah.
  164. 14. Never express admiration for any object belonging to a terrorist. This will compel the terrorist to give the object to you as a gesture of hospitality. He will only be able to reclaim the object by your demise.
  165. 15. Never drink alcoholic beverages in any Islamic country or express thirst for a beer while crossing the desert. This shows disrespect for the teachings of the Prophet
  166. 16. Avoid pointing your toes at a host. Such an action implies a threat.
  167. 17. Never wear your shoes in a Muslim shrine. If invited to the hut or tent of a member of the Mujahadeen, immediately remove your shoes at the entranceway.
  168. 18. Never violate the Holy Day of Friday by loud and impious behavior.
  169. 19. Never carry religious tracts or objects of religious devotion (such as a rosary or a prayer book). Such things will imply that you intend to proselytize the Christian faith.
  170. 20. Never read a book with a lurid title or a magazine with lewd content.
  172. GRAPHIC CONTENT – Woman Beheaded in Public by Moderate Muslim: Also Known as “Thursday”
  175. In Saudi Arabia, just outside the Muslim holy site of Mecca, a woman was accused by her husband of killing their 7-year-old child. The trial apparently consisted of hauling into the public street and beheading her.
  176. This is what Sharia Law looks like. As you think back on this video remember that we’ve seen video after video of Muslims in America who applaud the idea of Sharia Law here in the US.
  181. They claim to be the religion of peace. They are called the “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria”.
  182. Barack Obama claims they aren’t Islamic. (Hey bud, it’s in their name.) They are Islamic. They are barbarians. They do want to take over the world.
  183. In a three photo slide show, an ISIS cleric kills a baby belonging to a Christian family who refused to convert to Islam. ISIS thugs are spreading across the Middle East and are calling on their affiliates in the United States to begin doing the same. After Friday’s beheading in Oklahoma, Americans need to both be on guard and be angry.
  184. The “religion of peace” has started another Crusade, and most Americans are blissfully unaware. If there’s ever a time to realize that the enemy is here and they must be defeated, it is now.
  186. SAVAGES: ISIS Muslim Terrorists Cut 9 Christian Children In Half With Chainsaw In Accordance With Sharia Court Verdict
  189. Iraqi News is reporting that 9 teenagers, alleged to belong to an anti-Islamic State resistance group, were sentenced to be cut in half with a chainsaw by a sharia court in Mosul, Iraq.
  190. Iraqi News cites “a well placed source” as their informant about the gruesome act. The source said:
  191. ISIS fighters have executed nine Christian youths of Mosul. The outfit accused that these youths belonged to an anti-ISIS resistance faction called “The Crusaders”. The death sentence pronounced by ISIS sharia court stated that the men should be tied to an iron pole in the center of Tal Afar Square in Mosul and then sliced into two with an electric chainsaw.
  192. According to The Inquisitr, the chainsaw executions come just a week after 6 alleged spies were killed by “lowering the then still living men into boiling vats of tar,” also in Mosul.
  193. ISIS took control of Mosul in 2014.
  194. Details on life inside the major metropolitan city controlled by ISIS have been extensive. A report carried out in secret by the BBC’s Ghadi Sary in the city lets outsiders have a look inside Mosul. BBC writes:
  195. Since IS took the city, it has been applying the ‘Laws of the Caliphate’, as it calls them. The minimum punishment is flogging, which is applied for things like smoking a cigarette.
  196. Theft is punished by amputating a hand, adultery by men by throwing the offender from a high building, and
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