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Chibbys Server Rules

a guest
Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. General Rules
  2. 1. Be respectful to everyone (50,000+ people play DarkRP. We don't need you. If you have a negative attitude, we won't hesitate to get rid of you).
  3. 2. No hacking, and No Scripts.
  4. 3. Don't use exploits, bugs, or glitches.... Report them to staff (Don't tell a friend).
  5. 4. No mic spam.
  6. 5. No camera spam.
  7. 6. Don't randomly kill people (RDM).
  8. 7. Don't break NLR (3 minutes).
  9. 8. Don't advertise other servers.
  10. 9. Don't ask to be admin.
  11. 10. Don't punchwhore.
  14. 13. you are not allowed to use wire to make printer finders or "chat loggers" (things you can see all the chat with ) and you are not allowed to use it to gain armor remotely , money is fine , however , you can use it for everything else .
  15. 14. Your are not allowed to sell bases that you have built and duped. If you are caught doing this you can be banned.
  16. 15. Sound Emitters are allowed, If you use them in an abusive way. I.E Spamming them outside someones house.
  17. 16. NO PAC3 Editor for non staff members, Staff members can only have it when On duty.
  21. Use Of Props
  22. Do not do any of the following:
  23. -prop surf
  24. -prop kill
  25. -prop block
  26. -prop trap
  27. -prop push
  29. Basing/Base
  30. 2. Bases.
  31. a.Raiders must be able to get to your base by going through 3 keypads or less.
  32. b. Each person that is living in the base may have 1 additional keypad for a safe. Eg. If 1 person has a base, he may have a total of 4 keypads (3 to get into the base and 1 for a safe) If 5 people live in a base, then they may have a total of 8 keypads (3 to get into the base and then 5 safes).
  33. c. All bases must be accessible by at least one entrance, so you can block other ways off.
  34. d. Prop mazing is not allowed.
  35. e. You may not force players to duck, jump, climb over props to slow them down or stop them from getting into your house.
  36. f. You cannot block off sections of the map unless every house is owned by someone you are with, but you can't own more than one of the houses yourself. This excludes the suburban areas (The fancy Houses), you cannot block it off.
  37. g. 3 people must be able to fit between your fading doors. (If they crack the 1st fading door, 3 people must be able to fit between the 1st and 2nd fading door.)
  38. h. you are NOT allowed to use co no-collided props to stop people from shooting at you/ limit the amount of time they can shoot at you , but allow yourself to pop in and out taking pot-shots at them.
  39. i. No Material Glitching.
  41. 3. Fading doors/Keypads.
  42. a. You must have either a button or keypad for each fading door. Either of these should be on both sides of the fading door.
  43. b. Fading doors must be on toggle or on a timer with Granted Access longer than 5 seconds.
  44. c. Cannot have any fake keypads.
  45. d. Keypads must be visible near the Fading Door (DO NOT HIDE THEM).
  46. e. Do not turn your fading doors on and off to shoot during a raid. This is known as Fading Door Abuse(FDA).
  47. 4.Invisible props are ONLY allowed to be used in world prop windows.
  48. 5.Do not make any kind of base in the middle of the sky.
  49. 6.Do not own houses that you are not using.
  50. 7.Your base may not block off any public area or anyone elseโ€™s home. (Exception is the Mayor and the PD)
  51. 8. You cannot fully block off the street with your base, unless behind you is a dead end... Such as the industrial sector.
  53. Government
  54. 1. Government Are Not Allowed to Randomly Search a House. (You must have physical proof)
  55. a. You can only search a house if you see a printer or other illegal items.
  56. b. You can also search a house if there is a fire inside there, gunshots(if illegal) or an explosion.
  57. 2. You cannot do random weapon checks unless the laws state that guns are illegal.
  58. 3. Mayor cannot make laws that go against the server rules.
  59. a. The mayor cannot make a law like Cops can RDM, Random Searches are Allowed, NLR doesn't exist.
  60. b. No going Corrupt.
  61. c. If someone requires a gunlicense to sell/have weapons, you may not charge more than $500 for a gunlicense.
  62. 4. Government may not arrest other goverment.
  63. 5. You May Only Block Off Parking Lots, To Make A ScrapYard/Repo Yard/JunkYard For Cars!
  65. New Life Rule
  66. 1. NLR lasts 3 minutes.
  67. 2. If you die, you must wait 3 minutes before returning to where you died.
  68. 3. NLR doesn't apply if:
  69. a. You were raided and they /adverted Raid Over
  70. b. You were killed by accident (like if there was a gunfight and you werent involved but got shot)
  71. c. You were killed by a hitman
  72. 4. You can't revenge kill/warrant/wanted!
  74. Raiding
  75. 1. You many not lone raid. This means that you must be with at least 1 other player to raid a house/base.
  76. 2. You must /advert Raid before shooting or lockpicking or keypad cracking.
  77. 3. As courtesy, you should /advert Raid Over.
  78. 4. You must wait 10 minutes in between raiding.
  79. 5. You cannot raid the same person twice in a row.
  80. 6. You Must Also Press f6 On The Home Owners Door If Possible!
  82. Mugging Rules
  83. 1. You must /advert Mug <Amount> .
  84. 2. The max amount you can mug for is $500.
  85. 3. After each mug attempt, you must wait 5 minutes before the next mug.
  86. 4. You cannot mug the same player for at least 15 minutes.
  87. 5. Do not mug in spawn, Mug in a alley way.
  90. 1. Don't CDM (Intentionally driving people over).
  91. 2. Don't materialize your car.
  92. 3. Don't make it invisible.
  93. 4. Don't make your car Nocollided.
  94. 5. Don't physgun your car, unless stuck.
  95. 6. When stealing a car, you must advert carjack.
  97. Job Rules
  99. Citizen
  100. 1. You are the most common job on the server, you may not base with criminals such as gangsters/thieves. However you are allowed to have a home with other citizens or other non-criminal jobs.
  101. 2. No raiding/mugging etc as citizen.
  103. Police/SWAT
  104. 1. Chief/Mayor are the commanders of the force, you should obey them at all times.
  105. 2. You may only warrant/wanted if you have actual proof of a warrant, for example you spot a money printer far back in the room. Also to locpick/battering ram someones house you MUST have a warrant.
  106. 3. Corrupt cops are NOT allowed, keeping illegal entities such as moneyprinters are strictly forbidden and you will be demoted. - You may however accept bribes once in a while, to a certain extend.
  107. 4. You are not allowed to own a home/doors or build in public.
  108. 5. All laws made by Mayor apply to the CP's and SWATs, unless specifically stated on the Laws Board that the rules do not apply to them.
  109. 6. S.W.A.T., Police, and Mayor must live in the PD.
  110. Mayor
  111. 1. You are the leader of the police force, and soldiers. You are very respected, and highly paid in salary.
  112. 2. You can create laws, but do use some common sense when creating them. Allowing money printers is not allowed, neither is any law that goes against server rules allowed.
  113. 3. You are not a cop, you should NEVER participate in raids, neither should you EVER hunt down criminals.
  114. 4. You may only own pistols as Mayor.
  117. Gun Dealer/Advanced Gun Dealer
  118. 1. Gundealers MUST have a shop and be on duty 24/7, this must not be used as a selfsupply job. Caught job abusing gundealer to give yourself or friends weapons then switching back to old job will result in a ban. YOU MAY SPAWN A WEAPON to defend your shop.
  119. 2. You may NEVER base with anyone, although you are allowed security guards.
  120. 3. You are not allowed to raid, if someone outside your shop has a money printer you can of course go and try to get it.
  122. Guards
  123. 1. Do not randomly shoot/stunstick people without proper RP reason, if your boss asks someone to leave and they refuse you can force them to leave.
  124. 2. You are a guard, secure the perimeter of your employers house/base/shop.
  127. Medic
  128. 1. You may NEVER base/raid - you may however own a shop/hospital.
  129. 2. Being caught in a crossfire, your job will be to run away, not stay there and heal your supposed buddies that are paying you to heal them.
  131. Black Market Dealer
  132. 1. Don't selfsupply, doing so will result in a ban.
  133. 2. You may join a gang, however this requires that there's at least 4 members in the gang already, so with you that adds up to 5 total players.
  134. 3. Selling illegal guns and spotted by police can lead to arrest/wanted/warrant.
  137. Hobo
  138. 1. You are the lowest rank of the city, you beg for money whilst sitting in your hobo shack.
  139. 2. Bugbaiting someone can get you shot, and bugbaiting in general can get you arrested.
  140. 3. You are allowed to build in public, however don't create huge fortresses filling up an entire street etc. Make a realistic hobo shack.
  141. 4. Using bugbait to get law enforcement to arrest you then shooting them is NOT allowed, you must not bait players into RDM.
  142. 5. Hobo's Cannot Own Cars!
  143. 6. Hobo's Cannot Own Guns, Unless You Are Defending HoboTown!
  145. Hitmen/Assassin
  146. 1. Advertising as this job has to be hidden, using undercover jobs such as "Cookie Salesman" or /adverts with "Selling cookies" is perfectly fine.
  147. 2. If someone continuously orders a hit on the same person, this is most likely invalid hits and you should not accept them.
  148. 3. Being caught screaming "Want to place a hit?", will get you automatically arrested if caught by police.
  149. 4. Maximum price for one hit is 10k , no more
  152. Warring With Opposing Gangs
  153. 1. Italians And Russians And Swat/Police Are The Only Ones Aloud In The Wars!
  154. 2. Both Parties Must Agree On Wars!
  155. 3. To Kill The Opposing Gang You Must Be In A Private Area With No One Around! Which Includes Alleyways, Tunnels, Sewers, and Buildings When No One Is Around!
  156. 4. No Racism or Homophobe remarks are to be made!
  157. 5. Do Not Kill Each Other Just Because Your Opposite Gangs!
  158. 6. Italians Must Live Together!
  159. 7. Russians Must live Together!
  160. 8. S.W.A.T., Police, and Mayor must live together.
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