

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. [05:25] <JetSM64> wheres the proof werster
  2. [05:25] <werster> lmao
  3. [05:26] <Pauliwood> JetSM64 the enforcer
  4. [05:26] <muizzjkabani> .done
  5. [05:26] <Pauliwood> you better do what he says
  6. [05:26] <RBABot> muizzjkabani finishes with a time of 00:29:11 in Race 1
  7. [05:26] <Dayman> lol
  8. [05:26] <werster> jet: have you checked the pudding?
  9. [05:26] <JetSM64> ,startrta sm64 5 stars
  10. [05:26] * JetSM64 ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  11. [05:28] <chum> .done
  12. [05:28] <RBABot> chum finishes with a time of 00:31:29 in Race 1
  13. [05:30] <Twig> werster... OBVIOUS cheater.
  14. [05:30] <Dayman> .done
  15. [05:30] <RBABot> Dayman finishes with a time of 00:33:35 in Race 1
  16. [05:30] <Dayman> wayyyyyyyy personal best
  17. [05:30] <werster> dude
  18. [05:30] <werster> yup
  19. [05:30] <@joe> do u have any recorded run werster
  20. [05:31] <@joe> wish i knew what u did different
  21. [05:31] <werster> my 2:04
  22. [05:31] <Pauliwood> .done
  23. [05:31] <RBABot> Pauliwood finishes with a time of 00:34:18 in Race 1
  24. [05:31] <RBABot> Race 1 is complete. Use .record or .end to remove the race.
  25. [05:31] <@joe> like i dont believe you get insanely lucky every race
  26. [05:31] <chum> godlike luck every time lol
  27. [05:31] <werster> gets a 27
  28. [05:31] <werster> with catching a pokemon along the way
  29. [05:31] <@joe> linklinklink
  30. [05:31] <werster> and fighting a paras for no damn reason
  31. [05:32] <@sicko> .goal
  32. [05:32] <RBABot> pkmnredblue: beat misty (glitchless)
  33. [05:32] <@sicko> .record
  34. [05:32] <RBABot> 1. werster (00:26:20) | 2. muizzjkabani (00:29:11) | 3. chum (00:31:29) | 4. Dayman (00:33:35) | 5. Pauliwood (00:34:18) | joe (Forfeit)
  35. [05:32] <RBABot> werster: 1300 -> 1315 (15)
  36. [05:32] <RBABot> muizzjkabani: 880 -> 933 (53)
  37. [05:32] <RBABot> chum: 1042 -> 1051 (9)
  38. [05:32] <RBABot> Dayman: 971 -> 971 (0)
  39. [05:32] <RBABot> Pauliwood: 963 -> 944 (-19)
  40. [05:32] <RBABot> joe: 1089 -> 1031 (-58)
  41. [05:32] <RBABot> Results stored.
  42. [05:32] <RBABot> Race 1 terminated.
  43. [05:32] <muizzjkabani> Thank god im out of the 800 club
  44. [05:32] <Pauliwood> going the wrong way in every game
  45. [05:32] <Pauliwood> hehe
  46. [05:32] <chum> muizz got out of mount moon in 20 mins O_o
  47. [05:32] * rainbowism ( Quit (Quit: )
  48. [05:32] <@joe> ???
  49. [05:32] <muizzjkabani> Mhm died at misty trainer went back to mt moon cuz no pkm center
  50. [05:33] <@joe> i get to mt moon at like 20 mins
  51. [05:33] <@joe> thats bullshit
  52. [05:33] <muizzjkabani> I know it seems hax
  53. [05:33] <muizzjkabani> But im serious
  54. [05:33] <@joe> yes im pretty sure thats impossible
  55. [05:34] <@joe> bc its only 3-4 mins until the end once you are out of mt moon
  56. [05:34] <muizzjkabani> What i had done was i beat brock and critted first trainer
  57. [05:34] <@joe> so are u actually going to claim that you did that or what
  58. [05:34] <werster>
  59. [05:34] <werster> that took too long to find
  60. [05:34] <muizzjkabani> Im going to claim I was at end of mt. moon at 20 yes
  61. [05:34] <werster> thats the 2:04 joe
  62. [05:35] <@joe> werster thats impossible right
  63. [05:35] <werster> what?
  64. [05:35] <@joe> out of mt moon at 20
  65. [05:35] <chum> werster gets out in 24:42
  66. [05:35] <chum> in his pokemon blue run
  67. [05:35] <chum> just saying
  68. [05:35] <chum> lol
  69. [05:35] <werster> muizz
  70. [05:35] <werster> you still got your finished run?
  71. [05:35] <werster> at misty?
  72. [05:35] <muizzjkabani> No it was on gameboy
  73. [05:35] <werster> yeah i mean
  74. [05:35] <muizzjkabani> On console
  75. [05:35] <werster> is your gameboy still on
  76. [05:35] <muizzjkabani> No why
  77. [05:36] <werster> <_<
  78. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> Is there a way
  79. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> to stream it
  80. [05:36] <werster> gameboy plater obviously
  81. [05:36] <@Cosmo> did you save your game
  82. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> It was GBC
  83. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> No I did not
  84. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> But I sware to god
  85. [05:36] <werster> >sware
  86. [05:36] <Pauliwood> did you rub a magnet on your cart
  87. [05:36] <werster> lmao
  88. [05:36] <muizzjkabani> I was at super nerd at 20 and got out at 22
  89. [05:36] <Dayman> well as long as god is involved lol
  90. [05:36] <werster> ...
  91. [05:37] <werster> chaning your story a lil?
  92. [05:37] <werster> i see...
  93. [05:37] <muizzjkabani> I AM DEAD SERIOUS AND I REALIZE I HAVE NO PROOF
  94. [05:37] <@sicko> LOL
  95. [05:37] <Pauliwood> caps help lmao
  96. [05:37] <@sicko> .entrants
  97. [05:37] <muizzjkabani> You have no reason to beleive anything I say
  98. [05:38] <@sicko> so what time did u get out of mt moon
  99. [05:38] <@sicko> 20 or 22
  100. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> 22
  101. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> 20 was at super nerd
  102. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> and i told him i was out of mount moon
  103. [05:38] <werster> ...why
  104. [05:38] <Pauliwood> does the glove fit muizz?
  105. [05:38] <chum> so dont tell me 20 haha
  106. [05:38] <@joe> is 22 possible werster do u think
  107. [05:38] <werster> possible sure
  108. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> I realize you wont beleive me..
  109. [05:38] <chum> yeah yeah it could be
  110. [05:38] <chum> but
  111. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> If I could have proof
  112. [05:38] <muizzjkabani> I would
  113. [05:39] <@sicko> .rank muizzjkabani
  114. [05:39] <RBABot> muizzjkabani | Overall Gross: 102 - #89 | OoT 959 - #64 | ALTTP 988 - #24 | SM64 713 - #139 | SMB3 980 - #34 | SMB1 984 - #34 | GSun2 1001 - #2 | chipndale 990 - #5 | kingsbounty 980 - #6 | sms 1101 - #2 | TMC 980 - #5 | pkmnredblue 933 - #41 | krusty 920 - #14 | slalom 992 - #4 | pkmncrystal 990 - #7
  115. [05:39] <chum> you behaved kinda weird on skype just saying
  116. [05:39] <@sicko> .top10 sms
  117. [05:39] <RBABot> 1. mugg 1251 | 2. muizzjkabani 1101 | 3. Gragledump 1085 | 4. Venick409 1052 | 5. Axon 1040 | 6. CrypticJacknife 1023 | 7. aneeslol 993 | 8. Kalemandu 982 | 9. Werey 981 | 10. kingofeds 981
  118. [05:39] <werster> its only like 3 minutes from there to misty
  119. [05:39] <muizzjkabani> Im tired and i have to be up at 11
  120. [05:39] <werster> and 25 is posisble
  121. [05:39] <chum> dunno how you could be at the ekans guy when i fought against onix O_o especially since i had NO encounters in viridian
  122. [05:39] * DSSCRA ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
  123. [05:39] <muizzjkabani> I had 1 encounter at viridian
  124. [05:39] <chum> and that was like a minute after you said you just got to brock lol
  125. [05:39] <chum> just saying
  126. [05:39] <@sicko> lol
  127. [05:40] <werster> muizz
  128. [05:40] <chum> i asked how you could fight the bug guy so quickly and i couldnt make out what you responded haha
  129. [05:40] <muizzjkabani> Not a minute
  130. [05:40] <Pauliwood> the moral is
  131. [05:40] <chum> no it was literally a minute
  132. [05:40] <+cyghfer> wtf is with all this pokemon cheating
  133. [05:40] <Pauliwood> if you are going to be shady and no one says anything to you
  134. [05:40] <werster> dude...
  135. [05:40] <muizzjkabani> IM NOT entirely lieing..
  136. [05:40] <Pauliwood> dont come in chat
  137. [05:40] <Pauliwood> and he like
  138. [05:40] <Pauliwood> LOL HEY
  139. [05:40] <werster> im sceptical
  140. [05:40] <werster> to say the least
  141. [05:40] <Pauliwood> THIS HAPPEN
  142. [05:40] <@sicko> enitrely..?
  143. [05:40] <chum> you said you got to brock right before i got to brock, and whne i was fighting onix you said you got to the ekans guy
  144. [05:40] <@sicko> what are u lying about then
  145. [05:40] <muizzjkabani> Yes I did lie to chum in skype call that i was at ekans when i was at guy before ekans
  146. [05:41] <muizzjkabani> But I am telling truth to guys
  147. [05:41] <@sicko> lmao
  148. [05:41] <werster> ...
  149. [05:41] <+cyghfer> lool
  150. [05:41] <chum> ok ok
  151. [05:41] <Pauliwood> he was actually playing pokemons stadium gym battle tower
  152. [05:41] * mugg (rofl@C21999DA.C6C94DC9.173AE142.IP) Quit (Quit: zzz)
  153. [05:41] <chum> thx for clearing that up
  154. [05:41] <werster> so
  155. [05:41] <werster> why did you lie...
  156. [05:41] <@sicko> wait
  157. [05:41] <@sicko> so u died and had to redo mt moon?
  158. [05:41] <muizzjkabani> Idk..
  159. [05:41] <muizzjkabani> Mhm
  160. [05:41] <muizzjkabani> I didnt use pkmn center
  161. [05:41] <JBJ> oh hey, pokemon drama, let me call my elementary school friends
  162. [05:42] <chum> that's weird too, if you got out of mount moon in 22 mins, die on trainer and have to redo mount moon, you got a sick time
  163. [05:42] <werster> so
  164. [05:42] <chum> just saying
  165. [05:42] <werster> which pokemon center
  166. [05:42] <chum> it may be possible though
  167. [05:42] <werster> did you take?
  168. [05:42] <muizzjkabani> Mt Moon
  169. [05:42] * mecharichter ( Quit (Quit: )
  170. [05:42] <muizzjkabani> I had used my last potion at super nerd and was out
  171. [05:42] <werster> last potion?
  172. [05:42] <+cyghfer> wait
  173. [05:42] <werster> how many did you have
  174. [05:42] <muizzjkabani> 3
  175. [05:42] <+cyghfer> he went through mt. moon TWICE
  176. [05:42] * thundrio ( has joined #speedrunslive
  177. [05:42] <+cyghfer> and got 29?
  178. [05:42] <@sicko> ya
  179. [05:42] <@sicko> lmao
  180. [05:42] <muizzjkabani> Mhm
  181. [05:42] <@joe> so u wasted time going to that pokemon center and still got out of mt moon at 22
  182. [05:43] <+cyghfer> bullshit
  183. [05:43] <@sicko> bullshit imo XD
  184. [05:43] <thundrio> anybody wanna race 16?
  185. [05:43] <werster> yeah
  186. [05:43] <AND4H> the trainers are dead at that point, but i wouldn't know
  187. [05:43] <werster> sounds very bullshit
  188. [05:43] <werster> i also dont like
  189. [05:43] <@sicko> i don't see how u get out of mt moon with going to pokemon centres
  190. [05:43] <werster> that you came into my skype call
  191. [05:43] <werster> just to ask where i was...
  192. [05:43] <Kryssstal> I got the master sword in 18 minutes once. but I'm not gonna show proof to the likes of u
  193. [05:43] <muizzjkabani> I didnt know they were streaming..
  194. [05:43] <+cyghfer> lol
  195. [05:43] <muizzjkabani> xD im soz
  196. [05:43] <werster> no dude
  197. [05:43] <werster> its more
  198. [05:43] <werster> you use my position
  199. [05:43] <+cyghfer> i got a 2 wave once but i wasn't recording sry ...
  200. [05:43] <werster> to bullshit your own position
  201. [05:43] <+cyghfer> (oh wait i was hi)
  202. [05:43] <muizzjkabani> Im not..
  203. [05:43] <Pauliwood> just cut him and move on
  204. [05:43] <werster> my answer when you asked too, was at the ekans
  205. [05:43] <muizzjkabani> BSing
  206. [05:43] <Pauliwood> this is done
  207. [05:44] <werster> which is where chum was sayin you were acting weird
  208. [05:44] <werster> so...
  209. [05:44] <muizzjkabani> Well i gotta get to sleep soon but i wanna get this cleared up
  210. [05:44] <muizzjkabani> I seriously did get out at 22
  211. [05:44] <muizzjkabani> seriously did die at 1st misty trainer
  212. [05:44] <+cyghfer> where did you get sent back to
  213. [05:44] <+cyghfer> when you died
  214. [05:45] <muizzjkabani> Mt. Moon Center
  215. [05:45] <@sicko> .racetotal
  216. [05:45] <chum> if it was me it would be pallet haha
  217. [05:45] <RBABot> 3559 total races. Use .racetotal <game> for a specific game.
  218. [05:45] <@joe> yeah no one uses pokemon centers before mt moon
  219. [05:45] <chum> when i die in misty race i always get sent back to pallett
  220. [05:45] <@joe> how can u use pokemon centers before mt moon and still get out at 22
  221. [05:45] <werster> die? lol youre bad
  222. [05:45] <werster> <_<
  223. [05:45] <chum> everything can kill you
  224. [05:45] <chum> crits and stuff
  225. [05:45] <werster> dude
  226. [05:45] <werster> ekans is like it...
  227. [05:45] <werster> and like in a misty race
  228. [05:45] <Pauliwood> wait people dont use pokemon center before mt moon?
  229. [05:45] <+cyghfer> goldeen supersonic idk
  230. [05:45] <werster> you get etra potions
  231. [05:45] <werster> so
  232. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> I used 1 pkmn center which was mt. moon and i did get a couple crits in rt 2
  233. [05:46] <Pauliwood> i mean no one does that
  234. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> not counting moms house
  235. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> which was after gary
  236. [05:46] <chum> the potions usually last for me but not always
  237. [05:46] <werster> moms house?
  238. [05:46] <werster> wtf
  239. [05:46] <@joe> lmao
  240. [05:46] <@joe> so u wasted like 30+ seconds healing at pokemon centers and shit
  241. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> ... you dont?
  242. [05:46] <werster> chum you get like
  243. [05:46] <@joe> and still say u got out of mt moon at 22
  244. [05:46] <@joe> no idiot
  245. [05:46] <werster> 15 potions
  246. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> Im serious..
  247. [05:46] <werster> in pewter
  248. [05:46] <Pauliwood> hey can you just cut him
  249. [05:46] <Pauliwood> and move on
  250. [05:46] <@sicko> muizzjkabani (00:47:29)
  251. [05:46] <@sicko> few days ago
  252. [05:46] <werster> instead of 10 in a speedrun
  253. [05:46] <chum> yeah 14-15
  254. [05:46] <@sicko> lol
  255. [05:46] <Pauliwood> this is dumb
  256. [05:46] <muizzjkabani> Mhm sicko that was my first run
  257. [05:46] <chum> i use a bunch here and there
  258. [05:46] <+cyghfer> werster
  259. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> No pauli
  260. [05:47] <chum> when i'm at misty i dont always have that many left
  261. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> I feel that they are right it is hard to beleive
  262. [05:47] <@sicko> so from ur first run u improved to being a complete god
  263. [05:47] <@sicko> of the game?
  264. [05:47] <+cyghfer> how long does mt. moon take just walking through it
  265. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> Im not a god..
  266. [05:47] <+cyghfer> w/ 0 encounters
  267. [05:47] <+cyghfer> do you think
  268. [05:47] <werster> with 0?
  269. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> I was lucky as hell..
  270. [05:47] <@joe> muizz u understand that getting out of mt moon at 22 is literally better than anyone else here has ever done
  271. [05:47] <@sicko> 1 minute and a half?
  272. [05:47] <werster> iono
  273. [05:47] <+cyghfer> like repels or w/e
  274. [05:47] <chum> mt moon with 0 encounters is real fast
  275. [05:47] <zaccio> .startrta oot
  276. [05:47] <RBABot> RTA initiated. Use .setgoalrta <goal> to set the goal. Use .endrta to end or .reset to retry.
  277. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> I got a question for you guys
  278. [05:47] <werster> prolly like 100 seconds?
  279. [05:47] <werster> fuck idk
  280. [05:47] <chum> but 0 encounters is not gonna happen
  281. [05:47] <zaccio> .setgoalrta Any% SS
  282. [05:47] <RBABot> RTA Goal set: Any% SS. Use .readyrta when you're ready.
  283. [05:47] <werster> my time estimates are bad
  284. [05:47] <werster> also as i was saying
  285. [05:47] <JBJ> gotta be sad to cheat at pokemon =(
  286. [05:47] <+cyghfer> yeah
  287. [05:47] <zaccio> .readyrta
  288. [05:47] <muizzjkabani> IS IT POSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE TO GET 22 OUT OF MT MOON
  289. [05:47] <chum> below 5 is lucky enough
  290. [05:47] <werster> .racehist gsun2 5
  291. [05:47] <RBABot> May 30, 2011 - 03:01:41: gsun2: Defeat Briggs | 1. werster (00:57:58) | 2. muizzjkabani (00:58:20) | Cerpin (Forfeit)
  292. [05:47] <chum> ive never had below 5 ever
  293. [05:47] <werster> im not so sure bout that either
  294. [05:48] <muizzjkabani> Im serious werster
  295. [05:48] <werster> which obv you guys know less about
  296. [05:48] <werster> but like
  297. [05:48] <werster> .racehist gsun2 3
  298. [05:48] <RBABot> May 27, 2011 - 22:37:03: gsun2: Defeat Briggs | 1. werster (01:16:25) | Cerpin (Forfeit) (Forgot Lash/Pound)
  299. [05:48] <muizzjkabani> Im not BSing and i will show proof for every race forward if you would prefer
  300. [05:48] <muizzjkabani> i can use emus and all
  301. [05:48] <werster> that was my first run of that game
  302. [05:48] <muizzjkabani> and frame drop
  303. [05:48] <werster> and i know the game well...
  304. [05:48] <chum> werster goes from end of mt moon to beating misty in about 3 and a half minutes in his pokemon blue run
  305. [05:48] <@sicko> stream some pokemon right now muizz
  306. [05:48] <@sicko> show me ur skills
  307. [05:49] <chum> so 22 mins at end of mt moon would be 25:30
  308. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> I would but i need to sleep
  309. [05:49] <Pauliwood> lol
  310. [05:49] <chum> if you have a good misty fight i guess?
  311. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> Not to make excuses sicko
  312. [05:49] <JBJ> haha, of course
  313. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> but i have to get up for a bbq competition
  314. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> at 11 at the VFW
  315. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> for memorial day
  316. [05:49] <werster> muizz...
  317. [05:49] <werster> you had to do that ages ago........
  318. [05:49] <werster> you told me you were sleepin 4 hours ago
  319. [05:49] <Pauliwood> that's the best thing
  320. [05:49] * joe sets mode: +b *!*
  321. [05:49] <Pauliwood> I've ever read
  322. [05:49] * joe sets mode: -b *!*
  323. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> ..\
  324. [05:49] <muizzjkabani> I understand sir..
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