

Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >Its day 6
  3. >Equestria has gone to shit
  4. >Anons run around raping and kidnapping waifus causing brawls between twifags,rarifags, etc.
  5. >the brawls have escalated into turf wars with neckbeards and normal fags alike claiming parts of cities or sometimes the cities for themselves
  6. >worst of all celestia has can't do shit because of our large numbers, and of course our larger size when compared to the ponies
  7. >Not only that some under-aged kids managed to come in this hell hole and they have it worse than the ponies since either the ponies try to kill them or the waifufags do then again sometimes the ponies take the kids in, if they're lucky
  8. >You however have it good, we're in a relatively peaceful settlement and the ponies have it all under control
  9. >though you still can't score any horse pussy though or any kind of pussy but then again maybe the wizard thing is true, maybe you'll gain some magical powers although its highly unlikely
  10. >Nevertheless life is good and today it's you're motherbucking birthday and you are about to get me some cake, no euphemisms intended
  11. -------------------------
  12. Day 10
  13. >The people from ponychan have amassed some sort of army outside the gates of the settlement
  14. >Ponies and Anons are panicking and the mayor have called in the town militia
  15. >Though I don't think a motley crew of ponies and humans can hold off a hordes of ponychan
  16. >Though they have to or to be precise we have to, that's right Guess who got drafted you did and chances of survival or atleast chances of dying last is...
  17. >Chances of dying last is 83%
  18. >they just gave me a bow and a short sword which means I'll be hanging at the back and will probably get killed last
  19. >The downside is I'd get to fight with the kiddies, Yep that's right the mayor is allowing the use of child soldiers meaning this place may be fucked beyond comprehension
  20. >The mayor had also fled, along with a good majority of the nobility which was mainly made up of unicorns which lowers my chances to 68%
  21. >I also forgot to mention that a great deal of the humans here are either overweight, scrawny( like yours truly) or have high doses of testosterone in their bodies which lowers my chances to 50% since the neckbeards will come rout rather quickly
  22. >Worst of all our leader's "extensive knowledge of combat" came from /k/ or Strategy games
  23. >So overall I'm down tooo.. 11% of survival
  24. >better start writing my last will and testament, since I am fucked like the proverbial white man dropping the soap in prison
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