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a guest
Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. 17:12:37: OBS 0.6.1 (mac)
  2. 17:12:37: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz
  3. 17:12:37: CPU Speed: 2900MHz
  4. 17:12:37: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 4
  5. 17:12:37: Physical Memory: 8192MB Total
  6. 17:12:37: OS Name: Mac OS X (NSMACHOperatingSystem)
  7. 17:12:37: OS Version: Version 10.8.5 (Build 12F2560)
  8. 17:12:37: Kernel Version: 12.6.0
  9. 17:12:37: audio settings reset:
  10. samples per sec: 44100
  11. speakers: 2
  12. buffering (ms): 1000
  14. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  15. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  16. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  17. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  18. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  19. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  20. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  21. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  22. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  23. 17:12:38: convert_sampler_info: 1 <= max_anisotropy <= 16 violated, selected: 0, set: 1
  24. 17:12:38: video settings reset:
  25. base resolution: 1280x800
  26. output resolution: 852x532
  27. fps: 30/1
  28. 17:12:38: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  29. 17:12:38: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  30. 17:12:38: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  31. 17:12:39: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  32. 17:12:39: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  33. 17:12:39: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  34. 17:12:39: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  35. 17:12:39: Required module function 'obs_module_set_pointer' in module '../obs-plugins/' not found, loading of module failed
  36. 17:12:40: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  37. 17:12:40: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  38. 17:12:40: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  39. 17:12:40: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  40. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  41. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  42. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  43. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  44. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  45. 17:12:41: couldn't intialize font code page conversion: 'x-mac-hebrew' to 'utf-8': errno = 22
  46. 17:12:42: output 'default_file_output' (flv_output) created
  47. 17:12:42: output 'default_stream' (rtmp_output) created
  48. 17:12:42: encoder 'default_h264' (obs_x264) created
  49. 17:12:42: encoder 'default_aac' (ffmpeg_aac) created
  50. 17:12:42: service 'default_service' (rtmp_custom) created
  51. 17:12:42: coreaudio: device 'Soundflower (2ch)' initialized
  52. 17:12:42: source 'Mic/Aux' (coreaudio_input_capture) created
  53. 17:12:42: source 'Scene' (scene) created
  54. 17:12:42: source 'Display Capture' (display_capture) created
  55. 17:14:54: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] preset: veryfast
  56. 17:14:54: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] settings:
  57. bitrate: 2500
  58. buffer size: 2500
  59. fps_num: 30
  60. fps_den: 1
  61. width: 852
  62. height: 532
  63. keyint: 250
  64. cbr: on
  65. 17:14:54: Using ffmpeg "aac" aac encoder
  66. 17:14:54: FFmpeg AAC: bitrate: 128, channels: 2
  67. 17:14:54: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
  68. 17:15:25: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -3
  69. 17:16:36: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] settings:
  70. bitrate: 2500
  71. buffer size: 2500
  72. fps_num: 30
  73. fps_den: 1
  74. width: 852
  75. height: 532
  76. keyint: 250
  77. cbr: on
  78. 17:16:36: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] preset: veryfast
  79. 17:16:36: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] settings:
  80. bitrate: 2500
  81. buffer size: 2500
  82. fps_num: 30
  83. fps_den: 1
  84. width: 852
  85. height: 532
  86. keyint: 250
  87. cbr: on
  88. 17:16:36: Using ffmpeg "aac" aac encoder
  89. 17:16:36: FFmpeg AAC: bitrate: 128, channels: 2
  90. 17:16:36: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
  91. 17:16:37: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
  92. 17:17:39: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] User stopped the stream
  93. 17:17:39: Output 'default_stream': stopping
  94. 17:17:39: Output 'default_stream': Total frames: 1900
  95. 17:17:39: Output 'default_stream': Number of skipped frames: 0 (0%)
  96. 17:17:39: Output 'default_stream': Number of dropped frames: 1717 (90.3684%)
  97. 17:17:43: source 'Mic/Aux' destroyed
  98. 17:17:43: Freeing OBS context data
  99. 17:17:43: 2 user source(s) were remaining
  100. 17:17:43: source 'Scene' destroyed
  101. 17:17:43: source 'Display Capture' destroyed
  102. 17:17:43: 1 source(s) were remaining
  103. 17:17:43: output 'default_stream' destroyed
  104. 17:17:43: output 'default_file_output' destroyed
  105. 17:17:43: 2 output(s) were remaining
  106. 17:17:43: encoder 'default_aac' destroyed
  107. 17:17:43: encoder 'default_h264' destroyed
  108. 17:17:43: 2 encoder(s) were remaining
  109. 17:17:43: service 'default_service' destroyed
  110. 17:17:43: 1 service(s) were remaining
  111. 17:17:43: Number of memory leaks: 1
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