
If the Sing were a sitcom... And the WARMs

Jul 12th, 2012
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  1. Initforthehats: Will your jimmies ever be left alone?
  2. numonered: find out next week
  3. numonered: on the singularity!
  4. Initforthehats: If we were a sitcom I'd become a parody of myself the fastest, no question.
  5. bloocheese565: We've been cancelled after one episode
  6. Gainedhate: Did we need a sitcom for that to happen?
  7. WhatArandomName: I don't know what I'd be. XD
  8. numonered: i'd probably shout at the audience
  9. numonered: then insult them
  10. bloocheese565: What would I be, help
  11. WhatArandomName: I'd probably be the awkward mostly silent one.
  12. Initforthehats: I'd of course be the one that shows up randomly with totally unrelated problems to keep the plot moving.
  13. Mukyukker: I see the conversation has turned to sictoms
  14. WhatArandomName: Heh.
  15. numonered: "look everyone it's hats! ohoho isn't he the odd one!" num: "how about you go **** yourself mr announcer man"
  16. WhatArandomName: Hmm... in that case... I'm be the one that solves everyone's problems but never gets thanked for it.
  17. WhatArandomName: If we're going with generic television characters.
  18. Initforthehats: Warn is the Only Sane Worker.
  19. WhatArandomName: Or perosnalities.
  20. Initforthehats: I'm the Kramer
  21. WhatArandomName: Personalities*
  22. Mukyukker: I might be the guy with the snappy jokes that the auto audience laughs at
  23. Mukyukker: Whatever you call it, :P
  24. WhatArandomName: At my expense, of course. ;-)
  25. bloocheese565: Warn, what would I be?
  26. Gainedhate: You shout racial slurs at people randomly and ruin your career that only existed by riding the coattails of a real comedian?
  27. Mukyukker: Nah, I'd be the one who pats your back when no one else does, warn
  28. Initforthehats: Gained, you're a party pooper.
  29. numonered: lol
  30. WhatArandomName: Uhmmm... You could be... the... uhm...
  31. Mukyukker: =D
  32. WhatArandomName: (What's Bloo, guys?)
  33. Gainedhate: Sorry, logic ruined your idea. *shakes his fist at logic*
  34. Initforthehats: Bloo is clearly the attractive woman to get views
  35. Initforthehats: I mean, it has to be someone
  36. bloocheese565: I got it, I call the character that only shows up in the specials but plays a big role in the movie release
  37. WhatArandomName: Yesh. =3
  38. Initforthehats: BLOO YES
  39. bloocheese565: Get ready for that christmas special
  40. Gainedhate: You're Bill Murray in Charlie's Angels?
  41. bloocheese565: too hot for television
  43. Initforthehats: >going off of an apartment themed sitcom
  44. bloocheese565: Bluefox would be the manager of the apartment complex
  45. Mukyukker: Nyanning for 1:45, feeling fine
  46. Gainedhate: The Singularity was filmed in front of a live studio a zoo!!!
  47. WhatArandomName: And he's always mistrustful of new teneants.
  48. WhatArandomName: Tenants*
  49. Initforthehats: True. Maybe Bloo is a loveable hobo?
  50. Mukyukker: I'm the super friendly bartender or local store manager
  51. WhatArandomName: Who throws stuff at people he doesn't like?
  52. bloocheese565: No, I'm a tenant that appears in specials and plays a big role in the movie
  53. Gainedhate: You guys should come up with ideas for comedy sketches first, for episode ideas and all. *nods*
  54. bloocheese565: So anyway, who would die when the show lost ratings?
  55. WhatArandomName: EVERAYONE.
  56. Gainedhate: The guy with the highest salary and least airtime, hence, you.
  57. WhatArandomName: (Except me)
  58. Mukyukker: I'd be unnaturally happy
  59. Initforthehats: Well, who's the most loveable.
  60. Gainedhate: The victims?
  61. bloocheese565: We've already discussed I'm a big role of the movie in the fifth season
  62. Mukyukker: I actually have no idea what I'd be, any idea warn?
  63. WhatArandomName: Not really. =P
  64. Gainedhate: You'd aim for a sitcom, you'd end up with a Law and Order spinoff.
  65. WhatArandomName: Hmm...
  66. bloocheese565: So I can't die before then
  67. WhatArandomName: Maybe a good friend of mine and Bloo's that always gets the girls? XD
  68. bloocheese565: I know who dies warn
  69. Mukyukker: Never.
  70. bloocheese565: that one guy that was an ass to everyone
  71. bloocheese565: I forgot his name
  72. Gainedhate: Hitler
  73. Initforthehats: Gained?
  74. WhatArandomName: Oh. Mariusnogur?
  75. Initforthehats: OH MAGICAL
  76. WhatArandomName: Or... something.
  77. bloocheese565: Not Marius
  78. WhatArandomName: Noquar?
  79. bloocheese565: Marius is grumpy old man
  80. Initforthehats: MAGICAL WOULD BE DEAD
  81. bloocheese565: and not Magical
  82. Gainedhate: Yes hats jr?
  83. bloocheese565: He left the chat forever ago, but he's in the wiki
  84. WhatArandomName: Netherlandish?
  85. Mukyukker: I guess I'm sticking to the store man or bartender
  86. Initforthehats: bartender methinks
  87. bloocheese565: mytosapian
  88. bloocheese565: Myto dies first
  89. Mukyukker: Yet I'm just 17, XD
  90. WhatArandomName: Who is actually a genius and everyone's always trying to get you to go to college?
  91. rainbow191: hey people
  92. bloocheese565: I suppose me, but I'm not out of high school yet
  93. Mukyukker: I'd say "Well, I'm happy when I make you folks happy"
  94. WhatArandomName: Oh, no. Sorry. I meant Muk. A genius bartender that everyone thinks should go to college and become a neuro... somehting.
  95. Initforthehats: Troof.
  96. Mukyukker: Again, I'd say "I'm happy when I make you folks happy"
  97. Initforthehats: He still need someone to be the hot ratings girl.
  98. Initforthehats: *we
  99. WhatArandomName: Emzeh.
  100. Gainedhate: Is your mom available?
  101. Gainedhate: (Yes, I'm that bored.)
  102. Initforthehats: Gained, don't you have like, balloons to pop or dogs to piss on or something?
  103. Mukyukker: XD'
  104. WhatArandomName: =3
  105. WhatArandomName: Or kids to chase off your lawn? XD
  106. Gainedhate: Don't you have something something something yawnnnnnn, what?
  107. Mukyukker: Hey, I'm doing the most pointless thing, nyan
  108. Mukyukker: That's my role
  109. WhatArandomName: =O
  110. bloocheese565: You just earned the The Octopus's Garden Badge and 15 points + 15 points for Badge of the Day!
  111. Mukyukker: 5 more minutes till I hit a milestone
  112. WhatArandomName: The hip bartender that's always telling meme jokes who is actually a genius and that everyone thinks should go to college and become a neuroscientist...
  113. Initforthehats: ^^^
  114. Initforthehats: YES
  115. bloocheese565: Oh god meme jokes why
  116. Mukyukker: Not quite all meme jokes, :P
  117. WhatArandomName: XD
  118. Mukyukker: But that is brilliant
  119. bloocheese565: Warn, how does my badge whoring work into this?
  120. bloocheese565: I've got it
  121. Mukyukker: I just need an entertaining name.....
  122. bloocheese565: Every night I bring home women to my apartment, and I make them cut a piece of their clothing and thumbtack it to a big wall
  123. WhatArandomName: XD
  124. Initforthehats: Lol then make them leave
  125. WhatArandomName: ^
  126. bloocheese565: Nah, you gotta work them first
  127. Initforthehats: "Women I could have had sex with"
  128. WhatArandomName: Because you actually have deep psychological prombelms that gives you commitment issues.
  129. WhatArandomName: Problems*
  130. WhatArandomName: give*
  131. Mukyukker: I have prombelms
  132. Mukyukker: XD
  133. WhatArandomName: Nah, that's Bloo. XD
  134. Mukyukker: 30 seconds
  135. Initforthehats: I don't know how my deep love of hats will translate into a show though
  136. bloocheese565: I suppose that could be the comedic movie release
  137. Mukyukker: You wear a different hat on each episode
  138. bloocheese565: everyone works to help me find a woman
  139. Mukyukker: And point at it at some point
  140. WhatArandomName: Lol. More than just one hat per episode. O.o
  141. Mukyukker: Saying what it is in a different way
  142. WhatArandomName: At least five.
  143. Initforthehats: A different hat in every shot.
  144. Mukyukker: Oh, yes
  145. Mukyukker: XD
  146. Mukyukker: I have officially quadruple nyan'd for 2 hours straight
  147. WhatArandomName: And maybe Hat is constantly on eBay at work trying to find hats worn by famous people, but is almost always tricked into buying fakes. His ultimate goal is to buy hat worn by Abraham Lincholn.
  148. WhatArandomName: (However you spell his name)
  149. Initforthehats: IT'S TRUTH IN TELEVISION
  150. Initforthehats: i mean
  151. Mukyukker: Lincoln
  152. Mukyukker: Derp
  153. Initforthehats: That'd be hilarious...
  154. ________________________________
  155. Mukyukker: .....Who....da....wha....huh?
  156. WhatArandomName: Challenge accepted.
  157. Mukyukker: How?
  158. MooMan123123: .detpecca egnellahC
  159. WhatArandomMaim: Would the real Warm please stand up?
  160. WhatArandomMaim: *Stands up*
  161. MooMan123123: *stands up*
  162. Did you know there are achievements in this game? Look in the Achievements tab for tasks you can complete to win badges! Sign in or register to collect badges, track your progress and chat with friends.
  163. WhatArandomMan: Dafuq is going on here....
  164. WhatArandomMaim: Sit down. D=
  165. WhatArandomMan: *Stands up*
  166. MooMan123123: WTF
  167. solarscout: *pu sdnatS*
  168. MooMan123123: WHO S THE REAL WARN/ WARM
  169. Mukyukker: I.....I'm not even......ugh.....
  170. WhatArandomMan: Is this some competition or some shit?
  171. MooMan123123: WTF??/
  172. WhatArandomMaim: Something like that.
  173. MooMan123123: who.... what..... where... HOW?
  174. Mukyukker: I....I'm just on the sidelines....
  175. MooMan123123: challenge accepted
  176. WhatArandomMan: What do you expect out of me? I mean, I get here and people are talking about my password?
  177. WhatArandomMaim: Mine, technically.
  178. WhatArandomMan: Oh, shit, nice coincidence
  179. WhatArandomMaim: No kidding, eh?
  180. Mukyukker: I am just so entertained right now.......
  181. WhatArandomMan: What happens now then?
  182. WhatArandomMaim: You tell us who you are. XD
  183. MooMom123123: >:D
  184. MooMan123123: >:D
  185. WhatArandomMaim: Figures.
  186. WhatArandomMan: I think a good question is who you are?
  187. MooMom123123: im moomands mom
  188. MooMom123123: *moomands
  189. WhatArandomMan: I think I came here first....
  190. MooMom123123: *moomans
  191. MooMan123123: no she isnt
  192. WhatArandomMaim: I am the original Warm. (Check my sign-up date)
  193. WhatArandomMan: Or, I chatted first.
  194. MooMom123123: yes i am hunney
  195. MooMan123123: weirdo
  196. WhatArandomMan: Does the original matter?
  197. WhatArandomMaim: Of course.
  198. MooMom123123: No
  199. WhatArandomMaim: I think.
  200. WhatArandomMaim: Maybe?
  201. Mukyukker: ....Nyans as he watches......
  202. WhatArandomMaim: Probably not...
  203. MooMan123123: ive ben nyaning for 20 min
  204. WhatArandomMaim: Not quadruple nyanning?
  205. MooMan123123: seriously hope its safe
  206. WhatArandomMan: I guess I'll get to know you people?
  207. WhatArandomMaim: Yeeeah...
  208. MooMan123123: THATS A GOOD IDEA
  209. MooMan123123: 2 NYANS AT ONCE
  210. MooMan123123: HARDCORE MODE
  211. Mukyukker: Still nyanning for 2:48
  212. sncorrea: WAR....m?
  213. MooMan123123: UH OH
  214. WhatArandomMaim: Yup.=)
  215. MooMan123123: i think 2 nyans frose up the cp
  216. WhatArandomMaim: Double Warm.
  217. MooMan123123: nvm
  218. WhatArandomMan: Who's this?
  219. MooMan123123: 2 nyans at once
  220. sncorrea: .......hi?
  221. MooMan123123: wrong time scor
  222. WhatArandomMaim: Hi. =3
  223. Mukyukker: Yeah.....I'm confused too....
  224. MooMan123123: all i know is nyanyanyanyanynaynaynanynya
  225. MooMan123123: nyan has taken over my souuul
  226. Mukyukker: This should soo go on your pastebin, Warn
  227. WhatArandomMaim: Yoooou know it.
  228. MooMan123123: NYANYANYANY
  229. WhatArandomMan: Well, where dafuq do I go from here?
  230. MooMan123123: wait
  231. WhatArandomMaim: Good question, other Warm.
  232. MooMan123123: i forgot who is the warn
  233. WhatArandomMan: I'm warn, man =D
  234. MooMan123123: warm is warm that is warn that is warm?
  235. WhatArandomMaim: Oh. Do you mind Pastebinning the TV show convo, Muk? If it's possible?
  236. Mukyukker: Did you log out?
  237. MooMan123123: Confusion.exe has ben found and is functionally working.
  238. WhatArandomMaim: Waitwhat? No way! I'm Warn!
  239. WhatArandomMaim: D=
  240. WhatArandomMan: Comon, Muk, you believe me, right?
  241. MooMan123123: muk are you still nyaning
  242. Mukyukker: I seriously, seriously, have no idea who to believe.....
  243. WhatArandomMan: Neuroscientist?
  244. WhatArandomMaim: You were there when I made this alt, Muk. =D
  245. WhatArandomMaim: Punk-o-Matic?
  246. WhatArandomMan: You ineptitude =D
  247. WhatArandomMan: Your*
  248. MooMan123123: Who is warn?
  249. WhatArandomMaim: I am. D:<
  250. WhatArandomMan: Isn't it obvious, that it's me!
  251. MooMan123123: you are warm
  252. MooMan123123: wait what
  253. WhatArandomMaim: I'm also Warn.
  254. MooMan123123: who should i believe
  255. WhatArandomMaim: Me.
  256. WhatArandomMaim: Warn.
  257. WhatArandomMan: No.
  258. WhatArandomMan: Me.
  259. WhatArandomMan: Warn.
  260. WhatArandomMaim: Warm who is Warm.
  261. WhatArandomMaim: Me.
  262. WhatArandomMaim: Erm.
  263. WhatArandomMaim: WAARN*
  264. MooMan123123: .......
  265. WhatArandomMaim: Who is w\Warn.
  266. MooMan123123: MUK I NEED SOME HELP HERE
  267. WhatArandomMaim: And fails at this typing thing.
  268. MooMan123123: MUK??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  269. Mukyukker: Someone called for me?
  270. demontacos: What the...?
  271. MooMan123123: i need your help
  272. MooMan123123: who should i believe
  273. WhatArandomMaim: (Me)
  274. WhatArandomMan: Believe me!
  275. WhatArandomMaim: Me.
  276. demontacos: WhatArandomMaim?
  277. MooMan123123: erm
  278. EpicAssassin202: sup
  279. WhatArandomMaim: Yes.
  280. MooMan123123: confusing
  281. WhatArandomMan: D= I feel lonely now....
  282. demontacos: My bed is getting bunions. What should I do about this?
  283. Mukyukker: ....
  284. WhatArandomMaim: I never put smileys before sentences, right, Muk?
  285. WhatArandomMaim: Or four periods.
  286. Mukyukker: I don't really study your patterns.....
  287. WhatArandomMaim: ...
  288. Mukyukker: Well
  289. demontacos: My question?
  290. WhatArandomMan: This
  291. MooMan123123: who should i beleive
  292. Mukyukker: was
  293. WhatArandomMan: fun
  294. WhatArandomMaim: Yes?
  295. Mukyukker: but
  296. Mukyukker: think
  297. demontacos: MY BED IS GETTING BUNIONS!!!
  298. WhatArandomMan: *I
  299. Mukyukker: think
  300. WhatArandomMan: the
  301. Mukyukker: charade
  302. WhatArandomMan: is
  303. Mukyukker: over
  304. WhatArandomMan: thanks
  305. demontacos: And my washers pregnant, but I know how that happened.
  306. Mukyukker: for
  307. WhatArandomMan: your
  308. Mukyukker: time
  309. MooMan123123: wtf......
  310. Mukyukker: ----------
  311. MooMan123123: BROTHERES
  312. Mukyukker: That was excellent
  313. WhatArandomMaim: You used your, not you're.
  314. MooMan123123: i wunna try i wunna try
  315. MooMan123123: hello?
  316. Mukyukker: Thanks for you are time?
  317. WhatArandomMaim: Oh.
  318. demontacos: You're?
  319. WhatArandomMan: antidisestablish
  320. Mukyukker: mentarianism
  321. MooMan123123: O.o
  322. WhatArandomMaim: ...
  323. WhatArandomMan: we
  324. MooMan123123: Confusion.exe is running
  325. Mukyukker: are
  326. demontacos: Trisexual.
  327. WhatArandomMan: twins
  328. Mukyukker: in
  329. WhatArandomMan: kong
  330. MooMan123123: regate
  331. MooMan123123: HA
  332. Mukyukker: chat
  333. MooMan123123: damnet
  334. demontacos: Either means to have sex with both genders and animals. Or it means to have sex with both genders and yourself.
  335. WhatArandomMaim: O.o
  336. demontacos: I don't know which but I hope it's the first...
  337. Mukyukker: NYAN
  338. WhatArandomMaim: That's... relevant?
  339. Gainedhate: No, it means you'll try anything.
  340. WhatArandomMan: NYAN
  341. WhatArandomMan: NYAN
  342. Mukyukker: NYANNYAN
  343. WhatArandomMan: NYANNYAN
  344. demontacos: NAYN
  345. WhatArandomMan: NYANNYAN
  346. WhatArandomMaim: Cleverbot. Bohemian Rhapsody...
  347. Mukyukker: NYANNYANNYANNYAN
  348. WhatArandomMan: NYANNYANNYAN
  349. WhatArandomMaim: I am teh real Warn!
  350. demontacos: TAC NAYN!!!!
  351. MooMom123123: ben nyaning for 1 hr
  352. WhatArandomMan: I already gave up the charade, warn
  353. demontacos: see a doctor.
  354. WhatArandomMan: It's mukkeh
  355. WhatArandomMan: You knew it
  356. WhatArandomMaim: True.
  357. Mukyukker: Dafuq? I'm teh mukkeh!
  358. Mukyukker: .
  359. WhatArandomMan: .
  360. Mukyukker: .
  361. WhatArandomMan: .
  362. Mukyukker: .
  363. WhatArandomMan: .
  364. Mukyukker: .
  365. WhatArandomMan: .
  366. Mukyukker: .
  367. WhatArandomMan: .
  368. Mukyukker: .
  369. WhatArandomMan: .
  370. Mukyukker: .
  371. MooMom123123: .
  372. WhatArandomMan: .
  373. Mukyukker: .
  374. MooMom123123: .
  375. WhatArandomMaim: ...
  376. MooMom123123: .
  377. WhatArandomMan: Meh, I'mdone with this
  378. MooMom123123: D:
  379. WhatArandomMan: And my dad's darn bad keyboard
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