
Plague Marine Anon in Equestria

May 18th, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous, Plague Marine
  2. >You have been gifted with a bloated, massive diseased body, and a Face of Beast, your visage one of dangerous, paralyzing and oozing tentacles
  3. >Thus is how you earned your name, for your identity has truly decayed
  4. >But enough of the history lesson
  5. >And right now, you are in quite the pickle
  6. >A band of Tzeentchian warrior and marines have attacked your base with some kind of warp trickery
  7. >As if being perused by Imperial forces in the Mentieth Sector was bad enough, followers of the Lord of Change had to come long and ruin everything
  8. >It was unexpected, of course, and caught you all off guard
  9. >What's even worse, it sent you hurtling through the warp to some unknown planet
  10. >Thankfully, it didn't dump you out of it's atmosphere
  11. >Re-entry would have burned off most of your slime and contagions that you carry on your armor
  12. >And that would have been horrible!
  13. >It did, however, dump you several hundred feet in the air above a forest, and gravity was doing its thing
  14. >You landed harshly , crashing through the branches and killing many of the trees and wildlife on impact, as well as making a decent sized crater
  15. >You hardly felt the landing, but your power armor did not like the impact one bit
  16. >So now you lie, face down in a crater of an unknown world, cut off from your brothers and unable to move for the time being, and without your trusty Plague Sword
  17. >Quite a pickle indeed
  19. >Some time later, you rise from the smoldering scar you have left on this world, not bothering to dust off the dirt and grime from your sickly grey armor
  20. >After all, who knows was delicious bacteria might lay within the stuff?
  21. >Brown did match with your armor, as well
  22. >You took stock of your surroundings, smiling a bit at your handiwork
  23. >Many trees were already rotting and decaying, fungi sprouting from their remains
  24. >You saw the corpses of various woodland creatures, bloated with disease and having flies and maggots swarm them
  25. >The chitinous tentacles and limbs that framed your face twitched with glee at the sight, and you let out a wheezy sigh
  26. >You were but a single germ that had infected this body, this world
  27. >And soon Nurgle's gifts would spread throughout, making it a pestilent paradise, a virulent Valhalla .
  28. >Not on the scale of Nurgle's Garden, Warp no
  29. >But it would be decent, indeed
  30. >And as the sickness swept the land, despair and hopelessness would be palpable
  31. >And you would invite the denizens of this land into Nurgle's folds
  32. >Warp knows he has lots of them!
  33. >You let out a wheezy laugh as you climb from the crater, resting against the decaying trunk of the tree
  34. >You would have a nap for a while
  35. >Surely, curiously would draw the inhabitants of this world to the crater like flies to a corpse
  37. >Days passed, and turned into weeks, and you hardly noticed
  38. >You wondered about, feasting upon the corpses the littered the area or the various mushrooms that sprung from the decaying lumber
  39. >You found the most delicious sort of creature, as well; An animal made out of wood that snarled and hissed
  40. >But it whined and skittered when you came close, as its body decayed and rotted
  41. >Even better, the decay seemed to spread to others of its kind, as well as the trees
  42. >That meant more rotting wood, and more mushrooms! Delicious!
  43. >Some of the corpses which you did not eat you flung around the forest, leaving the various viruses within to be communed with the healthy animals
  44. >You could see your handiwork, and you were happy
  45. >Father was pleased, and you even built and makeshift banner out of the hides and bones and wood of the forest, planting in the center of the crater
  46. >As if he heard your prayers, a small pool of slime was forming around it
  47. >You wanted so desperately to spread Father's Rot to the world, but you would save it for the more hardy creatures who would come to you
  48. >The longer they resisted the Rot, the more of their soul would be leached to Him, and the stronger the Plaguebearer born would be
  49. >It made you giddy just thinking about it!
  50. >You leaned up against your favorite tree again, and took another nap
  52. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  53. >And you are very concerned right now
  54. >Pegasi who have been flying near the Everfree Forest have come back looking pale and feeling weak
  55. >Fluttershy has had to spend a whole bunch on medicine for her animals, which have been coming down with all sorts of maladies
  56. >She's even been forced to put some down, and she's been crying rivers for weeks now
  57. >You've placed her near the damn so she doesn't flood the town because of it
  58. >No one is brave enough to head into the Everfree Forest to investigate
  59. >Even Zecora has vacated from her hut, and is living in the Whitetail Woods as of right now
  60. >When you asked what she thought it was, she said, hurriedly, 'There is a monster who is horribly ill and diseased, but even so he is happy and pleased!'
  61. >You would have pondered on what that meant, but that wasn't important right now
  62. >Was what important: Checklists
  63. >'Alright Spike. Let's go over this again.'
  64. >The small dragonoid sighed, holding a quill and checklist
  65. >'This is the third time! Didn't you say you shouldn't be wasting time?' Spike said, annoyed.
  66. >'Yes, but we could be dealing with a pandemic here! So I need to be sure I'm protected! So let's go through it one more time. Hazmat suit.'
  67. >You take a look down at the yellow suit you are wearing
  68. >It's not exactly skin tight, but it's protective.
  69. >'Check.'
  70. >'Hazmat Helmet?'
  71. >You magic the accompanying helmet onto your head, and manipulate the seals so it connects to the suit and around your horn
  72. >'Check.'
  73. >'Notebook?'
  74. >'Check.'
  75. >'Pen?'
  76. >'Check.'
  77. >'Extra Pens?'
  78. >'Double check.'
  79. >You nod, satisfied. 'Alright, here I go.'
  80. >Your voice is muffled a bit, but you take the notebook and pens with your magic, placing them in the built in saddle bag of the suit, and head out
  81. >Once you are gone, Spike smiles deviously, and goes to the closet, pulling out a miniature tuxedo just his size
  82. >'Now that Overlord Checklist is gone, I've got a date with Rarity!'
  84. >You venture into the Everfree forest, dutifully noting down everything you see
  85. >Decaying corpses of animals, trees rotting down to the roots, the very ground blackened and sickly
  86. >You are thankful the suit filters out most of the nasty smells and germs
  87. >Lesser ponies would have been knocked out by this sort of stuff
  88. >But you follow the trail, undaunted
  89. >You need to find to the source of this corruption
  90. >You kick yourself mentally for not bringing along vials and whatnot to collect samples to run tests on
  91. >But that would come later
  92. >This was just the observation, and experimentation would come later
  93. >You follow the vitriolic trail deeper into the forest, being careful not to get blindsided by a manticore or cockitrice
  94. >But strangely, even they seem absent
  95. >The trees thin, letting in more light
  96. >You press onward, failing to notice the brambles that are growing, barbed with oozing ichor
  97. >You fail to notice one has pierced the suit, compromising your protection
  98. >You do notice, however, the massive scar in the land that is before you, the hulking grey and brown creature with tentacles where his face should be, and the scent of death that penetrates even the protection of the mask
  99. >And you scream, then gasp, and then cough horribly
  101. >You are Anonymous
  102. >You awoke some time later, yawning a bit and stretching
  103. >The body odor alone was enough to cause several birds flying above to faint, landing face first in the crater
  104. >You frowned a bit. They could not experience Nurgle's gifts if they died right away!
  105. >Such a waste, such a terrible, terrible was-
  106. >Your thoughts were interrupted by a gasp, a scream, and then a horrible coughing
  107. >You turned to see. . .a strange creature with a mechanical face and yellow skin
  108. >You smile as you prepare to enter this one into the Church of the Fly Lord
  109. >You lumbered over to the hacking, choking horse, as it looked up with you with one of her large, expressive eyes
  110. Hello, little one! I see you have found my garden! And you have some of my Fathers gifts, as well!
  111. >The poor thing is wheezing, likely due to the pure stench of rot that you carry, and some of the airborne diseases that are assaulting her
  112. It pains me so to see you not enjoying my Fathers gifts, though. And I fear you may expire soon! And we just me! We could be such good friends!
  113. >She opens both her eyes wide, and they seem to be absent of fear for a moment
  114. >'F...friends?' She stammers before going into another coughing fit
  115. Yes! Father encourages making friends! I am sure that if you accept him, he will spare you from your demise, and we can spread his gifts all around this wonderful world!'
  116. >Normally, when dealing with those poor misguided loyalists or other Marines, they would have refused, and spat at you, saying they would die first
  117. >Some even went on quests to expunge themselves so they could be rid of Father's Rot!
  118. >Waste of a follower, waste of a Plaguebearer
  119. >But maybe it was her curiosity, the sickness clouding her mind, or her delicious fear of death and hopelessness that made her say these words
  120. >'Y. . .yes! I accept your father! I don't want to die!'
  122. >There is a spasm in the Warp, and you both feel it
  123. >You hear jovial laughter, as if it was from Father himself
  124. >And you see the xenos twist and write in pain as she accepts his gifts
  125. >Her body begins to turn green and sickly, bloating with corpse gas, the suit tearing apart
  126. >Her hooves crack and bleed, caking the ground in blood and ichor
  127. >Her eyes turn yellow and the iris a milky white, and her small horn turns yellow and becomes more curved, more pronounced
  128. >You notice the mark upon her flank turn green as well, seeming to warp in between the original starburst and Father's mark
  129. >Most of her hair falls off from her mane and tail, and what remains is grey and wispy
  130. >Her teeth are rotting and yellow, and she stops coughing, blinking slowly as she looks at herself, and then at you
  131. >There is a mounting horror on her face, as she takes stock of her new wondrous form
  132. >'W. . .what have you done!?' She demands, terror and shock
  133. I have not done a thing, little one! But my Father has taken a shining to you, and given you his mark! Well, sort of. It's half way, I guess? You are a strange xenos! But prove useful, and you may be a bloated and festering as I!'
  134. >You let out a wheezy laugh, which is drowned out by her screams of defiance
  135. >First the land, and then the creatures
  136. >Soon, Nurgle will have this world
  138. >You cease your laughing for a moment, but still possess a toothy grin
  139. >The xenos seems to be panicking and crying, oozing yellow pus from her diseased tear ducts
  140. >She's curled up on the ground, whimpering and whining
  141. >You frown, kneeling down and running one of your armored hands through her hair
  142. What is wrong, little one? You are no longer in pain, yes? No longer coughing and hacking. That is reason to celebrate ,yes?
  143. >She pauses a bit, looking up at you, her face stained a sickly yellow. 'W-well. . I suppose. . .b-but now my suit is ruined. ..and my other friends will think I'm hideous!'
  144. >You scoff a bit. [spoiler][/spoiler] That suit was keeping Father's gifts from reaching you. You wouldn't refuse a gift, would you? And if your friends truly are your friends, then they will not judge you on your appearance, true?
  145. >She has a pensive look on her face. 'I. . .I suppose that's true. . .' She sniffs a bit, her nose congested with all sorts of mucus.
  146. And even if they shun you, you always have me. I will always be your friend.
  147. >'Really?' She asks, smiling hopefully.
  148. Really really. Now come, let us enjoy ourselves and get to know each other!
  150. >The next few hours are spent laughing and playing and chasing each other and generally enjoying each others company
  151. >She truly has such a vibrant spirit! You have met many of Father's jovial sons and daughters, but she takes the cake!
  152. >As you play and laugh, she teaches you of this world
  153. >Equestria, the species of xenos - or rather, ponies - That live here, the rulers, a brief history, some dangerous encounters she has had with her other friends
  154. >And her name, Twilight Sparkle
  155. >You think that this is a silly name, considering her new appearance, and nick name her Twiblight
  156. >She groans a bit at the lame pun, but accepts it with stride
  157. >She gave you an equally silly nickname, which you must admit was fitting.
  158. >Potbelly.
  159. >You let out a din of laughter that nearly split your sides, literally.
  161. >Inevitably, she asks where you came from and who exactly your Father is
  162. >You teach her of your world, of the Warp, of the Space Marines and the Horus Heresy, of your succumbing to a unique disease when on a mission on a Deathworld known as Grave Fever and your turning to Nurgle, some of your adventures as a Plague Marine, and some of the beliefs of the followers of your Father
  163. >She listened with enraptured interest, scribbling down everything she heard on a little note book
  164. >She explained that she was originally going to write down observations about the sickness and whatnot, but this was so much more interesting!
  165. >You smiled, praising her enthusiasm
  166. >But soon, the sun was beginning to set, and she expressed concern about getting back to her house
  167. >Her friends must be worried about her, and she wanted to write a letter to Celestia about her new friend!
  168. >You smiled and sent her on her way, advising her to watch out for the brambles on her way out
  169. >You smiled even harder as you saw her wither and wilt the lesser plants of the forest as she left
  170. >She would make Father proud yet!
  171. >You leaned up against your favorite tree, preparing for another nap
  172. >You coated your pauldrons with some rotting lumber before so, hoping to cultivate some mushrooms
  173. >It would be a quick and easy meal that you could access any time
  174. >You smile at your brilliant and close your eyes, falling in a deep slumber
  176. ====
  177. >Twilight Sparkle trotted back through the forest, her curved horn alight with a green aura, lighting the way and levitating the notebook and pen you had brought with you
  178. >She was a bit jealous of and a bit sad for Potbelly. He had so many friends! And those birdy wizards took him away from them!
  179. >It was horrible!
  180. >She resolved to introduce all of her friends to him, and maybe anyp0ny else who was interested
  181. >As the trees thinned and you got closer to the outskirts off town, she trotted on the grass, oblivious to how it browned and withered with each step
  182. >She blushed a bit as some of the ponies out later than usual gagged and coughed, and even fainted, at her body odor
  183. >She apologized profusely, and continued on to her way to her tree house
  184. >As she got close, she noticed some of the leaves falling
  185. >Was Autumn already here? How strange.
  186. >She brushed it off and opened the door. 'Spiiiiike! I'm hooooome~'
  187. >Her voice was sing song and plhemgy at the same time
  188. >Spike rose from his little basket bed, rubbing his head a bit
  189. >'Uugh. . .what is that. . .smell. . .Twilight, did you forget to do your laun-'
  190. >He blinked, looking down at the creature in the main room of the library, and yelling at the top of his lungs, letting out a gout of dragon flame
  191. >Twilight's notebook was incinerated in a flash, and on a crash course right to Canterlot. . .
  192. ===
  194. >Celestia furrowed her brow, looking over her desk with was a mountain of paperwork
  195. >Medical reports of the Featherflu in the Royal Guard Pegasus Legion, newspapers detailing of some kind of pandemic in Ponyville, Mycologist Earthponies reporting a new species of mushroom that is rather invasive. . .
  196. >It was all quite concerning, and she was trying to figure out why might be the cause of it
  197. >She had a feeling the strange thing that fell from the sky a few weeks back might have had something to do with it
  198. >Could it be a fragment of the Schmooze, escaping from Tartarus?
  199. >Or maybe one of the ponies afflicted with a foreign disease from that blasted land expired in the Everfree, giving life to new death weaving organisms?
  200. >She sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves and making a slight scrunchy face
  201. >She had tried to get some experts to go, but they were simply paralyzed at the thought of going into the Everfree
  202. >She loved her little ponies so, but she wished they would grow a pair, to put it simply.
  203. >She giggled, wondering how Luna would react to your 'base vulgarity'
  204. >She turned her attention back to the papers
  205. >She was frustrated at the lack of new material, but as if Faust herself heard your prayers, there was a green flash, and a notebook appeared on your desk
  206. >And with it, a horrible smell
  207. >She gagged and coughed, covering her nose with her hoof as she looked at the notebook
  208. >It had Twilights unmistakeable style and handwriting, very neat and meticulous
  209. >But what was that smell? What was your star pupil getting into
  210. >You opened up the notebook, and read the info within
  211. >And with each page, your expression darkened and twisted into a horrified visage
  212. >When she was done looking over her notes, she turned to look out her window, looking at the Everfree Forest
  213. >She spread her wings and opened the windows, taking to flight
  214. >You had some questions for this 'Anonymous' character.
  217. >Celestia flew through the night sky, focused on one thing and one thing only: To rid this world. . .her world, of the stench of Chaos
  218. >She hardly heard her sisters cries as she soared from Canterlot, over Ponyville, and hovered above the Everfree forest
  219. >Her mouth hung open when she saw the destruction wrought
  220. >She hardly heard the sound of her younger sister flying next to her.
  221. >'Celly, you were in such a hurry! Why are you out so la-'
  222. >She too was cut short as she saw the forest below
  223. >It was as if the forest itself had been wounded with a rusty, old knife, the initial gash painful but the infection so much worse
  224. >From a central point, decaying lumber, fetid toadstools the size of trees, pits of slime and piles of corpses spread out in eight directions
  225. >The mark of Chaos itself was embedded in the forest
  226. >Celestia adopted a look of deathly seriousness, and turned to her sister
  227. >'Gather the Elements. Twilight Sparkle may have been infected by this foulness. Many more may be sick. Be cautious, sister.'
  228. >'But Celly, the ponies in Ponyville are afraid of me still! I can't trust them to-'
  229. >'They will have too!' Celestia said, her usual regal facade breaking into one of forceful fury. 'I trust you, sister. The ponies need a princess to guide them. Please, do this. T I know you can.'
  230. >Luna seemed a bit shocked at her sisters snap, but nodded.
  231. >The two went their separate ways, one going to the town to gather up the Elements, and the other flying into the rotting crater of corruption.
  233. >Celestia flew down into the forest, being wary of the new putrid plantlife that had sprung up
  234. >Her horn was glowing with magic, illuminating the filthy path before her
  235. >Brambles that packed a poison payload, plants packed with noxious nectar, and mushrooms belching forth clouds of obscuring spores
  236. >The air itself was electric with contagion, which she was thankfully immune too
  237. >Yet she had to be careful, for many of these could spell her doom, if she was not careful
  238. >Such a vile mix of viruses would probably kill the lesser ponies in seconds
  239. >She shuddered to think what might happen should the corruption spread to the river
  240. >Pushing those thoughts aside, she continued down the path, heading to the crater proper
  241. >And there it was, the root of the ruin, a massive, metallic, filth covered . . .thing, looking as if it were from the forest itself
  242. >But nothing so vile, so fundamentally wrong, could possibly come from Equestria
  243. >Her horn began to glow more intensely as she conjured up a bolt of solid energy, it's form unstable and bristling with magic
  244. >With a stomp of her foot, the bolt shot forward, burning the ground below it as it sailed through the air
  245. ==
  247. >You are Anonymous, Plague Marine
  248. >And you are currently dreaming about chilling out on Bubonicus, sipping a glass of slime in a mug, chatting with some Great Unclean Ones and all that sort of stuff
  249. >Maybe once you are done with this world, it'll be just like Bubonicus, boiling lakes of blood and all
  250. >And hey, looks like there's a nice acid rain storm coming
  251. >With lightning
  252. >Wait
  254. >Your eyes snap open as you see a massive pony xenos, possessing both wings and a horn, wavy glowing hair of many colors, and looking royal
  255. >Royally pissed off
  256. >Said horn was also glowing, and something was coming right as at you
  257. >You barely dodged that death sentence, but it was not without consequence
  258. >The very presence of that energy was hotter than a star, and it clipped some of your tentacles, revealing your rotten green flesh upon your face, and boiled the outside of your armor
  259. >You could hear the contagions upon your armor die
  260. >It was as if a trillion tiny membranes gurgled and then were silenced
  261. >Even worse, the bolt pierced your trusty tree, the Pillar of Nurgle you had taken to calling it
  262. >It could take no more, and was felled, but unlike the other trees, it did not shatter upon impact
  263. >You looked at the large xenos horse, and crossed your arms, sighing.
  264. Now why did you have to go and do a thing like that? I REALLY liked that tree.
  266. >'Spare me your banter, foul thing. I will not stand for this corruption you have plagued this world with.' Celestia said, readying another bolt of energy.
  267. And why not? Corruption is something that will befall all things. This verdant paradise will become a barren rock, given enough time. Why not bring it about early?
  268. >'I will see that that will never happen.' She said, indignantly. 'I have lived for so long, and I have seen this world teeter on the brink of destruction, and I have saved it, with the help of countless allies, and my sister.'
  269. >You smiled wickedly. This one had lived long, had she? You could use that too your advantage
  270. >Spoil her focus, plant the seed of doubt and despair, and then dunk her into the pit of slime
  271. >Truly, she would make for an excellent Plaguebearer
  272. 'And those allies have fallen, have they not? Have you not seen death and destruction all about you?'
  273. >She responds with one of those bolts of energy, but your Power Armor and already augmented senses allow you to dodge easily, taking her by surprise
  274. 'You have seen so much. Seen friends, family. . .lovers. . .fall to death. Kingdoms crumble. Friends turning upon each other and spilling their own blood.'
  275. >Her attacks continue, and so does your dodging
  276. >It's more like a dance, as you laugh jovially between each bolt
  277. 'You so desperately desire to preserve this world, but it is impossible without embracing decay! Your subjects will fall, your kingdom shall become dust, and then were shall you be?'
  278. >Her attacks are more and more sloppy, her mind befuddled with anger and sorrow
  279. >And you have been getting closer and closer
  280. 'They could all be saved, you know. You could live with them forever, and dance and laugh and sing and play. And I could save them, and maybe make some of them in Father's image. . .'
  281. >You grasp her by the neck, lifting her slightly
  282. >Holding her burns your hand, and her hooves beat mercilessly yet fruitlessly upon your armor, and her face is one of defiance
  283. >You hold her close, your tentacles parting so she can gaze upon your face, which is likened to death itself
  284. >If the toxic tentacles didn't do her in, your breath would
  285. 'Just like I did to little Twilight.'
  287. ===
  288. >Luna had been diligent in her duty of rallying the ponies of Ponyville
  289. >Many of the ponies were sick, some even dying in the streets, but you rallied the ponies to band together
  290. >The Earth Ponies carted the sick to the makeshift hospitals set up in the streets, the unicorns were taught basic healing spells to help curb the sicknesses they suffered from, and the pegasui were told to airlift the less infectious ones to Canterlot for treatment
  291. >Her command of the Royal Canterlot Voice had gotten the attention of the villagers, and allowed her to bark orders to keep things flowing smoothly
  292. >The din had awakened the Element of Generosity, and the other Elements gathered around the square, some of them helping out with the duties of the various castes, the others helping coordinate things
  293. >With the five gathered, she asked where Twilight was
  294. >Everyone pointed to the old tree house, which you remember from your first Nightmare Night post-banishment
  295. >It looked like it belonged in the center of the forest, the bark sloughing off, the wood bubbling with green fungi and the very area around it rank with corruption
  296. >It had been roped off with various vitrification warnings, making it an ugly mix of yellow, brown and green
  297. >She instructed the other Elements to stay behind while she roused the Element of Magic to action
  298. >She cautiously removed some of the 'DO NOT ENTER' tape from the door, and opened it with her magic.
  299. >'Twilight Sparkle? We are here and behalf of our sister ,and we require you to come to the Everfree-'
  300. >She was stopped short as she noticed a massive green blob in the center of the library, and after lighting some candles with her magic, she gazed upon the form of Twiblight Sparkle, and the ruins of the library
  302. >Twilight rolled over a bit, getting upon her hooves and yawning. 'Mmhn. . .morning already. . .' She said, her voice raspy and hoarse. (HURRR PUNS)
  303. >She looked around, and noticed Luna standing there, mouth agape
  304. >'OH! Princess Luna!' She exclaimed, clearing her throat so she sounded somewhat normal
  305. >'It's so nice to see you! What are you doing here?'
  306. >'W. .. what has happened to this place!?' She exclaimed, looking around
  307. >All around were crude engravings of Nurgle's symbol, all the texts not related to Chaos or Nurgle or anything like that had been torn to pieces or otherwise defaced, and the furniture was in various states of ruin
  308. >Twilight giggled, looking around. 'Do you like it? I tried some new decorating schemes, and I think it looks WONDERFUL! But Spike and some of the neighbors didn't agree. Or maybe they did? I kinda like the yellow on the tree. . .'
  309. >'Twilight! Snap out of it! Thy presence as is needed at the Everfree Forest! Celestia herself needs you there!'
  310. >Her eyes widened as that place was mentioned, and she squee'd with excitement
  311. >'Ooooh, I can't wait to introduce her to Potbelly! They might not get along, but he's a really, really nice guy!'
  312. >'No, Twilight, Celestia needs the Elements too-'
  313. >She is interrupted as there is a massive pillar of white energy coming from the forest, banishing the night and lightening up the sky, even though the moon is still out
  314. >Luna looks out the window, horrified.
  315. >'Oh Celly. . .whatever you must be fighting must be very powerful, or has opened old wounds. . .'
  317. ===
  319. >As you spoke those words, you were flung from the grasp of the creatures neck
  320. >You soared through the air, crashing through trees and skidding to a halt
  321. >You landed upon your back, looking up to see. . .daylight? Had the fight gone on that long?
  322. >You stand up, and shield your eyes, gazing upon the source of the light
  323. >It is the xenos princess, but it feels as if you are staring at a Daemon Prince
  324. >What was once the beautiful and delicate ruler has become something out of Khorne's realm
  325. >Her once pristine alabaster coat is one of pure ebony
  326. >Her ethereal mane is like magma, swirling and undulating in the air
  327. >Her eyes were pure white, burning like fire
  328. >'You corrupt my land. You speak venomous words. And you sicken and twist my little ponies. Worse still, you are a being. . .a creature, of Chaos.'
  329. >She speaks as if she were calm, but you can hear the barely contained rage with each syllable
  330. >'And for that, you shall die.'
  331. >And the dance begins again.
  333. >Luna leads the Elements through the Everfree, with a sense of heightened urgency
  334. >The ponies were adorned with their artifacts, shining brilliantly in the artificial day.
  335. >She had cast a protective spell upon them to shield them from the horrors of the forest, and from whatever happened to Twilight
  336. >Fluttershy and Rarity have a look of shock and disgust, horrified by the filth as they get closer, as well as the bloated corpses of the forest denizens
  337. >Applejack has been swearing upon her great-grandparents grave she will buck the crap out of whoever did this to Twilight
  338. >Speaking of, Twilight and Pinkie both seem. . .happy?
  339. >Pinkie being Pinkie, of course, she's probably blissfully unaware of the danger or just thinking of a song to sing when they finally get there.
  340. >Twilight seems to be looking forward to seeing this 'Potbelly' again so soon
  341. >Luna shakes her head and presses on, navigating the forest with ease
  342. >While she could have easily lead them to the crater at night, since it is her domain, she was thankful for the light that illuminated their path
  343. >Though perhaps the darkness would have been better, so they could not see what the forest has become
  344. >Eventually, the seven ponies make it to the crater, careful to avoid the toxic brambles
  345. >And all of them were amazed and horrified at what they saw.
  347. >Pain.
  348. >Even with your deadened nerves, you felt it.
  349. >For the first time in many years, you felt pain.
  350. >You were flung mercilessly through the air and onto the ground by the enraged princess
  351. >She learned her lesson, forgoing the spears of light and simply choosing to envelope you in energy, and proceed to beat you into paste
  352. >You shouted the names of various antibiotics in frustration
  353. >You were toothless against this beast, this xeno, without your gear.
  354. >Even then she could simply melt it with a passing glance
  355. >You should have finished her when you had the chance
  356. >But you wanted to drink in her despair, and make her suffering complete
  357. >She had peeled off some of your face tentacles, and blasted you with rocks and lances of magical energy while you dangled helplessly in her psychic grasp
  358. >There was nothing you could do
  359. >Death inching ever closer, you smiled
  360. >You knew you would be with Father soon
  361. >Your efforts here had not been in vain, but you wished you could go more.
  362. >As she held you over the crater, preparing a spear of massive energy, you smiled.
  363. >You did not fear death, but at the same time, you did not embrace it.
  364. >You simply knew all things must end, and your time has come.
  365. >She prepared to loose the bolt into your skull, but she was interrupted by an appearance of several xenos
  366. >One of which you knew
  367. >You wanted to warn her of the danger, but she dumped you harshly into the pit of slime
  368. >You really wanted to stop hitting the ground at such high velocity.
  369. >Darkness quickly consumes you.
  371. >Celestia turned her burning gaze to the group of ponies who had arrived.
  372. >Fluttershy fainted at the sight of Celestia
  373. >The rest of the ponies faltered, even Twilight.
  374. >Luna, however, stepped forward.
  375. >'Sister! What hast thou done?'
  376. >'I am simply removing the corruption. Your assistance is appreciated, but not needed.'
  377. >Her words were filled with malice, but she sounded perfectly calm and collected.
  378. >'This is not the way to do it! We hath gathered the Elements-'
  379. >'The Elements will not work. For one of them has been corrupted.' She interjected, all of them enveloped in a golden aura
  380. >Save for Twilight, who was shackled to the ground with chains of golden energy
  381. >'And I am here to remove it.'
  382. >Twilight was stunned, struggling against the magical bonds that bound her. 'Princess. . .it's me, Twilight! You don't need to do this! Potbelly's a nice guy! He's a little smelly, sure, but. . .'
  383. >'Silence.' Celestia said, a bolt of energy forming before her. ' I shall end this quick.'
  384. >Twilight's eyes narrowed. She begged and pleaded with the princess, but it fell upon deaf ears.
  385. >She closed her eyes, crying and screaming, but to no avail
  386. >The bolt flew forward, and the sickening sound of flesh and bone being pierced rung through the false dawn.
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