
21plus old description

Oct 22nd, 2015
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  105. <div class="overlay">
  106. <div class="innerbox" id="about"><br />
  107. Hello and welcome to 21_Plus. We are a cult that was designed in 2008 especially for all VF users aged 21 and over.
  108. <br /><br />
  109. The aim of this cult is to make it <b>THE</b> place to come for the over 21 community on VF through being a relaxed, accepting, mature cult free from drama.
  110. <br /><br />
  111. Here you are welcome to create new threads, post in current threads, and take part in contests.
  112. We want you to feel at home, so feel free to treat this place as such, without having to worry about offending any kids!</div>
  114. <div class="innerbox" id="feat"><h2>Featured Member</h2><br />
  115. <a href="/deathOVERvictory"><img src="" /></a> </div>
  117. <div class="innerbox" id="feat2">
  118. <h2>Featured Staff</h2><br />
  119. <a href="/Lord_Suhrim"><img src="" /></a></div>
  122. <div class="innerbox" id="staff">
  123. <h2>Staff</h2><br />
  124. <a href="/Lord_Suhrim" title="Jimmy | Root"><img src="" /></a> <a href="/MzSparx" title="Kizza | Co Owner"><img src="" /></a> <a href="/Dannie-Bitchh" title="Dannie | Root"><img src="" /></a><a href="/jonessj2011" title="Samantha | Root"><img src="" /></a> <a href="/MissAtropine" title="Denise | Admin"><img src="" /></a> <a href="/Furie_Nocturne" title="Suzi | Admin"><img src="" /> </a></div>
  125. </div>
  127. <div class="innerbox" id="winners">
  128. <h2>Winners</h2><br />
  129. <img src="" /> <img src="" title="Best halloween costume | moonfire69" /> <img src="" title="Best halloween makeup/facepaint | Bumble_Bee__Jessica" /><br /><br />
  130. <a href="" class="nav1">click here for more winners</a></div>
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