
Pros and Cons for a BOT

May 10th, 2019
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  1. I've made a simple list of the Pros and Cons about having a bot on a xat chatroom, from this list you can consider if you'd like a bot on your chatroom, or if you'd keep the no bot rule on.
  2. As a reminder, this is for FEXBots only, I can't speak for ARCBot since I don't use that service.
  4. Pros of having a bot on a chatroom
  5. 1. Automatically makes people member, thus making it where we don't need to do it, and is less work for us.
  6. 2. Adds entertainment for people who want to play xat game bans, or play pokemon go, youtube etc.
  7. 3. Able to mail other users while they are offline for important messages, or just to talk.
  8. 4. Able to moderate if needed.
  9. 5. Bot can be easily fixed to make sure it doesn't spam by using "!STFU"
  10. 6. Bot's commands can be minranked to make sure a certain rank can't use the command by doing !minrank commandname rankhere (e.g. !minrank pgc moderator)
  11. 7. You can check if a xat volunteer is online, check promoted chatrooms and other misc. stuff such as checking a tweet from twitting using the bot.
  12. 8. The chat will never be dull because there is always something to do with the bot, giving people the option to get involved more than just watching the conversation and being quiet.
  13. 9. This one will be very helpful, the bot will keep logs of the messages being sent, the events (like bans, members etc.), even keeps a log of people using commands, a chat staff list will be made as well by default.
  15. Cons of having a bot on a chatroom
  16. 1. Bot can be used irresponsibly.
  17. 2. Bot may not work in the downtime.
  18. 3. Bot can be hard to use in some cases.
  19. 4. People using the bot can spam commands, thus making the chatroom full of un-needed messages.
  20. 5. Some people will leave because of being annoyed.
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