

Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. (Jason Voorhees)
  2. "I don't want to scare anyone, but I am gonna give it to you straight about Jason. Her body was never recovered from the lake after she drowned. And if you listen to the old-timers in town, they'll tell you she's still out there, some sort of demented creature, surviving in the wilderness, full grown by now...stalking...stealing what she needs, living off wild animals and vegetation. Some folks claim they've even seen her, right in this area. The girl that survived that night at Camp Blood, that...Friday The 13th? She claimed she saw her. She disappeared two months later...vanished. Blood was everywhere. No one knows what happened to her. Legend has it that Jason saw her mother beheaded that night. Then, she took her revenge, a revenge she continued to seek if anyone ever enters her wilderness again. And, by now, I guess you all know we're the first to return here. Five years... five long years she's been dormant. And she's hungry. Jason's out there...watching...always on the prowl for intruders...ready to kill...ready to devour...thirsty for young blood."
  3. - Paul Holt, cause of death seeming to be a result of sexual mutilation and Cannibalism.
  5. She was a girl named Jason born on a Friday the 13th. That day was enough to show how much bad luck it was, as she was born with mental disabilities and a slight case of Hydrocephalus. Making it hard for her to socialize with other kids and even impossible for her to speak. Her mother, Pamela Voorhees kept her away from them as the bullying problem became too much. Not letting her attend school and educating her in their home on the outskirts of Crystal Lake.
  6. In the summer of 1957, Pamela, unable to get a babysitter for Jason, resorted to bringing her to Camp Crystal Lake where the older woman worked as a cook. It was during this time that Jason had a growth problem, in which she developed early (age 11) to a body that both the males of kids and counselors found alluring, often times either 'helping her' or 'playing around' with her in order to feel her already blooming body up against theirs. The many of girls and female counselors hated the attention being stolen from them, badly, so much so that they pretended to befriend Jason and several of them tricked the girl to getting on a small boat ride together in the middle of the night, where and pushed her into the lake and she drowned due to not knowing how to swim.
  7. After the death of her daughter, Pamela Voorhees went mad. Becoming desperate she had found a tool that could bring her little girl back, "Necronomicon Ex-Mortis", The Book of The Dead. Yet as she tried to do the spell, with it needing 13 people to be killed on the camp on the day of Friday the 13th, the spelled worked but not as she planned as she was the 13th person to be killed, as the last counselor fought back.
  8. The ritual spell completed, Jason aroused from the lake, fully grown into full womanhood due to the spell.Though her mind was the same, with no idea as what had happened to her before she drowned in the lake, and still thinking like a child. She found her mother's head though, and broke down in tears. So filled with sorrow that she didn't even notice her mother's killer was unconscious on a boat in the middle of the very lake she had drown in.
  9. She remained there till the cops came the next morning, and it was a disaster as they tried to take the head from her. It was after the 3rd attempt and several broken bones later, that the girl began to run away. Though reluctantly, as the cops didn't want to follow a crazy naked huge woman through the woods, they saw it as having no other choice seeing as she might hurt someone. One cop had manage to find her and after a lot of convincing had managed to get her to go with him.
  10. Jason was scared, and alone as she left her mother's head in a hiding place (in a tree trunk) for safekeeping, knowing that they'll try to take it from her. Though the man thought he should hand the girl over to the station, he saw how excited she was upon seeing the town, and how child-like she was upon making sure to touch everything in his car she could.
  11. It extremely helped she was drop dead beautiful and naked, with only a spare jacket he had to try and cover her.
  12. With nothing much, holding him back from so, he took her to his home so she could stay with him. And she had, for two months she had lived with the man, acting as a surrogate daughter for him. Though that had changed as he and Jason were watching the news and they had seen that Alice Hardy, the last counselor alive and killer of Pamela, was released from the sanitarium that day.
  13. Enrage at her mother's killer, and from how she depicted her mother into being a psychopathic mother, Jason storms from her and the officer's home and finds where Alice lives. With full rage driving her, not even in control of herself, Jason had broken into Alice's apartment and stabbed her in the temple with an ice pick from behind, killing her.
  14. Though...Jason was still a child. Reeling from the horribleness and fear of what she done, she had ran back into the woods with the body of Alice and hide her with Pamela's head, before returning home to the officer.
  15. Sweating, dirty, and covered in blood; the cop began to verbally lash out at Jason for how she had him worried, he stopped as she began to cry and hug him. The man took her into the shower to try and clean her, and express how he was still mad at her.
  16. Scared to lose the one last person in her life, Jason remembered how the boys back at camp seem to like as she rubbed up against them. With no shame, she pulled the officer into the bath with her and rubbed her nude body over him, making sure to press her breast firmly on his face, and other parts of his body.
  17. The cop had been tempted many times as it was with the woman, as she would sometimes walk without pants on, touch him in his sleep, play with herself in front of him (not really knowing what she was doing); and he had been a good christian, always following the book as told.
  18. But this was his final straw.
  19. He stripped himself and began to have sex with the very woman with a child's mind. Water splashing everywhere with neither of them caring and only stopping when a bottle of shampoo fell on Jason's head. Moving to the bed room was easy, with Jason on her back and gripping the seats as the officer took her virginity, and was 'claiming her as his own'. As he ejaculated inside of her,Jason finally began to feel the warmth of love that she's been missing since her mother's death...but just as she moved to embrace her new lover...he was shot in the back several times with a gun.
  20. The killer being an ex-wife that cop had from years ago, having harass the two at their home several times now. She screamed calling her an ugly monster and man-stealer. But Jason didn't hear her as she was focus on her dead love, as he just feel limp on the floor. The same rage as before came over Jason, as she stood up and walked to the woman. She had tried to shoot at the huge woman, to get her away, screaming as loudly as could while doing so...but Jason just effortless dash to her, the bullets just feeling like peddles to her, before she completely punches the head off the woman.
  21. Jason was alone and scared once more, and ashamed at herself for killing again.
  22. She began thinking herself as just as the woman called her, an ugly and began to cover her face. She lives in the woods now so that she could finally be left alone and grieve.
  24. *Friday the 13th: the Final Friday.
  25. The year was 2007, 28 years since Jason had started her kill spree in murdering those that had come to her grounds. She had been through a lot, having been killed by a small boy (one she hated to admit grew to a handsome man); having to battle a psychic-girl who had beaten her rather badly; even left her home and had ended up in a different state of New York for a while.
  26. It had taken her a lot of time to return him, and back to killing though admittedly she felt...differently.
  27. Sometimes finding herself having nightmares, and even seeing herself be sexual attractive toward women too. Like a voice other then her mother's was speaking to her, but she couldn't make it out.
  28. Jason didn't have long to dwell on such problems as the FBI had deemed her a threat. They attacked her one night in her camp, shooting her and even blowing her up into pieces.She awake at the morgue of the hospital, with her body seem to have been sewed together and strapped to a table in a morgue. Confused and anger she looks around, finding a man that had placed her back together. He told her he was her doctor. She didn't like him. He was fat, and looked like the kind of man that keeps trying to dirty her camp with more people. He began to cut her open, though it was more of a living autopsy.
  29. He talked into a tape player how she could regenerate so easily and how it could be used to help mankind, which most of what he was saying passing over her head as they were also drugging her with sedatives to keep her trap. This had gone for several nights with the doctor removing organs and having them grow back for samples. One night though, it seem that Jason's doctor was getting careless. Telling her how he was feeling...attached now, even started to 'play' with her. Touching her body in teasing ways. As good as it felt, Jason hated the man for trapping her more. Then the voice, the one not her mother's began to speak to her.
  30. Told her to use this to her advantage. Several nights with the doctor came close to cutting her open again, this time her leg, she started to poke him with her toes.
  31. The man easily gave into her pervert nature. His tongue running up and down Jason's foot, as he free it from the strap so that he could easily trail his tongue along her leg. It allowed her to kick him in the face with her all her might.
  36. (Freddy Krueger)
  37. A family woman on the surface who worked at a school as a gardener, Alfreda 'Freddy' Krueger was actually the serial killer known as the "Springwood Slasher", where she had killed and possible raped several teens and children throughout her entire town of Springwood. When she was caught and subsequently released on a technicality due to no evidence, the parents came to her home where she had killed her husband and own children for ratting her out to the police. They chase her off to a shack out back of the power plant she once worked at and burned it down with her inside. With her finally breath she cursed that she will be back in a way they couldn't ever protect their children, in their dreams.
  39. (Michelle Myers)
  40. "I met her, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach her, and then another seven trying to keep her locked up because I realized that what was living behind that girl's eyes was purely and simply... evil."
  42. Halloween night 1963
  43. In haddenfield illinois there would be
  44. A gruesome case of sibling rivalry
  45. Between kids in the Myers family,
  46. when Michelle was six year old leisurely
  47. walked into her sister's room silently
  48. and butchered her body so violently
  49. she left for a mental facility
  50. and when the state hospital deputy
  51. relaxed the maximum security
  52. and Michelle would stop waiting patiantly
  53. for another chance at a murder spree
  54. her doctor Sam Loomis tried legally
  55. to put her away for eternity
  56. said "my patient has no humanity"
  57. but others did not exactly agree
  58. they said "Michelle was the epitome, of the ideal patients activity
  59. no crying, no talking, no moving,
  60. she would just sit and stare absent mindedly."
  61. Yet 15 years later she wandered free
  62. by breaking free from her captivity
  63. Now all she had left to do was to flee
  64. Back to her old peaceful community
  65. when her house was sold to strode realty,
  66. who's daughter became inevitably,
  67. a subject of all her hostility.
  68. A true Michelle Myers authority;
  69. Who has the uncanny proclivity,
  70. to suffer no serious injury
  71. While friends who are in her vicinity
  72. Without fail they will become a casualty.
  73. They fall victim to her insanity!
  74. They're strangled and mangled creatively!
  75. They're grabbed and then stabbed hard repeatedly!
  76. They're decapitated so easily!
  77. You'd think she'd get bored from monotony
  78. She kills each one individually,
  79. employing equal opportunity
  80. for quality versus more quantity.
  81. She'd re-live a childhood memory
  82. to the fullest of his own ability
  83. but there wouldn't be much difficulty
  84. since she seems to have no mortality
  85. or reason or conciance entirely,
  86. devoid of any personality
  87. her sense of life and death and good and, evil seemed extremely rudimentary
  88. the boogie-girl's responsibility
  89. is to maintain the notoriety
  90. as death as an impossibility
  91. would fade slowly into obscurity
  92. but you are one miracle prodigy
  93. you've given this killer the third degree
  94. you vanquished the evil amazingly
  95. ignored all your bothersome OCD
  96. to check up on her heart accordingly
  97. so while she is lying there lifelessly
  98. while you are still breathing so heavily
  99. you sit there and thank god that finally
  100. "its over its done with" and luckily
  101. you planned each potential contingency
  102. you blinded her eyes temporerally
  103. you drove that knife through her chest cavity
  104. you shot her in every extremely
  105. you forced her right off of the balcony
  106. the'res no way in hell that she'd possibly
  107. get up and walk right off your property!
  108. that stuff only happens on the T.V.
  109. so you'll be safe in police custody
  110. they'll quickly make a positive I.D
  111. of Michelle's cold twisted anatomy
  112. you'll gain all the neighborhood's sympathy
  113. and after a good deal of therapy
  114. you'll be back in touch with reality
  115. and understand why philosophically
  116. the apple does not fall far from the tree
  117. when creating our own worst enemy
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