
Rhyme (FiE:8)

Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. Part 8
  2. >You are still on your knees sobbing when you hear her speak your name softly.
  3. >”Fid?”
  4. >She sounded... concerned.
  5. >No shit she is concerned, dude. She basically just destroyed a present that a monster was trying to give her.
  6. >And this was right after said monster killed 3 of the biggest diamond dogs you have ever seen.
  7. >She is concerned for her safety.
  8. >Upon this realization, you rise to your feet, still not looking at her.
  9. >You turn around, and approach the door.
  10. >”Keep the cane to remind you...”you say, cut off by the need for a deep breath.
  11. >”Remind me of what?” she interrupts.
  12. >You freeze at the door, turning only your head towards her.
  13. >”To remind you of when I was your friend.” another tear escapes your eyes as you exit.
  14. >”Fiddle, wait, what are you-” Her voice is distant as you sprint towards the Everfree.
  15. >It's raining in the Everfree, and although the foliage is thick above you, it does nothing to slow the torrent of water that flows from the sky.
  16. >Your chest is on fire, not only from the healed wound, but from the fact you ran for miles without stopping
  18. >You are in the deep woods now.
  19. >With no idea where to go, you slow down to a walk.
  20. >After a few steps, you fall to your knees, finally submitting to the pain in your chest
  21. >Kneeling over the ground, you slam the fist not clenched to your torso into the soft, wet earth.
  22. >Your body snaps up, and you scream into the storm.
  23. >You have years and years of anger, sadness,frustration, everything.
  24. >And for the first time in your life, you are fully able to comprehend all these emotions.
  25. >You need to see the dark in order to appreciate the light.
  26. >Yesterday, you got to see the brightest of lights
  27. >And today, the darkness consumes your very soul.
  29. >In the span of a few days, you have learned something.
  30. >You have learned about companionship.
  31. >At first, you weren't well received. That's to be expected of any alien in a foreign world.
  32. >But after a short while, the locals started to accept you.
  33. >One you even called friend.
  34. >And like a flick of a switch, the light was gone.
  35. >Returneing to the darkness, in which you belong.
  36. >Eventually your screams become mere sobs and whimpers.
  37. >You hold your legs against your chest as you rock back and forth.
  38. >You feel cold.
  39. >You don't like cold.
  40. >But you couldn't be warm. Warm is reserved for those who are warm of heart, for those who don't hurt others.
  41. >Cold is for the monsters
  42. >You may not like the cold, but you deserve no better.
  43. >A snapping twig in the distance catches your attention
  45. >All your years of self training and battle expertise come flowing from your mind.
  46. >You twitch, using all your will power to not use your training reflexes to defend yourself.
  47. >Your muscles scream for you to react, but you do not want to.
  48. >After a moment, the twig defiler speaks.
  49. >”What are you doing in the cold, my friend? If you are out here any longer, you will catch your end.”
  50. >You simply continue rocking in place. Perhaps it will go away. Perhaps it will eat you in one bite.
  51. >”I will tell you now that you won't come to harm from me. I cannot say the same for the other residents of the Everfree.”
  52. >Ok, this thing is rhyming with ease. What is it?
  53. >You turn your head, and see a hooded figure, about p0ny height.
  54. >Still holding your chest, you rise.
  55. >”Please leave. I will only end up hurting you.” You aren't sure if you are still crying, or if it's the rain.
  56. >”Many have tried, and met a terrible fate in the past. What makes you think you're different from the last?”
  57. >She wants to rhyme? Fine.
  59. >”I have done nothing but cause death and pain for the past 20 years. And through all those deaths, I did not shed a single tear. I have caused many to tremble before their absolute worst fears. For your own safety, please, do not come near.”
  60. >Ok, those are definitely tears you're feeling now.
  61. >”What if it was an innocent you had to face? Would you slaughter them too, or would you wish to take their place?”
  62. >How did she...
  63. >”I can see it in your eyes, you simple man. Those self destructive thoughts, you must ban.”
  64. >Wait, she knows what a human is?
  65. >”Come with me, you seem to be unwell. I will take care of you if you sit with me for a spell.”
  66. >You nod, sobbing intermittently.
  67. >”Be sure to follow me close, my house is just behind that tree. I just hope I did not forget my key.” She says with a light chuckle
  68. >How could she be making jokes at this time?
  69. >Maybe she has to always rhyme...
  71. >You are Fiddlesticks.
  72. >You got turned into a human
  73. >And your current fleshy form is in a lot of pain.
  74. >The solution being applied to your chest is numbing the pain a bit, but it still hurts like hell.
  75. >”My my, you are really quite fit. I am sure that with the ladies, you are quite a hit.”
  76. >And you're being ogled by a zebra
  77. >Today is a weird day.
  78. >And it's nowhere near over.
  79. >”So you used to be a scarecrow, the most terrifying of all? This sounds like a tale being spun rather tall.”
  80. >”No, it's true. I went to sleep in a field of flowers one day, and woke up a human.”
  81. >She stops applying the salve, and looks up at you.
  82. >”Tell me, were these flowers blue? If so, an explanation I may have for you.”
  83. >You nod.
  85. >”You fell asleep in a field of Poison Joke. Hazardous to everyp0ny, and it seems every bloke.”
  86. >Oh. That explains why Rarity burned those flowers you picked for her.
  87. >And here you thought she just hated your guts.
  88. >Wait. Did she say hazardous?
  89. >“Am I going to die?” your eyes widen.
  90. >”If you are cured fast, you will not perish. But the side effects, you seem to cherish.”
  91. >She's right. You like being able to laugh without causing terror, you enjoy being able to smile, and having emotion.
  92. >You enjoy being human.
  93. >But you also enjoy living.
  94. >Someday, you'll discover how to shift into a human again.
  95. >For now, your priority is to survive.
  96. >”I understand. What is the cure?”
  97. >She smiles as she looks you up and down, biting her lower lip.
  98. >”The cure involves you bathing in a special stew. An added plus, I get to see more of you.”
  99. >God damnit.
  101. >”Why did you use this door's lock? What if I want to see your c-”
  102. >You dunk your head under the water before she can finish her sentence.
  103. >Being a human is cool, but not when there’s a sex-crazed zebra in the area.
  104. >You don't even have lustful thoughts at other humans, let alone animals.
  105. >Especially miniature horses with neck rings and striped fur.
  106. >You hear a sickening crack, as you watch your legs extend and wither to sticks.
  107. >Glancing at your hand, you see the glove start to form over.
  108. >Surprisingly, this isn't hurting at all.
  109. >Then again, sticks and burlap sacks don't feel pain, why would you?
  110. >You dunk your head under one more time, whipping your non-existent hair back upon surfacing.
  111. >You try to blink
  112. >Failing that, you assume the stuff worked.
  113. >You step out of the cauldron/tub hybrid, and exit the room, only to be stopped by HornyStripes.
  114. >”It would seem the potion worked quite well. Maybe there's truth in the tales you tell.”
  115. >You simply nod, not wanting to startle her.
  116. >”It is rather too bad that you had to transform from being a handsome male. Oh well, let me show you a way into town, down my own private trail.”
  117. >Hoping this isn't another innuendo, you nod and follow her out.
  118. >3 steps out of the bathroom, you collapse to your knees.
  119. >That familiar light headed feeling has taken place again.
  120. >”Perhaps it is for the best if you stay the night and rest.”
  121. >You nod in agreement before falling face first into the floor.
  124. >You are awakened by the sound of hooves approaching, the morning sun gently shining through the window onto your face.
  125. >If you were still human, that would have woken you up.
  126. >Stop dwelling Fid. You can always ask PurpleSmart for how to become human when you get back to town.
  127. >Good idea, brain.
  128. >It's me, bro. When do I NOT have a good idea?
  129. >I can think of one instance.
  130. >Oh? When was that?
  131. >Remember when you told me to give her those flowers?
  132. >...
  133. >Exactly.
  134. >You are jarred from your internal monologue when the zebra speaks.
  135. >”Come, I need to take you to P0nyville. We do not have much more time to kill”
  136. >You rise, nodding on your way up.
  137. >She leads you outside, and your journey begins.
  138. >As you follow the trail, you notice that there are wards placed sparingly down the path
  139. >Those are probably what keep this path safe.
  140. >Even though you've only seen diamond dogs in these forests, every other sentient living thing seems to be afraid of the area.
  141. >You also hear the occasional roar or howl in the distance.
  142. >That helps with determining the evil-ness of the forest.
  143. >Not more evil than you, but still very evil.
  144. >Your zebra companion sighs.
  145. >”For the last time, you are not evil, my scarecrow friend. Every time you have taken a life, it was a justified end.”
  146. >Holy shit, she can read minds.
  148. >”On this path, thoughts of the conscious have a tie. I can also read minds on days that end in Y.” She chuckles.
  149. >This mare and her terrible jokes and sexually aggressive attitude.
  150. >That makes sense though. She can hear the thoughts on everything on or near the path. It’s how she knows if the path is safe.
  151. >That's probably what the wards are for.
  152. >”Call me Zecora, by the way. What do they call you, man of hay?”
  153. >”Fiddlesticks”
  154. >She flinches upon hearing your voice
  155. >After a moment of silence she speaks up
  156. >”This is the end of the road for this mare. Go a mile further on the path, and take care.”
  157. >You bow slightly.
  158. >She give the equivalent of a p0ny curtsy, and turns tail.
  159. >Her tail isn't striped like the rest of her. Strange.
  160. >You watch as the helpful, yet strange mare continues down the trail.
  161. >”Do you like what you see? When you are man again, come and find me” She looks back with a sultry grin.
  162. >God damnit.
  164. >You walk into town, scythe on your side, a familiar carousel showing itself in the distance.
  165. >As you walk towards it, the memories of yesterday flash in your mind's eye.
  166. >It would seem you hurt everything you come into contact with.
  167. >Untrue, Fiddle.
  168. >How is this untrue?
  169. >Look at Zecora. You didn't cause her harm. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, she wants to see you again.
  170. >No Brain, she wants to see my naked human self again.
  171. >And do terrible things to it.
  172. >Terrible, terrible p0ny related things.
  173. >You were so wrapped up with your internal monologue, you almost ran into a flower cart.
  174. >”Sorry” Your harsh voice whispers.
  175. >You hear a gasp
  176. >Will anything ever hear your voice and say 'Oh, such an amazing speaking voice! I wish I had that voice!'
  177. >”Are... are you...” a meek voice mumbles.
  178. >You lower yourself to look at whoever you managed to terrify this time.
  179. >Cream colored pony, with a flower on its flank.
  180. >*stare*
  182. >”Oh my gosh, you are!” her expression of apprehension turns to one of excitement.
  183. >*stare*
  184. >”Oh... Uhm... I heard you saved Rarity from being hurt by those dirty dogs!” She smiles ear to ear, but her eyes have a hint of fear.
  185. >You can smell the fear.
  186. >It's so sweet...
  187. >And its coming from an innocent, Brain.
  188. >But it's so sweet... just one little taste, Fid.
  189. >You ignore your brain and nod.
  190. >”Here, take these, please. They aren't much, I know, but I still want you to have something for saving my friend!” She picks up a bouquet of flowers with her hoof (wat) and hands them to you.
  191. >Thanking her, you head towards the boutique.
  192. >Upon closer examination, you see they are roses, white as the snow that graces Summoner's Rift every winter.
  193. >Very lovely, if you were one to enjoy flowers.
  194. >You remember reading how roses were supposed to have the sweetest scent of any flower..
  195. >Too bad you'll never smell them.
  196. >You hope Rarity will like them.
  197. >Speak of the devil, here you are.
  198. >You knock on the door with the back of your hand-scythe, quickly holstering it once you are done knocking.
  199. >You hear a voice behind the door
  201. >”Sorry, we are closed for cleanu-” She opens the door to you
  202. >”Oh. Hello Fiddlesticks.”she says flatly.
  203. >You wave slightly, letting out a small closed mouth smile.
  204. >”What can I help you with?” Her voice is a plateau
  205. >You didnt prepare for this at all, did you?
  206. >Not in the slightest
  207. >I gotcha, bro.
  208. >Assuming direct control.
  209. > Initiating apology protocol #724
  210. >”I'm sorry. For everything. I don't expect forgiveness. I wouldn't forgive me, just know that I'm sorry”
  211. >Well done, brain.
  212. >Thanks. I'll let you take control now.
  213. >Her pokerface is pretty good. Almost as good as yours.
  214. >Almost.
  215. >You reveal your hidden hand, and give her the white roses
  216. >”These are for you.” you say
  217. >Literally the same second I give you back control, you say something stupid.
  218. >Shut up brain, I'm new to this whole 'forgiveness' thing.
  219. > She looks at the roses, then into your eyes.
  220. >You turn your head to the side, avoiding her gaze.
  221. >Last thing you want is for her to have a flashback to that surprisingly early morning.
  222. >”Fiddlesticks?”
  223. >You sense a hoof on your face as your head is turned.
  224. >She stares deep into your eyes.
  225. >Her fear! Find her fear, NOW!
  226. >Omg fok off brain.
  227. >”I will forgive you, under one condition.”
  228. >”Anything”
  229. >She lets out an all to familiar sly smile.
  230. >You don't like that smile.
  231. >”I need your magic hands again.”
  232. >Your jimmies will not know peace this day.
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