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a guest
Oct 28th, 2016
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  1. angle: '&c[player] &7failed &cForceField&7 (&c[violations]&7VL)'
  2. attackfrequency: '&c[player] &7might be using an &cAuto-Clicker &7(Fast Clicking)&7 (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  3. ban: ban [player]
  4. ban-ip: ban-ip [ip]
  5. bautosign: '[player] failed [check]: failed autosign with [tags]. VL [violations].'
  6. bbfrequency: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break too many blocks within time frame. VL [violations].'
  7. bdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of their line of sight. VL [violations].'
  8. bedleave: '&c[player] &7failed &cBedFly &7(Fly) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  9. bpspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to throw projectiles too quickly. VL [violations].'
  10. breach: '[player] failed [check]: exceeds block-interact distance ([reachdistance]). VL [violations].'
  11. bspeed: '[player] failed [check]: interacts too fast. VL [violations].'
  12. bvisible: '[player] failed [check]: interacts with a block out of sight. VL [violations].'
  13. bwrong: '[player] failed [check]: broke another block than clicked. VL [violations].'
  14. captcha: '&c[player] &7failed &ccaptcha &7repeatedly(spambots?)'
  15. chatnormal: '&c[player] &7might be using &c[check] &7(Spam)'
  16. color: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  17. commands: '&c[player] &7is &cSpamming &7commands. &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  18. combspeed: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  19. critical: '&c[player] &7might be using &cCrits &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  20. drop: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  21. dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick &c[player] Dropping items too fast.
  22. fastbreak: '&c[player] &7failed &cSpeedMine &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  23. fastclick: '&c[player] &7failed &cFastClick &7(ItemStealer or similar) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  24. fastconsume: '&c[player] &7failed &cFastEat&7 (item: [food]) &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  25. fastheal: '&c[player] &7failed &cFastHeal &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  26. fastplace: '&c[player] &7failed &cFastPlace &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  27. fdirection: '&c[player] &7might be using an &cAimBot &7(Check 1) &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  28. flyshort: '&c[player] &7might be using &cFly &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  29. flylong: '&c[player] &7failed &cFly &7(&c[violations]VL&7) (Kicked)'
  30. freach: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  31. fselfhit: '&c[player] &7failed &cSelfHit &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  32. fspeed: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  33. gutenberg: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  34. godmode: '&c[player] &7failed &cGodmode &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  35. improbable: '&c[player] &7might be using an &cAimBot &7(Check 3) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  36. instantbow: '[player] failed [check]: fires bow too fast. VL [violations].'
  37. instanteat: '&c[player] &7failed &cInstantEat &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  38. keepalive: '&c[player] &7failed sending &cKeep-alive packets&7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  39. kick: kick [player]
  40. kickalive: ncp kick [player] Too many keep-alive packets.
  41. kickattackfrequency: ncp kick [player] Unlikely fast clicking.
  42. kickbedleave: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Go find a bed!
  43. kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] You interacted too fast!
  44. kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] Enter the captcha!
  45. kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] You are still not allowed to spam!
  46. kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] You are not intended to spam!
  47. kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] You're not allowed to spam in chat!
  48. kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] Too many chat messages, take a break.
  49. kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're not allowed to spam commands!
  50. kickfly: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Flying or related.
  51. kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] How about doing that less often?
  52. kickgod: ncp kick [player] God mode?
  53. kickinvaliddata: ncp kick &c[player] Invalid data.
  54. kickpacketfrequency: ncp kick [player] Too many packets.
  55. kickpackets: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Too many packets (extreme lag?)
  56. kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!
  57. kickwb: ncp kick &c[player] Block breaking out of sync!
  58. knockback: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  59. morepackets: '&c[player] &7failed sending too many movement packets &7(Movement Speed/Blink) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  60. msgtempdenylogin: You are temporarily denied to join this server.
  61. munchhausen: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  62. nofall: '&c[player] &7failed &cNoFall &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  63. chatfast: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(IP: &c[ip]&7) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  64. noswing: '&c[player] &7failed &cNoSwing &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  65. passable: '&c[player] &7failed &cPhase &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  66. relog: '&c[player] &7failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  67. tellchatnormal: ncp tell [player] Too many messages, slow down...
  68. tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] Wait a minute!
  69. tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] You have five minutes to think about it!
  70. vehicleenvelope: '&c[player] &7failed (Vehicle Movement) &cSpeed &7 ([tags]) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  71. criticalclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] fight_criticals
  72. improbableclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] combined_improbable
  73. phase: '&c[player] &7failed &cPhase &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  74. autosign: '&c[player] &7failed &cAutosSign&7 (info: &c[tags]&7) (&c[violations]&7VL)'
  75. projectilespeed: '&c[player] &7failed (Projectile) &cSpeed&7 (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  76. fastbow: '&c[player] &7failed &cInstantBow &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  77. blockreach: '&c[player] &7failed (Block-related) &cReach&7 (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  78. blockspeed: '&c[player]&7 &7failed (Block-interact) &cSpeed &7(Nuker) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  79. blockvisible: '&c[player] &7failed &cReach&7 (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  80. blockwrong: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  81. fightreach: '&c[player] &7failed (Combat) &cReach &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  82. fightspeed: '&c[player] &7failed (Combat) &cSpeed &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  83. instantnuker: '&c[player] &7failed (Instant) &cNuker &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  84. sfsendmessage: ncp tell [player] &c&l(!) &r&cYou better turn log off &4now &cwith that hacked client, Staff have been notifed!
  85. warncommands: warn -a [player] Please do not spam commands!
  86. punishcommands: punish -a [player] You are not allowed to spam commands!
  87. warnchatfast: warn -a [player] Please do not spam in chat!
  88. punishchatfast: punish -a [player] You are not allowed to spam in chat!
  89. permachatfast: permaban -a [player] Severe chat spam is not tolerated.
  90. warnchatnormal: warn -a [player] Too many messages, slow down...
  91. punishchatnormal: punish -a &c[player] Too many chat messages, please don not spam.
  92. bwrongkick: '&c[player] &7attempted &c[check] &7(&c[violations]VL&7) (Kicked)'
  93. notifyfly: '&c[player] &7might be using &cFly &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  94. notifyflyspeed: '&c[player] &7is flying very quickly (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  95. survivalflyclear: ncp removeplayer [player] moving_survivalfly
  96. creativeflyclear: ncp removeplayer [player] moving_creativefly
  97. fastclickclear: ncp removeplayer [player] inventory_fastclick
  98. javaerror: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Internal Exception; io.netty.handler,timeout,ReadTimeoutException
  99. aimbotnotifya: '&c[player] &7might be using an &cAimBot &7(Check 1) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  100. aimbotnotifyb: '&c[player] &7might be using an &cAimBot &7(Check 2) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  101. fasthealban: ncp delay ban [player] &cSorry, Hacked clients are not permitted here! (FastHeal)
  102. fastbowban: ncp delay ban [player] &cSorry, Hacked clients are not permitted here! (FastBow)
  103. blockdirection: '&c[player] &7failed (Block-related) &cDirection &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  104. speedmine: '&c[player] &7failed &cSpeedMine &7(&c[violations]VL&7)'
  105. fastplaceban: ncp delay ban [player] &cSorry, Hacked clients are not permitted here! (FastPlace)
  106. nofallban: ncp delay ban [player] &cSorry, Hacked clients are not permitted here! (NoFall)
  107. kickinstantnuker: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Neat Nuker!
  108. aimbotaclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] fight_direction
  109. aimbotbclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] fight_angle
  110. phaseclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] moving_passable
  111. movementspeed: '&c[player] &7is spamming move packets (&cSpeed&7) (&c[violations]VL&7)'
  112. speedmineclear: ncp delay ncp remove [player] blockbreak_fastbreak
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