
Mansion Shenanigans

Jun 28th, 2015
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  1. 20:12 McGoFuckYourself Another warm day in Neon City for our intrepid heroes, a-oh wait, this isn't even in Neon proper. Three miles out of city limits sits the mansion, sweeping front drive leading from the ancient, rusted gates to the large manor, deep green siding almost fading away into the woods behind it. Decent sized lot off to the side for parking, and lights slowly winking into existence in the windows...
  2. 20:12 McGoFuckYourself ...and lanterns as the sun sets along the horizon.
  3. 20:12 McGoFuckYourself The invitations were plain-simple envelopes closed shut with a wax seal, embossed with a "PW". Inviting some of the city's more famous heroes to a celebration of their services to the world in general and Neon in particular. As the time approached and a handful of the honored guests arrived, a humble older gentleman awaited them at the large porch, watching the turbulent skies as the clouds...
  4. 20:12 McGoFuckYourself ...clashed above.
  5. 20:12 --- Bud is back
  6. 20:19 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  7. 20:26 *** Oyuun is now known as Goodwill
  8. 20:29 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  9. 20:32 Bud approached the manor on foot. He was pretty casual in dress, a wardrobe choice of jeans with grey shirt, what appeared to be a thermal vest and a regular mask strapped to his gob. In the distance one might notice his car was slightly crashed into a tree. The invitation seemed odd to him, maybe one of Barlo's plans, but ignoring it would be rude.
  10. 20:34 The-Haze A shadow streaks by, stopping near the mansion as Haze steps out from it. Was it a car or something that Xenon had provided him to get from place to place or was it something else? It probably just doesn't matter at all, all that really did was getting to this mansion for some party. He had no real idea why anyone would even think of inviting him to it, but he really disliked the idea of...
  11. 20:34 The-Haze ...turning down a party at this point. Could even be a little fun, you never know with these sorts of things.
  12. 20:36 McGoFuckYourself The older gentleman smiles as they approach, holding his gloved hands behind his back.
  13. 20:37 Greg_ saunters in without any given hint that he's going in formal. He's wearing what he would normally wear. His shoes, and his red pants. His upper body is still revealed, nobody ever asks Greg why he does this, but, Greg says to himself that he doesn't like wearing T-shirts. Or he just wants to show off.
  14. 20:38 Goodwill The sound of a motorcycle reared in closer and closer to the mansion until it eventually stopped, the lights of the all-American machine staying on for a moment before its rider stepped off. With a jacket sporting the proud 'E' logo, blue jeans, stars and stripes upon a tank top, and hair so fiery that it could only be one man...
  15. 20:39 Goodwill Johnny Goodwill stepped up to the front of the building, a smile plastered over his bright and freckled face. An invitation like this he wasn't going to turn down, not a chance.
  16. 20:41 The-Haze Haze did the only thing he could in response to this, which was of course, standing as far away from Goodwill as he physically could while still not looking like a stand-offish moron. He vastly preferred the idea of not being recognized or noticed, meeting people from the workplace at a party is never a good sign, even if they aren't from the same department as you. He knew he shouldn't have...
  17. 20:41 The-Haze ...worn his Xenon uniform here, there's no way to cover this thing up, otherwise he can only hope that Goodwill doesn't know or remember who he is.
  18. 20:46 Sylum landed, well, not really landed, more akin to a bird being shot and falling, rolled up stopping as he hit the large fence, his sleeves rolled up and his hands and arms looking like they belong on a very large red bird. He got up as his arms changed back. He rolled his sleeves up, freezing at the site of GoodWill and Haze, and Bud.
  19. 20:46 Goodwill Unfortunately for Haze, there was at least one thing that the young hero remembered consistently, and that was others in the world of metahuman justice. Seeing the other of his company he gave a massive, beaming smile and a wave over to him. Luckily he didn't go in for conversing just yet, he was more interested in seeing what lay within the mansion first.
  20. 20:47 Bud stepped up to the old gentleman, the people showing up made him feel a special kind of suspicious. "Howdy. I'll assume this is the right place? Looks important enough."
  21. 20:49 McGoFuckYourself "Absolutely, my good sir." The man gave a sweeping bow. "Welcome to the Wellers Estate. I am to show you to the waiting room while our host finishes his preparations. The forecast calls for storms, and it would be /most/ rude to leave our heroic guests out in the rain."
  22. 20:51 Breakdown rolled up to the mansion grounds on his motorcycle, parking his machine near Goodie's. After storing away his helmet and readjusting his goggles, Break stepped off towards the party proper. He was dressed in his usual uniform, straightening out his blue bomber jacket on the way. He wanted to enjoy the evening, but... things tend to happen when he was...
  23. 20:52 Wells struggles to stay upright as he floats over to the mansion on what seems to be a hover board, sporting his suit's colors, though it isn't the most functional looking. He himself was wearing a conventional tux, looking a lot dapper than usual, save for the giant gold and silver gauntlet on his right arm. His air was oddly enough tied in a ponytail today.
  24. 20:53 Wells hair* ;_; fug
  25. 20:53 The-Haze approached the older man as well, eying him for a brief moment before pulling his invitation before giving it a quick once-over just to be sure "Are you absolutely certain that you meant to invite me? This was a mistake, right?" he questioned, still holding the invitation in his hand.
  26. 20:54 Breakdown invited to places. With the collection of wealthy socialites around, this gathering could very easily look like a large target. Still, he allowed himself to mingle into the crowd as best as a be-goggled mass of blue and green could. So long as he remain vigilant, if things do south, he could be ready
  27. 20:55 Greg_ notices the amount of people coming in on motorcycles. "Papa did not lie about America... Motorcycles, everywhere." Greg walks up to the old man. "Will there be drinks?" is his first question. No Hello or How do you do. Classic Greg.
  28. 20:55 Goodwill internally must have been screaming happily. So many heroes, so many people that he had heard about before he ever got the chance to be one himself. Of course, people he didn't know at all were also there, but maybe they were new like him? That internal fanboy inside was giddy.
  29. 20:55 Bud gave a small bow back to the old man because that seemed appropriate. He wasn't sure, actually. "Oh, alright. Hope it doesn't hail on my car..". The car in question was already covered in dents and holes so not like it mattered to anybody but him.
  30. 20:56 Goodwill on the surface kept up his bright look, giving thanks to the man who had brought them in with a little bow as he adjusted his jacket.
  31. 20:56 McGoFuckYourself The butler nods. "Quite certain. Our guests of honor were chosen with precise care. If you would kindly follow me, then?" He opens the admittedly large front door and takes a step into the mansion. "Drinks and food shall be provided, along with the main event. If I do say so myself, this dinner shall be one of the most lavish events of the year."
  32. 20:56 Sylum walked to the back of the group, keeping quiet, still time to run, but something in him wanted to stay
  33. 20:57 Sylum Maybe Sy would get lucky and no one realizes who he is
  34. 20:59 Breakdown cocks a brow at the words "Main Event", virtually unseen beneath a headsock and a pair of goggles, as he his herded inside with the others
  35. 21:00 Bud began to follow the man and the others. Taking a look at those around him he spotted nothing but familiar faces and or masks. Damn, he really didn't like a couple of these guys.
  36. 21:00 Goodwill was pretty damn happy, going along with the man and checking to see who was there around him.
  37. 21:00 The-Haze just went along with the whole thing and started walking into the manor, able to look around without anybody realizing what in particular he was looking at. With the whole bug-eyed lenses it was very hard, if not impossible to tell what he was looking at in the moment and sometimes even the expression on his face. At least he was sure he wouldn't have to talk to anymore Xenon employees,...
  38. 21:00 The-Haze ...those people were the worst.
  39. 21:01 Wells catches up to the group after putting away his ride. He didn't really catch what was previously said but just continued on without question.
  40. 21:07 Greg_ looks around in interest whilst following the old man. "Big place. You don't own the place, do you?" It doesn't seem that Greg had ever been to a house this big. He wasn't even sure that this was a house. More like a castle.
  41. 21:09 McGoFuckYourself The front hall is...grand, to say the least. A massive set of double stairs sweeping upwards, with ancient-looking marble walls, and faded patterns on the walls. Large statues surround the perimeter, and anyone might recognize some of the more famous ones. Othello, Oedipus, Antigone, Brutus, larger-than-life figures.
  42. 21:09 McGoFuckYourself The butler takes an abrupt right turn, cutting across the Grand Hall towards one of the side doors. "The waiting room, thank you. Please, make yourselves comfortable, and our festivities may begin momentarily." He opens the thick door, revealing another rather large room. One filled with books and pool tables and chairs so absolutely plush it looks like you could sink into them and never be...
  43. 21:09 McGoFuckYourself ...seen again.
  44. 21:12 Sylum After months of living in an old dusty abandon warehouse, with nothing but stolen 'goods' from cheap hotels, Sylum felt like he could cry
  45. 21:12 Sylum He couldn't. but still
  46. 21:12 Breakdown It seems our host is quite the fan of Shakespeare. So much so that he wants everybody to know it.
  47. 21:13 Wells takes in the scenery of the front hall as he moves on to the next room, eying up the statues in particular. "I'm thinking about my mother all of a sudden...odd..."
  48. 21:14 Breakdown "I pray that isn't because of the Oedipus statue, Wells." He jokes, turning to Wells with a smile and nod
  49. 21:14 Goodwill gave an impressed whistle at the entire scene. No, he didn't recognize anything at all, he was as uncultured as could be, but it sure looked fancy!
  50. 21:15 Wells gave Breakdown a curious look, "Never heard of him..."
  51. 21:15 The-Haze glancing about at the decorations and such walked to the waiting room without seeming to care much about it, the statues just seemed like big, gaudy hunks of stone to him. He was audibly but not visibly disappointed by the entire thing, it felt like something an old man put together so he wouldn't have to feel quite as lonely for a few hours "Wasn't this supposed to be a party?"
  52. 21:15 Bud takes a look around the room, examining a couple books and their titles, and the people around him. This wasn't Barlo and his traps. Not enough alcohol. "Nice place."
  53. 21:16 Sylum quickly, and quite rudely pushes past everyone to get a seat in one of the chairs. "Ahhh..oh, yeah, cool statues, who ever they are"
  54. 21:16 McGoFuckYourself "If you wish for refreshments, simply ask and I shall fetch them."
  55. 21:18 Wells turns to the butler, "Have any uh.... Apple Juice?"
  56. 21:18 McGoFuckYourself He smiles, bowing again.
  57. 21:19 Goodwill "I'll take some of what he's having!"
  58. 21:19 Greg_ "Vodka." Greg knew what he wanted straight away. He walks over to the Pool Table after making his request and inspects it, Trying to look professional, he looks at the pool stick. "If I'm going to be here I'm at least going to do something. Not a lot of people here." Greg thinks to himself.
  59. 21:20 Sylum "Uh, D-Dr.Pepper?"
  60. 21:20 Bud "I'm fine, thanks."
  61. 21:20 The-Haze "Nah, I'll pass."
  62. 21:20 Breakdown "Nothing for me, thank you."
  63. 21:21 *** Chloran joined #covenger_rp
  64. 21:22 *** Chloran is now known as Wells_
  65. 21:22 McGoFuckYourself It's only a moment, but another servant comes in, pushing a large cart with chilled drinks. Apple juice that looks like it was served up from Eden itself, top-shelf vodka, and....Dr. Pepper.
  66. 21:22 McGoFuckYourself You can't make Dr. Pepper fancy
  67. 21:23 McGoFuckYourself The pool table is kind of dusty, but serviceable. Large portrait on the wall nearby, next to the massive book shelf. Label says it's Ser Lancelot
  68. 21:24 Sylum gets up to get his D.P "so is this store bought or does this guy have his own soda factory?"
  69. 21:26 Goodwill chuckles happily, taking to his drink without a second thought. Within a moment he had already finished it.
  70. 21:27 Greg_ grabs the vodka delightfully. Quality to him does not matter, as long as it gets him feeling good after a moment's notice. "May my memories of this place be near-remembered." Greg declares as if he's boasting about it.
  71. 21:28 Sylum goes back to his chair. Sighing happily. "its good to be around people again." he says quietly to himself
  72. 21:30 McGoFuckYourself WHOOPS, THAT'S A 'SIR' UNDER THERE.
  73. 21:30 Breakdown silently removes himself from the brunt of the party and proceeds to investigate the place from the edges inward. Trying to make it at least conspicuous as possible, checking for hidden cameras, oddly placed venting, or anything else off.
  74. 21:32 The-Haze He doesn't care nearly enough to actually bother to go looking at stuff, however he does avoid sitting down or ordering any drinks and food for the moment being, maybe if he was lucky so other chump would go and kick this whole thing off. He turned around to the rest of the group asking a quick question "Does anyone know who that weird homeless guy is?" making it quite obvious who he was...
  75. 21:32 The-Haze ...referring to.
  76. 21:34 Bud leaned against a wall and crossed his arms. Waiting for any trouble to start is more fun than acting like a goof in public. Not that he's above doing that anyway but right now he just wanted to lean on the wall. "That's just Baritone Joe, he hangs out under the Ion Bridge."
  77. 21:36 Wells grabs his AJ. "Bitchin..." He notices Breakdown doing whatever he's doing but doesn't say anything. In response to Haze, "Of course he must be a revered person, his name too great to even be said in public, just like..." He takes a quick survey of his esteemed companions for the night and defeatedly says, "...the rest of us..."
  78. 21:40 Sylum gulps, or at least makes the sound. "I-I'm just a, hero, like the rest of you, hehehHAHAhA...." *sip*
  79. 21:40 McGoFuckYourself The room smells kind of musty, but it's still classy as shit. There's even a chess set on one of the multitude of tables off in a corner. The butler, still smiling and waiting on whatever they might need, nods. "Naturally, sir. The entire point of this celebration is that you are all quite the heroes of Neon."
  80. 21:41 McGoFuckYourself As Breakdown walks out, back into the Grand Hall, the same chandelier-lit lavishness greets him. A handful of servants are walking from door to door in near perfect synchronization, and from the looks of it there's at least one person standing by every door.
  81. 21:44 Wells looks at the scene, unimpressed, "See this is the difference between me and other rich people....."
  82. 21:44 Wells "I /make/ my robot servants...."
  83. 21:44 Bud takes a survey of the room around him, noting anything that looks like an exit just in case before turning to the Butler. "So who is the owner of this place? It's pretty...pretty."
  84. 21:45 McGoFuckYourself "Ah, that would be our host, Peter Wellers. Quite a fan of your heroics."
  85. 21:45 Sylum "For a guy who is rich and a hero fan, I never heard of him"
  86. 21:46 The-Haze Haze looked around the room once more, sighing to himself in a rather bored tone "Peter Wellers? The lead singer of Fall Out Boy runs this joint? I'm honestly surprised" the words coming out of his mouth instantly proving he had no real idea who this guy even was.
  87. 21:49 Greg_ "And how so is he a fan of me?" Greg asks. He's catching onto something. Greg has yet to pull a heroic task in Neon, let alone a task. "Is it because of my devilish looks? My workout regiment? I can give him a few classes. It's hard to maintain a body like this." At this point, Greg seemed to be drunk, but this is just his normal self.
  88. 21:50 Goodwill flicked his ginger hair while he grinned. "Well, I can't blame this Peter man for knowing me. I've been in the papers a lot... I always love meetin' fans!"
  89. 21:51 The-Haze looked over at Goodwill, blinking a few times to make sure he was hearing him right "Kid... you know that... people don't exactly read newspapers anymore, do you? I'm pretty sure exactly one person in the city still reads them."
  90. 21:51 Sylum Sylum gets quieter as he talks "I'm sure hes heard of me, just, not for the h-hero stuff...."
  91. 21:51 Bud thinks about the name for a moment, recalling nothing. Whatever. Instead he turns to Goodwill. "Hey, right. I remember you from that thing with the train a while ago. Fell asleep in those seats, right?"
  92. 21:52 Wells "I've been out of the city for a month, plus I really don't like my name being out there. What have I even done that's noteworthy...?"
  93. 21:53 Goodwill didn't seem at all phased, keeping positive. "Well, I know I do, and so do the folks back home. Still a fair number of people do" Whether that was true or not, didn't matter, he clearly liked it. Then he looked to Bud. "I'm a bit of a heavy sleeper, ain't I? By the time I woke up it was all over to boot"
  94. 21:55 McGoFuckYourself "He is rather reclusive, yes. Ever since Mrs. Wellers passed, he has not been himself, I'm afraid. Hopefully this celebration will mark a return to his good spirits."
  95. 21:55 Sylum starts to bounce his leg up and down, he was nervous, his cup was shaking in his clawed hands
  96. 21:57 Bud chuckles. "Hey man, everybody needs a nap sometime. You go to one of the colleges if I remember, right?"
  97. 21:58 The-Haze "Uh... so are we just going to sit in here all day or something? I don't think this guy is actually going to show up at all, what an asshole."
  98. 21:59 *** Wells quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253])
  99. 22:01 McGoFuckYourself As for Breakdown, he'll notice that the room itself feels rather unused. There's a layer of dust on the books, though most of them seem to be classic literature. Hell, most of it seems to be Greek tragedies or Shakespeare. Tragedies. There's a thick copy of Les Miserables set out on one of the table, though. First edition, from the looks of itEven the chess set, halfway through a damn game,...
  100. 22:01 McGoFuckYourself ...looks pretty fucking ravished by time.
  101. 22:02 Goodwill gave a pretty happy nod. "That I do. Take less classes than most because, y'know, hero work and all, but in a few years I'll be set to graduate!"
  102. 22:02 Sylum "S-So, how does this guy know where most of us live, I'm really curious how he knew my hidi-house...I live in a house..."
  103. 22:03 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  104. 22:05 McGoFuckYourself "Although he may be fond of his creature comforts, our host is no stranger to the modern day. In fact, he is a collector of /several/ state-of-the-art technological systems. From what I have heard, he detected a rather...unique energy signature where you were located."
  105. 22:05 Breakdown *"Tragedies, tragedies, tragedies. This Mr. Wellers is obsessed with them." Break mumbled to himself while investigating. Taking Black's next move on the chessboard as he passes by it, wheels began to turn in his head. Perhaps he wants to create some tragedies of his own?
  106. 22:05 Breakdown *
  107. 22:06 The-Haze "...That's really creepy, you know what, right? Isn't that sort of thing illegal? It sounds like it should be illegal."
  108. 22:06 McGoFuckYourself Black's in a bit of a state, though. Managed to take out pretty much everything from White, it's gotten trapped in a corner of the board by the remaining pawns, with the King sitting out in the opposite end.
  109. 22:06 McGoFuckYourself *white King
  110. 22:07 Bud got off the wall and stepped closer to Goodwill, who seemed to be the least serious and or mumbling to themselves right now. "Right, one of the Evolutionaries. How's that going for you?"
  111. 22:09 Goodwill "Its how I do what I love! Puts a roof over my head and places to train, then tells me where I can go and fight for justice. It doesn't really matter who I work for, I just want to... y'know, be a hero! I do really like my team though"
  112. 22:10 Wells_ walks over to a pool table. Its smells new, but looks old. "Swanky place..." He isn't very entertained at thr moment. This entire party felt rather stagnant.
  113. 22:10 Breakdown "The King is alone. Separated from anyone to defend him. Another Tragedy..." He noted, his lip curling at this nigh-fetishism their host employs. His brow cocks again as he walks back over to the servant by the door. "Excuse me." He said, getting the butler's attention.
  114. 22:11 McGoFuckYourself "Yes?"
  115. 22:11 Sylum '..Really? Thats, interesting. I'll have to talk to him about that cause that is creepy"
  116. 22:12 Breakdown I'm in a mood to loosen up. Could I perhaps get a shot of Tequila? With some lime and salt, please?
  117. 22:13 McGoFuckYourself He smiles, reaching down to the cart and mixing up the drink. His movements are fast, precise, and pulls it out in a second before setting it in front of Breakdwon
  118. 22:13 Greg_ "So the host is a fan of Superheroes, Tragedies and... Modern Technology." Greg is given sometime to think about that. With decisive thinking on his side, Greg might come to a conclusion to why the gang was brought here. He walks over to the butler and whispers. "The host isn't planning on putting on a play, is he?" Greg asks, smiling, as if he's catching on.
  119. 22:14 McGoFuckYourself "That could certainly be arranged after the dinner, if you wish. He is rather fond of Les Miserables, and Inspector Javert."
  120. 22:15 Bud "Admirable. I'm not much of a fan of the attention heroism brings, personally. That's why people wear masks, but you do you."
  121. 22:16 The-Haze "Would you mind saying when exactly this 'dinner' is going to be? I mean we've kind of been doing nothing in a largely empty room."
  122. 22:16 Breakdown "Thank you." Break replied, taking his drink and drink accessories back into the party, appearing to knock the shot back on the way to the chess board
  123. 22:16 Goodwill gave a little regretful sigh. "Well... I actually only thought about getting a mask after I started. After that, it was kinda pointless, you know? People already know who I am"
  124. 22:17 Goodwill "People seem to like the face, though!"
  125. 22:18 Wells_ wasn't gonna put himself into this theatrics conversation. Wasn't his forte. He looked around, as if ready to get out, "Our host too good to showbhis face? Feels like I'm in the Great Gatsby..."
  126. 22:19 McGoFuckYourself "Momentarily, my good sir. My sincerest apologies, but it seems our host is finalizing other business at the moment, and is most sorry for the de-" The door opens, and another butler motions in. "One final guest for the night's entertainment, as it would seem. Right this way, madame."
  127. 22:20 The-Haze turned over to Goodwill "Still though, it's pretty useful to never have to show your face. You could almost say it feels good for people to not know what you're thinking about, or even just what you look like."
  128. 22:21 Bud shrugged. "People always like faces. Easier to relate, easier to find. I wouldn't be wearing this mask but if for any reason someone suddenly finds an urge to punch me in the face they will be unable."
  129. 22:21 Goodwill "Maybe... But, hey, I ain't one to keep secrets. If people want to know what I'm thinking I'll show it. I want them to smile back at me"
  130. 22:22 Sylum "oh, another Guest?"
  131. 22:22 Goodwill was speaking truth. It was pretty clear what thoughts went through his head at any given time, he was honest to nearly a fault. The perfect kind of hero for his position.
  132. 22:23 Eridana walks in, dressed in a simple red dress, black heels and black choker. Her expression is measured as usual but her skin is more human than usual, smiling at those she sees upon entering. "Greetings."
  133. 22:23 The-Haze pointed at his mouth as if to make a point "Well, that's why you get a mask with the mouth area exposed, isn't it? Can't really be seen as a proper hero if you don't even let people see the slightest bit of your face. Feels a bit like you're distan-"
  134. 22:23 The-Haze "Oh hey, haven't seen you in a while."
  135. 22:23 McGoFuckYourself The butler bows. "Momentarily, thank you. I would give it no more than fifteen or so minutes until dinner is ready."
  136. 22:24 Wells_ "Hey look everyone, a girl. A rarity in this manor it seems..."
  137. 22:24 Breakdown Hey there, Eridana. It's been a while.
  138. 22:24 Goodwill recognized Eri as she came in, giving a wave. Hey, it was that lady that his boss brings around sometimes! Probably on his list of people he wishes to beat in a fight someday, get strong enough to face them. Its a big list.
  139. 22:25 Sylum eyes widened, Eridana, of all the people, why her? Maybe like the rest she wouldn't recognise Sylum, or tell guffy. Oh god why did he come to this
  140. 22:25 Goodwill "...Well, I woulda had a partial mask, but too late for that!" He genuinely forgot to get a mask when he started the hero business. Not the brightest spark.
  141. 22:27 Bud turns from Goodwill to give a small salute to Eridana. This out of everything confirms that Barlo has no involvement in this shit.
  142. 22:28 Greg_ remembers this one from the bar, talking about small universes or something. He doesn't give attention mostly to that, though. Greg has nothing to do other than binge on Vodka. The bottle's nearly empty. Might as well make some contact with someone...
  143. 22:29 Eridana waves to each in turn and smiles. "You're all looking well. So very nice to see familiar faces, and some... less so. Wonderful all the same." She turns to Haze and nods. "Yes, I've been indisposed for some time. Busy busy like the bee to the hive." Then to Breakdown she sighs, "Yes. Too long, one could say. I've so missed your lovely banter. I could use the laughter that comes with." She takes a moment to pound
  144. 22:29 Eridana her fist upon her chest and bow to Bud before smiling at him too.
  145. 22:31 Sylum 'huh, no one really does recognize me. Don't know if I should be offended or thankful'
  146. 22:32 Eridana "Oh I recognise you, jacket." She said with a titter.
  147. 22:33 Sylum "eep!'
  148. 22:33 The-Haze placed his hand on his chin, grasping it to think for a moment "Huh... aren't most of us employees of a certain company? Funny how that works out, isn't it? At least there's people I actually know attending too, would've been awkward if it was just people like that smelly homeless guy in the corner. Can't say I've been here all too much either, I'm surprised I didn't end up bleeding out and...
  149. 22:33 The-Haze ...dying weeks because of... last time. Let's not talk about that ever again."
  150. 22:33 Breakdown "Yeah, you're kinda hard to hide, actually." He concurred.
  151. 22:33 Wells_ turns to the stranger, "Well if you want to be noticed so much, should've just asked. Anyone I know?" He extends his hand for a shake, "Your wadrobe does remind me of a dead fashion fad..."
  152. 22:34 Bud "Shut up, Sylum."
  153. 22:35 Goodwill "I think the only time I saw you I went fast asleep so no idea!" Honesty at its finest.
  154. 22:36 Sylum thinking to himself this time, 'Me and my big mouth, least it can't get any better'
  155. 22:37 Eridana brushes off her dress and gazes at Goodwill warmly. "Oh, and how have you been fairing, youngling? Last I saw you, it was on less than friendly circumstance."
  156. 22:38 Goodwill rubbed the back of his head, chuckling as he looked over to Eri. "I've been training as hard as I can ever since. It was good! I think the team might just be right for me"
  157. 22:38 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  158. 22:40 The-Haze Interlacing his fingers he rested his head on his hands, sighing like Goodwill had mentioned something distasteful "Oh yes... the 'team', sure is going 'well'... isn't it?" A look of disgust would be visible in his eyes, but sadly, you can't see them at all, so no cheating.
  159. 22:41 Greg_ "If it makes you feel any better, I don't have an idea of who you are, or what you are." Greg confesses. He takes one final chug out of the bottle and lays it down on one of the nearby tables. "I have to ask, though. I have my theories on why we are here, but between all of us, which one of you thinks they have a good explanation for why we are all here?"
  160. 22:41 McGoFuckYourself The butler, waiting next to the drink cart, perks up suddenly. "Aha! Again, many apologies for the delays, but dinner is ready. He steps over and opens the door. "If you would kindly follow me, tonight's events may begin."
  161. 22:42 Sylum gets up, this night was going so well, hopefully it will get better, "just keep your mouth shut Sy"
  162. 22:43 Goodwill simply nodded, humming a little 'mmmhmm!' under his breath. He might have been in his late teens, but he certainly came off as even younger sometimes in his own way. "Can't think of a teammate I don't like. Roxy is as reliable as can be, Prince needs some help sometimes but he's great, and, gosh, don't even know where to start about Mona"
  163. 22:44 McGoFuckYourself ("Gosh, don't even know where to start about Mona. I'd hit that like there's no tomorrow, yes I would")
  164. 22:45 Goodwill (d-don't sexualize the goody)
  165. 22:46 Wells_ "I'm not as much a team player as you, Sideburns. Though, I'm only now getting a team. Future might have something in store..."
  166. 22:46 Goodwill "Then we should team up sometime!" That was 100% serious
  167. 22:46 Greg_ "...Nevermind, then." Greg sighs. He walks behind the Butler into where ever the Dining Room is, with good definition of suspicion to the others about what's going to happen tonight, but he doesn't want to make this seem like it's a conspiracy or something. "What food will there be, Mr...?"
  168. 22:47 The-Haze "Isn't it easier just to go solo though?"
  169. 22:47 Wells_ is put off by Goody's enthusiasm, but doesn't disagree. "I wouldn't mind that actually..."
  170. 22:48 Goodwill "I love working in a team. Anywhere one falters, the other picks up. And friendship is even more powerful" He believed every word he said. Meanwhile, his hungry eyes turned at the mention of dinner. His belly rumbled at the thought.
  171. 22:49 Bud began moving to follow the Butler into the next room. Teams sheems, he was his own team. Sure, he occasionally went out with the younger of his friends but that was more ensure they didn't end up hurt rather than actual teamwork. Not like there were many others that took up his same manner of 'heroism' anyway.
  172. 22:49 Breakdown pressed on with the crowd on towards the Dining Room. He wondered if this is the part where they were served Snake Soup and Chilled Monkey Brain, or the part where the revered host appears, the lights go out, and he gets shot
  173. 22:49 Sylum "I would like being on a team, easier to bring down people"
  174. 22:50 The-Haze "Keep telling yourself that, kid." he said, stepping up and going to follow the butler to the dinner that would very soon be starting. Took long enough, didn't it?
  175. 22:50 Goodwill "You mean bringing people down on the team? Because that's just mean of you" Goody said back to Sy as he got up, turning to the dinner at hand.
  176. 22:51 Breakdown "I've tended to operate on my own, but I appreciate the occasional Team-Up."
  177. 22:51 Eridana smiles and stands to attention before striding into the dining room, spotting Wells_ on the way. Hearing the banter between him and Goodwill puts a smile to her yet again, and she nods at him. "It would be an enriching experience, I would think. It was for me, and I was against the young one and his friends."
  178. 22:51 Sylum "N-no I mean taking down ba-oh forget it"
  179. 22:52 Wells_ saunters on over to the dining room as instructed
  180. 22:54 The-Haze "What's teamwork going to teach anyone that they can't learn on their own?" he said shrugging, team-ups were an incredibly rare thing for him, and something still hadn't even experienced enough of to form a proper opinion about.
  181. 22:55 McGoFuckYourself Back into the Grand Hall, and right between the double staircase. This set of doors, just as thick as the walls, was twice as large as the others and took four servants to pull them open, revealing the Dining Hall.
  182. 22:55 McGoFuckYourself It's absolutely massive, teamed by what looks like an army of liveried servants and cooks. Longer than it is wide, the Hall is one of the most ornate affairs in the entire mansion, with a large table striking through the middle. Set on it, as the servants hurry to finish putting on the last of the table wear and food. It's absolutely /packed/ with food, whole turkeys, massive chunks of ham,...
  183. 22:55 McGoFuckYourself ...more types of wine than most French villages. The plates look more expensive than most homes, the glasses are crystal, the bread doesn't look 'baked' so much as 'granted unto Earth from on high', the table and chairs a beautiful swirling mahogany. The maids and butlers and servants pull out the chairs and direct the present members to their seats as the doors shut behind them.
  184. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself There's a considerably larger, empty chair, sitting at the end of the table.
  185. 2:57 Sylum "Times like these I wish I eat like normal people"
  186. 22:57 Wells_ didn't read any of that but still gives an impressed whistle. "Swanky."
  187. 22:57 Greg_ "Leadership, Co-operation, Patience for others. You learn a lot about teamwork if you'd work in the circus, Shadowy Costume Man." Greg lied. Most of the time he would just lift heavy things and show off while he worked in the circus, but still, he had a point. Greg looks at the fine feast ahead, and sits down in one of the chairs.
  188. 22:57 McGoFuckYourself "Our host is on his way as we speak. Be seated, and by all means fill your plates."
  189. 22:58 Eridana clicks softly, but keeps her drool within her mouth, thankfully. She takes the initiative and seats herself in the nearest chair. First to seat, first to eat.
  190. 22:58 Greg_ "...Could anyone hand me any spare knives or forks?" Greg asks in a silent tone, trying not to get the attention of any service or butler. "I'd appreciate it."
  191. 22:58 Goodwill_ "Well, I hope we can try it again sometime! I promise I'll be stronger than I was before" Goody said that with a spark in his eyes, a fire to achieve and get stronger, true passion. It was friendly competition, but he adored having something to work up to. "Now, teamwork is all abo-"
  192. 22:59 Goodwill_ sees the food. Stops entirely. His stomach takes over his mind. Mouth watering, blue eyes wide and filled with joy, body shaking... Gosh, he was hungrier than he thought he would be. As soon as he could he bolted to get food for himself.
  193. 22:59 *** Goodwill quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  194. 22:59 *** Goodwill_ is now known as Goodwill
  195. 23:00 The-Haze sits down, immediately getting to work with extending his shadowy bits to pile food onto his plate about as quickly as he could, making sure he'd be able to get enough food before it was all gone. This was probably cheating, but it's not like he cared about using his 'natural' abilities to get things done a bit more quickly. "Am I the only one who's just suddenly hungry?"
  196. 23:02 Sylum grabs a plate, reforming his hand to carry two. Fills them with ham, turkey legs, mashed potatoes and gravy, quiet a bit of garlic bread, other assortments. Then asks another butler for more Dr.P, he wasn't a wine guy
  197. 23:02 McGoFuckYourself Almost immediately, a servant's pulled out a set of silverwear and hands it to Greg
  198. 23:03 Sylum "What does hunger feel like again?...n-never mind actually"
  199. 23:03 Bud finds himself a seat by Eridana, one of the only people currently around him he felt would have a good handle on the current situation, and begins idly putting nearby foodstuffs on his plate while trying to discretely speak with her. "Kind of odd this whole thing, innit?"
  200. 23:03 McGoFuckYourself The food is going fast, but the servants are just as fast, replacing the food as it gets taken by the guests.
  201. 23:04 The-Haze [what's the seating order?]
  202. 23:04 McGoFuckYourself (Iunno. Pick something, seats aren't assigned)
  203. 23:04 Goodwill was far more like an animal with the feast in front of him, rather than a man. He was by Bud and Eri, Wells likely close for some subtle attempts at teamwork building, and he grabbed what he wanted as quickly as he could. Meats mostly. It was like watching a ravenous carnivore
  204. 23:05 The-Haze [I don't know but I hope Haze has a decent seat.]
  205. 23:05 Wells_ "I've been living off national dishes and foreign baked goods for a month. Along with the occasional small animal as I traversed the countryside," he said ashamed. "I'm ready for this....." He grabs a plate and steals a seat right next to the host's. He wanted to get to know this guys when the time came.
  206. 23:06 Eridana smiles as a small brood of spider-like... things scuttle out from beneath the table and venture forth to return, carrying morsels of food like ants working together. Each chittered as soft as she, as she clicked back in kind. They left no messy trail or tracks, how efficient. She turned to Bud with a bite clean through a drumstick, "Yes, I've had quite the sense of foreboding ever since arriving. Never have we
  207. 23:06 Eridana had just a nice, calm evening."
  208. 23:06 Greg_ "O-Oh, thank you. Yes." Greg grabs some food. Meat, Bread, Mashed, whatever. He just throws it on the plate. Greg wished what it was like to be hungry, the people around him had seemed to enjoy the food, except that... coat thing. Greg begins to dig in, since has no manners, He's just scooping chunks and chunks of food into his mouth hole.
  209. 23:07 Sylum does the same as Wells, but on the other side, he had a few questions about how he found him, and what he thinks of his energy
  210. 23:07 Breakdown thought "Well, he couldn't have drugged all of this. Worst that could happen from a spread like this is an epidemic of Thanksgiving Naps." With that he took to filling his plate with a modest amount of food and forgoing drink. Just what he could eat cleanly and quickly. Something still didn't feel right. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
  211. 23:07 Goodwill inhaled food just as soon as he could grab it, often having something in each hand and biting from it back and forth in a frenzy. Table manners weren't his strong suit, but that boy was hungry and that was all he could care for. The powers may have had a hand, after all needing quite a lot to power his outrageous training and lifestyle
  212. 23:08 McGoFuckYourself There's a loud, clear ringing of a bell and one of the servants, standing at a smaller set of the doors at the far and calls out. "Presenting, host and lord of the manor, Lord Peter Scott Wellers!"
  213. 23:08 The-Haze finally retracted his shadowy bits back to him turning over to look at Eridana "I'm not too sure about that, wasn't there some birthday party at some part that went over rather well?" he asked, placing a piece of food in his mouth, and then another, repeating like that like the food was just instantly gone and down his throat, like he didn't even have to chew. "Seriously though, what have...
  214. 23:08 The-Haze been up to?" before realizing the bossman was here.
  215. 23:09 Wells_ quietly scoffed to himself, "I coined the name first..."
  216. 23:09 Bud seemed to be gently rubbing a chicken leg against his mask instead of actually eating it. "Well that time in Mexico was pretty c-" he stopped as the host entered, turning attention there instead.
  217. 23:10 McGoFuckYourself The doors swing opens, and Peter Wellers walks through. In his early thirties, with black hair and a slick goatee, small melancholic smile about his face as he strides up to the throne sitting at the end of the table. The suit he's wearing is...immaculate, to say the least, long coattails almost brushing up against the thick red carpet. He spreads his arms out, laughing before two servants...
  218. 23:10 McGoFuckYourself ...pull out his seat for him.
  219. 23:10 Sylum "Well Wells Wellers, jealous are we? guy looks just as rich or richer, then you" Sy didn't know if Wells was jealous or really cared, just wanted to make the joke
  220. 23:10 McGoFuckYourself "Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Honored guests, and I do must say /honored/. None other than the heroes of Neon City, here to grace my humble presence! Really, I must /thank/ you, I truly had my doubts you would arrive."
  221. 23:10 Goodwill was in the middle of chewing, hunched over the table while grabbing for more, as the master of the house entered. It was... well, he didn't quite know how to look respectful while devouring things like this.
  222. 23:11 Sylum 'anything for free food, heheh"
  223. 23:13 McGoFuckYourself He laughs at that. "Please, eat your fill! Of all people you fine, upstanding citizens have /earned/ your free meals. It was the least I could do. Eat, drink, and make merry. I have been hoping to speak with you all for some time now."
  224. 23:13 Goodwill gave a happy wave and returned to eating, nothing to stop him now. How much would he go through? More than humanly appropriate.
  225. 23:14 Sylum "...upstanding. R-right..."
  226. 23:14 Greg_ If one were to watch Greg use his silverwear, he would notice that they are shrinking down in size, until the condense into his hands. Greg was ashamed of the idea that he had to consume metal this way, so he tried his best to hide it. "This is a snazzy place, Mr. Wellers. What do you work as?"
  227. 23:14 Wells_ filled his plate with an obscene amount of food,"I was simply curious who would take the time out of their day to request my presence. And as the coat said, free is free."
  228. 23:14 Breakdown Oh, have you now, Mr. Wellers?
  229. 23:15 The-Haze took a brief interlude to stop eating "And what is it exactly that you wanted to talk about, if you don't mind me asking?" he asked, immediately going back to eating, placing entire pieces of food and such into his mouth, still chewed and swallow instantly due to the shadowy part of his face taking care of roughly 95% of the process. It has to eat too, you know.
  230. 3:15 Bud "Hey that's a nice coat, Mister Wellers." Movies taught him that nice coats usually mean something bad.
  231. 23:17 McGoFuckYourself "Investments, mostly. I am fascinated with the inventions of the modern day, and while this manor may seem archaic, I can assure you that it is outfitted with all manners of wondrous capabilities. " He smiles. Again. "What do I wish to talk about? Why, yourselves, of course. I have long been your biggest fan, and I would like to bask in your presence while discussing your finest hours of...
  232. 23:17 McGoFuckYourself ...heroism."
  233. 23:18 Eridana offers a small bout of applause to her host before turning back to the small brood of food-fetching foundlings. She seemed to whisper in backwards tongues to them, sending them skittering back down to the floor and out of sight. She then continued to eat.
  234. 23:20 The-Haze leans over a bit in the direction of Eridana, being the only person here that he really even knew at all "Is it just me, or is this guy flat out insane?" making sure to keep it to a whisper entirely, can't have the host hearing a single word of this, you know. And it's very likely, about 100% that he definitely didn't hear anything whispered.
  235. 23:20 Sylum "heroism, right" yeah sure pack on the guilt
  236. 23:20 Greg_ "I... Don't really have any 'Heroic' moments in my life..." Greg scoffs. "It's best to keep such things in the past, no?" The most quote on quote remotely "heroic" thing Greg has done was kill the family of a Nazi Scientist. Something he's not proud of. It hasn't spawned him much respect.
  237. 23:20 McGoFuckYourself "For example. He holds out a hand. "You, yourself, Mister Haze. You are a rather enigmatic figure, shrouded in shadows, yet work for the light. Tirelessly you work to improve this city, piece by piece at a time. What motivates you? What brings you to do what you do?"
  238. 23:20 Goodwill "Heroism, right!" He was pretty proud.
  239. 23:21 Eridana giggles at the comment and leans over to whisper back. "Darling, am I really the one to be asking about matters such as that?" She withdrew quickly as he was put on the spot.
  240. 23:21 Wells_ "Hobby."
  241. 23:22 The-Haze shrugged at him "To be completely honest? It's for the thrill, don't tell me you've never felt that.... rush, while beating down villains and rescuing innocents? It's typical hero stuff, really." he said, tapping his fork on the table as he spoke.
  242. 23:23 Breakdown "I don't think I like the way he said 'Heroism'." Break whispered under his breath
  243. 23:23 McGoFuckYourself "Rescuing innocents and beating down villains, yes. That is how you operate, of course. And tell me, is that /all/ you have been up to? Surely you can't be /just/ fighting gangsters and saving old ladies, yes? After all, the city is rife with dangerous supervillains and megalomaniacs."
  244. 23:24 The-Haze realizes he can use a bit of his shadow to whisper without having to lean over, whispering only one question "Well, am I really the kind of person that should be asking that kind of question?" whispering it like it was rather easy conclusion to make, quickly recomposing himself to answer the host's question
  245. 23:24 *** Wells_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  246. 23:24 Greg_ "It might seem like an odd question, but..." Greg finishes his food before he says anything. He pushes the plate away, looks at Wellers and asks. "Why are you interested in all of this? You seem like a capable enough person to preform Heroism, what, with your interest in the technology and other things."
  247. 23:25 *** Wells joined #covenger_rp
  248. 23:25 Bud continued occasionally rubbing foodstuffs on his mask, not like anybody is going to care. It aint staining either. He would start whispering again but then he'd miss whatever his host is saying. And he might say important things!
  249. 23:25 The-Haze "Well, sometimes those people have to be dealt with, and they send us in. It's a simple enough job, just walk in, fight the supervillain, walk out. Really, it's easier to just do it yourself than answer a question about it."
  250. 23:25 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as Peter_Wellers
  251. 23:27 Peter_Wellers nods. "Yes, yes, of course. You make it seem so easy." The smile slowly fades away. "It's been...hard. Since my wife died. I've been finding it more and more difficult to leave, and I shall admit a moment of selfishness. Surrounding myself with heroes may yet remind me of the better side of this world, so that I may break free from this wretched prison."
  252. 23:29 Wells as he inhales his pladder, quietly mutters to himself "The door's right there..."
  253. 23:30 Peter_Wellers He looks up. "And you, yourself. Mr. Claskovic. Your heroics? You are a foreigner, yes? New to our great city? Please, by all means, where are you from? Are you a hero in your own homeland? I was informed you work in a quaint shop selling trinkets, but /surely/ you do what you can to help others, yes?"
  254. 23:31 Sylum picks up a turkey leg, corrupting it till it turns red then adsorbing it into his hands
  255. 23:34 Bud gives a subtle look to any servants around before focusing his full attention on Wellers. It was either Wellers or his coat, actually.
  256. 23:34 Greg_ "...Uhh." Greg's caught."Yes, I-I am a foreigner. I was born in Abakan. Small city. I didn't stay around, though. Circus Business." Greg's trying his best to delay the idea of him trying to lie about being Heroic. Think, Greg think... "I once lifted a... large, very big truck to save a trapped child." He tried to make it seem believable as possible.
  257. 23:34 Wells gives Sylum a puzzled look in response to his methods of 'eating', his mouth half stuffed, as if to ask, "Why!?"
  258. 23:36 Sylum looks up to Wells for a sec, putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth, not chewing or swallowing, but corrupting it inside.
  259. 23:37 Greg_ "How did you know I work in a shop, by the way?" He looks at Peter with concern. This person knows too much about his life. He isn't a very publicly percieved person.
  260. 23:37 Peter_Wellers "Oh, the circus! How absolutely festive! I hope you were not bandied about like some clown. Were...were you the only meta-human there? I had not heard of an all-meta circus, although I have not left the country before. Truly, a sight to be seen, yes?" The servants, when they weren't at the table, stood in perfect attention at either side of the room, facing in to the table. "Surveillance...
  261. 23:37 Peter_Wellers are my specialty, Mr. Claskovic."
  262. 23:39 Wells could attest to that, given his daughter, but that didn't dismiss the fact that it was strange. "You sure get around it seems..."
  263. 23:41 Greg_ "Yes, uh.. The Circus." The idea of this man watching his workspace was... sort of scary. "All Metahuman. Yes. We would show off feats of strength, or extraordinary... things. I would lift heavy things, My father would faze through cannon-fire, My mother would revive small flowers and creatures. Very fun."
  264. 23:43 Peter_Wellers smiles. "At least you have risen from that then. Truly, make yourself at home in our city. You are more than welcome." He turns around the table, looking at the men and woman sitting around him before stopping on Wells. "Ah, none other than a fellow leader of industry. A banker, as well. You, I have admired, your quiet resolve, you unwavering assistance to the city and selfless giving to...
  265. 23:43 Peter_Wellers ...those around you. Tell me, how is your banks these days? Rather well, I would hope."
  266. 23:44 Wells "It's ok..."
  267. 23:45 Wells "Don't really give it much attention, my daughter does that. I have other things on my pladder..."
  268. 23:45 Wells "Pun intended."
  269. 23:46 Peter_Wellers "Okay? Is that all? I would hope a pillar of the community is doing better than 'okay'. Tell me, do you and your amazing suit go out and clean the streets directly, or is it more of a management-level heroics? If I /do/ go out and begin my own work, undoubtedly I will use /you/ as my model. And your daughter. She must undoubtedly love the work you do, yes? A hero to the city and a hero to...
  270. 23:46 Peter_Wellers ...your family."
  271. 23:49 Wells gets a bit nervous. "My crime fighting is more of a hobby, I-I do what I can. I think I put more effort into my philanthropic endeavors. Ya know? Citywide projects and whatnot. N-No sweat." He begins to sweat. "My daughter...she's fine...making friends."
  272. 23:52 Peter_Wellers He smiles. "Philanthropy, of course. The highest calling for someone in our position. Many blessings to you and your family, from a position of envy." He pokes at his plate, although the food remains untouched. "And Goodwill. Johnny Goodwill. One of the more enthusiastic of our guests, although I am disappointed that my summons to your boss remains unanswered. A cog in the greater machine of...
  273. 23:52 Peter_Wellers ...the Evolutionaries, but probably the strongest of them all. Tell me, what is it like to work in a group setting? I am curious about how a hero team works under the umbrella of a corporation."
  274. 23:53 Greg_ abruptly coughs and gets up. "May I take myself to the bathroom, I need to, uh, go... take one?" Greg wasn't comfortable with this kind of personal information being just talked about. He thought to himself that he needed to leave.
  275. 23:53 Peter_Wellers Three of the servants nod, and start leading him out of the hall.
  276. 23:54 Goodwill had just finished eating a chicken that a poor waitress had only just brought to the table, swallowing down and making a sigh of happiness. "I think its just perfect, if you're askin me! I know many people 'round say that you can only learn properly on your own, but... that just don't work for me"
  277. 23:55 Goodwill "Having leaders to guide me along the way, challenge me every step, and having people to bounce around with is just the kind of place I can get stronger. I've only just begun, but I'm growing more powerful every day, and we do good work too"
  278. 23:56 Goodwill "That the people there are my friends.. It just helps, yeah? The bossman got a bad mouth, but I ain't gonna question the methods, and the people I meet and get to train with are worth all of it"
  279. 23:58 Wells stifles a "Nerd"
  280. 23:58 Peter_Wellers "Of course, of course! Strength and numbers and all that, and I have seen the numbers myself. Xenon has been making /quite/ a profit from the marketing of yourself. A young man, doing what he can to help others, working on a team of peers. A veritable cash machine, you are for them. I hope your training to fight the evil under the magnanimous Xenon goes well, and you grow to ever greater...
  281. 23:59 Peter_Wellers ...strengths. I cannot think of any other place where you could do good for the city. Oh, what I would not have given to pick the brains of the young Captain. After all, the /methods/ one uses are /irrelevant/, so long as good is done, yes? Ends and means, ends and means." He smiles to himself, warmed by Goodwill's youth. He looks up, smiling. THis night is going so well. "Speaking of, Miss...
  282. 23:59 Peter_Wellers ...Eridana. You are also a part of the Xenon conglomerate, yes? Your position has been bouncing around quite a bit recently within the corporation, and I'm not entirely sure /what/ you do now. Remind me, please?"
  283. 23:59 The-Haze immediately covers his mouth, having to stop him from just breaking out in laughter over everything Goodwill had just said.
  284. 23:59 Greg_ "Thank you." Greg gets up and walks to what should be the bathroom. He might do a bit of a peak around, this is sort of getting suspicious to him, now.
  285. 23:59 Peter_Wellers The servants actually follow him, as he goes, leading him straight to what's probably the most lavish restroom he's ever seen in his life.
  286. 00:00 Bud looked at Goodwill, reminded by some of the others he tended to hang out with. That innocence sure seemed like a nice trait in them.
  287. 00:00 Goodwill seems pretty proud of himself, not noticing Haze whatsoever. He had a way of conveniently not paying attention to dissenters.
  288. 00:01 The-Haze [>dissenters]
  289. 00:01 The-Haze [holy shit that's hilarious]
  290. 00:02 Goodwill (m-my brain is tired, shh)
  291. 00:04 Eridana places her food down and smiles at the host, face slightly mussed by grease and oil. "As of recently, I've been all but detached from the Xenon Conglomerate. Partially due to conflict of interest and partially due to... a need for autonomy, one could say. She wipes at her smile with a napkin and leans on her arm before speaking again. "As of now, I still try and maintain a heroic line of work. It is just... ever
  292. 00:04 Eridana so slightly under the radar. Preventative measures and such, I trust you understand." She pauses, smile dropping for a moment. "Though, I do so miss the limelight. Being on television and in the papers. It truly was an ego boost unlike anything else."
  293. 00:05 The-Haze listening intently to Eridana's speech makes a note to himself to attempt to appear on TV and things like that, it'd definitely be worth it reputation-wise.
  294. 00:09 Peter_Wellers "Oh, how sad. I had heard wind of some of these conflicts in particular, yes? A changing of the old guard within Chimera, my sources have told me. So sorry to hear of, although I am glad you have moved on. The limelight must be powerful, but it is good to prevent your own ego from getting the better of you, yes? After all, the only nobility that exists in this city is within our hearts. All...
  295. 00:09 Peter_Wellers are created /equally/, and all that. I am so glad we do not follow archaic notions of royalty in America, and that birth no longer sets the elite above the common man. And I /do/ remember seeing you within the news, back during that horrid" for a second, his entire face spasms, a range of emotions flitting across before he returns to his cheerful self "that horrid incident with the...
  296. 00:09 Peter_Wellers ...Meatverse."
  297. 00:14 Eridana face twists. Literally. Into a slight, bifurcated mandible before twisting back. "We... I would prefer not to remember such incidents."
  298. 00:14 Bud twitches an eye at the mention of that shit
  299. 00:15 Goodwill seems.... completely oblivious.
  300. 00:15 Sylum keeps 'eating' as normal
  301. 00:15 Peter_Wellers "Trust me, neither shall I. That was, in fact, when my beloved Veronica perished, at the hands of those beasts that came through from the sky. Let us look into the future! Breakdown! The hero of the skies, the master of his Grappelin, he who sails over Neon with a watchful eye and watchful heart! Tell me, friend, what is it like to look down upon the fair citizens from on high?"
  302. 00:15 Greg_ comes back with a hum to his voice. He sits down, looking at the others pulling faces in some mention. He didn't think much of it, though.
  303. 00:16 Peter_Wellers The three servants return to their post, keeping their eyes on the metal man.
  304. 00:17 Wells simply stares at his food in disgust. Sweet memories.
  305. 00:18 Breakdown "I may do so literally, but I do not do so figuratively, Mr. Wellers." Breakdown replied, setting down his utensils and turning toward their host. He was listening very carefully to the others' exchanges and was coming to understand why they were brought here
  306. 00:19 Greg_ "So, anything planned for this evening, Mr. Wellers?" Greg had finished his food. "I'm sure you have something interesting to show?"
  307. 00:22 Wells dropped the negative vibes he was getting, "What Colossus said. I've been dying for you to reveal your collection of right hands to us for some time."
  308. 00:22 Peter_Wellers "Oh, absolutely, Mr. Claskovic! A most wondrous play, a rather personal favorite of mine. And young Breakdown, I am assured it is /only/ literally. Again, ego and all that. How lucky we are to have such humble heroes, who walk with the common man as equals. What few sins there are as that of pride and narcissism. A common trend in the tragic hero, yes? Those who claim to be of God's kin, and...
  309. 00:22 Peter_Wellers ...then fall from grace, as Icarus once did. Afterwards, perhaps you would be so kind as to allow me to visit your wondrous Grappelin?"
  310. 00:23 Peter_Wellers Wells's comment makes a slight wooshing noise as it flies over his head
  311. 00:23 Bud didn't seem to have a problem waiting at all. Fuck that was a nice coat.
  312. 00:23 The-Haze Well, that was the moment he knew it wouldn't be too long before this guy snapped and started going on about inane bullshit. There was absolutely no way that this guy was even remotely sane.
  313. 00:23 Peter_Wellers (Sylum, Bud's totally hitting on you. Should totally check that out)
  314. 00:24 Breakdown I'd be happy to allow you aboard, if you might answer a question of my own
  315. 00:24 Peter_Wellers "Oh? By all means."
  316. 00:24 Sylum [I was literally going to make a joke about that in the main chat]
  317. 00:24 Breakdown Forgive my bluntness, but do you blame us for being unable to save your wife?
  318. 00:25 Wells raises a brow to Breakdown's inquiry. "You don't waste time..."
  319. 00:26 Sylum is a bit saddened, 'he didn't get to me yet' he thinks
  320. 00:26 Bud is quite used to Breakdown's blunt assumptions, the prick. He merely chuckles.
  321. 00:27 The-Haze "Asking all the important questions, aren't you Breakdown?"
  322. 00:27 Peter_Wellers grows quiet for a second. "Perhaps grief has stricken me some. But Veronica was not the only one to die that day. Countless monsters of flesh and gore came down that day, and the entire city was covered in stinking meat for days on end. Thousands died, and you could not have saved them all. Truthfully, I did wish to talk of it, though, at some point. Unfortunately the Master Lock, the man...
  323. 00:27 Peter_Wellers ...that owned the device that opened the hole in the sky, also refused my summons. But most of you were involved at some point, yes?" He looks around the table, eyes resting on Sylum for just the barest second longer.
  324. 00:28 Greg_ feels unbearably uncomfortable right now just returning to this.
  325. 00:29 Wells smiles a maniacal smile as he reads into where this is going.
  326. 00:30 Bud pretends to sip some wine. Things sure will change quickly now.
  327. 00:31 Eridana drinks a glass of water and scratches at her chest through her dress. She spares a sidelong glance to Bud and then to Sylum. Her eyebrows raise slightly.
  328. 00:32 Goodwill has no idea what is happening at all, eating innocently
  329. 00:32 The-Haze leans back, not pretending to care or even know anything about said meat incident in the slightest.
  330. 00:33 Peter_Wellers "Ahhhh, Sylum. You have left Neon some time ago, as well, and it was considerably difficult in locating you. Abandoned, in a shack, off in some ramshackle city. Hopefully you have been doing your best to use your /many/ capabilities to help those there, as well? Unfortunately, finding your record for heroics here in Neon has been more difficult. Attempting to fly under the radar. Tell me,...
  331. 00:33 Peter_Wellers ...what have /you/ been up to as of late." His voice is low, barely heard by the others at the table.
  332. 00:36 Sylum "I, uh...w-well thats hard to say really." He looks to Wells as if asking for help "I've just been, you know, hanging...around..."
  333. 00:36 The-Haze "Yeah, that's usually what coats do."
  334. 00:36 Sylum would be sweating more then Wells if he could
  335. 00:36 Peter_Wellers "Oh? Tell me, why did you leave Neon again?" His voice is slipping.
  336. 00:37 Wells smiles widely, and interrupts without warning. "Speaking of out the city"
  337. 00:37 Sylum "Just. Wanted to get away from Neon I suppos-" He is cut of by Wells
  338. 00:37 Wells "I spent a month in Europe don't you know."
  339. 00:38 Wells "Not the cliche rich retreat but I was on a quest!"
  340. 00:38 Peter_Wellers "Yes." He turns to Wells. "Wait your turn, you filthy /child/." He turns. One more. One more and then he's done.
  341. 00:39 Wells slams his fist on the table, offended, "I bet your stories pale in comparison to mine anyway..."
  342. 00:39 Goodwill "I'm starting to think this ain't just a dinner..."
  343. 00:39 The-Haze "You think?"
  344. 00:41 Bud continues pretending to drink some wine, thinking about everything he brought with him, and how this is probably going to turn into some fun party. He gives a small look to Eri.
  345. 00:41 Peter_Wellers He smiles. "My dear Buddy! Mr. Baldewin! The man of the hour, the /hero/ of Neon City. You are adored by the critics, loved by those around you, and one of the most beloved heroes to grace our lowly lives. Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your company. Are the rumors true? Blackmail, strongarm, murder, how did you manage to stay on the street while keeping hold of an entire corporation?...
  346. 00:41 Peter_Wellers ...I have heard some wretched things abbout you, but at least you are better than the man who came before you, yes?"
  347. 00:42 *** Chloran joined #covenger_rp
  348. 00:42 Eridana sighs slowly and shoots Bud a concerned look. Under the knife again. Can't she ever just dress up and have a nice dinner?
  349. 00:44 Sylum is relived, he was about to get everything off his chest, which looking at it, would of been a bad idea, but, its all good now
  350. 00:44 *** Wells quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  351. 00:44 The-Haze turns over and also looks at Eri, his face somehow reading as unbridled joy over the possibility of maybe breaking some shit real soon
  352. 00:44 Chloran begins rolling up his sleeves jokingly. This guy was asking for a fight.
  353. 00:45 Sylum [oh shit when did he get here]
  354. 00:45 *** Chloran is now known as Wells
  355. 00:45 Greg_ "Something tells me you're not as big of a fan of all of us as you claim to be, Mr. Wellers." Greg felt like he had to say something. "And if so, it wasn't any of our faults that your wife died. What happened, happened."
  356. 00:45 Eridana looks back to Haze wordlessly. She puts on her best puppy-dog eyes, as if pleading to just have dinner. She just wants dinner.
  357. 00:46 Peter_Wellers He sneers. "Ask the jacket how she died. Ask him how the hole opened, ask him who is really responsible for the unceasing wave of death to pour out from the sky."
  358. 00:47 Wells "Death is an exaggeration...It was more of... great distress..."
  359. 00:48 Sylum "I I wasn't even there for it It was just a button I didn't know what it would do Ididn'thowmanydied!"
  360. 00:48 Goodwill very quickly had his large, expressive brows furrow as anger came across the young man's face. "Is this what you brought us here for, to criticize and berate people? I caught what you said to me, I was being polite, but I'm going to have to ask you to shut up before I beat you" From him, those were harsh and threatening words.
  361. 00:48 Bud stands up to speak, undistressed it'd seem. "Ah, see. That is true, Terrance was a dick. He's gone now. And those rumors? One hundred percent true, all of em. I'll say now I don't give a single fuck about that company, I did what needed to be done. I got bored. I went back to the streets and let the uppy executives play God. They're still doing that now
  362. 00:48 Bud actually. In fact most of what I do is either my boredom or because it needs to be done, maybe because it directly effects someone I love, see. If it happens to line up to help someone then alright, well played. If not then it's just another task done. Anything else?
  363. 00:48 Goodwill then stood up, cracking his neck to the side.
  364. 00:48 Greg_ He stood corrected. "Even so, why am I here? Or anyone else here who had absolutely nothing to do with this?"
  365. 00:49 Bud bows and takes a seat
  366. 00:50 Sylum By the time anyone looked into Sylums seat, he was gone making a mad dash for the door
  367. 00:50 The-Haze has his hands placed under the table, leaning over to Eridana to whisper "I'm considering just flipping this bitch, mind asking the others if they're fine with it?" he whispered, making sure nobody else heard
  368. 00:50 Wells tears up a bit as he gives Bud applause.
  369. 00:51 Breakdown SYLUM! Stop.
  370. 00:51 Goodwill was already looking pretty damned steamed, standing up and glaring to the 'host'.
  371. 00:51 Goodwill had also just threatened him to shut up.
  372. 00:52 Sylum tried to push past the servants but was stopped
  373. 00:52 Eridana turns to her side and like the lethargic, uninterested girl in the classroom, she passes the message. "Haze wishes to flip the table. Pass the message on."
  374. 00:53 Peter_Wellers He laughs. "Do what's needed to be done. Of course you do. That is /your/ purview, you decide who lives and dies, it is by your hail of bullets and death that you do what needs to be done." He stands up ,looking to Greg. "You did. You all did. Your entire filthy kind of monsters and freaks and abominations. You will /pay/ for everything you pathetic 'meta-humans' have done to this world."
  375. 00:53 Peter_Wellers "Buddy Baldewin, you may have survived my first attempt to cleanse this city."
  376. 00:53 Peter_Wellers "You will not survive the second."
  377. 00:53 Peter_Wellers He holds up his hands.
  378. 00:53 *** Peter_Wellers is now known as Technomancer
  379. 00:53 Breakdown I'll be damned
  380. 00:53 The-Haze "Fuck it."
  381. 00:53 Technomancer "KILL THEM ALL."
  382. 00:53 Technomancer In a second, the three dozen servants act. Their chests break open with a hiss, automatic weaponry popping out from the inside of their chest cavities as the liveries tear open. With a precise synchronization, they point the weapons-military grade anti-tank rifles.
  383. 00:53 Technomancer Pointing inward, they open fire.
  384. 00:53 Wells jumps from his seat immediately "Fuck"
  385. 00:54 Sylum "The fuck?! Who the hell is this guy?"
  386. 00:54 The-Haze grabs the table and just fucking flings it at Technomancer, jumping back as soon as he feels it leave his hands
  387. 00:54 Eridana dives beneath the table.
  388. 00:55 Wells has his gauntlet envelop his body into a full suit as he whips out his prototype board to protect himself.
  389. 00:55 Goodwill moves just as quickly as he could, his body covered in bluish flame, as if youth itself was blazing from his body. Whatever bullets hit him did little more than impact his skin and go no deeper. As others dive and duck, he makes a mad dash to try to slam into the 'host' himself.
  390. 00:55 Breakdown takes cover behind anything that will support him. "Looks like this guy builds his servants too, Wells!" he shouts
  391. 00:55 Greg_ immediately reacts. The bullets start bursting off his skin, but it caught him off guard. In the few seconds given, he goes into his second stage and grabs two of the servants directly firing at him at point blank range, and beats them together like too drumsticks.
  392. 00:55 Bud dives from his seat, two handguns already returning fire as he slams to the ground, fire tracing past by hairs
  393. 00:55 Wells "I DID IT FIRST. I FUCKING KNEW IT!"
  394. 00:56 Sylum "Please tell me whats going on?!"
  395. 00:56 Breakdown That's not important right now! Get behind something!
  396. 00:56 The-Haze immediately goes into "battle mode" the black parts of his body that were once receded popping back in full force, dark and jagged over one half of his body, his toothy maw back in full force as well
  397. 00:57 Sylum goes full jacket, flops on the ground crawling with his sleeves, sadly leaving his pants behind
  398. 01:01 Technomancer The table smashes into him, damn near knocking him down. He hefts, pushing it to the side, snarling as the servants continue pouring waves of rounds into the assorted heroes. Bullets tear into the servants, throwing up sparks and bolts and wires. They die hard, though, holding onto the weapons right up until it becomes impossible ffor them-including from their own fire, considering that the...
  399. 01:01 Technomancer ...heroes were in the middle of the two firing squads. The front doors burst open, and another wave moves into the dining hall. Rather than automatic fire, their arms end in decidedly sharp-looking scythes, as they leap in towards the heroes and the remaiing gunners try to track them.
  400. 01:04 Breakdown , between bouts of gunfire, rolls out from behind his cover, and leaps up off of a chair grabbing a hold of the central extravagant light fixture in the ceiling. With a swing, Breakdown hurls himself into the throng of remaining shooters, locking it up like a Constrictor Snake. Then, while using it as a shield, he proceeds to turn the robot's guns on its
  401. 01:04 Breakdown comrades
  402. 01:04 The-Haze taking advantage of this situation he got really fucking excited, it had been a very long time since he had actually had a good fight, so he went right in, aiming to rip and tear the scythe-wielding robot(s) closest to him with his claws while avoiding gunfire as best as he can, limiting him in how many he'd be able to go after at a time. Maybe even throw one or two at the gunners to try to...
  403. 01:04 The-Haze ...throw their aim off, but it was safe to say that he was very happy about being able to fight after such a long absence.
  404. 01:05 Sylum reforms, crawing wasn't going to work, to many bots. He grabs and puts his pants on. Growing his claws more as he doesn't run towards the bots, but Techy himself.
  405. 01:05 Eridana takes a full volley of gunfire and anti-tank rounds and falls back to some of the sturdier architecture. Her dress was absolutely swiss-cheesed. Ruined.
  406. 01:06 Goodwill catches a scythe against his upper arm, only leaving a small cut as his body hardens in response. With his well trained reflexes it took hardly a second for a flaming punch to come in into the robot's arm to snap it off.
  407. 01:06 Wells gets to his feet immediately and whips out his own ammo, located all around his person, "Always ready for this shit." He returns his own wave of hot metal to his robotic assailants, keeping his distance.
  408. 01:07 Sylum "Look, I know what I did was stupid and bad, trust me I've done worse as well, but you can't blame me for her death"
  409. 01:08 Bud rolls along the floor, dodging the primary impact of rounds but catching the edges as they bite legs and protected vest plates. He grabs onto a chair, using it to block an incoming scythe bot by tossing the chair to his legs, catching the thing in mid air, and firing through the chair into it.
  410. 01:10 The-Haze "Now's not the time, coat." he said between his gritted teeth, slicing one of the robots' scythes off and attempting to go and use it on something without getting shot. All he could say at the moment was that he hated this robots, also probably some unintelligible nonsense about how he's going to murder all of them, but that's neither here nor there.
  411. 01:10 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  412. 01:11 Greg_ realizes he can manipulate metal, and allows the scythes to hit off him. On contact, they get molded into his skin, and absorbed. "Pretty neat trick." Greg's fist flings like elastic directly at one of the robots knocking it back into the front door with some collateral damage.
  413. 01:12 Wells came to a sudden realization, this creep has been around the city's network, spying on everyone, without no obe being any the wiser. This creep even knew about his daughter. But more importantly he knows what's on his 'If you open this shit I'll hack your fucking life I swear it' locked folder he keeps buried deep in his labyrinthine hard drive. "YOU FUCK" He turned his attention to the knocked down Technomancer.
  414. 01:13 Wells "YOU KNOW TOO MUCH!"
  415. 01:14 Sylum "Not just a coat!" He continues his movement towards Tech "Whoa wells!"
  416. 01:16 Eridana calmly strips the tattered remains of her dress off and throws it to the side as the familiar crackle of carapace is heard sliding over her naked form. Dull brown with highlights of toxic green, like a metallic insect. Her hands shifted into brutish claws as her eyes, lips and nose disappeared. It wasn't long before she had punched her arm clean through one of the scythe drones and taken its arm for
  417. 01:16 Eridana 'repurposing', adding it to a scythe-ended tail limb. With a ravenous lick at her fangs, she shouts to Technomancer. "I really did like that dress!"
  418. 01:18 The-Haze glanced over quickly at Eri while still fighting against the things "I wish I could do that, I mean a scythe tail? Fucking incredible." the shadowed portions of him dancing and swaying about like some kind of liquid, piercing through several robots at a time as he effectively just flipped his shit. He'd even cover his entire face in the stuff and bite some of them on occasion, ripping them...
  419. 01:18 The-Haze ...apart in a mad dash of fightyness.
  420. 01:20 Technomancer "You've done /worse/. You admit it, even! You filthy WRETCH, you think this is just about /my/ wife? NO, this is for the entire city! It's corrupted to it's very core! You goddamn /monsters/ running amok, slaughtering on a fucking WHIM, killing and ruining as you see fit! NO, I SAY. I thought I could just destroy mutants on their own, but that is no longer enough. Even the non-metas are all...
  421. 01:20 Technomancer ...too glad to accept your tyranny. No. It is time for the entirety of Neon to be CLEANSED." He reaches out, his arm growing in length. Three, five, ten feet long as it whips around, growing to the girth of an entire tree trunk, cables and pieces of electronics breaking through his skin as he sweeps it into Sylum and Wells
  422. 01:20 Technomancer The twisted fire from Breakdown arcs across the room, tearing through four more servants and getting waaay too close to Buddy and Eridana for comfort.
  423. 01:20 Technomancer Goodwill's punch hits straight through its chest, only for it to push his arm even more, bringing the robot closer and actually landing its own punches on his face, oblivious to the arm in its fucking body.
  424. 01:20 Technomancer Haze tears through another three, but a fourth, actually feigning death on the ground, pulls up a .50 caliber machine gun and fires it point blank at him.
  425. 01:20 Technomancer Buddy staggers the robot, with another two actually trying to tackle him to the ground from behind as a third bears down with a scythe.
  426. 01:20 Technomancer Three robots put their hands together, actually wrapping around each other and clicking together as they melded and fused into a massive fuckoff gun, pointing it at Greg. The incoming hail of fire would be enough to tear through nine feet of titanium, let alone a person.
  427. 01:20 Technomancer The doors behind Technomancer open, and another six robots come through. Crouching down, they leap, sailing over him and slamming unceremoniously into the ground.
  428. 01:20 Technomancer Before detonating into clouds of fire and shrapnel
  429. 01:23 Sylum "OOFF! S-so glad I don't have organs. *Hack* still hurts like hell. Wells? You alive?"
  430. 01:24 Goodwill is rocked back, but wasn't going to hold back. He was PISSED. Clapping his hands, he tried to crash the machine right in half and throw the upper half into the group of robots that had just come in.
  431. 01:24 Wells is slammed through the wall of the manor, into a different room, seemingly unresponsive.
  432. 01:27 Sylum realizes the reason he wasn't thrown off, his claws are stuck in the techacle. "Oh boy"
  433. 01:27 The-Haze Shielded by the shadow he managed to avoid death by machine gun, diving right back into the fight, ripping into the very robot that shot at him with his shadowy teeth of all things. Who brings a fucking gun into a meta fight? Just the thought of it felt like an insult to him, and they weren't going to get away with that.
  434. 01:28 Greg_ suddenly realized that he couldn't take this type of damage the second one of the bullets passed right through his torso. "FUCK!" Greg shouted out, he evaded the flurry of gunshots and made a dash for the gun while it was still firing. Greg gripped his fist, and threw a punch with the relative force of an oncoming truck at the amalgamated monstrosity.
  435. 01:28 Breakdown is blown back unceremoniously whilst moving the robot's cannons away. Into the main hall he flies, sliding across the well-waxed floors into a far wall. Remains of his commandeered robot all around him. No time to Ooh and Aah over the pain. Let adrenaline to its job. Barreling back into the fray, Break latched himself onto the Technomancer's arm and...
  436. 01:29 Eridana rolls across the floor to arrive near Bud, with a strange request, as she shoots off a long shaft of bone like a spear, taking out a bot's leg. "Bud, dear, could you do me a favor and pop the top on one of these tin-cans? I've a need for better protection and I think I know a way to get it."
  437. 01:29 Breakdown Began exerting his influence over it in an attempt to weaken it enough to pinch it off, or weaken it at least
  438. 01:30 Bud fires until dry upon the head of the staggered bot before trying to fight off the other two to little success, his leg was still well injured from a previous encounter and unable to support the kind of grudge fighting he's engaged it. Shrapnel being insult to injury as it causes him to recoil from the bits tearing at him, making his fist fight against the
  439. 01:30 Bud bots ever harder, forcing him to the ground to keep fighting hard in a bloody brawl but unaware to the one with the scythe as it approached. Seeme'd he was a lil preoccupied, cos.
  440. 01:31 Wells struggled through the hole he was sent through, the pupils of his eyes strangely missing, his hair moving on it's own, similar to Gorgons of legend. He was absolutely livid, as coins involuntarily moved along with him. "Heretic!"
  441. 01:38 Eridana shielded herself from the shower of shrapnel, embedding itself in her carapace here and there as it absolutely tore through. She was not in the best of fighting form, but she would do what she could, regardless. With a snap, her head flipped to see backwards, and upside down. She saw the encroaching scythe bot, and in one fluid movement she stood upon her tail like a snake and flipped backward. The bot fell
  442. 01:38 Eridana beneath her weight and floundered for a moment. Just enough time for her to send herself skittering over to the other bots haranguing her colleague. She scrambled on her arms and legs, upside down like something out of the Exorcist before leaping at one and taking it to the ground. Taking it down was one thing, bashing it into inactivity was another thing entirely.
  443. 01:46 Sylum keeps on the techacle, clawing his way up to Breakdown and Tech. "Quiet the night huh?"
  444. 01:46 Technomancer "Heretic! Even now, you claim to be a GOD, as if the very thought of rebelling against you is HERESY." He starts flailing his arm around, desperately trying to shake off Sylum as the jacket tore into his arm and Breakdown degraded his arm. "ANTS. YOU ARE ANTS, TICKS DESPERATE TO DRAIN THE BLOOD OF THOSE AROUND YOU." Too much, though, and the arm eventually crumbles and breaks off, Technomancer ree
  445. 01:46 Technomancer ling backwards away from them.
  446. 01:46 Technomancer Hazes slices tore the robot right in half at the chest, sparking and sputtering as it powers down.
  447. 01:46 Technomancer Greg's punch tore the amalgamation right into the air, ripping up the marble flooring that it had driven into to brace against the recoil. The beast hit the ground with a crack, stuttering bots trying to pull up the massive gun for one last spray around the room before getting torn to pieces from the force of the firing.
  448. 01:46 Technomancer Buddy's precision with the gun was impeccable, tearing through one head after another and dropping robots.Just as he was about to get fucking /shorn/, though, the creepy monster in what's left of the red dress knocks him free, as the robot gets bashed into the floor to the point where there was barely anything recognizable left of it.
  449. 01:46 Technomancer Goodwill's arm tears right through it, damn well bifurcating the robot, just before it sails through the air and gets shredded by the suicide bots.
  450. 01:46 Breakdown Quip later! Survive now!
  451. 01:46 Technomancer Technomancer snarls. They're fucking /winning/. Tearing through his servants like so much chaff. No matter. He still had a couple of aces up his sleeve. He waves his remaining arm at the room in general. "NO MATTER. Neon will be so much dust in the wind by the time I am done with you trash." There's a grinding, and the entire room shifts, walls tearing off of the foundation and into the...
  452. 01:47 Technomancer Sparks fly out of it, cords tearing as pieces of technological debris break off. Jesus fuck, the entire mansion seems to be one massive machine. The chunks of 'wall' twist and meld, crunching together as they shift into several amorphous blobs, before reforming.
  453. 01:47 Technomancer They stand up. There's three of them, each at least twenty feet tall, roughly shaped like massive gorillas. Fists like massive spiked maces, heads with the barest impressions of faces as they plod towards the heroes, reaching in and smashing into them.
  454. 01:47 Technomancer Technomancer turns, quietly counting off the time as he walks out of the dining hall
  455. 01:47 The-Haze "Come back here, you fucking coward."
  456. 01:54 Goodwill took on one of the massive mechanical beasts, catching the swinging fist as it would have crushed him down into the earth. It didn't. Straining just as hard as he could he held back the titanic weight, growling harder and harder as his grip intensified. The feeling of strength from him did too. He was pushing alright, and he refused to let go.
  457. 01:54 Sylum "oof! We have bigger problems, literally! Besides, I think I'm the one Tech wants, the most anyways." Sy lets go of the techacle before grabbing the base again, it slowly beginning to turn red. "Break, mind guarding me while I corrupt this thing?"
  458. 01:55 The-Haze uselessly slashed at one of them, aiming to go for a weak point, but the damn thing seemed too big to contain. At the very least he was managing to avoid it well enough, keeping himself from getting killed while finding a way to go for harder hitting strikes
  459. 01:55 Bud finished his struggle by smashing in the fucking head of what remained of the last bot on him with a gloved fist. He's goin HAM. At least he was before the massive fuck and the power fist sent him flying into a wall and rolling back to the ground, costing a very painful recovery. Times like these he wished the Phantom wasn't a lump of shit in his garage.
  460. 01:55 Bud " to ideas for this situation here. Anybody?"
  461. 01:55 Wells slowly approaches his enemy, a vortex of coins enveloping him, "I've walked this planet for several millennia. For the amount I've done for humanity's progression through the years I may as well be a God." He motions his arm to do some kind of attack, foreboding in his stance, exuding power, he didn’t seem to be the same person. This burst of power was short lived as he fell to the floor, unconscious. He was out of the fight.
  462. 01:57 Goodwill "KEEP. HOLDING. THEM. OFF." Goody said harshly as he pushed himself harder and harder, trying to keep the gorilla from completely smushing him in one blow. The harder he fought back, as perhaps the alien could tell from their first fight, he only grew in his ability.
  463. 01:58 Breakdown "What good will all this do?! Killing us, destroying Neon City, none of it is going to bring your wife back! I'm sorry it happened and there isn't a day that goes by that the thoughts of what more I could have done to help this city! That only compounds more and more each day! You've allowed yourself to become consumed by your tragedy rather than allowing...
  464. 01:58 Technomancer (Rather than allowing...cuts off there)
  465. 01:58 Greg_ gets smashed by one of the Gorillas, he hasn't time to regenerate. Jumping to Third Stage was a no no, it could put too much strain on his body. The Silverwear, he forgot, there's lots of it, He has a consistent fuel source, not only that but they trays, too. Greg absorbs whatever Metal he can find and props back into battle.
  466. 01:58 Breakdown (Im working on it)
  467. 02:01 Breakdown yourself to accept it and move forward! She's gone and I'm sorry! Sylum is sorry! To even the slightest of degrees I bet there's a shred of humanity in everyone else here whose sorry. I can't speak for them, but that is why I continue to protect this city! To honor any who've been lost along the way. It'd be a disservice to them to give up and surround myself
  468. 02:02 Breakdown in sorrow!
  469. 02:02 Wells is not sorry. Shit happens.
  470. 02:03 Greg_ regenerates whatever blows were done and does a jump for the robot. With whatever momentum he had lost in the jump, he made up for it with the weight making him soar down through the air at one of the Gorillas smashing his fist down into what should be it's head.
  471. 02:03 Bud clambers to his feet, looking for a way to fight the apes before getting distracted. "Fuck him, I'm not sorry. Apologist, asshole."
  472. 02:04 Breakdown drops the remains of Technomancer's limb and pushes forward past the ape-like monstrosities. Reaching into his pocket he presents the White King from the chessboard to Peter. "Even when things look the bleakest, anyone can be saved. Even you."
  473. 02:06 Technomancer "It is no longer about Veronica. It's about saving this world from the /curse/ of the meta-human. You are a plague, and the only way to stop further incidents such as the Meatverse, I must /cleanse/ you off the face of this planet." He looks up at Breakdown. "Anybody can be saved. The only way to save the world is to end this wretched city and you meta-human scum that inhabit it. As it turns...
  474. 02:06 Technomancer ...out, I am the only /hero/ in this mansion". He holds up his hands, and the doors slam shut between them. He turns, and walks down the hall. Another door, down a flight of stairs as they fight the Gorillas, and into the subbasement. A room, completely darkened save for the screen with the glowing countdown. Forty-five minutes, and it detonates. The mansion, Neon City, and most of Texas...
  475. 02:06 Technomancer ...would be taken by it, but he'll be able to savve the world.
  476. 02:07 The-Haze looks over at Buddy for a brief moment, realization suddenly coming to him "You know what? I'm not sorry either, you blame is for the crimes of another but you can't see what you've done? You've destroyed everything you could fight for, you have no idea, do you? You can't see it, can you? You're as much a monster as the rest of us, what is Neon City going to think of you? Will they accept you?"
  477. 02:07 The-Haze [Fuck, I had to hold myself back from saying "You've failed this city" because it'd be a neat line there.]
  478. 02:08 Sylum "Yeah THANKS BREAK!" the arm is halfway corrupted and red, Sy himself has strangely a faint purple aura
  479. 02:09 *** Wells is now known as Datawells
  480. 02:09 Sylum [techacle, not arm]
  481. 02:09 Goodwill finally seemed to hit his limit, a flare going through the young hero's eyes. His grip on the gorilla's arm tightened until a strength came to crush it entirely and bring the towering beast down atop of him.... "RISING... FLURRY" ...right into the barrage of punches and uppercuts upon the behemoth.
  482. 02:10 Datawells took the moment to cease control of her dad's suit and get to her own business. "I bet him a new processor I'd be necessary."
  483. 02:11 Bud clambers up and begins to sprint right at the doors, fucked leg be damned. He wasn't going to take this shit. Quickly flipping off Breakdown as he passed and entered into a running jump right towards those fucking doors. They're either gonna break him or he's going to break them. "GOING HAM"
  484. 02:11 Eridana saw her chance as the heads of one of the bots was taken clean off. Her body reconfigured and dropped its carapace, leaving her as an exposed and smooth form. With a leap, she 'goops' into a more damaged bot. For a moment it is still, the next, the bot throws up a deluge of blue gunk and tech parts. Then it stands upright, bone blades popping up from its wrists and feet. The scythe-tipped tail becomes a plated
  485. 02:11 Eridana limb. Eri tops it off with a slice at a solitary bot, separating its torso from its legs and tearing its central nervous column out. "Excellent."
  486. 02:13 The-Haze scratched his head, immediately saying "Fuck it" as he dove back into battle, aiming to rip at the joints of the mechanical monstrosities as best he can. If Eridana and that fucking kid could do it, who's to say he couldn't net himself a robot kill as well? Can't look bad in front of the co-workers like that. "I hate robots, I just fucking hate them."
  487. 02:14 Datawells took off after the Technomancer, "My father failed to stop you himself during his last encounter but where he makes mistakes, I learn from them." She tries her best to keep up with the deranged scientist as her father's unconscious body weighed the suit down.
  488. 02:18 Breakdown *"Had to try" Break said in a way that could have been followed by a whining trombone or an audience laugh track. Technomancer was beyond rationing with. Still got him to reveal his endgame and that's something. Turning to Wells, he noticed a [more] feminine voice coming out from him. Database? If there was anyone to disarm that bomb, it'd be her.
  489. 02:18 Sylum [how does he know of the bomb?]
  490. 02:18 Greg_ was immediately attacked by another one. This shit again. It tried to flatten Greg but even with Greg's clumsiness, he had a good grip on it. As soon as the hand trying to force Greg into the ground steadied, It's entirety started to slowly melt right into Greg's palm. He was absorbing it. The Gorilla backed off at the sight, but the damage was already...
  491. 02:18 Greg_ done. Greg ran for the now vulnerably weak Gorilla and started smashing whatever bits of it's Endoskeleton were visible. Greg was enjoying this way too much.
  492. 02:18 Breakdown Break ran over to provide what cover he could so she could work her not-magic*
  493. 02:21 Sylum The techacle is nearly all corrupted, "Good enough!" The purple aura is full force, Sy swings the techacle as it grows thinner as it cuts a Mech Gorilla in two. ASy falling to his knees and the techacle is adsorbed
  494. 02:23 Sylum "Oh god I can't feel my legs..oh, they're gone. Give me a sec"
  495. 02:25 Technomancer Goodwill's fist tears through it, ripping the beast in half as his red aura flares up and burns at the chunks of metal and stone. The Gorilla staggers, slumping over onto its side. Not that it's dead, mind, as the other fist still flails away, pounding harder and harder into the young man. Dragging closer to him, the beast reaches up a foot and delivers a massive kick, throwing him straight...
  496. 02:25 Technomancer ...into one of the remaining walls and through it. A sputter, and it fails, falling limp to the ground because half of it's fucking body was spread across the Hall.
  497. 02:25 Technomancer The second beast staggers as Haze hamstrings it, tearing its feet into pieces and bringing it to its knees, before the metal-encased alien tears into it, ripping out the mass of cords that had made up it's 'spine', dropping the behemoth to the ground before it crumbles into pieces.
  498. 02:25 Technomancer Greg certainly did have a good grip on number three, as the beasts head opened, splitting clean in half. A massivve roar, and chunks of shrapnel spew out with enough force that they even lodge into his skin as he screamed. The other fist was raised, and shifted into a massive spike as it brought it dow-wait no, Sylum just cut it in half. Good job.
  499. 02:25 Technomancer Buddy burst through the doors. His shoulder hurt, but not much worse than anything else hrt at this point. There-just the glimpse of Technomancer as he walked down the stairs to the sub-basement, and Buddy charges, breakdown and Data close behind him.
  500. 02:26 *** The-Haze quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253])
  501. 02:26 *** The-Haze joined #covenger_rp
  502. 02:27 Sylum gets up, looking for Tech. "Hey guys wait for me!"
  503. 02:29 *** The-Haze quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  504. 02:29 *** The-Haze joined #covenger_rp
  505. 02:29 Goodwill is flung aside into the other wall, crashing through rubble as his body continued to burn with the youthful energy. He was strong, but still he was unrefined and wild with the new advances of his abilities and lacked the time to hone them so soon. It seemed like he'd have to make do as it was.
  506. 02:32 The-Haze [What just happened? I think I missed it.]
  507. 02:32 Bud didn't walk down the stairs so much as glide down in his charge, landing heavily on the bottom and continuing his bloody sprint. Just work a bit longer you fucks. He said to his organs and limbs and things as they tried to act up but were suppressed by the pure amount adrenaline flowing right now. Human endurance peaking with rage. He made the grab the
  508. 02:32 Bud piece of shit if he got close enough, otherwise just more HAM BASHING.
  509. 02:32 Greg_ [Not much]
  510. 02:32 Goodwill spat out, groaning as he tried to get his head back into the game. The boy was stubborn, no matter how much beating he would take. He huffed as the fires grew hotter and turned a brighter shade, charging right back out to leap at the gorilla that just flung him, twisting his body just so...
  511. 02:33 Sylum [Sylum got up and ran for the others]
  512. 02:33 Goodwill revved up and soon swung down a spinning kick, putting the full might of his body behind it as he roared. In fact it seemed to leave behind trails of his energetic flame in the air behind him, to those onlooking it would seem a whirlwind of flame had just crashed upon the beast.
  513. 02:34 Sylum runs down the stairs with the others "Thanks for covering me Break" Obvious sarcasm from his voice
  514. 02:35 Breakdown You got the time to charge that thing, didn't you?
  515. 02:36 Sylum "Always good to have back up man"
  516. 02:38 Greg_ pulled the shrapnel out of his shoulder. "...Huh. Sort of... Huh." Greg stood up, swiping the dust off himself, and jumped right back up. He ran down the stairs to the Sub-basement following the others. This is it, even if there wasn't much Greg could offer now, he still wanted to help.
  517. 02:38 The-Haze ran over, attempting to pull off Street Fighter-type move just like Goodwill had, somehow managing to twist himself in mid-air while diving, slingshotting himself forward hard with shadow as he tried to drill right into the current bad guy with his claws. [Who's that by the way?]
  518. 02:39 Technomancer (Gorillas are down. Technomancer's just about at the bomb room, with Buddy, Breakdown, and Wells/Data closest, and Sylum just heading after them)
  519. 02:40 The-Haze [Let's just say he went for a wall then]
  520. 02:47 Eridana reconfigures the plates of her new-found armour and engages pursuit with the villain, Technomancer.
  521. 02:47 Sylum "So, t-think he'll hold a grudge on me if he escapes, I mean if Xenon wasn't enough, why not some psycho I never even heard of?"
  522. 02:51 Technomancer Technomancer turns as they start busting into the dark room. "It is time. To cleanse. The filth. From this world." He holds up his hand, waving towards Data. "Even myself. I've been cursed as well-born a meta human and forced to take responsibility for the crimes you commit." He smiles. "Do you know what they call my power?" Clenches his fist, as his will invades the AI, and Data seizes up....
  523. 02:51 Technomancer ..."Technology. Dominance. Thank you, Wells. If you wake up before Neon is destroyed, you'll get to watch your own daughter end your friends. Kill them, Data."
  524. 02:51 Technomancer As the rest of the group makes it into the large-ish room, he laughs, monitor behind him at 20 minutes. The lights on the room turn on, filling it with light and illuminating the /other/ occupants of the sub-basement.
  525. 02:51 Technomancer Spiders.
  526. 02:51 Technomancer Thousands of them.
  527. 02:51 Technomancer A wave of robotic death and horror advance on the group as the Technomancer laugh and the timer to Neon's destruction counts down.
  528. 02:53 Sylum "Ok, I have a bad idea, Bud, hows your aim?"
  529. 02:57 Sylum "Bud? oh forget it...I've said that a lot tonight"
  530. 03:01 Breakdown "As if we needed any more clues that this guy is beyond reason, he made robot spiders." Break lamented as he frustratedly burst into the wave of arachnids. Grabbing a hold of one by the forelimbs and giant swinging it about into others in the vicinity.
  531. 03:01 The-Haze [I don't know if I'm there or not.]
  532. 03:02 Technomancer (DO you want to be there? What'd he do after he leapt at a wall?)
  533. 03:03 The-Haze [Probably just broke the bitch open and went onwards. Why not?]
  534. 03:04 Bud is still charging, Jesus. With a sleight of hand he tears off his own vest and tosses it in front of him before slamming he knees onto it and propelling into the horde with the momentum provided, a pair of handguns that were stuffed into his belt like a G now firing in unison on the spiders, Technomancer, anything. That probably fucked his knee more but
  535. 03:04 Bud it's not like he could feel it much. Wouldn't be long before that spike burned out however, it was now or never to act stupid.
  536. 03:06 Sylum "Eridana, hows your throwing arm?"
  537. 03:08 The-Haze just now getting into the room he takes one look at all those goddamn robot spiders "Why?" he questioned, that was the only thing he could even begin to say in response to them. Oh well, might as well slap them around a bit, eh?
  538. 03:08 Eridana slides in like a regular jive turkey, arm and leg blade dancing out and around in a show of silver grace and fury as she tears at the small spider bots. The question from Sylum comes at an inopportune time, as she flips onto her hands and begins spinning like a deadly spinning top. "Why do you ask, jacket? I am slightly occupied for a round of baseball."
  539. 03:10 Sylum deforms his body back into a jacket, rolls it up into a ball "Think you can hit the bad guy? I uh, still don't know his name"
  540. 03:13 The-Haze is just stomping at the little fuckers, occasionally doing some a bit fancier than that, but not too much, more along the lines of a simple jump kick "I think his name is Tyrone Mancar?"
  541. 03:15 Eridana breaks from her silver flurry of attacks to leap back and pull some of the spiders from her. "Darling, not to be rude, but given your track record that is a terrible idea." She pauses for a moment before jumping back in, slicing a spiderling in half rising fist and another six with a sweep of her leg.
  542. 03:17 Sylum "My ideas work, its just the bad aftermath, but do you have a better one then fight spiders and blow up?"
  543. 03:17 Technomancer The bullets spark off of spiders, putting cracks into the monitor, and punch through Technomancer. One of them strikes him straight in the eye and half of his head detonates as the bullet pierces his head, sparks and pieces of metal flying everywhere as half of his head goes missing. The sneer doesn't leave his face, and he doesn't even budge.
  544. 03:17 Technomancer While most of the spiders are only a few inches, Breakdown reaches out and grabs one of the larger ones, easily a foot long, and swinging it knocks away spiders in sweeping arcs-right before they get back up and start crawling towards him, sharp metal fangs reaching for their ankles.
  545. 03:17 Technomancer As Haze and Eridana begin shredding more of them, more and more spiders start advancing, handfuls of them even dropping onto the heroes from the ceiling.
  546. 03:17 Technomancer The timer ticks down
  547. 03:19 *** Goodwill quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  548. 03:19 The-Haze "So we're fucked, right?" Haze contemplated aloud as he smushed those spiders, noticing that Technomancer doesn't even seem to die when killed. Well, looks like that's a bit of a problem for this "Uh... we're not going to have to do a big, dumb team attack, right?"
  549. 03:24 Sylum "Look just get me to the bomb!"
  550. 03:27 Greg_ starts stomping down on the spiders swarming towards him. "God damn, they're everywhere... This is why I hate Spiders, such a damn strain to deal with." There's not a lot Greg can do here. He could form a giant hammer but he'd be limiting himself with the size of the room.
  551. 03:27 *** F021 left #covenger_rp
  552. 03:28 Bud slides to a stop as his momentum wanes, but using the last of it to roll off of the vest and into a smaller swarm. Smashing and crushing them as they jump and bit and tore. He was still marching, slower however as the spiders and wounds acted. He was determined and still pretty spiteful however, taking shots at Technomancer as he moved and fought.
  553. 03:29 Breakdown stomps his way through the throng of spiders, making a beeline for Technomancer. Doing his best to keep as few of the remaining spiders on him as possible along the way "Greg, they're metal. Absorb them or something!" He shouts pushing through
  554. 03:29 The-Haze He just continued taking pot shots at the spiders, kicking them around the room as he made his way over to Technomancer, getting as many people as close to him as possible was probably going to end up being the only way to beat this guy. So you gotta just beat these spiders up so you can beat Technomancer up "These spiders are bullshit."
  555. 03:34 Greg_ "Oh. I forgot about that." Greg leaks some metal onto the ground that spreads across the room devouring any spider it touches. From being mechanical arachnid creatures, to being blobs of metal, they start directing towards Greg, blob by blob.
  556. 03:37 Sylum reforms back to himself. "If we aren't going to use my plan then we have to come up with a better one" He crushes a few Spiderbots
  557. 03:37 Technomancer Technomancer holds up his last arm, as more bullets punch through him and the heroes are waylaid by the spiders. "Tick-tock. Ten minutes, and Neon is finally /gone/." He waves it in front of him, the entire arm breaking to pieces and spitting forward with the force of a fucking shotgun, shreds of metal filling the air in front of him.
  558. 03:40 Eridana slices through another swathe of spiders, blades growing to extend up and past her hand. With a growl, she catapulted herself forward, but not far, as the spiders dragged her down somewhat. She yelled over at the others. "Do any of you have EOD training?"
  559. 03:41 The-Haze "What?"
  560. 03:41 Sylum "Agreed, what?"
  561. 03:41 Breakdown "Bomb-Disposal!"
  562. 03:42 Sylum "oh. No, why would any of us know that?"
  563. 03:44 Breakdown pushes through the remaining spiders only to be caught in a shotgun blast of shrapnel and other detritus, knocking him back and onto his ass amongst the spiders again. Writhing in pain, he fought to get back up, smacking and wiping what spiders attempted to crawl onto him.
  564. 03:45 Bud takes a full on brunt of the metals. His legs surely weren't going to work in time to dodge it, not this injured anyway. shards breaking and bending upon hitting the mask, but embedding in his arms and chest, blowing him to the ground in a heap that didn't seem to want to stay down as it kept trying to crawl up as the spiders swarmed.
  565. 03:46 Sylum ducked at the blast. A pierced cause explosion would probably injure or worse for everyone
  566. 03:49 Technomancer Technomancer wheezes. Full of bullets, missing both arms, half his head gone. Almost all of his robots gone, but everything-EVERYTHING is about to get /so/ much better as soon as the bomb goes off
  567. 03:50 Sylum "Please Tyrone, don't do this!"
  568. 03:50 Eridana falls as the combination of shrapnel and swarming spiders brings her to a crawl. Her voice is strained as she screams out. "If someone knows how to disarm it, I can buy you some time! I think!"
  569. 03:50 The-Haze "....What if we don't have to disarm it?"
  570. 03:51 Greg_ "Can we smash it?"
  571. 03:51 Breakdown "Nnnf... I'm pensive, but listening." He says pushing himself back up to a stand
  572. 03:52 Eridana "Whatever you do, I MIGHT be able to buy you some time to do it! Just do it quick!" The voice came from a pile of swarming bots, scuttling over a mound.
  573. 03:52 The-Haze "Can't you fly Eri? Maybe if we.... held him off long enough you could take it out to sea or something? Somewhere where it going off wouldn't kill anyone."
  574. 03:53 Eridana Spider-bots punching her eyes and nose, it was terrible. "I could do that! Maybe!"
  575. 03:53 Sylum "I can try corrupting it like his arm earlier, no clue if would set it off thou"
  576. 03:53 Breakdown "We've got less than ten minutes. Can you fly far enough out to save the city and get still away in that time?"
  577. 03:54 The-Haze walked over and kicked the spiders off, reaching down to try to help her up and onto her feet "Come on, you can do this."
  578. 03:54 Technomancer "Oh yes. Yes!" Oh god the mouth still works. "A bomb capable of destroying half of Texas! Just fly that away, I'm sure you can make the speed! I'm going to /double/ the Gulf of Mexico tonight!"
  579. 03:55 Bud crawls, crawls and crushes. CRUSHES BUGS. Crawls and crushes and fights until he can mount to his shaky, fucked legs. He looked more like a ragged doll than a man at this point. "fucking...enough talking" he says in a hushed tone, tossing off another shitty little spider and firing the last of the magazine into fucking zombie.
  580. 03:56 The-Haze "Or I could just.... plop it into a shadow, think that'd work?"
  581. 03:56 Sylum "Wont the blast make a lot of light? can a shadow survive that?"
  582. 03:57 Eridana stands and brushes herself off, as her armour falls to the floor. She looks to Haze and sighs, "Can you make me a path to the bomb with that shadow?"
  583. 03:57 Technomancer His knees tremble, and he falls, laughing as his body hits the ground, sparking and sputtering and whirring. "FIVE MINUTES. YOU CAN'T RUN FAST ENOUGH."
  584. 03:57 Eridana "If so, do it now."
  585. 03:58 The-Haze "Should be easy enough" he said, brushing his clothes off as he slung a path of shadowy goo over in the bomb's direction and around, pulling the bomb into the shadow as he tried his best to form a path to her, plopping it back out there.
  586. 03:58 Breakdown draws what strength he has left and pushes forward at the Technomancer in what could best be described as an amble. A handful of spiders biting at whatever they can get at. Pushing past the sputtering remains, Break makes his way for the bomb. Most applicable skill he has is an engineering background. Parhaps that could do some good in time
  587. 03:59 Technomancer The bomb itself is rather large, a thick metal tube about five feet tall and three wide, sitting just behind the monitor, hooked up to it by countless wires and smaller pieces.
  588. 04:00 Eridana sprints down the path, skidding down to pick up Breakdown and asking him, "You know of machinery, yes? Can you set the timer back at all?"
  589. 04:00 Technomancer There's a humming coming from it, and the metal is hot as /fuck/ to the touch.
  590. 04:01 The-Haze "Isn't he like a tech genius or some shit? He totally has this in the fucking bag."
  591. 04:01 Breakdown "I can try to buy us some more time. If I can understand how the bomb works maybe we can shut it down"
  592. 04:01 Bud flips off Technomancer's remains as he too moves up to the bomb, adrenaline waning, wounds bleeding and legs limping. "Didn't you fail to disarm this shit the first time? I sure remember that."
  593. 04:02 Technomancer The machinery starts getting pulled into the darkness, but there's a lot of it there and there's all kinds of wiring and shit going in and out of the walls as well as into that big-ass computer bank with the monitor
  594. 04:02 Technomancer What's left of Technomancer is still laughing
  595. 04:02 The-Haze "Well, second time's a charm, right? Besides this is our only option, or would you rather Sylum attempt to disarm it and get us all killed?"
  596. 04:03 Breakdown "I dismantled what was powering it. Not the bomb itself. But you're basically right, it did no good." Break replied, interacting with the console, trying to navigate his way around the system
  597. 04:04 The-Haze "Try smacking it, that's what I do whenever I have computer problems. It always works for me."
  598. 04:04 Sylum "We have to try something!"
  599. 04:05 Technomancer The system opens up and Breakdown manages to access some of the root files, and there sits the operating syst-it goes back, and the entire system locks up, screen jittering with the count down going on in the upper corner.
  600. 04:05 Technomancer "Not so easy, maggot. /Burn/."
  601. 04:05 Eridana looks to Breakdown and Bud, brow furrowed and teeth grinding. She spared a look at the timer, then a look at the wires. Her arm split in two as a large, long blade slid out with a meaty SCHLICK. She looks to the others. "What if we just pull the bloody plug, huh?"
  602. 04:06 Technomancer Two and a half minutes
  603. 04:06 Sylum "it cant be that simple, can it?"
  604. 04:06 Breakdown "NNNFffffffffuck it! Anybody. Everybody pull!" He concurred, grabbing on to the base of the console and exerting his power over it
  605. 04:06 The-Haze "Schlick?.... Wait, there's a fucking plug? Are you serious? There's a goddamn motherfucking plug and we haven't even seen that shit?" he said just staring at the wires, "What if we cut them all at the same time?"
  606. 04:07 Bud checks his body for another magazine. This one apparently had fallen somewhere it shouldn't have. He loads it into THE INTERCEPTOR and screams before just shooting at the thing with the entire mag. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK."
  607. 04:07 The-Haze just starts stabbing that motherfucker, I mean at this point what's the worst that could happen? Just kill that bomb dead.
  608. 04:08 Eridana screams and starts slashing her way inside the bomb, attempting to get to the core or powersource and effectively consume it.
  609. 04:09 Sylum "Oh sure. don't corrupt the bomb, but SHOOTING AND STABBING IT IS FINE!" Sy reluctantly joins in
  610. 04:09 The-Haze "FUCK YOU BOMB, FUCK YOOOOUUUUU" he screamed, continuing to hack, slash and stab at the bomb about as hard as he could. There's only a few moments left, but he has plenty of time left just to beat the shit out of it
  611. 04:09 Technomancer The wires are shorn, the computer parts get broken, and pieces get broken. Even as the screen is shattered, the countdown keeps going lower and lower, and the half-corpse laughs harder and harder on the ground. Even after the main power coupling gets removved, something keeps the damn thing ticking, and a bright blue glow coming out between the plates of the metal cylinder. Hell, even after...
  612. 04:09 Technomancer gets disconnected from the monitor, and the fucking monitor system is unplugged, the screen stays alive.
  613. 04:09 Technomancer Technomancer laughs. One minute.
  614. 04:10 The-Haze walks over to Technomancer and just decks him as hard as he can, fuck that prick.
  615. 04:11 Technomancer The punch connects, knocking the wobbling man-robot down as he tried to stand up. For a second, the countdown pauses, then resumes.
  616. 04:11 Sylum "We're dead. We're fucking dead!"
  617. 04:11 The-Haze just begins repeatedly kicking Technomancer in the ribs, or at least the closest equivalency he can find
  618. 04:11 Eridana reaches out and watches as her arm unravels into tendrils, snaking their way towards the blue light. "Keep hitting him, I'm going to get the thing, lads!" She was going to eat that fucking light. No matter what.
  619. 04:12 The-Haze "Hey, Eridana, mind if I say something before we all die?"
  620. 04:12 Breakdown "Wait a minute..." Break says letting go of what remains of the console. With a surge of inspiration, he hobbled back over to Technomancer. "He had a drone controlling the bomb last time!" With that, he picked up the heap of a man and began tearing it apart at the core like a new bag of chips
  621. 04:12 Technomancer "hahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Technomancer laughs, as the machine counts down and down and down. Thirty seconds."
  622. 04:12 Bud checks Haze's actions and tosses the firearm at Technomancer before joining in, slamming to his knees and smash the fucking shit out of his head with bloodied knuckles.
  623. 04:12 Greg_ "FOR GLORY!" Greg smashes his fist into anything he can see that remotely relates to the bomb.
  624. 04:12 Eridana "Kind of busy, dear! But what?" She says as she tries to eat the core.
  625. 04:13 The-Haze "If you get a power up from that core, I call dibs on the next power up. Just saying" he said, while still beating Technomancer
  626. 04:15 Eridana "Duly noted de-AAARRGHHHH." She said succinctly as her chest cavity opened, ready to DEVOUR.
  627. 04:15 Sylum "Why are you even doing this? Sure, I indirectly killed your wife, sorry again by the way, but why try to blow up Neon and Texas?!"
  628. 04:15 Technomancer Break tears off a leg. What's left of an arm. A piece of rib. Under his degenerating touch, the machine man crumbles. There, his spine, ripped in half. Skull, crushed, mass of cords torn ou- a sputter, and the Technomancer dies, body powering down entirely. The second the manic laughter cuts off, everything goes black. The lights, the monitor, the timer, the only thing that /doesn't/ power...
  629. 04:15 Technomancer is the glow of the bomb's core right before it disappears into the horrifying alien maw. Eridana's chest /burns/, it burns to a degree where she almost feels as if it's about to melt right through her. After a moment, though, the heat subsides, just leaving a dull ache.
  630. 04:16 The-Haze "....I still call dibs on the next power up."
  631. 04:19 Technomancer Off, in an unknown distance, in an unknown location, a small room. A chair, in the middle, and somebody in the chair. A dozen view screens, showing more and more Technomancers performing various misdeeds, preparations, schemes. One of them starts flashing red and black, with the words "System Off-Line"
  632. 04:20 The-Haze [Fuck]
  633. 04:20 The-Haze [I misread it for a second and thought you were saying there were a bunch of Technomancer's performing illegal operations.]
  634. 04:20 Eridana holds her stomach, groans and falls back. "This was a terrible, terrible dinner."
  635. 04:20 The-Haze [Like medical operations.]
  636. 04:21 Sylum "How the hell do you guys do it, I was freezing up"
  637. 04:21 Greg_ "Wait, did I do something Heroic? Am I not a bad person anymore?"
  638. 04:21 The-Haze "Just saying that that wasn't a team up."
  639. 04:21 The-Haze "I am not and will never be part of a team."
  640. 04:21 The-Haze "Just putting that out there."
  641. 04:22 Eridana "Someone help me to my apartment. I think I've got a bad case of indigestion."
  642. 04:23 Greg_ "WE DID IT! WE SAVED THE CITY!" Greg grabs all but no one in rejoice for a hug, with that he laughs like a child after seeing a Saturday Morning Special.
  643. 04:23 Breakdown drops the pieces of Technomancer to the floor with a heavy sigh. They had done it again by the skin of their teeth. This was the second time, and surely wouldn't be the last as long as he had these drones. Silently, he looked down at the torn apart mass and fished the White King out from his coat again...
  644. 04:23 Bud falls onto his back. Bones broken, flesh shredded, energy tank on total empty as the adrenaline worked its way out of his system. Christ he looked fucked. Metal embedded in flesh and clothes in ribbons. Even the mask was crumpled. " driving me..home.."
  645. 04:23 The-Haze "I think I still have my car parked outside, so I totally could drive everyone home if you guys want."
  646. 04:23 *** Technomancer is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  647. 04:23 Sylum "I would but, gotta get back to...Can't say, kinda wanted for...W-well, Later.
  648. 04:24 Breakdown Placing it by what was left of his face, he stated simply "Check." before rejoining the others.
  649. 04:24 Sylum "Well...oh shit Wells!"
  650. 04:24 The-Haze "Come on, I'll carry you guys out. I've got some booze back in my car, it'll all be totally cool."
  651. 04:26 Breakdown "I can call on The Grappelin if anybody else needs a lift, could patch up some wounds too."
  652. 04:26 The-Haze "Nah, it's fine, I'm sure I'll be able to pull some strings at Xenon to get everyone medical attention"
  653. 04:27 Sylum "Xenon...right"
  654. 04:27 The-Haze "I'm going to host a 'we just killed mechanatron or whoever the fuck he was party' later."
  655. 04:27 The-Haze "You guys in?"
  656. 04:28 Eridana "Will there be cake?"
  657. 04:28 The-Haze "There's always cake."
  658. 04:28 Bud began standing up, shaky and bleeding, but standing. "I just kinda..kinda wanna go home. No, wait. I want to get burgers and go home. Anybody up for dinner? I didn't eat the shit upstairs."
  659. 04:28 The-Haze "It wouldn't be a party without several cakes."
  660. 04:28 Greg_ "I could do with that, will there be drinks?" Greg's pretty joyful about this. There's still Shrapnel in parts of his body, and there seems to be the leg of a spider sticking out of his side.
  661. 04:29 Eridana rolls to her other side, seeping glowing blue blood from multiple bullet-holes and cuts. Was her blood glowing now? Hrm. "I want cake. Bud! Please help be to the cake, old boy?"
  662. 04:29 Sylum thought to himself, can he handle going back to living on his own in some cruddy place? "I. I'm going to turn my self in, after the party, i-if its ok for me to come"
  663. 04:30 The-Haze "Of course, come on, let's go get in my car and I'll take you guys home" he said reaching down and trying to lift up Eri, "Greg, can you get Buddy? Eri is heavier than I anticipated."
  664. 04:30 Eridana "I'm a healthy weight, boy." She says as her limp, extremely warm body is picked up.
  665. 04:31 Bud lifts an arm towards Greg. "C'mere. Help uncle Buddy out would you?"
  666. 04:31 Breakdown "I need to make sure I don't die first, but I could go for some cake." Break said with a nod. "Not that I'm complaining, but Eri might want to get a change of clothes first."
  667. 04:32 The-Haze began carrying her out "Come on guys, Guffy'll be fucking pissed when he sees Eri like this. So we better get her back before he notices."
  668. 04:32 Greg_ "I will do so as said." Greg walks over to Buddy and provides him some help. He props his arm over his shoulder and helps him up.
  669. 04:33 Sylum "I think we can get some clothes off the servant bots, if they aren't all scrap"
  670. 04:33 Eridana "I'm no prize dog, to be pampered for my owner. Take me to the cake before I eat you too!" She yells weakly, pawing ineffectually at her carrier. "But yes, some clothes would do me well."
  671. 04:34 The-Haze "Well, let's just go then."
  672. 04:35 Bud gives Greg a thumbs up and motions for the door. "Aight, let's get the fuck out of here and find cake."
  673. 04:35 The-Haze "Food's on me" he said, walking out there, presumably this being about when it just ends
  674. 04:36 Breakdown hobbled his way along with the others, supporting himself up as best he can. " Let's all agree, next time we're invited to anything, to just blow it off and go bowling or something instead."
  675. 04:36 Greg_ starts humming what seems to be a Superhero theme. He follows Haze with confidence and jokingly boasts "I guess you could say, that, Technomancer, just got shut-down!" Greg laughs at his own joke, looking at the others for some reaction.
  676. 04:39 The-Haze >Credits roll
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