
Boomer - Intro

May 7th, 2012
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  1. >You slowly raise the knife over the cutting board.
  2. >”Nuuu! Pwease don't daddy!”
  3. >Your little yellow-orange fluffy pleads you to stop.
  4. >”Boomer, you know the rules. I have to do this.”
  5. >”Pwease daddy Boomer no want!”
  6. >You pause.
  7. >”Too bad.”
  8. >”Nuuuuuuuuu!”
  9. >You bring the knife down with a loud SCHUNK!
  10. >You bring the kinfe back up and down, each time cutting off a small chunk
  11. >Boomer is still begging you to stop.
  12. >”Boomer no wike dis! Why daddy do dis?”
  13. >”Boomer, stop whining.” You say as the knife keeps chopping.
  14. >”Nu! Boomer no wike dis! No wike cawwots!”
  15. >You roll your eyes as you cut the last bit of carrot into small chunks and use the back of the knife to slide it into a bowl.
  16. >”You know the rules, Boomer. It's Thursday. That means carrots for dinner.”
  17. >Boomer sits on the counter in a huff. “No wike cawwot! Cawwot yucky.”
  18. >”But carrots are good for you, buddy. They keep your fluff pretty.”
  19. >Boomer puffs his little cheeks out. Not as a sign of aggression like a smarty friend; he's just pouting.
  20. >”Boomer no care. Boomer want bwokwi! Bwokwi yummy, make tummy happy.”
  21. >You put a little oil in a saucepan and set it on the stove.
  22. >”You get broccoli on Monday.” Boomer, like most fluffies, has a very limited concept of time. But after a lot of repetition, he can usually remember what order the days of the week come in.
  23. >”Why can't eat bwokwi evwy day?”
  24. >You pour the carrots into the saucepan, and they sizzle in the oil.
  25. >”If you ate broccoli every day, you'd get tired of it, and then you wouldn't like it anymore.”
  26. >Boomer shakes his head. “Dat not twue! Boomer wike bwokwi. Boomer eat bwokwi foreva!”
  27. >You consider calling his bluff and letting him eat nothing but broccoli for a week, but you decide against that.
  28. >He'd get a bad tummyache, and even if he did learn a lesson, you'd rather not have to deal with a sick fluffy.
  29. >”Boomer, you know the rules. You get broccoli on Monday, and carrots on Thursday. You're just going to have to accept that.”
  30. >Boomer shoots you an angry look. “Daddy mean. No wike cawwots.”
  31. >You sigh and pet him on the head. “Don't say that, buddy. I'm not mean. It makes me sad when you say things like that.”
  32. >Boomer looks up at you with sad eyes. He starts licking your hand. He then reaches up and starts hugging it. He sniffles a little.
  33. >”Boomer sowwy, Daddy. You no mean Daddy. Boomer eat yucky cawwot if Daddy says so.”
  34. >You smile. Fluffies are so damn cute.
  35. >”It's okay, Boomer. Why don't you go play while I finish dinner?”
  36. >Boomer rolls over and waddles over to the little fluffy pony slide attached to the kitchen counter. You installed it so Boomer could watch you cook and leave without needing your help.
  37. >He looks back. “Wuv daddy.”
  38. >”I love you too, Boomer. Now scoot.”
  39. >Boomer slides down and skids to a stop on the tile. “Wee! Swide game fun!”
  40. >He trots over to the living room to play with his blocks.
  41. >The carrots sufficiently softened, you put them back into the bowl. You take a small dollop of butter and mix it into the carrots.
  42. >With Boomer out of sight, you take some brown sugar out of the cupboard and sprinkle it over the carrots as you mix them.
  43. >Let's see if he still hates carrots now.
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