
World Developments! Part 1

Feb 4th, 2016
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  1. -----------------------------
  2. Logging started for Rizon:#World-Of-Superpowers on Thursday, February 4, 2016 3:39:16 AM Western Indonesia Time
  3. ------------------------------
  5. ** You have joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  6. ** Topic: World of Superpowers. A new superpower project from /co/ || Recorded Heroes http://pastebin.com/ZFnV11Dc || RP Room #World-Of-Superpowers-rp || http://8ch.net/wos/res/1.html ||
  7. ** By Sister-Sting!~qwebirc@100F727B.D42A9A56.1D6B5F76.IP on Mon Feb 01 23:46:38 GMT+07:00 2016
  8. ** Purge has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  9. (Flamberge-) hey tinker
  10. (Tinker_) Heyo
  11. (Sister-Sting) ayy tink
  12. (Tinker_) Eyy
  13. (Flamberge-) we're talking about possible power evolutions
  14. (Tinker_) I've finally started making tink's design here http://i.imgur.com/lCx24LI.png
  15. (Tinker_) And that's pretty interesting
  16. (Flamberge-) well, you definitely did better than me
  17. (Flamberge-) i just took art from a korean mmo and a jrpg
  18. (Sister-Sting) shes pretty cute
  19. (Tinker_) Danks
  20. (Randomize) Lol
  21. (Flamberge-) tinker, two possible evolutions of your power
  22. (Flamberge-) http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Interface_Creation
  23. (Flamberge-) http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Cyberlingualism
  24. (Flamberge-) of course, there are many ways your powers could develope, there are just a coupe ideas
  25. (Randomize) Just let her go full-on "Nanomachines, Son!"
  26. (Tinker_) hmm.
  27. (F1nlandia) Jones: Why wont you die? Tinker: Nanomachines Nigga
  28. (Tinker_) pffft
  29. (Randomize) Ayy
  30. (Randomize) Or you can turn her into the Engineer from The Authority
  31. (Randomize) http://www.comicvine.com/engineer/4005-17607/
  32. (Randomize) The character was made for you Tiner
  33. (Randomize) *tinker*
  34. (Tinker_) oh damn that's awesome
  35. (Randomize) Fun Fact: The Doctor - also from the Authority was the Inspiration for the Magician once I rolled my power
  36. (Randomize) Check out her powesr
  37. (Randomize) *Powers*
  38. (Tinker_) i'll probably go that path
  39. (Flamberge-) random, there's really only one way you can go
  40. (Randomize) Oh No...
  41. (Flamberge-) probability anipulation
  42. (Randomize) I figured as much
  43. (Flamberge-) *manipulation
  44. (Randomize) That's just broken though - OP as shit
  45. ** Purge has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  46. (F1nlandia) are these E2 evolutions?
  47. (Randomize) Yep
  48. (Randomize) I think anyway
  49. (Randomize) brb
  50. (Flamberge-) e1 was what i was going for
  51. (Purge) Brb, tell me when the /co/ thread goes live
  52. (Flamberge-) and it kinda depends to what extent it can effect things, it could simply be the difference from taking a bullet to the head and having it fly by close enough to feel it
  53. (Flamberge-) will do
  54. (Tinker_) mhm
  55. (Flamberge-) and fin, all i can think of for you is either getting a second god's power or getting a general boost to what you already have
  56. (F1nlandia) hmm
  57. (F1nlandia) E1?
  58. (Flamberge-) yep, we've already gone as far as possible with E2
  59. ** Purge has quit ()
  60. (F1nlandia) I could go all out aquaman. Ahti: Aquatic Adaptation, Enhanced Combat, Ichthyoid Manipulation, Lake/River Manipulation, Ocean Manipulation, Water Manipulation
  61. (Flamberge-) so, you get the ocean god and the bard?
  62. (F1nlandia) pretty much
  63. (Tinker_) reasonable upgrade
  64. (Flamberge-) undah du sea
  65. (F1nlandia) Also, found the perfect theme for next thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2mZVOd0jWY
  66. (Randomize) Random could basically get this:http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Ability_Creation or this:http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Complete_Arsenal
  67. (Randomize) Control over the Roulette of Powers he has
  68. (Randomize) -But that makes him literally unstoppable
  69. (F1nlandia) too op
  70. (Randomize) See above
  71. (Randomize) "Literally unstoppable"
  72. (Randomize) He's fine the way he is
  73. (Flamberge-) i'd say a limited version of http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Luck
  74. (Tinker_) yeah. personally i would go and add slots for powers to use but that might get a bit too confusing
  75. (F1nlandia) how about http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Probability_Manipulation
  76. (Randomize) Still too OP
  77. (Randomize) Random is already Eidolon from Worm - he doesn't need MORE control
  78. (Flamberge-) okay, just throw in 4th slot then
  79. (Randomize) I could explain Eidolon's Powers if you want
  80. (Flamberge-) *a
  81. (Randomize) I'll leave the 3 slots for now also
  82. (Flamberge-) go for it
  83. (Randomize) Basically Eidolon has 3 "slots" he can equip with virutally any power at all times.
  84. (Randomize) The pwers themselves take time to reach full potency
  85. (Randomize) he can also drop a power in any one of those 3 slots for a new one at any time
  86. (Randomize) The catch is - The powers are always Random.
  87. (Randomize) However. Eidolon does have some control over the selection Process, I'll give you an example
  88. (Randomize) Say Eidolon needs to get from A to B, while Fighting an alien or something...
  89. (Randomize) His power will give him Telekinesis instead of Pure Flight for that reason - it covers more bases.
  90. (Randomize) His power is responsive to his desires, but it won't give him what he wants - rather something completely Random, something that he NEEDS
  91. (Flamberge-) you can't always get what yo wa-ant
  92. (Randomize) Exactly, Random's doesn't ahve that filter of choice
  93. (Randomize) he literally has to deal with what he has, and work with it
  94. (Randomize) He can try for something new at any time, but he leaves himself at a 1/3rd of his capability
  95. (F1nlandia) http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Empathic_Power_Randomization
  96. (Randomize) Wow, that's even more OP
  97. (Randomize) Mianly because of that element of Control
  98. (Randomize) but that could work I guess
  99. (Randomize) It counters because of the Emotional Aspect
  100. (F1nlandia) So it almost have to be completely random or nothing
  101. (Randomize) That does work - smaller selection of powers, but more control
  102. (Randomize) Maybe Future!Random has that.
  103. (Randomize) Like it's an evolved version of his current power
  104. (Randomize) It's Perfect! Thanks Fin. I'll make a note of that for Future!Random. Who'se future self is next?
  105. (F1nlandia) Maybe some sub power that is not related to randomization. Like a version of http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_Arsenal What ever weapon ypu touch or keep you can call it later
  106. (Randomize) With the right Powers, Random could easily turn that into Gilgamesh Levels of OP
  107. (Randomize) I like the Empathic Ranndomization because it shows Future Me sacrificing variabiity for control
  108. (Flamberge-) well, for future!evil!flamberge, how about http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Embodiment ?
  109. (F1nlandia) Maybe your Weapons "locker" has limit of 3 too
  110. (Randomize) K then
  111. (Randomize) That works Flamberge - it looks like the logical progression of your power
  112. (Tinker_) ye
  113. (F1nlandia) What are my future powers? Pretty much E2?
  114. (Randomize) Potentially
  115. (Flamberge-) the way i'm thinking of it, future!flamberge and future!evil!flamberge kinda split in power developement, with future!flamberge going into weapon summoning
  116. (F1nlandia) Or this http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/God_Summoning
  118. (F1nlandia) I don't have yo use God powers, I can literally call them to fight for me
  119. (Flamberge-) in addition, i'd say you have the powers of whoever the leader of the finnish pantheon is, but can't summon him/her/it
  120. (Tinker_) I think future!evil!tinker would be a bit more manic than she currently is and much more destructive. alternating between cqc and ranged combat, duplicates, ect
  121. (F1nlandia) Why are out future selves suddenly all evil :D
  122. (Flamberge-) sounds like she'd go full prototype
  123. (Flamberge-) i have no idea
  124. (F1nlandia) Maybe some villain
  125. (Tinker_) basically tink is alex mercer meets generator rex
  126. (Tinker_) the future evil self that is
  127. (Randomize) Future!Evil!Random is the most Bi-Polar person in existence. He has the Empathic Variant - mainly focused on the Anger
  128. (Tinker_) damn prototype was good. i never finished it though ;-;
  129. (F1nlandia) Finnish pantheon doesn't really have an odin or Zeus, our gods were pretty diplomatic, but our god of weather/thunder Ukko was the most worshiped.
  130. (Randomize) The Second one is a facimile of the original
  131. (Randomize) It felt rushed
  132. (Flamberge-) honestly, i think the game's physics needed some work, most of the monsters could launch you several blocks with a tiny tap
  133. (Tinker_) true that
  134. (Tinker_) but you can karate kick helicopters
  135. (F1nlandia) I love Prototype/Infamous type of superhero games. Too bad there isn't more of those type of games
  136. (Flamberge-) i just wish they'd given us more options for powers
  137. (Flamberge-) yeah, that would be cool
  138. (F1nlandia) this
  139. (Randomize) Where's y inFAMOUS 4?
  140. (Randomize) I NEED IT
  141. (F1nlandia) I don't have PS4 to play Infamous 3, feels bad
  142. (Flamberge-) i just hope the powers are more like second son
  143. (Flamberge-) i know that feel
  144. (Tinker_) iktf bro
  145. (Flamberge-) i really wish paper trail ended up unlocking paper powers
  146. (Flamberge-) dlc packs having new powers as completion rewards woud be awesome
  147. (F1nlandia) With The superhero craze in theaters I would have thought games would follow
  148. (Flamberge-) *would
  149. (Randomize) They kinda did
  150. (Randomize) It's just harder when you have to create powers for a player to control
  151. (Randomize) Much Harder
  152. (Flamberge-) i just had a weird idea
  153. (Flamberge-) what if they made superhero game with a transistor-esque power setup?
  154. (Flamberge-) *a
  155. (Randomize) Huh
  156. (F1nlandia) Mass Effect 1 range of powers to select from with Infamous game play http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/698/d96.jpg
  157. (Flamberge-) was that a huh of confusion or an "i've never thought of that"?
  158. (Randomize) It could work.
  159. (Randomize) I think Second Son did it almost perfectly with a Power Mimic
  160. (Randomize) That should be the default with a Power-Based game. It's almost representational of the player's variety and desire for choice
  161. (Sister-Sting) http://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1451988566173.gif The World Of Superpower threads
  162. (Randomize) In a nutshell
  163. (Tinker_) true
  164. (Randomize) Bleach was a slow burn.
  165. (Randomize) Kubo is the master of Blueballing
  166. (Flamberge-) i kinda want two people to do this as a joke
  167. (Randomize) Oh God, I can see it now.
  168. (Randomize) Two People with Super Speed or Teleporters
  169. (Flamberge-) 50+ post worth of >teleports behind you
  170. (F1nlandia) oh boy
  171. (Randomize) But Yeah - I feel like Power Mimicry is the best basis to create a Player-Character in an established Superhero Setting
  172. (Randomize) It allows the Player to use all the powers they see, while pusshing the narrative that the Player is the Ace in the whole needed to turn the tide
  173. (F1nlandia) I cant wait for this to happen https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqNFnxxCEAA9-0L.jpg
  174. (Flamberge-) either that, or have different power sets available at the beginning
  175. (Randomize) ^
  176. (Randomize) that works too
  177. (Randomize) lmao
  178. (Randomize) That one guy who is prepared for everything
  179. (Randomize) >inb4 Batman with Prep
  180. (Tinker_) pfft
  181. (Flamberge-) i wonder if that's an entry on the wiki
  182. (Flamberge-) "preparation"
  183. (F1nlandia) *it's a hologram* every time
  184. (Randomize) Every Time
  185. ** Whipple has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  186. (Tinker_) yo
  187. (Flamberge-) hey
  188. (Sister-Sting) ayy Whip
  189. (Whipple) Salumutations.
  190. (F1nlandia) Whips future powers?
  191. (Flamberge-) best i can think of is some kind of blood puppetry
  192. (Flamberge-) of other living things
  193. (Whipple) Ooh jeez.
  194. (Whipple) That'd be crazy, especially if I perform something similar to that blood bending bullshit.
  195. ** Purge has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  196. (Randomize) !!!!
  197. (Purge) ?
  198. (Flamberge-) purge, i have no idea what your powers could develope into
  199. ** Crimsonjack has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  200. (Purge) Develope?
  201. (Sister-Sting) Purge
  202. (Crimsonjack) Hey guys
  203. (Sister-Sting) would become the Great Mighty Poo
  204. (Sister-Sting) ay jack
  205. (Flamberge-) yo
  206. (Tinker_) eyo eyo
  207. (Purge) Nah, ill just reroll if need be and run with whatever power i get in tandem with my current set.
  208. (Purge) Might get a new power if i can break out of the shadow realm
  209. (Randomize) Purge, Death isn't the Shadow Realm
  210. (Purge) Is everyone else getting upgrades or something or we just talking power growth?
  211. (Tinker_) we just talking
  212. (F1nlandia) Purge becomes death it self
  213. (Crimsonjack) I am
  214. (Flamberge-) just talking growth
  215. (Crimsonjack) I wanted to
  216. (Crimsonjack) At least
  217. (Crimsonjack) Ohh
  218. (Crimsonjack) Okay
  219. (F1nlandia) Wait, didn't we evolve our E1 powers?
  220. (Purge) But hey, im a popular character in our series! A fan favorite. And popular high selling characters nevwr truly die ;)
  221. (Flamberge-) that was the originally the idea, don't know if we still are
  222. (Flamberge-) and purge, even if you stay dead, it's only E2 you
  223. (F1nlandia) Purge #0 the re-awakening. Coming this summer
  224. (Purge) Yeah but earth 2 is more random, chaotic and hype. E1 is mostly just slice of life and origins.
  225. (Randomize) E-1 - God-Live versions of ourselves
  226. (Randomize) E-2 - Hypothetical Future Versions
  227. (Randomize) Switch the 1 and 2
  228. (Crimsonjack) Do we have an explination to why E-2 is so crazy?
  229. (Flamberge-) it's a work in progress
  230. (Purge) I thought pontifex too the god powers away
  231. (Crimsonjack) Like a canon reason?
  232. (Purge) Because of kimi?
  233. (F1nlandia) Kimi was on E1 too
  234. (F1nlandia) I think it's because of pontifex
  235. (Purge) But pontifex was caused by magician reseting the continuity to spite i mean save kimi
  236. (Randomize) Same thing really
  237. (Randomize) Confusing and Overly-Convoluted Plot Points - Just like Comics! :D
  238. (F1nlandia) ^
  239. (Randomize) It's Like Poetry
  240. (Purge) So wee were gods, but only for a hot minute until pontifex took them back so everyone but verac and magician is back to just normal powers?
  241. (Tinker_) might be so
  242. (Tinker_) tbh it's confusing for me
  243. (Purge) So basically the darkseid wars
  244. (Flamberge-) now all we need is forced, poorly written romance subplots that will eventually be overwritten by the next big crisis then never mentioned again
  245. .
  246. .
  247. [[Shipping and OTP talk that’s not related, basically shit happened.]]
  248. .
  249. .
  250. (Randomize) Man, Tink - you REALLY want that to be a thing don;t you?
  251. (Randomize) Wait, E3?
  252. (Crimsonjack) evil us
  253. (Crimsonjack) Right?
  254. (Randomize) So Evil Versions?
  255. (Tinker_) don't blame me bruh
  256. (Sister-Sting) aka Good me?
  257. (Crimsonjack) No evil
  258. (Crimsonjack) But happy and ooen minded
  259. (Crimsonjack) Also cyborg freak
  260. (Randomize) >It's a "Villain falls in love with the hero" thread
  261. (F1nlandia) E2 is mirror for E1
  262. (F1nlandia) *E3
  263. (F1nlandia) E3 is mirror for 1
  264. (Tinker_) E3 tink is a cold distant dude who uses ranged weapons to kill but he's a fucking coward
  265. (Randomize) Wait, GENDER REVERSAL?
  266. (Randomize) O_o
  267. (Crimsonjack) I thought evil tink wss girl who uses nano machines to kill
  268. (Crimsonjack) Like the dude in big hero 6 used them
  269. (Randomize) That's my fetish
  270. (Tinker_) that's future!evil tink.
  271. (Tinker_) e1 setting
  272. (F1nlandia) E3 isn't E6(3)
  273. (Crimsonjack) Like outside nanos conttoled with the mind
  274. (Purge) E3 purge is mr. Clean
  275. (Flamberge-) E3 is bizarro earth, E6(3) is genderbent earth
  276. (Tinker_) Ooh fuck
  277. (Tinker_) fuuuck
  278. (Randomize) lol
  279. (Randomize) whoops
  280. (Randomize) E3 Me is the same
  281. (Tinker_) e3 tink is..
  282. (Crimsonjack) E3 you is stable and calm random
  283. (Randomize) Pfft
  284. (Randomize) Sure he is
  285. (Crimsonjack) And can shift between powrrs at will
  286. (Randomize) Is he a Librarian?
  287. (Crimsonjack) No
  288. (Randomize) Oh
  289. (Crimsonjack) Do yiu even have an alter ego?
  290. (F1nlandia) I think E3 me is most different. I am an old ancient witch of the north on E3
  291. (Randomize) No, why would i?
  292. (Crimsonjack) I thought evil ullr was most diffrenrt
  293. (Randomize) What;s evil Ullr?
  294. (Crimsonjack) Guy who likes necromancy with swords
  295. (Crimsonjack) Basically a death knight
  296. (Crimsonjack) And hes a coward
  297. (Randomize) Who are the Tom and Jerry of WoS?
  298. (Crimsonjack) Magi and kimi
  299. (Flamberge-) ^
  300. (Crimsonjack) You can't deny it
  301. (Tinker_) ^
  302. (Randomize) Holy Shit, that's Perfect
  303. (Randomize) Like Actually Perfect
  304. (Crimsonjack) I'm so fucking spot on with this shit
  305. (Crimsonjack) Ships
  306. (Tinker_) earth 3 tinker is, uhh... gun-wielding girl?
  307. (Crimsonjack) Comparrisons
  308. (Crimsonjack) You name it
  309. (Randomize) Yes
  310. (Randomize) Or a Witch
  311. (Randomize) Becaose Magic =/= Nanomachines
  312. (Crimsonjack) I thougt it was what i just said
  313. (Crimsonjack) In fact
  314. (Tinker_) or magic stuff yes
  315. (Crimsonjack) I think me and sting talked about it last night
  316. (Crimsonjack) Of today
  317. (Whipple) Mm. Ties.
  318. (Whipple) The funnest things.
  319. (Sister-Sting) talked about what?
  320. (Crimsonjack) Tinks evil self
  321. (Sister-Sting) ah
  322. (Crimsonjack) I temember it wss either last night or eairler today
  323. (Randomize) >It's later revealed that SS actually knew Tinker from Childhood
  324. (Sister-Sting) I dont remember it
  325. (Randomize) >Tinker at first thought her friend died after being kidnapped by a witch
  326. (Crimsonjack) Thats just like ash and serena
  327. (Tinker_) uh, crim
  328. (Randomize) >It wasn't until later that the truth was revealed. Tinker became the world's foremost expert on Nanorobotics during this time period
  329. (Crimsonjack) Ya
  330. (Randomize) >After their reunion, Tinker was horrified to see her friend turn to Villainy
  331. (Tinker_) i think i remember talking about evil tink last night (or this morning for ya)
  332. (Randomize) >Moreso because Tinker always harbored a massive crush for her best friend - Cliche isn't it?
  333. (Sister-Sting) wait
  334. (F1nlandia) I everybody related now. Tinker and Sting, Me and Magician
  335. (Sister-Sting) was Tink in an orphanage when she was a kid?
  336. (Crimsonjack) I remember talking about evil you alot
  337. (Tinker_) uhh
  338. (Randomize) Yes she was
  339. (Randomize) She lost her parents, why do you think she bonded with you?
  340. (Crimsonjack) So evil you had parents
  341. (Tinker_) alright gonna go with the answer and say yes
  342. (Sister-Sting) No
  343. (Crimsonjack) That groomed you into a life of perfection
  344. (Randomize) That kinda works
  345. (Randomize) xcept SS already stated otherwise
  346. (Crimsonjack) And that got you into the nanos
  347. (Crimsonjack) Oh
  348. (Randomize) Oh you mean tinker
  349. (Randomize) nevermind
  350. (Crimsonjack) Yeah
  351. (Crimsonjack) Thats what i meant
  352. (Crimsonjack) Just got home
  353. (Crimsonjack) Switchiny to computer
  354. (Crimsonjack) Brb
  355. ** Crimsonjack has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  356. (Tinker_) i never really developed a story about tink's childhood
  357. (Randomize) Anyways, Tinker is now conflicted by her friend being evil
  358. (Tinker_) it can be that tink and ss were friends
  359. (Randomize) Because they both grey up together without anything
  360. (Randomize) *grew*
  361. (Whipple) Amaze.
  362. (Randomize) Man, we're going to need a fucking flowchart for this shit when we're done
  363. (Tinker_) i'll get to it when we're done
  364. (Randomize) Multiple Charts actually
  365. (Tinker_) how about a timeline?
  366. (Purge) E6 puege uses period blood,........
  367. (Randomize) Wat
  368. (Randomize) Why
  369. (Randomize) Is he a gi- oh I get it
  370. (Randomize) A timeline could work
  371. (Randomize) But that takes effort
  372. (Randomize) Speaking of Which, how did we all meet anyway?
  373. (Randomize) In any reality since that appears to be a constant in the Multiverse
  374. (F1nlandia) We should make a prequel event like Avengers #1 but for us
  375. (Randomize) Oh Goody
  376. (Tinker_) ooh boy
  377. (Randomize) That takes clever writing
  378. (Randomize) But for Earth-1
  379. (Randomize) E2 is already to omuch
  380. (F1nlandia) yes
  381. (Tinker_) hmmmmm.
  382. (F1nlandia) that would give me a reason to do this https://i.gyazo.com/ba0c25d3b432013f084d78ef4d835a9d.png to this http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/c/cc/Avengers_Vol_1_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20051102180359
  383. (Tinker_) in my origins it's stated that tink iused to work im an engineering company
  384. ** Purge has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  385. (Tinker_) maybe after the prequel she quitted the work and joined paradigm under multiplex's security comp
  386. (Randomize) Who's the threat though?
  387. (Randomize) And what Earth are we talking about Fin
  388. (Randomize) Tinker is an orphan who was childhood friends w/ SS before her transformation
  389. (F1nlandia) Lets make it on E1 but it applies for E2 too
  390. (Randomize) She later gained a Schollarship to College - became an engineer
  391. (Randomize) Then a lab accident involving Nanomachines turned her into teh Tinker
  392. (Randomize) Bama, Done
  393. ** CrimsonJack has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  394. (CrimsonJack) jacks back baby
  395. (Tinker_) uhh, random? i posted my origins yesterday on 8ch
  396. (Randomize) You did
  397. (F1nlandia) Since Loki was avengers first villain, maybe we can use someone from Finnish mythology
  398. (Randomize) Oh, I didnt check.
  399. (Randomize) Never mind
  400. (Randomize) How about Norse?
  401. (F1nlandia) Loki is Norse tough
  402. (Randomize) I know
  403. (Randomize) But Finnish works
  404. (Randomize) I wanted us to fight Ouroboros somehow
  405. (F1nlandia) That might be cool
  406. (CrimsonJack) maybe have a Hercules Vs. Thor thing
  407. (CrimsonJack) but like with a diffrent god
  408. (Randomize) http://www.crystalinks.com/ouroboros.html
  409. (Randomize) Look at the Greece Section
  410. (CrimsonJack) like from hinduism
  411. (Randomize) That works
  412. (CrimsonJack) or chinese and japanese mythology
  413. (Randomize) How about what's her face?
  414. (Randomize) he aThe Hindu War Goddess
  415. (Randomize) Kali!
  416. (Randomize) That's her name
  417. (CrimsonJack) the destroyer of worlds?
  418. (Randomize) Not necessarily
  419. (Randomize) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali
  420. (CrimsonJack) ohhh not that one
  421. (CrimsonJack) which one is the one thats the destroyer of worlds speech?
  422. (CrimsonJack) Vishnu
  423. (Tinker_) vishnu?
  424. (Randomize) Vishnu
  425. (CrimsonJack) right?
  426. (Randomize) But he's not technically evil
  427. (CrimsonJack) literally said i destroy worlds
  428. (CrimsonJack) doesn't get more evil
  429. (CrimsonJack) plus i think vishnus a she
  430. (CrimsonJack) i think
  431. (Randomize) ishnu (Sanskrit pronunciation: [vɪʂɳu]; Sanskrit: विष्णु, Viṣṇu) is a central god and one of the three deities of the trimurti in Hinduism. He is the Supreme god Svayam Bhagavan of Vaishnavism (one of the principal denominations of Hinduism).[1] He is also known as Narayana and Hari. As one of the five primary forms of God in the Smarta tradition,[1] he is co
  432. (CrimsonJack) or got that episode of supernatural completely fucked
  433. (Randomize) ] he is conceived as "the Preserver or the Protector"[2]
  434. (CrimsonJack) you know the one
  435. (CrimsonJack) and fuck
  436. (Randomize) Oppenheimer's Quote was out of context
  437. (Randomize) IIRC
  438. (CrimsonJack) i got proven wrong
  439. (Randomize) There are plenty of dangerous Gods
  440. (Randomize) How about Saturn?
  441. (CrimsonJack) i don't know
  442. (CrimsonJack) are roman gods more dickish than greek
  443. ** Purge has joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  444. (Tinker_) ye
  445. (Randomize) They're more militristic
  446. (Randomize) not necessarily evil
  447. (Tinker_) also imma brb
  448. (CrimsonJack) aight
  449. (Flamberge-) well, it's not a god, but what about a rakshasa?
  450. (CrimsonJack) who the hell is that
  451. (Flamberge-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakshasa not an individual, a type of demon
  452. (Randomize) Is our world full on SMT with Mythology?
  453. (Purge) So we gonna do E2 tonight on /co/?
  454. (Randomize) Because it looks like it is
  455. (Randomize) We might if Multiplex shows up with his plan
  456. (Randomize) Also Spark
  457. (F1nlandia) we Persona soon
  458. (Randomize) Oh God
  459. (F1nlandia) Kimi is our Door kun
  460. (Randomize) DOn't let me start on SMT
  461. (Randomize) Lmao
  462. (Flamberge-) hell, i already stole from persona 2
  463. (Randomize) Nocturne is best SMT, DDS/DDS2 are runners up
  464. (Randomize) I noticed
  465. (Whipple) I wonder if Rumble returned my attack.
  466. (Randomize) I know that Art Style Anywhere
  467. (F1nlandia) Shit fam, I have SMT DDS still sealed on my shelf. I should play it someday
  468. (Randomize) You really should
  469. (Randomize) Strange Journey is essentially SMT 0
  470. (CrimsonJack) 4>Maneaters
  471. (Randomize) If you think about it
  472. (Randomize) Wat
  473. (CrimsonJack) 4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbevQH1B9ic
  474. (Randomize) OK then
  475. (CrimsonJack) 4talking about rasdhakas
  476. (CrimsonJack) 4or whatever they are
  477. (Randomize) I see
  478. (Flamberge-) oh, and in some depictions, a rakshasa is a demon with the head of a tiger, backwards hands, and have considerable magic ability
  479. (CrimsonJack) 4that seems counter intutitive to have backwards hands
  480. (Randomize) Hey Man, Demons
  481. (Randomize) They never make sense
  482. (Flamberge-) ^
  483. (CrimsonJack) 4like the head demon thing
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