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Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. [2014-10-30 00:27:32] =-= Eridana is now known as McQueen
  2. [2014-10-30 00:27:47] =-= YOU are now known as Thompson
  3. [2014-10-30 00:36:10] <McQueen> The break room was quiet, the only sound coming from the water cooler is the drop, drop, drop formed a rhythm to which no heartbeat could help but synchronise to. The air was distorting visibly from the heat outside, every fan in the room on full power and swivelling like a mad scientist at the control board. From the speaker system came a low undertone of feedback, high-pitched but low volume, no more than an annoying
  4. [2014-10-30 00:36:10] <McQueen> mosquito hum. Buffer Squad 'Rabbit Foot' was occupying the room, in their somewhat diminished numbers. Company appointed rest days. Rick lost his van, Sharp nearly got shot again, Tahu tried to be a hero and overworked his suit. A few members were down for the count, at least for today.
  5. [2014-10-30 00:37:26] * Thompson is sitting at the table, doing a few dexterity exercises, twirling a coin in his right hand.
  6. [2014-10-30 00:39:42] [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. [[Help][Get more information about this error online][faq connection.reset]]
  7. [2014-10-30 00:49:01] -->| YOU (Thompson) have joined #covenger_rp
  8. [2014-10-30 00:49:07] |<-- McGoFuckYourself has left ()
  9. [2014-10-30 00:49:30] <Thompson> (Did I miss anything?)
  10. [2014-10-30 00:50:05] <RK_Friendly> (We waited)
  11. [2014-10-30 00:50:13] <Thompson> (Thank you)
  12. [2014-10-30 00:50:16] * Thompson is sitting at the table, doing a few dexterity exercises, twirling a coin in his right hand.
  13. [2014-10-30 00:50:27] * McQueen lifted her head from her hatchet, testing the balance in her hand. "So uh. What'd you suckers do with your company mandated day off?"
  14. [2014-10-30 00:50:49] <Pence> "I dunno....I aint really got much to do outside of this job..."
  15. [2014-10-30 00:51:25] * RK_Friendly looks up at McQueen and with a slight muffle of the vox responds. "I went to the park and fed ducks."
  16. [2014-10-30 00:51:28] <Thompson> "Relax, mostly."
  17. [2014-10-30 00:53:44] <McQueen> As McQueen turns to speak to Pence about his free time, the feedback from over the speaker suddenly increases in volume, making a shocking high-pitched screech. Sort after the smoky, husky tones of the Commander can be heard over the speaker system all over the room, "Rabbit Foot, report to briefing room. Double time." She sounded bored, almost yawning as she finished the sentence.
  18. [2014-10-30 00:54:52] * Thompson stands up, flexing his fingers. "Looks like what we do in free time's getting kind of irrelevant right now."
  19. [2014-10-30 00:55:10] * RK_Friendly stands up from his seat. "That sounds important!"
  20. [2014-10-30 00:56:36] * Pence gets up grumpily, "Uuuuuugh....I don't want this..."
  21. [2014-10-30 00:56:59] <Thompson> "You heard her. Double time, Pence, no slacking."
  22. [2014-10-30 00:57:25] * McQueen jumps up and shuffles back into the top half of her suit, "Hold on, hold on, hold on I'm right behind you!" There is a clatter of office supplies as she promptly falls. But she rises and moves out soon enough.
  23. [2014-10-30 00:57:35] * Pence picks up the pace and puts on is helmet
  24. [2014-10-30 00:58:01] * RK_Friendly goes at exactly double time.
  25. [2014-10-30 00:59:55] * Thompson double checks to make sure his helmet's on right, then heads out
  26. [2014-10-30 01:02:41] <McQueen> The briefing room is a rather spartan, sterile looking room with televisions mounted on the walls and a large desk in the middle that is much too low to sit at. The Commander is leaning against the wall, but rises and stands with her arms crossed as the squad enters, "Don't bother standing at attention, company mandates that we have to have you in here to give you new directives." She walks around the side of the table
  27. [2014-10-30 01:02:42] <McQueen> and sits on it, crossing one leg over the other. "We have a patrol job for you lot. Nothing special, just walking the beat. Down by the boardwalk, Squad 'Hellagood' had to pull out because some unregistered Metahuman came along and injured two of their members and incapacitated another two. Get down there and just... patrol. No specifics. We are tired. You may go."
  28. [2014-10-30 01:03:44] <Pence> "That's it..."
  29. [2014-10-30 01:04:39] <RK_Friendly> "Yes ma'am!."
  30. [2014-10-30 01:04:45] * Thompson salutes anyway. "Yes ma'am."
  31. [2014-10-30 01:05:09] <McQueen> She glares at Pence with a small twitch of the lip, "Yes. Is there a problem, Agent Pence?"
  32. [2014-10-30 01:05:48] * Pence stands at attention and salutes, "No M'am!"
  33. [2014-10-30 01:06:36] <McQueen> "Then that will be all. Dismissed."
  34. [2014-10-30 01:08:07] * Thompson nods, saluting again, before turning on a dime and walking out
  35. [2014-10-30 01:08:35] * RK_Friendly salutes and walks out
  36. [2014-10-30 01:08:50] * McQueen snaps a salute and follows in step with Thompson, a small blush on her face after realising she forgot her helmet.
  37. [2014-10-30 01:09:35] * Pence follows along feeling unsatisfied
  38. [2014-10-30 01:10:42] <McQueen> "Well I'm guessing since its standard patrol then its just patrol gear. Time to break out Ol' Tommy Typewriter."
  39. [2014-10-30 01:11:11] <Thompson> "Not going to detonate yourself again today?"
  40. [2014-10-30 01:12:01] <RK_Friendly> "Tommy Typewriter?"
  41. [2014-10-30 01:12:19] <Pence> "I wanna shot something...This is gonna be boring as all hell..."
  42. [2014-10-30 01:13:26] * McQueen walks over to the gear lockers and retrieves her gear, a Thompson 1928 with a drum magazine, a Smith and Wesson Model 28 and her trusty hatchet. "Not today. Today is Tommy's day to shine. Gear up, you putzes."
  43. [2014-10-30 01:16:49] * McQueen begins to move out the door towards the boardwalk.
  44. [2014-10-30 01:17:47] * RK_Friendly goes over to the lockers and retrieves a standard .45 pistol and a stungun before heading to the door.
  45. [2014-10-30 01:18:59] <Thompson> "It's not all about action." He opens his locker, pulling out Sterling SAR-87, a beretta nine millimeter, and a rather nasty looking combat knife. "Trust me, it's not all fun and games." He holsters up and heads out
  46. [2014-10-30 01:20:21] * Pence goes over to the gear locker, only bringing a stungun, a pair of brass knuckles, and his trusty baton, lined with titanium on the edges.
  47. [2014-10-30 01:21:21] -->| Specs ( has joined #covenger_rp
  48. [2014-10-30 01:22:15] <Pence> "I'm not expecting much from this patrol..."
  49. [2014-10-30 01:24:46] <McQueen> The streets of the city are as they usually are at this time of day, bustling but calm for the most part. People wander in and out of stores, homes and clubs as the squad walks down the stairs with their weapons holstered. Some citizens greet with waves, some greet Thompson with snappy salutes, some young women giggle and wave to Friendly and Pence gets some attention from some lawyer looking types. Specs can be seen
  50. [2014-10-30 01:24:46] <McQueen> attempting to catch up to the squad as the make their way down the street towards the boardwalk. A group of rather stiff looking men emerge from and alley and disperse into the crowd, all crossing the road at different times but arriving in the same general vicinity of pawnshop. McQueen punches out another lonely biker whilst on patrol.
  51. [2014-10-30 01:26:53] <Pence> "I suppose this is all the action we're gonna get, huh?"
  52. [2014-10-30 01:27:16] * Thompson keeps going, looking generally stoic and disaffected. Surprisingly easy when you're wearing a Buffer helmet
  53. [2014-10-30 01:27:22] <RK_Friendly> "You say that like its a..a bad thing."
  54. [2014-10-30 01:27:30] <Thompson> "Yep. Keep your eyes open for any meta activity, and just be a presence."
  55. [2014-10-30 01:29:02] * Pence looks around carefully, eyeing down every lonely alley that catches his eye, "You got it..."
  56. [2014-10-30 01:29:37] <Specs> Hey wait up, huh? ...Whew! Sh-S-Sorry I'm late.
  57. [2014-10-30 01:29:53] <Thompson> "Took you long enough. What kept ya?"
  58. [2014-10-30 01:30:23] * RK_Friendly takes a general look around himself. "Maybe it'll be silent today?"
  59. [2014-10-30 01:30:56] <Specs> Machina had some new explosives they needed me to test out and sign off on.
  60. [2014-10-30 01:31:47] * McQueen chuckles through her vox, "You guys know how much I hate patrol..." The group continues down the street, making their way to the end of the block and waiting for the crossing light to change. McQueen sees Specs arriving and waves, "About time... Explosives? You sure they didn't just run out of low-fat macchiatos at StarB-" From a block back, there is a scream and a crashing of glass. Its coming from the pawnshop.
  61. [2014-10-30 01:32:17] <Pence> "That's our cue fellas!"
  62. [2014-10-30 01:33:30] <Specs> Ready up! *He barks out unslinging his rifle and makes tracks towards the Pawn Shop*
  63. [2014-10-30 01:34:08] * RK_Friendly draws his stungun from its holster and follows behind Specs
  64. [2014-10-30 01:34:12] * Thompson nods, unholstering his firearm and moving in synch with the rest of the squad
  65. [2014-10-30 01:34:20] * Pence turns around and dashes down the street towards the pawn shop, brandishing his baton.
  66. [2014-10-30 01:34:53] -->| Stiffs ( has joined #covenger_rp
  67. [2014-10-30 01:37:29] * Stiffs scramble into the store through the broken display window, they move unnaturally like spiders in the bodies of men, crawling on the walls and scuttling erratically. They begin eating jewellery and trinkets, taking no interest in people other than to rob them of their valubles.
  68. [2014-10-30 01:38:18] * McQueen pushes fleeing civilians out of the way and slams her back up against the door of a car. "The fuck is wrong with these goons?"
  69. [2014-10-30 01:39:10] * Specs stacks up at the door of the pawn shop observing the horrible Spider People eating the jewelry in the shop "Sweet Jesus..." He whispers slinking back out of view and unclipping a grenade from his vest to prepare an entrance
  70. [2014-10-30 01:39:12] <Pence> "I dunno but I'm pretty damn sure eating jewelry ya aint payed for is a crime!"
  71. [2014-10-30 01:39:54] * Pence attacks a few of the Stiffs swinging his baton, aiming to knock them out
  72. [2014-10-30 01:39:55] * Thompson holds his hand up to the side of his head as he moves in, sliding in behind another parked car twenty feet from the store
  73. [2014-10-30 01:40:47] * RK_Friendly moves in on vehicle cover with stungun raised
  74. [2014-10-30 01:40:48] <Stiffs> One of them turns to look at Pence and immediately receives a baton to the face, shrieking horrible at him as it dives for him. Another shrieks in the general direction of Specs, beginning to lope over to him.
  75. [2014-10-30 01:41:27] <Thompson> "Got metahuman activity, bank robbery, approximately (INSERT CO-ORDINATES HERE), (INSERT TIME HERE). Investigating, backup may be needed. Authorization for deadly force?"
  76. [2014-10-30 01:41:54] <Specs> SHADES UP! *He cries tossing a flashbang into the Pawn Shop to disable the creatures inside with a blinding flash and a deafening bang*
  77. [2014-10-30 01:42:57] * RK_Friendly checks that his weapon has its safety of from behind a car and peeks over
  78. [2014-10-30 01:43:58] * Stiffs flinch away from the flashbang, scrambling over furniture and the counter as if they know what is coming. A few stand dazed as the flash hits. Another manages to slink out of the pawn shop and pounces over the car at Friendly.
  79. [2014-10-30 01:44:57] * McQueen looks away from the flash and then looks back over her cover, bringing up her revolver to look down its sights at a Stiff. She yells to Thompson, "Are we fuckin' authorised yet?"
  80. [2014-10-30 01:45:24] <Thompson> "Request again, multiple metas sighted, possible inhumans. IS LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED?"
  81. [2014-10-30 01:45:44] * Pence in the midst of the small explosion manages to knock out a few more of them as they stand around dazed. "How many of these little shits are even here"
  82. [2014-10-30 01:45:49] * RK_Friendly drops onto his rump and aims the stungun at the man. "Cease hostile actions a-and s-surrender"
  83. [2014-10-30 01:46:22] <McQueen> A voice comes in permeated by static, "We see the CCTV feeds, lethal force authorised but remain wary of civilians. No explosives.""
  84. [2014-10-30 01:47:59] <Specs> Always stepping on my dick! *Specs complains as he busts into the Pawn Shop, unslinging his rifle and popping rounds into the disabled Stiffs as he breaks for cover behind the sales counter
  85. [2014-10-30 01:48:23] * Pence yells from inside the pawn shop,"So we got the a-okay or what!?"
  86. [2014-10-30 01:48:42] * Thompson flips open to the others in the squad. "We're green on lethal. Fire freely!"
  87. [2014-10-30 01:48:54] * Stiffs that are still lucid seem to hear this and immediately become more aggressive, rushing headlong into the members of Rabbit Foot, shrieking like giant bats. The disabled Stiffs twitch and flail as the bullets impact their bodies, looking like cockroaches dying.
  88. [2014-10-30 01:49:24] <Thompson> "Just watch for civvies, and don't blow the damn place up!" He flips off the safety and pops over the top of the car, taking aim at the stiffs and making controlled shots
  89. [2014-10-30 01:49:47] * RK_Friendly fires his stungun at the Stiff from the ground.
  90. [2014-10-30 01:49:52] * Pence smiles a bit and puts away his baton, readying his brass knuckles. "Put up your dukes ya disgusting bastards!"
  91. [2014-10-30 01:50:10] * McQueen opens up with a volley of three shots and the nearest charging Stiff, black ichor spilling onto the ground as the shots connected, "Fuck you!"
  92. [2014-10-30 01:50:39] * Pence begins to unload brass fury upon the Stiffs, with no restraint.
  93. [2014-10-30 01:51:12] * Stiffs collide with Pence two at a time, trying to bowl him over as more rush to the fallen Friendly and the now-firing Thompson and McQueen.
  94. [2014-10-30 01:51:46] <Stiffs> Some fall almost immediately as the shots find their target, only to sluggishly rise again and lope slowly towards their prey.
  95. [2014-10-30 01:52:40] * RK_Friendly quickly starts crawling backwards while clumsily trying to draw his sidearm. "Oh fuck me, fuck me"
  96. [2014-10-30 01:52:56] <Thompson> "Shit! McQueen, cover Pence there, I'm going for Friendly! These little bastards are tough!" He scrambles out from cover, heading over to his downed comrade
  97. [2014-10-30 01:53:08] * Pence kicks the persistent Stiffs down to the ground, "Stay down ya antsy little buggers!"
  98. [2014-10-30 01:53:30] <Specs> Cmon guys, between the eyes! They've got fucking eight of em! *He calls out, hopping out of cover and take some shots at the weakened Stiffs before racking back up to reload behind the counter*
  99. [2014-10-30 01:55:22] * McQueen pops another three shots into the Stiffs advancing on Pence, "Gotcha covered, Pence!"
  100. [2014-10-30 01:55:30] * Stiffs rise from behind Specs and push him further into the foray, whilst the ones near Pence writhe and claw from the ground as they take the kicks with dwindling success. Friendly is being beared down upon, hobbling now turned into scrambling as the Stiffs charge him.
  101. [2014-10-30 01:55:55] * Thompson slides over to Friendly, grabbing him under the shoulder and pulling him off the ground and backwards
  102. [2014-10-30 01:58:02] * RK_Friendly finally gets his pistol from its holster and attempts to aim while being pulled up and back by Thompson. "This is bad, really bad!"
  103. [2014-10-30 01:58:08] * Stiffs continue to crawl for Friendly, trying to grab at his legs as Thompson drags him away. A Stiff leaps and attempts to latch onto Pence's face, the previously disabled ones from inside the store leap across the street and begin to run down the same alley they passed earlier, breathing heavily with pearls and gold hanging from their mouths.
  104. [2014-10-30 01:59:27] * Pence grabs for his face and says in a muffled voice, "Get off me ya little shit", as he struggles to rip off the Stiff on his face.
  105. [2014-10-30 01:59:34] * McQueen is bowled over as a Stiff grabs her by surprise, latching onto her back and dragging her to the floor, it shrieks terribly as it mashes its fists against her chestplate, "What the fu-oof!"
  106. [2014-10-30 02:00:01] * RK_Friendly fires off his pistol and accidentally drops it below. "SHIT SHIT"
  107. [2014-10-30 02:00:50] * Specs rolls from the push to regain his composure, turning to face his aggressors, Specs unloads from his fresh clip into them
  108. [2014-10-30 02:01:40] <RK_Friendly> (>>>>clip)
  109. [2014-10-30 02:01:42] <Thompson> "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. How many of the bastards are there?" He's taking more and more shots towards the store. "FUCK, somebody get those shits off McQueen!"
  110. [2014-10-30 02:01:53] <Specs> (Magazine. eat a dick)
  111. [2014-10-30 02:03:02] <Stiffs> Two of them are put down by Specs' volley of bullets, finally finished moving, they twitch in the middle of the road. Bleeding from large holes torn in their stomachs. Thompson's shots seriously injure one and it attempts to lope back into the store, holding its stomach.
  112. [2014-10-30 02:04:44] * McQueen socks the Stiff in its ugly maw and turns it over, placing her other fist in its chest as she reached for her trusty hatchet and planted it firme in the thing's face.
  113. [2014-10-30 02:07:13] * Pence rips off the Stiff on his face, finally, and slams it on the ground furiously, killing it, before moving on to the one trying to get back into the store
  114. [2014-10-30 02:07:24] <Pence> "Not today you little imp!"
  115. [2014-10-30 02:07:59] * Pence grabs it by the neck and raises it off the ground staring it in the eyes as it gasped for air.
  116. [2014-10-30 02:08:32] * Thompson reholsters his Sterling, switching to the beretta as he takes more focused shot
  117. [2014-10-30 02:08:47] * McQueen pulls herself from the thing and rips her hatchet free before bringing it down piercing side of the head first into the Stiff's stomach. Its writhing and flailing slowly ceases as she twists it out, "Guys! These things are like spiders! Vitals in the abdomen! Fuck up their guts!"
  118. [2014-10-30 02:09:21] -->| Saints (cgiirc@99454EE7.CA37EAB7.5F3AA997.IP) has joined #covenger_rp
  119. [2014-10-30 02:09:27] -->| Rick_the_Stick ( has joined #covenger_rp
  120. [2014-10-30 02:10:59] * Thompson glances around. How many civilians are still in the area? How emptied out does the store look?
  121. [2014-10-30 02:11:24] * RK_Friendly kicks out and tries to gain his footing. "Does this happen often?!"
  122. [2014-10-30 02:11:34] <Rick_the_Stick> [Could someone describe the area and its current state for me as well as the location of the team vehicle?]
  123. [2014-10-30 02:11:56] <Specs> Stores clear... No... living anyway...
  124. [2014-10-30 02:12:06] * Pence drops the Stiff as it breathes it's last breath and goes off for the others, cracking his knuckles
  125. [2014-10-30 02:12:19] <Stiffs> Pence's blow to the Stiff puts it down for good, the other still attempting to get away. The area has mostly cleared of civilians, with a few on the outskirts trying to watch. The store has since been trashed and emptied of all living civvies that ran when they got the chance.
  126. [2014-10-30 02:12:39] |<-- Orbital has left (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  127. [2014-10-30 02:14:10] <Pence> [The van was out of commission for a bit and you were on day off, but you can show up with a fixed van if ya feel. We're in a pawn shop and just murdered a bunch of jewelry munching Spider people.]
  128. [2014-10-30 02:15:04] <Specs> Godammit! *Specs calls out as he rushes out of the store, spotting the escaping Stiff. Unclipping a grenade from his belt, he long bombs it over to the Stiff. Upon making contact around it, a cloud of tiny robotic bee-like machines come out, swarming and stinging the stiff, injecting a nuero-toxin before falling incapacitated
  129. [2014-10-30 02:17:39] <Stiffs> The Stiff is sting directly in the abdomen, end its life quite suddenly as the neurotoxin immediately took hold. The area has been mostly cleared of Stiffs save for the ones still chasing after Friendly. One manages to get within range and take hold of one of his legs, shaking him and trying to bowl him over.
  130. [2014-10-30 02:18:02] * Rick_the_Stick now at a car repair place, having just arrived there not too long after dropping the van off to be repaired "Come on, I need this damn van out and fixed already. Do you even know how much time you're wasting?" he said, turning on the communicator to his helmet as he began to speak through it "Need location information, I'll be there soon enough. Over."
  131. [2014-10-30 02:19:10] * RK_Friendly gets taken down by the Stiff due to lack of any real combat experience
  132. [2014-10-30 02:19:50] * Thompson reaches out, pulling the knife out of the sheath on his belt, reaching over and plunging it down towards the things abdomen as Friendly gets overtaken....again
  133. [2014-10-30 02:20:01] <Specs> Cmon Friendly, take him out! These things go down easier than a girl on prom night!
  134. [2014-10-30 02:21:08] * Pence feels hazy after that Stiff grabbed for his face. "R-Rick that you?... We're at Cambridge and Third....V-Vick's P-Pawn shooooooop...." He falls down unconscious.
  135. [2014-10-30 02:21:35] * McQueen slings her hatchet at the Stiff on Friendly, a second too late as Thompson pierces the things abdomen and it dies with a shudder and the radios in to Rick as she walks towards it. "Rick, you slowpoke, bring that van around Cambridge and Third, I saw more of these things heading downtown. Don't know where they are headed. Hurry, dingus."
  136. [2014-10-30 02:23:07] * Rick_the_Stick smacked the side of his helmet, hoping to create some noise over communications to bring more attention over to him "Hey, I'm going to need you all to move out of the way of the entrance. Over" finally being told that the van had finished getting repaired, as he stepped into it and began revving the baby up
  137. [2014-10-30 02:23:29] <Thompson> (Does the van have a cool name?)
  138. [2014-10-30 02:23:46] <McQueen> (I hope so.)
  139. [2014-10-30 02:23:51] -->| Oyu ( has joined #covenger_rp
  140. [2014-10-30 02:23:58] <RK_Friendly> (SLAMVAN?)
  141. [2014-10-30 02:24:13] <Pence> (Thats lame Friendly)
  142. [2014-10-30 02:24:17] <Specs> (It better. Like The Rambler, or like Extermination Express, or something)
  143. [2014-10-30 02:24:47] <Rick_the_Stick> [Let's see...]
  144. [2014-10-30 02:24:58] <Pence> (We need something like 4-Wheel Face Fucker)
  145. [2014-10-30 02:26:48] <Rick_the_Stick> [I can't think of anything cool. Only dumb stuff like Epitaph, Tombstone and the Assfuckin' Auto.]
  146. [2014-10-30 02:27:18] * McQueen looks to Thompson and the now dead Stiff as she wrenches her hatchet free, drenched in black ichor. "Let's move these fuckers in to the store, we don't want them to get run over, too much fuckin' paperwork. I'll get Specs." She limps over to Specs and picks him up, slinging his arm over her shoulder as she drags him into the shop and sets him down against a wall.
  147. [2014-10-30 02:27:26] <Specs> [Swolemobile]
  148. [2014-10-30 02:27:54] |<-- Oyuun has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  149. [2014-10-30 02:28:25] <Specs> H-hey Queenie? As much as I appreciate the lift, I'm fine. Maybe I should be the one carrying you?
  150. [2014-10-30 02:29:13] * McQueen jumps with surprise, "Jeeeezus Dumptrucking Fuck, Specs. I thought you was unconscious!" She slugs him good in the arm for scaring her.
  151. [2014-10-30 02:29:14] * Thompson nods, picking up the corpses and dragging them over. "Control, this is Rabbit Foot. Contained the preliminary outbreak, confirmed multiple inhumans. Number of them got loose, try and get some eyes on them so we can mop up. Gonna need a cleanup crew for the jewelry store."
  152. [2014-10-30 02:29:38] * RK_Friendly kicks the corpse away and stands back on his feet. "S-sorry, guys."
  153. [2014-10-30 02:29:48] * Rick_the_Stick having paid for the repairs he's now back on the roads, driving off and simply just looking around for said pawn store "Hey, these things are pretty much just shitty monsters, right? I'll need you guys to try to round as many of them as you can into one spot as possible and report back with said location. Over."
  154. [2014-10-30 02:30:48] <Specs> Dahahah-OW! Easy there killer. She-heesh...
  155. [2014-10-30 02:31:44] * Pence is in a deep daze and might need to get hospitalized! He might not even make it to the end of this rp! What ailment plagues Pence!? Stay tuned and find out soon.
  156. [2014-10-30 02:32:33] <McQueen> (I just realised I typed Specs instead of Pence, Jesus Christ)
  157. [2014-10-30 02:32:56] <McQueen> (You both needed help up, it doesn't matter.)
  158. [2014-10-30 02:33:04] <Specs> (Woopsie Doopsie!)
  159. [2014-10-30 02:33:31] <Pence> {I gotta go m8}
  160. [2014-10-30 02:33:35] * McQueen rushes over and picks up Pence as well, placing him next to Specs and leaning him agains Specs for support.
  161. [2014-10-30 02:33:43] <McQueen> (You can sit with your buddy)
  162. [2014-10-30 02:33:45] <Rick_the_Stick> [If you guys didn't mention the cleanup crew, I was just going to fucking plow right into the store.]
  163. [2014-10-30 02:33:57] <Pence> {catch me up when I return}
  164. [2014-10-30 02:34:00] <--| Pence has left #covenger_rp
  165. [2014-10-30 02:34:52] * Specs props up Pence and gets back up to join the others. Not sure why he allowed McQueen to carry him this far and set him up in the first place "Anybody hurt?"
  166. [2014-10-30 02:36:06] <Rick_the_Stick> "Report in, I need a status update on the enemy, I repeat, I need a status update on the enemy. We don't have all day here, so clear the fuck out of the roads too. Over"
  167. [2014-10-30 02:36:27] <McQueen> "One of those fuckers made me twist my ankle and I have a bit of a sore throat from yelling during drills this morning, but otherwise I'm fine." She limps and sits on the counter, slowly rolling her ankle around.
  168. [2014-10-30 02:36:37] * RK_Friendly wipes a hand across his visor to get juice off of it. "Uh, I think I'm okay j-just cracked my helmet."
  169. [2014-10-30 02:37:06] <Thompson> "We got a few stragglers going out, in (INSERT DIRECTION HERE). Only four of us, Rick, so we can't really handle crowd control at the moment."
  170. [2014-10-30 02:38:40] * Specs takes out a medkit and begins squishing and crushing a small plastic bag to activate the ice pack. After that, he tosses the pack to McQueen.
  171. [2014-10-30 02:39:21] <Rick_the_Stick> "Do not attempt to re-engage the enemy, I'll be over there soon enough. Over."
  172. [2014-10-30 02:39:46] * McQueen takes an ice pack to the helmet and grabs it before it falls into her lap. "Thanks, about gorram time Specs."
  173. [2014-10-30 02:39:55] <Thompson> "Roger that. We'll sit tight and get our bearings, then head out and squash the rest of the fuckers."
  174. [2014-10-30 02:40:36] <RK_Friendly> "What were those things, anybody?"
  175. [2014-10-30 02:40:47] * Rick_the_Stick slams his foot on the pedal, speeding off in the direction he had been informed that the stragglers were attempting to move in. Very quickly he arrived in that general area, and even more quickly after that he was right on those damn things, smashing them underneath the wheels of this yet to be named van which is definitely intended to have a badass name.
  176. [2014-10-30 02:41:18] <Thompson> "Fuck if I know, Friendly. Half the fun of the job, running into one superpowered freak after another with next to no intel."
  177. [2014-10-30 02:41:31] * Stiffs are haplessly crushed between the wheels of the van, squriming black shapes in the road as their movements cease.
  178. [2014-10-30 02:42:50] * RK_Friendly starts looking around the mess. "D-did anybody see where I dropped my gun?"
  179. [2014-10-30 02:44:33] * Thompson sighs
  180. [2014-10-30 02:44:44] <McQueen> "I think its under the one that grabbed you. The one that Thompson dusted." She massages and rolls her ankle around the ice pack.
  181. [2014-10-30 02:45:33] <Thompson> "Wait, Thompson? You mean me, or that S&W you carry?"
  182. [2014-10-30 02:46:01] <Rick_the_Stick> "Do you guys need me to come over there and pick your asses up or what? Or are you fine just walking around everywhere all the time? Over."
  183. [2014-10-30 02:46:13] <Specs> You're welcome, dear. *He replies, tucking away the medkit as Rick charged onto the scene. With that he trots over to Friendly to help him look for his gun*
  184. [2014-10-30 02:47:22] <Thompson> "Give us a pickup, Rick. My feet hurt and I get nervous walking through so many civvies staring at me."
  185. [2014-10-30 02:47:32] * McQueen laughs sarcastically, "If I pulled Tommy out, you'd know Thompson." She activates her vox and speaks directly to Rick, "Yeah we are gonna need a pickup, multiple incapacitated, Pence is out cold."
  186. [2014-10-30 02:47:47] <Rick_the_Stick> [So they're all in roughly the same location, right?]
  187. [2014-10-30 02:48:01] <McQueen> (Yep)
  188. [2014-10-30 02:48:02] <Thompson> (Yes. Busted-ass jewelry store)
  189. [2014-10-30 02:48:23] <Hydromona> 00(ass-jewelry store.)
  190. [2014-10-30 02:48:37] <Thompson> (PIERCINGS DON'T BELONG THERE)
  191. [2014-10-30 02:48:50] <Specs> (And yet, there they are)
  192. [2014-10-30 02:48:54] <McQueen> (What if Rabbit Foot eventually got interviewed on NNN, like a band interview)
  193. [2014-10-30 02:48:54] * RK_Friendly searches under a pile of gore before pulling out a Glock 37 mildly covered in bug. "Found it.."
  194. [2014-10-30 02:48:58] * Rick_the_Stick pulled up next to the jewelery store, activating the feature in the van that forces all passenger doors to open simultaneously, because why wouldn't he have that? "Come on, come on, get in the damn van!"
  195. [2014-10-30 02:49:01] <Specs> (And the stiffs put them in their mouths)
  196. [2014-10-30 02:49:35] <Hydromona> (Bit tired out from cleaning the house at the moment)
  197. [2014-10-30 02:49:39] * McQueen went a picked up Pence, throwing him into a seat and buckling him in before turning to the others, "Anyone else need help?"
  198. [2014-10-30 02:50:11] <Thompson> "I'm fine." Pulls himself into the vehicle. "Control, this is Rabbit Foot. What's the ETA on that cleanup crew?"
  199. [2014-10-30 02:50:38] <Thompson> (I really fucking like sounding tacticool)
  200. [2014-10-30 02:50:45] * RK_Friendly crawls into the van. "Uh how do I clean this?"
  201. [2014-10-30 02:51:31] <Rick_the_Stick> "There might be something to wash it off under your seat, check the toolbox."
  202. [2014-10-30 02:51:45] <McQueen> "Rabbit Foot, this is Control. We've got Hot Pocket on the job, they'll be there ETA zero-niner minutes. You are cleared to evacuate the scene. Over."
  203. [2014-10-30 02:52:00] <Thompson> "Roger that, Control." He looks up. "We're good to go, then."
  204. [2014-10-30 02:52:27] * Specs hops back into the van "That's a big fuck yes, Thompson. Hey Rick, let's lay down some rubber!"
  205. [2014-10-30 02:52:49] * Rick_the_Stick turns back to look at the rest of his squad "Next time, I'm coming along immediately, alright?" before turning back to face the front of the car
  206. [2014-10-30 02:53:09] * McQueen looks around, checking her equipment before strapping into her seat in the back of the van.
  207. [2014-10-30 02:53:20] * Rick_the_Stick revs the engine back up and then drives off to what I assume would just be Xenon base. That's where the buffers suit up and shit, right?
  208. [2014-10-30 02:54:04] * RK_Friendly just wipes his gun on his sleeze to clean it. "I think this will do. Uh so..sorry for falling back there."
  209. [2014-10-30 02:55:00] <Rick_the_Stick> "So does anyone have any clue what those... things were back there? I'm pretty sure I ran some of the damn things over, but I never really got a very good luck at them."
  210. [2014-10-30 02:55:02] =-= Saints is now known as Oybluu
  211. [2014-10-30 02:55:37] <--| Oybluu has left #covenger_rp
  212. [2014-10-30 02:56:11] <Thompson> "It's fine, son. Happens all the time, you'll get the hang of it." He straps himself in
  213. [2014-10-30 02:56:34] <McQueen> "Back to base we go. Time to suit up and get SERIOUS, FUCKERS." She slaps her chest plate and lifts off her helmet to take a loud breath. "Let's get fuckin' dangerous!" Her blonde, short hair was sweat-drenched and drooping. She turned to Rick and spoke, "Some kind of fuckin' wall-crawlin' spider thieves. We don't know, we were supposed to be down at the boardwalk."
  214. [2014-10-30 02:58:36] <RK_Friendly> "Are we going to track them to their hangout or something?"
  215. [2014-10-30 02:58:38] <Rick_the_Stick> "So what you're saying is that those creatures came completely out of nowhere? And you aren't even the least bit suspicious about it? For all we know some jackass developed spider powers and just wants to rub his shit all over Neon City's face. Fucking meta criminals, they're the worst."
  216. [2014-10-30 03:00:11] <McQueen> "I say we suit up and head downtown. I saw some running that way. Maybe they have a nest or something."
  217. [2014-10-30 03:00:24] <Thompson> "There were a bunch of suits walking out of an alley before the shit hit the fan towards the store. That's all we really saw of them, though."
  218. [2014-10-30 03:01:08] <Rick_the_Stick> "Which alley? I say that's gotta be the first place we check, those sleazy suit wearing pieces of shit have to know something about this."
  219. [2014-10-30 03:02:17] <Specs> I just hope we can blow the fuckers up next time we tango. What's the point of rushing me out there if they're just gonna step on my dick?
  220. [2014-10-30 03:02:58] <McQueen> "That is what I'm saying, lets suit up and bring the storm to these fuckers when we see them next!"
  221. [2014-10-30 03:03:24] <RK_Friendly> "Maybe we should get backup if we track them?"
  222. [2014-10-30 03:03:33] <Thompson> "Gotta watch out for the civilians. One stray shot and it's all over the news and we're getting our asses handed to us by Command."
  223. [2014-10-30 03:04:12] <McQueen> (Hey could one of you guys take over momentarily? I have to tend to something on the homefront.)
  224. [2014-10-30 03:04:23] <Specs> I know that, Tommy. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
  225. [2014-10-30 03:04:30] <Rick_the_Stick> "Are there any caves or underground things that they could be hiding out in? Shit would definitely cut citizen casualties to the absolute minimum.
  226. [2014-10-30 03:04:35] <Thompson> "Don't call me Tommy."
  227. [2014-10-30 03:05:26] |<-- Stiffs has left ()
  228. [2014-10-30 03:05:37] <McQueen> (I'll be like 10 minutes)
  229. [2014-10-30 03:05:59] <Thompson> (Alright. We could just shit around and say we're heading down the street)
  230. [2014-10-30 03:07:19] * Thompson coughs. Really fucking awkward in a Buffer helmet
  231. [2014-10-30 03:11:32] |<-- Oyu has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  232. [2014-10-30 03:13:26] <McQueen> "Rabbit Foot, this is the Commander. What is your status?" There is concern in her voice, but also a stern severity.
  233. [2014-10-30 03:14:15] <Rick_the_Stick> "Status is fine, no casualties have occurred as of this point. Over"
  234. [2014-10-30 03:14:27] <Thompson> "Mopped up a whole shitload of spider things. En route to grab and stragglers and hopefully find some kind of nest."
  235. [2014-10-30 03:16:37] <McQueen> "Security footage and witnesses report seeing some kind of spider men moving through towards the Unf District. No reports as to why. Probably doing whatever a spider can. Ready up and check it out."
  236. [2014-10-30 03:17:16] <Specs> Th Unf District? I don't wanna know what they're planning to do there
  237. [2014-10-30 03:17:38] <Thompson> "Roger that." "You all get that, then?
  238. [2014-10-30 03:17:40] <RK_Friendly> "There's all kinda of abandoned warehouses and stores there I bet."
  239. [2014-10-30 03:19:47] <Thompson> (Doing dishes, gimme a moment)
  240. [2014-10-30 03:19:58] <Specs> Let's hope that's all it is. Don't wanna see them trying to get all Gold Vagrant on us.
  241. [2014-10-30 03:19:59] <Rick_the_Stick> [more like]
  242. [2014-10-30 03:20:04] <Rick_the_Stick> 1,1[dong dishes]
  243. [2014-10-30 03:31:14] -->| YOU (Thompson_) have joined #covenger_rp
  244. [2014-10-30 03:31:22] |<-- Thompson has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  245. [2014-10-30 03:31:25] <Thompson_> (Sorry about that)
  246. [2014-10-30 03:31:32] =-= YOU are now known as Thompson
  247. [2014-10-30 03:31:34] <Thompson> (Anything I miss?)
  248. [2014-10-30 03:32:11] <McQueen> (Nope, waited.)
  249. [2014-10-30 03:32:17] <RK_Friendly> (Last thing you saw? Cuz we've just been waitin.)
  250. [2014-10-30 03:32:21] <Rick_the_Stick> [You missed absolutely nothing.]
  251. [2014-10-30 03:32:32] <Thompson> (Oh, alright then)
  252. [2014-10-30 03:32:52] <Thompson> "So I hope you folks like your hookers, then, because that's where we're going."
  253. [2014-10-30 03:33:28] <McQueen> "Take us to the Unf District, Rick. We got some bugs to squash."
  254. [2014-10-30 03:33:35] <Rick_the_Stick> "Can do."
  255. [2014-10-30 03:34:17] * Rick_the_Stick makes a route for the UNF district, the slummiest district in the city. Filled with hookers, pimps, drug dealers, generally the worst kinds of people you would find in the city.
  256. [2014-10-30 03:34:55] * McQueen pulls out Tommy Typewriter, her Thompson 1928 and begins her cleaning ritual. She checks the slide and adjusts the magazine as she waits for them to arrive at their destination.
  257. [2014-10-30 03:36:51] <Rick_the_Stick> "Hey, McQueen, you think you'd be able to hook me up with a rifle? All I've really got is this magnum revolver over here."
  258. [2014-10-30 03:36:54] * Thompson checks his Sterling, the Beretta, and wipes off the knife. Checks his gear, then holds his right forearm while opening and shutting his hand a few times.
  259. [2014-10-30 03:37:58] * RK_Friendly sees the others doing more advanced things to their equipment and just plays with the slide of his Glock.
  260. [2014-10-30 03:38:59] <Rick_the_Stick> "I'd do something but I'm driving, could someone fill up a few speed-loaders for me? That'd be real useful." he said, still driving
  261. [2014-10-30 03:39:24] <McQueen> Looks over to the front seat and thinks for a moment, before searching through the van for a rifle. "You got one back here, Rick? I'll clean 'er up for you while you drive."
  262. [2014-10-30 03:42:56] <Rick_the_Stick> "I don't think so, I always sort of fell back to using my revolver as my main arm and I really don't have any experience with rifles at all."
  263. [2014-10-30 03:43:59] * McQueen pats Tommy and sighs. "Well..."
  264. [2014-10-30 03:44:08] <Thompson> "It's a good thing to get into."
  265. [2014-10-30 03:44:12] <McQueen> "That is too bad, I'll clean you one when this is over, stinker."
  266. [2014-10-30 03:44:58] <Thompson> "How's Pence looking?"
  267. [2014-10-30 03:46:18] * McQueen looks over at Pence's unconscious form. "He'll be fine. Dumb fuck waded right into a force of unknown enemies, AS PER USUAL." She points at him with a thumb, "How the fuck isn't he dead yet?"
  268. [2014-10-30 03:46:40] <Thompson> "Dumb luck. Guy must keep a rabbit's foot on him, or something."
  269. [2014-10-30 03:46:49] <Rick_the_Stick> "...I know this might sound crazy, but can you hear me out for a moment here?"
  270. [2014-10-30 03:46:53] <RK_Friendly> "M-maybe he's just tough?"
  271. [2014-10-30 03:47:26] <Rick_the_Stick> "What if... he's the team's good luck charm and the reason we're all still alive?"
  272. [2014-10-30 03:49:02] <Thompson> ".....I'm not a superstitious type, but it's possible. We've gotten out of our fair share of deep shit before."
  273. [2014-10-30 03:50:17] <McQueen> "Maybe there is something looking down on us or some hokey pokey shit like that. Who knows." She returns to polishing Tommy's barrel. "Never know though."
  274. [2014-10-30 03:51:05] <Rick_the_Stick> [>She returns to polishing Tommy's barrel]
  275. [2014-10-30 03:51:08] <Rick_the_Stick> [lewd]
  276. [2014-10-30 03:52:12] * Thompson shrugs. "Whatever it is, it's helping. Rather not rely on it, though."
  277. [2014-10-30 03:52:27] <RK_Friendly> "Maybe its magic?"
  278. [2014-10-30 03:53:01] <McQueen> "Only magic I believe in is that shit the Commander's kid pulls. That shit is hella fucked up."
  279. [2014-10-30 03:53:22] * Thompson raises an eyebrow. Then stops because he realizes he's wearing a goddamn helmet covering his whole head.
  280. [2014-10-30 03:53:31] <Rick_the_Stick> "For all we know we're all metas but our only power is above average luck."
  281. [2014-10-30 03:53:35] <Thompson> "Magic? ou really think so?"
  282. [2014-10-30 03:55:33] * McQueen just nods and polishes her rifle.
  283. [2014-10-30 03:56:11] * RK_Friendly keeps fiddling with his gun. "Maybe luck is a form of magic?"
  284. [2014-10-30 03:56:49] * Thompson shakes his head. There we go, much more visible. "I'm not buying it. If I had any kind of power or magic, I sure as hell would've noticed it." Clenches his right hand, almost subconsciously.
  285. [2014-10-30 03:57:47] <McQueen> "Maybe Rookie, who knows. Maybe this is just all a dream? A collective fuckin' dream we're having back at the barracks."
  286. [2014-10-30 03:59:57] <Rick_the_Stick> "This may be a very dark way to look at it, but we could all be bleeding out right now. Maybe this is just a hallucination. Who knows? Even if it is something like that, even if we actually do have some form of super luck, we still do need to get out there and fuck some spiders up."
  287. [2014-10-30 04:00:56] <Thompson> "Right. Gotta keep our eyes open and stay focused. Hoo-rah, and all that."
  288. [2014-10-30 04:01:35] * RK_Friendly lowers his head slightly and holsters his gun.
  289. [2014-10-30 04:03:57] <McQueen> "How far out are we Rick?"
  290. [2014-10-30 04:04:39] <Rick_the_Stick> "We're already there."
  291. [2014-10-30 04:05:10] <Rick_the_Stick> [Oh and I'm trying to catch up with Kamen Rider Drive now, so I might be a little unresponsive.]
  292. [2014-10-30 04:05:55] <Thompson> "Alright, let's fuck these spiders up, then."
  293. [2014-10-30 04:06:06] * Thompson lock and loaded
  294. [2014-10-30 04:06:59] * Rick_the_Stick kicks the van's door open, jumping out, his hand already on his revolver "Let's take these shitheads out already, come on!"
  295. [2014-10-30 04:08:46] * Thompson hops out. "Any clue where to start?"
  296. [2014-10-30 04:08:47] * RK_Friendly follows out of the van with less haste. " Maybe we should not let them know we're coming?"
  297. [2014-10-30 04:10:30] <Rick_the_Stick> "I've... got a bit of an idea."
  298. [2014-10-30 04:10:33] * McQueen releases the drum from her rifle and slides it back in to make sure there is no jam, pulling the slide back and advancing with the squad.
  299. [2014-10-30 04:10:50] <Rick_the_Stick> "Everyone take off your helmets, there should be some heavy clothing in the back of the van. Maybe going incognito will help."
  300. [2014-10-30 04:12:17] <McQueen> "Over the armor? Because I ain't changin' out here." She looks around the van for the clothing and finds a large coat.
  301. [2014-10-30 04:12:41] * RK_Friendly leans back. "I-I think my helmet could be hidden"
  302. [2014-10-30 04:13:17] <Rick_the_Stick> "Yeah, over the armor. There should be something large enough to cover most of it up."
  303. [2014-10-30 04:15:09] * Thompson nods, grabbing a thick parka. "Won't be perfect, but we might be able to bank off of the spiders not having the best eyesight." He leaves his helmet in the van, shaking out his cropped hair
  304. [2014-10-30 04:16:36] * RK_Friendly finds a long trench coat and throws it on with helmet still exposed. "Do I look like a gangster?"
  305. [2014-10-30 04:16:53] * Rick_the_Stick digs around in the back of the van before coming out with a large, heavy white coat of some kind [I kind of want to specify what kind, but I got no idea] "This should definitely do, if the spiders aren't able to recognize us as a threat we'll be able to ambush them easily enough."
  306. [2014-10-30 04:16:58] <Thompson> "You look like a soldier with a trenchcoat on."
  307. [2014-10-30 04:18:44] * RK_Friendly searches again and finds a white baseball cap that barely fits on his helmet. "This good?"
  308. [2014-10-30 04:19:19] <Thompson> "......" He sighs. "Might want to ditch the helmet, kid."
  309. [2014-10-30 04:19:24] <McQueen> "You look like fuckin' Stay Puft swallowed a Buffer barracks.
  310. [2014-10-30 04:20:11] * Rick_the_Stick drops the helmet and puts it in the van
  311. [2014-10-30 04:20:36] <Specs> I found you a Ski-Mask, Friendly. Stop your whining about the helmet *He says tossing it into his face*
  312. [2014-10-30 04:21:25] * RK_Friendly picks the ski mask up off the ground after failing to catch it and puts it over his helmet. "This work then?"
  313. [2014-10-30 04:22:05] * Specs tosses off his helmet to fit on the unfortunately floral-embroidered red poncho he found "Where do we find this shit?"
  314. [2014-10-30 04:23:08] <Rick_the_Stick> "They're confiscated materials from crime scenes."
  315. [2014-10-30 04:23:18] <Rick_the_Stick> "That poncho used to be white, for example."
  316. [2014-10-30 04:23:50] <Thompson> "Isn't that where you got the van? Or am I thinking of something else?" After they're all equipped, he starts heading out with the squad, eyes peeled.
  317. [2014-10-30 04:24:01] <Specs> Ew.
  318. [2014-10-30 04:24:38] * McQueen takes her helmet off and replaces it with black beanie, her hair pokes out slightly from the bottom. She advances with the squad, moving slow with Tommy mostly hidden beneath her coat.
  319. [2014-10-30 04:24:54] * Rick_the_Stick turns over to the person closest to him whispering "Make sure to say absolutely nothing about the mission, the spiders may be smart enough to catch on if they hear us talking about it."
  320. [2014-10-30 04:25:23] <Thompson> (I have the weirdest mental image of this whole scene)
  321. [2014-10-30 04:25:27] <McQueen> "Rick where the everloving fuck did you even drop us off?"
  322. [2014-10-30 04:26:47] <Rick_the_Stick> [The alley is in the unf district, right?]
  323. [2014-10-30 04:27:00] <McQueen> (Yeah where they went)
  324. [2014-10-30 04:27:30] <Rick_the_Stick> "We're about a block away from where we need to be, you all wanted to go to that alley, right?"
  325. [2014-10-30 04:27:52] <McQueen> "Oh, yeah alright."
  326. [2014-10-30 04:28:04] <RK_Friendly> "So do we have a lead?"
  327. [2014-10-30 04:28:17] * McQueen begins to move faster, taking point.
  328. [2014-10-30 04:28:22] <Thompson> "One moment." He switches over radio frequences.
  329. [2014-10-30 04:28:43] <Rick_the_Stick> "Well, just the alley from what I know." walking slowly towards the alley, trying not to draw any unneeded attention
  330. [2014-10-30 04:29:10] <Thompson> "Control, this is Rabbit Foot. We've arrived on-site and we're ready to bring the hammer down. Any useful intel you might have picked up?"
  331. [2014-10-30 04:30:59] <McQueen> "Rabbit Foot, this is Control. We've searched through the feeds and found that the alley winds off further down and connects to... well, a hole."
  332. [2014-10-30 04:31:33] <Rick_the_Stick> Wait....
  333. [2014-10-30 04:31:34] <Thompson> "....shit. Might want to get some backup ready, this could get messy, fast. And another cleanup cre-
  334. [2014-10-30 04:31:39] <Thompson> (WAIT A FUCKING SECOND)
  335. [2014-10-30 04:31:43] <Thompson> (THE CLEANUP CREW)
  336. [2014-10-30 04:31:46] <Thompson> (HOT POCKETS)
  337. [2014-10-30 04:31:50] <Thompson> (YOU MOTHERFUCKER)
  338. [2014-10-30 04:31:51] * Rick_the_Stick switches to the frequency to contact the higher ups
  339. [2014-10-30 04:31:57] <McQueen> (HEH)
  340. [2014-10-30 04:32:01] <McQueen> (HEHEHEH)
  341. [2014-10-30 04:32:08] <RK_Friendly> (Saw it coming)
  342. [2014-10-30 04:32:24] <Rick_the_Stick> "Control, would it be possible to procure some... heavy ordinances? This doesn't seem like it'll be anywhere close to average."
  343. [2014-10-30 04:32:26] <Thompson> (TOOK ME THIS FUCKING LONG. GODDAMN)
  344. [2014-10-30 04:33:38] <Thompson> "w.....and maybe some medics."
  345. [2014-10-30 04:34:30] <McQueen> "Rabbit Foot, this is Control, sonar has revealed that the hole extends into a tunnel system. Rather extensivee but there is a lot of interference on the readings, either systems are faulty or there is quite a bit of movement down there. Ordinance Requisition says you've got a blank check, name what you need. Squad Hot Pocket is on standby for cleanup and backup if need be."
  346. [2014-10-30 04:35:48] <Rick_the_Stick> "Control, this is rabbit foot requesting several pounds of C4, we're fairly certain we're going to be needing it. Over."
  347. [2014-10-30 04:36:05] <Specs> You're damn right we are
  348. [2014-10-30 04:36:56] <Thompson> "McQueen, we have a goddamn blank check. You want anything?"
  349. [2014-10-30 04:37:24] * McQueen turns around and whispers harshly, "Tell them to drop my fuckin' Crisis Suit!"
  350. [2014-10-30 04:37:48] <Rick_the_Stick> "Oh, and..."
  351. [2014-10-30 04:37:57] <Thompson> "Uh, Control? Queen needs her scepter."
  352. [2014-10-30 04:38:01] <Rick_the_Stick> "See if you can get the... prototype vehicle down here as quickly as possible. Over."
  353. [2014-10-30 04:38:12] <RK_Friendly> "What's that German gun called? I saw it in some movies..a G something? The bad guys always use them."
  354. [2014-10-30 04:38:42] <McQueen> "Y'mean Gauss, Friendly?"
  355. [2014-10-30 04:39:22] <Thompson> "Uh, and Rick needs his Stick." God help us all, he thinks to himself.
  356. [2014-10-30 04:39:39] <RK_Friendly> "N-no Its like an assault rifle and its black and scary looking and it has a 3 in it."
  357. [2014-10-30 04:40:22] <Thompson> "G36?"
  358. [2014-10-30 04:41:01] <Specs> [I'm hopping off guys. I'm tired, sorry.]
  359. [2014-10-30 04:41:09] <RK_Friendly> "Yeah, yeah! A uh, G36...uh..C yeah that's it."
  360. [2014-10-30 04:41:20] <Thompson> (Nah, it's cool, no point in forcing you to stay if you're dying over there)
  361. [2014-10-30 04:41:30] <--| Specs has left #covenger_rp
  362. [2014-10-30 04:41:30] <McQueen> (Okay, see ya Specs, you have a good rest)
  363. [2014-10-30 04:41:36] <Rick_the_Stick> [Queer.]
  364. [2014-10-30 04:41:41] <Rick_the_Stick> [I was about to say something too.]
  365. [2014-10-30 04:41:43] <RK_Friendly> [Big queer]
  366. [2014-10-30 04:44:08] <Thompson> "Right. Heckler and Koch. Aren't too great past a couple hundred meters, but I doubt we'll be shooting that far in some tunnels."
  367. [2014-10-30 04:44:17] <McQueen> "Rabbit Foot, please confirm Ordinance Requisition. Mark One Crisis Suit, Prototype Vehicle designation 'The Stick', One G36C with ammunitions, and for yourself?"
  368. [2014-10-30 04:44:43] <McQueen> "Several pounds of C4 on the list too, over."
  369. [2014-10-30 04:45:39] <Thompson> "I'm fine as-is. Just, uh, call Jessica and tell her I might be late for dinner tonight."
  370. [2014-10-30 04:45:51] <Thompson> "But other than that, order confirmed."
  371. [2014-10-30 04:47:46] <McQueen> "Roger, Jessica notified as per usual. She said she'll save you a plate and that she loves you. Order confirmed. Drop happening in T-minus 8 minutes at your postion via VTOL air-drop."
  372. [2014-10-30 04:48:03] <Thompson> "Roger that."
  373. [2014-10-30 04:48:27] <Rick_the_Stick> [Should I make the prototype vehicle a car or something more like a motorcycle?]
  374. [2014-10-30 04:48:40] <Thompson> (Would a car fit in the tunnels?)
  375. [2014-10-30 04:48:44] <McQueen> (Car)
  376. [2014-10-30 04:48:52] <McQueen> (Like a Tumbler)
  377. [2014-10-30 04:49:07] <McQueen> (Otherwise how are you 'the Stick'?)
  378. [2014-10-30 04:49:33] <Rick_the_Stick> [It would have to be something compact.]
  379. [2014-10-30 04:51:29] <McQueen> (Transformative)
  380. [2014-10-30 04:51:31] <Thompson> "Right. ETA eight minutes on the supplies then, folks."
  381. [2014-10-30 04:51:34] <McQueen> (?)
  382. [2014-10-30 04:51:54] <McQueen> "Well what the fuck do we do until then? Play fuckin' poker?"
  383. [2014-10-30 04:52:25] <Thompson> "Guys have an idea on how you want to tackle this? Whole nest of the motherfuckers."
  384. [2014-10-30 04:52:45] <RK_Friendly> "I don't know how to play poker and maybe we could uh..reason with them into surrendering?"
  385. [2014-10-30 04:52:57] <Rick_the_Stick> "We'll watch for suspicious activity while we wait for the drop off. Also I suggest using the C4 very liberally, get as much of it around the hive as possible and explode it after we escape."
  386. [2014-10-30 04:54:34] * McQueen goes and stows her rifle back in the van. "Gimme a sec, gotta get ready." She then slams the door closed and rustle, banging and muffled curses can be heard.
  387. [2014-10-30 04:55:10] <Rick_the_Stick> [Is she jerking it or something.]
  388. [2014-10-30 04:55:23] <Thompson> "Right." He double and triple checks his equipment. "You ever been in a serious firefight before, Friendly? Shit like this isn't going to be too keen on talking."
  389. [2014-10-30 04:55:53] <McQueen> (nope)
  390. [2014-10-30 04:56:18] <RK_Friendly> "Uh no, not really no. I've never had to do something like this."
  391. [2014-10-30 04:56:46] <Thompson> "Don't worry. We got your back. Just stick close together and we'll pull out just fine."
  392. [2014-10-30 04:57:18] <Rick_the_Stick> "I'll need some back up too, gotta make sure they don't wreck the stick."
  393. [2014-10-30 04:59:12] <RK_Friendly> "Thanks uh. How many times have you guys gone into cavern systems filled with nasty things?"
  394. [2014-10-30 04:59:24] * McQueen emerges from the van, clad in the coat and beanie she took from the van, holding them closed and hunching over. Her feet were bare all the way up to where her legs were cut off by the coat.
  395. [2014-10-30 05:00:07] <Rick_the_Stick> "This is probably only the 3rd largest cavern system I've ever seen in my life. So you can guess from that."
  396. [2014-10-30 05:00:28] <Rick_the_Stick> "Just looking at the alley the entrance can't be that big, right? Small entrance... small cavern system."
  397. [2014-10-30 05:00:31] <Thompson> "A couple. We're they're spiders or some shithead terrorist camped out in a mountain, it's all the same. And what kind of backup you talking about there, Rick?"
  398. [2014-10-30 05:01:11] <Rick_the_Stick> "I just need someone to make sure that none of those fucking spiders get close enough to the stick to do any real damage."
  399. [2014-10-30 05:03:45] <McQueen> "Don't worry Rick, ain't no one gettin' near your stick for a while now." She snickers as she continues to hold the coat closed, hopping from foot to foot.
  400. [2014-10-30 05:03:46] * Thompson looks to the other two. "Either of you want that, or should I?"
  401. [2014-10-30 05:04:59] <McQueen> "I can cover it. Once my fuckin' suit gets here!"
  402. [2014-10-30 05:07:56] <Thompson> "Right. Friendly, you want to stick by me, then, in case shit gets crazy?"
  403. [2014-10-30 05:09:40] <RK_Friendly> "Yeah, I'll uh, cover you."
  404. [2014-10-30 05:10:04] * Thompson nods, and pats him on the back. "Glad to hear it."
  405. [2014-10-30 05:10:18] <Rick_the_Stick> "Hey... Friendly."
  406. [2014-10-30 05:10:34] <Rick_the_Stick> "Once the supplies get here, how would you feel about taking the responsibility of laying out the C4?"
  407. [2014-10-30 05:11:15] <RK_Friendly> "That would mean you guys have more time to uh, shoot the bugs, right?"
  408. [2014-10-30 05:13:19] <McQueen> A VTOL aircraft hovers overhead, rather quiet for such a large vehicle as it slowly sets down a very large cargo container on the ground. As it lifts off again there is a loud clang as the bottom of the crate falls away, leaving the requisition order standing on a large metal platform.
  409. [2014-10-30 05:14:04] <Thompson> "God help us all."
  410. [2014-10-30 05:16:22] * McQueen begins to shake with excitement. "Permission to... suit up." She squeaks at the end of the sentence.
  411. [2014-10-30 05:16:38] * RK_Friendly stares on soundlessly
  412. [2014-10-30 05:16:42] <Thompson> "....."
  413. [2014-10-30 05:17:24] * Rick_the_Stick turns in to the same frequency as command "Requesting permission to assume direct control of the prototype vehicle."
  414. [2014-10-30 05:17:46] <McQueen> "Permission granted, give them hell."
  415. [2014-10-30 05:18:37] <Rick_the_Stick> [Would it be too Mary Sue-ish if the vehicle has direct neural controls?]
  416. [2014-10-30 05:18:48] <McQueen> [Not at all.]
  417. [2014-10-30 05:19:04] <McQueen> [I have a gorram mech suit. EVERYONE GETS COOL TOYS.]
  418. [2014-10-30 05:20:31] <Thompson> "Girl, you have some issues."
  419. [2014-10-30 05:21:28] <RK_Friendly> "Maybe I won't need to be so worried afterall."
  420. [2014-10-30 05:21:34] * Rick_the_Stick steps up onto the large metal platform, approaching the vehicle
  421. [2014-10-30 05:22:23] <Rick_the_Stick> >The vehicle is an odd looking thing, appearing very chrome with several blue lights placed around the car, seeming to emphasize the shape while also appearing to be randomly placed on the thing
  422. [2014-10-30 05:23:42] <Thompson> "That's the spirit."
  423. [2014-10-30 05:24:50] * Rick_the_Stick reaches to open the door, the vehicle responding on it's own, the door seemingly just receding into the car as he put his arm in, pulling out a helmet as he places it onto his head "Alright, before I get in, how many of us are ready for this?"
  424. [2014-10-30 05:25:05] <Thompson> "Ready as ever."
  425. [2014-10-30 05:26:13] * RK_Friendly walks up and claims his own order. "I don't think anybody can ever be really ready for some of the stuff in this city."
  426. [2014-10-30 05:26:25] * McQueen jumps almost out of her skin as she runs towards the Crisis Suit pod. At the last moment she throws the coat off, revealing she was in nothing but underwear as the pod closes and she emerges again in her Crisis Suit.
  427. [2014-10-30 05:27:28] * Thompson sighs. "Melodramatic as ever, too."
  428. [2014-10-30 05:27:42] <Rick_the_Stick> "Alright..."
  429. [2014-10-30 05:27:43] <McQueen> "I'm pumped. I'm ready! Let's get dangerous!"
  430. [2014-10-30 05:28:57] * Rick_the_Stick steps into the car, pulling the door shut as he placed one hand on the wheel, the other one coaxing down a long, thin metallic "cord" to the back of the helmet, plugging it directly in. His helmet glows briefly, the vehicle forming a thin, protective, armor-like shell around his pre-existing suit "ASSUMING DIRECT NEURAL INTERFACE."
  431. [2014-10-30 05:29:07] * RK_Friendly slings his new rifle onto his back. "Yeah, I guess I'm good as ever."
  432. [2014-10-30 05:29:20] <Thompson> "Let's go, then."
  433. [2014-10-30 05:29:46] <RK_Friendly> "Oh, uh. Am I supposed to carry the uh...bombs?"
  434. [2014-10-30 05:29:50] * Thompson nods towards the Crisis Suit and the Stick. "We're pretty decently armed when we get green-lit."
  435. [2014-10-30 05:30:22] * McQueen advances in front of 'The Stick', trudging with mechanical whirring and soft hisses. "Fucker is clunky, hope they come out with the Mark 2 soon."
  436. [2014-10-30 05:31:36] * Rick_the_Stick slowly lays down on the gas /mentally/ as he steadily drives behind McQueen, trying not to hit her at all "I kind of wish this thing didn't have to interface directly with my brain, I mean if this thing is destroyed.... I kind of just die instantly."
  437. [2014-10-30 05:32:08] <Thompson> "Yeah. You know how to work those things, Friendly, or you gonna need a crash course?"
  438. [2014-10-30 05:32:13] <McQueen> "You'll be alright Rick. I've got you."
  439. [2014-10-30 05:33:02] <RK_Friendly> "I uh. I think you just stick them to something and then push a button later?"
  440. [2014-10-30 05:34:05] <Thompson> "-What is actually going on here is that Thompson is giving some brief, handy instructions on how to properly not kill yourself with C4. Fuck if I know how to do that shit, but he does, so there you fucking go.-"
  441. [2014-10-30 05:35:01] <Thompson> "Got it, then?"
  442. [2014-10-30 05:35:24] * RK_Friendly lets his new information sink in and satchels the charges. "I think I do, actually."
  443. [2014-10-30 05:36:57] <Thompson> "Right, good. Let's get this party on the road then." He heads towards the tunnel behind the others.
  444. [2014-10-30 05:37:46] <McQueen> "Finally." She begins to slowly advance towards the entrance of the tunnel.
  445. [2014-10-30 05:37:56] * RK_Friendly follows behind Thompson
  446. [2014-10-30 05:38:26] * Rick_the_Stick drives behind the rest of them into the tunnel, the vehicle shrinking in size to properly fit into the tunnel. "So are you guys ready to end all this spider shit once and for all?"
  447. [2014-10-30 05:39:34] <RK_Friendly> "I suppose so. I wonder where they all come from?"
  448. [2014-10-30 05:39:42] <Thompson> "Damn straight." He double checks his helmet, which he presumably got back out of the van, and unslings his rifle, double checking the safety and whatnot. Snaps his fingers on his right hand a few times.
  449. [2014-10-30 05:41:28] <McQueen> The recesses in her armor glowed a bright orange, "Doesn't matter where they come from, we're gonna burn the fuckers out."
  450. [2014-10-30 05:42:05] <Rick_the_Stick> [>the armor has orange lights.]
  451. [2014-10-30 05:42:11] <Rick_the_Stick> [>the car has blue lights]
  452. [2014-10-30 05:42:13] <Rick_the_Stick> [Holy shit.]
  453. [2014-10-30 05:42:24] * Thompson descends!
  454. [2014-10-30 05:43:01] * RK_Friendly watches Thompson descend and mimics!
  455. [2014-10-30 05:43:21] * McQueen also descends, keeping a fair distance from the car and an eye on her surroundings.
  456. [2014-10-30 05:45:57] * Rick_the_Stick descends, the car physically adapting to the terrain, shining its dim blue headlights ahead, far enough to be useful, but not far or bright enough to be easily noticed
  457. [2014-10-30 05:47:43] * RK_Friendly drops into a lower tone. "You know, I think I saw a movie like this once."
  458. [2014-10-30 05:47:56] <Rick_the_Stick> "What movie?"
  459. [2014-10-30 05:48:07] <Thompson> "I swear to god, Friendly, if you make some comment about Starship Troopers...."
  460. [2014-10-30 05:48:40] * RK_Friendly coughs instead of answering
  461. [2014-10-30 05:49:01] <Thompson> (Hahahaha)
  462. [2014-10-30 05:49:02] -->| Stiffs ( has joined #covenger_rp
  463. [2014-10-30 05:49:25] <Rick_the_Stick> "Stop fooling around, Friendly."
  464. [2014-10-30 05:50:09] <Stiffs> A chittering echo can be heard from an indeterminate point in the tunnel.
  465. [2014-10-30 05:50:40] * Thompson holds his rifle up, switching to radio so to make little actual noise. "Get ready."
  466. [2014-10-30 05:51:27] * RK_Friendly unslings his G and points it down the tunnel nervously
  467. [2014-10-30 05:52:03] * Rick_the_Stick thinks for a moment, before the car adapts, the weapons on it making themselves known, several guns and other such things now adorning the hood "I'm already prepared."
  468. [2014-10-30 05:52:12] <Thompson> (Friendly unslings his D and points it down the tunnel nervously)
  469. [2014-10-30 05:52:38] <Stiffs> There is a passing shadow that sweeps across the beam of light coming from the car. Otherwise nothing. No more chittering or sounds of wind.
  470. [2014-10-30 05:52:38] <RK_Friendly> (That's kinky)
  471. [2014-10-30 05:52:51] * Thompson switches his visor to infrared
  472. [2014-10-30 05:53:34] <Stiffs> The TUNNEL WALLS AHEAD OF THE SQUAD LIGHT UP LIKE ITS CHRISTMAS.
  473. [2014-10-30 05:53:48] <Stiffs> SITUATION: VERY DANGER.
  474. [2014-10-30 05:54:05] <Thompson> "Son of a /motherfucker/."
  475. [2014-10-30 05:54:12] <Thompson> "We got contacts, right ahead."
  476. [2014-10-30 05:54:26] <Rick_the_Stick> >the car bleeps for a second, "DANGER DETECTED. DANGER DETECTED. DANGER = VERY YES."
  477. [2014-10-30 05:54:27] <Thompson> "Fucking shit. I can't even fucking count that high."
  478. [2014-10-30 05:54:37] * RK_Friendly takes a step back. "Do we shoot?"
  479. [2014-10-30 05:54:45] <McQueen> "Hoooo-leeeee shieeeeeet."
  480. [2014-10-30 05:55:06] <Stiffs> The chittering resumes as the masses advance, rather dramatically slowly.
  481. [2014-10-30 05:55:12] <Thompson> "Friendly, get that C4 ready."
  482. [2014-10-30 05:55:27] <Thompson> (This is legitimately creeping me the fuck out)
  483. [2014-10-30 05:55:31] <Rick_the_Stick> "Now would be about the time so start placing some ."
  484. [2014-10-30 05:56:02] * RK_Friendly gets on his knee and reaches into his satchel for a couple bricks of C4. "W-where at?"
  485. [2014-10-30 05:56:20] <McQueen> "In their way, ROOKIE!"
  486. [2014-10-30 05:56:58] * RK_Friendly tosses a brick like a football at the approachers
  487. [2014-10-30 05:57:47] <RK_Friendly> "T-the button, right?"
  488. [2014-10-30 05:58:03] * Stiffs swarm the moving brick with increased speed, dogpiling it like an actual football. The rest continue in their slow advance, crawling over each other and hissing, chittering and snapping.
  489. [2014-10-30 05:58:23] <Rick_the_Stick> "HIT THE BUTTON, ROOKIE!"
  490. [2014-10-30 05:58:43] * RK_Friendly pulls a detonator from the satchel and fumbles it before slamming his fist on the button
  491. [2014-10-30 05:59:07] <McQueen> (inb4 he forgot to turn the rest of the receivers off)
  492. [2014-10-30 05:59:37] <RK_Friendly> (He's may lack experience but he's not retarded.....?)
  493. [2014-10-30 05:59:59] <McQueen> (I would have laughed real hard, is all I'm saying)
  494. [2014-10-30 06:00:48] <RK_Friendly> 0(I was gonna till you said something :^( )
  495. [2014-10-30 06:01:17] <McQueen> (oh no sorry D:)
  496. [2014-10-30 06:01:48] * Stiffs and their respective body parts go flying about the tunnel, like black ichor-filled fireworks. The narrowness of the tunnel means that the blast takes out a decently chunk of them whilst also caving the tunnel in a bit, making the terrain a bit more difficult for the Stiffs to traverse. Regardless they advance ceaselessly.
  497. [2014-10-30 06:03:14] * RK_Friendly sticks a fist in the air. "Did you see that? They exploded! I feel like I'm lucky to be alive for some reason, too."
  498. [2014-10-30 06:03:55] <Thompson> "We're just getting started, rookie, don't fucking stop at pat yourself on the back until we're back out!"
  499. [2014-10-30 06:04:13] * Thompson raises his rifle and starts firing in controlled bursts, aiming for the abdomens
  500. [2014-10-30 06:04:59] * Rick_the_Stick fires off several of the guns on the hood of the car, aiming directly for those Stiff bastards
  501. [2014-10-30 06:05:24] <McQueen> "Hell yeah Rookie! Opening fire, Convection Cannon!" Her armor glows a rather bright orange and the cannon adorning her arm spits out a bolt of flaming orange, blazing a baseball sized hole in the abdomen of one of the Stiff before moving on to the next.
  502. [2014-10-30 06:05:47] <Rick_the_Stick> [I want to say that the vehicle can compact itself around the driver and form into a sort of armor, if only so don't have to constantly be driving. Not like super big power armor though, barely any larger than his body normally actually.]
  503. [2014-10-30 06:07:09] <McQueen> [That is actually super cool. Approved.]
  504. [2014-10-30 06:07:59] <Rick_the_Stick> [Just so I can freely run around, really.]
  505. [2014-10-30 06:08:26] <McQueen> [Still super cool to me.]
  506. [2014-10-30 06:08:49] <RK_Friendly> [Reminds me of some anime I watched that was cool]
  507. [2014-10-30 06:09:04] <Thompson> (Shit, I actually take back what I said before about Buffers being uselessly outmatched against metas. We're packing some decent firepower here)
  508. [2014-10-30 06:09:56] <McQueen> (What do you expect, we're the lucky ones.)
  509. [2014-10-30 06:10:12] <Rick_the_Stick> [Yeah, but this stuff has to be called in ahead of time. The blank check bit makes me imagine they can only use it once in a while.]
  510. [2014-10-30 06:10:14] <RK_Friendly> [Its like Clone Commandos compared to regular Clones.]
  511. [2014-10-30 06:10:46] <Rick_the_Stick> [I imagine that the Buffers are something to be reckoned with when they have prep-time, but have lots more issues with things when they're taken by surprise or anything like that.]
  512. [2014-10-30 06:10:54] <McQueen> [Suit and Car only come out when Metas are about.]
  513. [2014-10-30 06:11:26] <Rick_the_Stick> [>Suit and Car]
  514. [2014-10-30 06:11:27] <RK_Friendly> [I'm totally just running an average/below average Buffer.]
  515. [2014-10-30 06:11:46] <Rick_the_Stick> [You make it sound like they're part of a set like that. Which they could easily be, considering the orange and blue contrast.]
  516. [2014-10-30 06:11:48] * Thompson pulls a grenade off of his belt, before flicking off the pin with his thumb and winging it in a shallow arc down the tunnel. Won't hit nearly as hard as the C4, but it still packs a punch.
  517. [2014-10-30 06:11:52] <Thompson> "FRAG OUT."
  518. [2014-10-30 06:12:42] * Rick_the_Stick fires off a very small, weak missile from the hood of his car, not like it'll do much damage, but it should at least kill a Stiff or two, maybe even a few.
  519. [2014-10-30 06:13:08] * RK_Friendly puts his detonator back into the satchel and fires his rifle in short, controlled bursts aiming for abdomens or anything he can hit.
  520. [2014-10-30 06:13:35] * Stiffs begin dying in droves, the shots to the abdomen proving extremely effective. Some do manage to get closer than others, and start pestering the heroes down low by their knees and shins, but are shortly dispatched. The grenade and missile make short work of the 20-odd Stiffs that dogpile them. They seem to be drawn to fast moving objects, hence their slow
  521. [2014-10-30 06:13:35] <Stiffs> advance on the squad, due to their slow advance deeper into the depths.
  522. [2014-10-30 06:16:53] * Thompson keeps pushing forward, trying to conserve ammo and focusing on any stragglers that might be getting too close to the squad. Leave the main mass to Rick or McQueen, and occasionally lobbing a grenade.
  523. [2014-10-30 06:18:35] * RK_Friendly fires on any of the creatures that could slip by the defence with questionable accuracy. "How are there so many of them?"
  524. [2014-10-30 06:18:41] * McQueen continues to blaze through Stiffs left and right, yelling and cheering as she goes before her armor changes color to a muted blue and an arc of electricity emits from the cannon, up her arm. She screams in pain, taking a knee momentarily, "Hold them off guys, I've got a short circuit!"
  525. [2014-10-30 06:18:55] * Rick_the_Stick keeps the guns/turrets atop the hood of the car firing steadily at the Stiffs as they approach, occasionally firing one off to the side in an attempt to distract them long enough so that the others can take them out more easily
  526. [2014-10-30 06:19:14] <Thompson> "Big fucking nest of the fuckers!"
  527. [2014-10-30 06:22:47] * Thompson tries to cover McQueen as the stiffs swarm towards the unresponsive Crisis Suit
  528. [2014-10-30 06:23:19] <Rick_the_Stick> "ROOKIE, HOLD THEM OFF, I'LL BE OVER TO HELP WITH MCQUEEN IN A SECOND!"
  529. [2014-10-30 06:23:55] * RK_Friendly reloads his rifle and gets on one knee while firing in bursts. "I gotcha!"
  530. [2014-10-30 06:24:06] * Rick_the_Stick concentrates very heavily, the car appearing to begin to push into itself, growing smaller and closer to his body each moment, looking as if it's just constricting and smashing him "Come on..."
  531. [2014-10-30 06:24:57] * Stiffs advance closer, driving the team back. Slowly they begin to grab at McQueen, the gunfire and explosives helping to to thin them out and keep them off of her mostly, thought there are a few stragglers around striking and clawing at her, eliciting yelps of pain and curses the likes of which a sailor would blush at.
  532. [2014-10-30 06:26:12] * RK_Friendly turns his attention to the monsters clawing at McQueen and takes aim with passion. "Get away from her, you bitches!"
  533. [2014-10-30 06:26:20] * Thompson lobs out another grenade, hoping to draw some of them off the poor girl
  534. [2014-10-30 06:26:41] * Rick_the_Stick the metal of the vehicle still contracting in on itself very slowly, begins to take the shape of a human body, still however needing to shrink and attach itself to his body even further. Said vehicle is still taking a very long time to do this, only now beginning to look even slightly like a human body "COME ON! COME ON! WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING SLOW?!"
  535. [2014-10-30 06:26:55] <RK_Friendly> 0(That reference better not have been for nothing)
  536. [2014-10-30 06:26:56] <McQueen> "Ah shit! FUCK YOU. YOU MOTHERLESS MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A FUCKING GOOMBA PRICK, I'LL TAKE THOS-" Her speech is muffled as protective shielding deploys over her head, the armor locking up in place. Muffled curses can be heard coming from the enclosed suit.
  537. [2014-10-30 06:27:13] <McQueen> (Twas not)
  538. [2014-10-30 06:28:00] * Stiffs then swarm over and cover McQueen and her suit, others going around and over the dogpile to get to the others.
  539. [2014-10-30 06:28:22] <Thompson> "Shit shit shit shit shit MCQUEEN."
  540. [2014-10-30 06:28:46] * Thompson checks his comms. Any signal down here?
  541. [2014-10-30 06:28:55] * RK_Friendly starts flailing his rifle and himself as fast as he can. "OY, OY OVER HERE!"
  542. [2014-10-30 06:29:15] <Rick_the_Stick> "Is there any way to speed this process up? I can't move a single bone in my body right now, seriously this is bullshit. Why couldn't Xenon make a quicker changing vehicle?" he said, the chrome interior of the vehicle very nearly about to come into contact with his skin. Finally.
  543. [2014-10-30 06:30:23] <McQueen> A garbled comms signal can be heard, it says, "zzzZZZZzzzFUUUUUU-zzzzzZZzzz."
  544. [2014-10-30 06:31:22] <Thompson> "Control, this is Rabbit Foot. We need backup. Repeat, we need backup. There's a goddamn swarm of the shits down here, and we're getting overrun." He sets the message to repeat and keeps it auto-sending, hoping to eventually catch enough of a signal for Control to send in Hot Pockets.
  545. [2014-10-30 06:31:58] * Stiffs begin to move faster towards Friendly, now swarming over each to get to him.
  546. [2014-10-30 06:32:14] <Stiffs> Some of them leaving the pile on McQueen to do so.
  547. [2014-10-30 06:32:49] * Thompson backs up closer to Friendly, practically rubbing shoulders with the poor rookie. "How you holding out, Friendly?" Still taking careful, aimed shots for the abdomen, trying to not let his nerves ruin his aim.
  548. [2014-10-30 06:33:43] * RK_Friendly keeps puffing shots into the hordes as he slowly backs. "All things considered? Pretty good!"
  549. [2014-10-30 06:34:05] * Rick_the_Stick now finally suited onto his body the vehicle has formed into an odd looking suit of armor, opening up around the head and face area so that the helmet he put on earlier is completely visible. The earlier mentioned blue lights are much more prominent on this due to the smaller stature, he might be smaller than the car, but the suit really did add a full...
  550. [2014-10-30 06:34:14] <Rick_the_Stick> >3 inches to his height
  551. [2014-10-30 06:34:47] * McQueen 's vox cuts back in, "I've nearly got it! I've nearly fu-" before it cuts back to static, as a Stiff thwacks her in the side of the helmet.
  552. [2014-10-30 06:35:21] <Rick_the_Stick> "Fucking finally, you guys are doing fine still, right?" his hand now on his revolver, firing shots off into the crowd of Stiffs "I don't know about you guys, but that whole /transformation sequence/ felt like it lasted an hour to me."
  553. [2014-10-30 06:35:50] <Thompson> "Good!"
  554. [2014-10-30 06:35:57] * Thompson to Friendly
  555. [2014-10-30 06:36:36] <Thompson> "And Rick, you're gonna have to have a talk with Control about that goddamn change time."
  556. [2014-10-30 06:38:38] <Rick_the_Stick> "Yeah, maybe I'll even be able to get a speaker installed in this thing so I can blare some music during the change." holding his magnum out and firing a few shots at the crowd even as he talked to Thompson
  557. [2014-10-30 06:38:48] * Stiffs are still swarming, but now oriented towards Thompson and Friendly, beginning to leave McQueen alone.
  558. [2014-10-30 06:39:19] <Rick_the_Stick> [What's wrong, are the Stiffs too scared of people with better equipment?]
  559. [2014-10-30 06:39:38] <McQueen> [They're attracted to movement.]
  560. [2014-10-30 06:39:47] <McQueen> [And they were flailing their arms.]
  561. [2014-10-30 06:39:54] <Rick_the_Stick> [So does that include bullets?]
  562. [2014-10-30 06:40:04] <McQueen> [Well no, silly.]
  563. [2014-10-30 06:40:07] * Thompson starts shooting in faster bursts. Not so worried about outright killing them so much as at least slowing them down for McQueen to get back into it
  564. [2014-10-30 06:40:59] * Rick_the_Stick slowly creeps over to McQueen, trying to do anything he possibly can to assist with her armor "Are you alright? Come on, speak!"
  565. [2014-10-30 06:41:37] * RK_Friendly trips up as he's advancing backwards. "EH!"
  566. [2014-10-30 06:42:04] <Stiffs> With Rick rejoining them, the tide begins to fall back once again, being stemmed by the increased firepower. There aren't much of them left. Maybe 50. The squad is literally treading around and over corpses knee-deep.
  567. [2014-10-30 06:42:58] * RK_Friendly skips getting up and just fires bursts from the ground
  568. [2014-10-30 06:43:31] <Rick_the_Stick> "Friendly, you need to set up all the C4! We're going to collapse the section of tunnel inbetween us and the spiders, alright?"
  569. [2014-10-30 06:43:32] * McQueen feels the suit unlock as electricity arc across its surface. She stands to full height and fires off a round of plasma. Her vox bursts back onto the channel, "-RIGHT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS, YOU CREEPY-CRAWLY FREAKS."
  570. [2014-10-30 06:44:28] * McQueen feeds her mp3 player into the vox channel:
  571. [2014-10-30 06:44:31] * Rick_the_Stick now completely out of ammo for his revolver he throws it at the stiffs "Dammit! I told someone to fill my speed-loaders, why didn't anyone do it?" now using the guns built into the suit to fire into the remaining Stiffs
  572. [2014-10-30 06:44:41] * Thompson keeps up the fire for as much as his ammo would allow him, eventually having to switch over again to the Beretta M9. Doesn't punch half the hole Rick's magnum could, but that pistol's been saving his ass for years now.
  573. [2014-10-30 06:45:38] <Rick_the_Stick> "Oh shit, I probably shouldn't throw that!" he said, realizing it as he dove for his revolver, picking it back up and placing it into a... pocket. "Hey, this is armor, kind of, think it makes me any stronger? I bet if it does I might be able to just punch the spiders!"
  574. [2014-10-30 06:46:05] * RK_Friendly expends the remainder of his magazine and starts getting to his feet. "C4, right, got it!"
  575. [2014-10-30 06:46:13] * McQueen begins firing into the remaining crowd with her cannon, "Sorry about that Rick, I spaced when you asked for a rifle! But why the fuck not? Cave the fuckers faces in. Advancing!""
  576. [2014-10-30 06:46:24] * Thompson grits his teeth, inside his helmet. Cutting it too goddamn close to the quick, here.
  577. [2014-10-30 06:46:53] * Stiffs begin moving farther and farther back as the squad moves into an atrium of sorts.
  578. [2014-10-30 06:47:39] * Rick_the_Stick runs off to get into closer quarters with one of the stiffs, attempting to punch it right in the face, hoping to see that his suit has indeed given him the strength needed to beat one of the spiders to death "Come on, you cowards! Are you running already? Pathetic!"
  579. [2014-10-30 06:47:56] * RK_Friendly gets to his feet fully and starts fishing bricks of C4 from his bag. "Just point out some weak spots!"
  580. [2014-10-30 06:48:54] <Stiffs> The Stiff that Rick accosts has its face completely caved in, its head now a facsimile of a sphincter. Its dead on impact.
  581. [2014-10-30 06:48:54] <Stiffs> At the heart of this atrium in the tunnel is a much larger spider-like creature. As the squad thins the remainder of the horde, it descends from the roof, taking on an aggressive stance.
  582. [2014-10-30 06:49:00] <Thompson> "One last push!" He reloads the Sterling, taking note of how little ammunition he has left on it. "Let's see if we can find some eggs or so-oh."
  583. [2014-10-30 06:49:03] <Thompson> "That'll do it."
  584. [2014-10-30 06:49:25] =-= Stiffs is now known as Big
  585. [2014-10-30 06:49:41] =-= Big is now known as BigStiff
  586. [2014-10-30 06:49:55] <BigStiff> (BigStiffy was taken)
  587. [2014-10-30 06:49:58] <Hydromona> 00((>BigStiff))
  588. [2014-10-30 06:50:03] <Thompson> (Pffft)
  589. [2014-10-30 06:50:22] <Rick_the_Stick> [>not using style commands]
  590. [2014-10-30 06:50:32] <Rick_the_Stick> 1,1[Come on Chop, this is more like a regular spoiler and you know it.]
  591. [2014-10-30 06:51:18] * BigStiff advances quickly, apparently paying no heed to what it runs into, slender legs skittering on the hard earth as it charges at the squad.
  592. [2014-10-30 06:52:30] * RK_Friendly freezes up in complete horror of the monster. "I-I..."
  593. [2014-10-30 06:52:32] <Hydromona> ((Sorry, this RP is 01,01Bugging me out.))
  594. [2014-10-30 06:52:37] * McQueen jets to the side, narrowly avoiding getting clipped by the charge and firing off a round of plasma which sears through one of the creature's legs. "Fucker is fast!"
  595. [2014-10-30 06:52:45] <Rick_the_Stick> "Everyone.... let's huddle together for a moment. Anyone got any strategies?"
  596. [2014-10-30 06:53:27] <Thompson> "We hit the bastard until it stops moving. Does its abdomen look weak?" Thompson takes a knee, and tries getting a bead on the big shit's giant eyes
  597. [2014-10-30 06:54:29] <Rick_the_Stick> "McQueen, do you think you can hold the thing still long enough for me to climb up onto it?"
  598. [2014-10-30 06:55:19] * BigStiff swerves to compensate for losing a leg and misses charging the squad. Slamming into a wall and lingering there as it shakes off the daze. Its abdomen is rather high off the floor, but it looks to move rather violently with its momentum, as if is has significant weight to it.
  599. [2014-10-30 06:55:28] <McQueen> "I can fuggin' try!"
  600. [2014-10-30 06:56:58] <Rick_the_Stick> "Alright then, hold that fucker down!"
  601. [2014-10-30 06:57:20] * McQueen runs over while it is stunned, detaching her cannon mid-sprint to grab onto the bottom of its thorax, trying to pull it closer to the floor.
  602. [2014-10-30 06:57:52] * Rick_the_Stick runs off as quickly as he can in the direction of the BigStiff, attempting to get to it before it comes out if its stupor so he can climb up onto it. Deep down he's really hoping he can get there on time so he can get access to the abdomen and just punch the shit out of it "KEEP AN EYE ON ME, ALRIGHT!?""
  603. [2014-10-30 06:58:38] * RK_Friendly shakes off his fear and starts throwing C4 bricks along the walls of the cave. "Oh man oh fuck I don't even know what that is oh man."
  604. [2014-10-30 06:59:29] * BigStiff stays grounded for a moment, exposing its eyes in the direction of Thompson as it wheels to the side, trying to regain its own weight. The pulling of McQueen kept it from moving too fast as it dragged her with it.
  605. [2014-10-30 07:00:15] * Thompson uses that opportunity to hopefully blind the goddamn thing
  606. [2014-10-30 07:00:45] * Thompson eight rapid bursts, each towards the massive, beady spider eyes
  607. [2014-10-30 07:00:57] * Rick_the_Stick managing to grab onto the BigStiff with one hand he pulls himself up, beginning what would be an arduous and rather difficult trip up the side of the beast. As he climbs he does everything he can do to assist the people shooting at it, such as trying to pry off pieces of it that would make it easier to harm as he advances upwards.
  608. [2014-10-30 07:01:12] * RK_Friendly reaches his arms into any holes in the walls to plant bricks of C4 to hopefully collapse the entire tunnel
  609. [2014-10-30 07:01:49] <Thompson> (
  610. [2014-10-30 07:02:48] <Hydromona> (Some of these descriptions sound really dirty when you keep saying BigStiff.)
  611. [2014-10-30 07:03:19] <Rick_the_Stick> [I'll BigStiff all over you if you keep whining about it, little missy.]
  612. [2014-10-30 07:04:25] <Thompson> (unf)
  613. [2014-10-30 07:05:14] * BigStiff reels with pain as its vision is taken, it cannot shake off its assailants and the gunfire hailing down upon it is beginning to majorly wear it down. Another leg is removed by gunfire, followed by another, forcing it to lower its spider-like body closer to the ground and making its abdomen more easily accessible.
  614. [2014-10-30 07:07:09] * Rick_the_Stick tightens his grip as he extends his arms to full length, lowering himself closer to the ground. He quickly pulls himself up and let's go, hoping he'll be able to use leverage coupled with his newfound strength to send himself hurdling straight into the thing's abdomen, his fist stretched out. "TAKE THIS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
  615. [2014-10-30 07:08:49] -->| YOU (Thompson_) have joined #covenger_rp
  616. [2014-10-30 07:09:18] <Thompson_> (FUCK. Could you repost Rick's last couple lines?)
  617. [2014-10-30 07:09:39] <Rick_the_Stick> [What was the last one you saw?]
  618. [2014-10-30 07:10:07] |<-- Thompson has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  619. [2014-10-30 07:10:07] <Thompson_> (Something about "Then take it" or whatnot, but I didn't get a chance to read it)
  620. [2014-10-30 07:10:09] <Rick_the_Stick> [Did you see absolutely nothing after your UNF?]
  621. [2014-10-30 07:10:12] =-= YOU are now known as Thompson
  622. [2014-10-30 07:10:50] <Rick_the_Stick> [I'll just post the posts after that.]
  623. [2014-10-30 07:10:55] <Rick_the_Stick> [BigStiff reels with pain as its vision is taken, it cannot shake off its assailants and the gunfire hailing down upon it is beginning to majorly wear it down. Another leg is removed by gunfire, followed by another, forcing it to lower its spider-like body closer to the ground and making its abdomen more easily accessible.]
  624. [2014-10-30 07:10:59] <Rick_the_Stick> [Rick_the_Stick tightens his grip as he extends his arms to full length, lowering himself closer to the ground. He quickly pulls himself up and let's go, hoping he'll be able to use leverage coupled with his newfound strength to send himself hurdling straight into the thing's abdomen, his fist stretched out. "TAKE THIS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"]
  625. [2014-10-30 07:11:04] <Rick_the_Stick> [RK_Friendly moves farther into the cave and plants a final brick of C4 in a hole before leaning against the cave wall to reload his rifle. "Guy, I set up the bombs, when do I trigger them?"]
  626. [2014-10-30 07:11:32] <Thompson> (Alright, thanks!)
  627. [2014-10-30 07:12:12] <Thompson> "Hold off until we're out of here! Itchy fingers are gonna bury us!" He's just concentrating fire on the things forehead now, hoping to crack open its skull or at least keep it dazed enough for the others to finish it off
  628. [2014-10-30 07:13:33] * BigStiff screeches as Rick punches a hole in its abdomen, black and yellow ichor pouring like a broken faucet, its abdomen beginning to slowly open up. The bullets from Thompson begin to slowly eat away at what is left of its head, making it recoil and lower itself as it loses more and more of its strength.
  629. [2014-10-30 07:15:03] <Thompson> "FINISH THE BASTARD."
  630. [2014-10-30 07:15:08] * Rick_the_Stick smacks to the ground with a thud, not able to get a grip back onto the thing after performing his leaping punch. Scrambling back to his feet he runs back over to Friendly and Thompson "Should we go now? Maybe it'll just bleed out if we run and detonate the C4. Right?"
  631. [2014-10-30 07:15:55] * RK_Friendly starts running back up the cave to the fight with the rest of the squad as fast as he can. "Is it still alive!?"
  632. [2014-10-30 07:16:17] <Thompson> "I'd rather not take that risk, personally. McQueen, think you can take it down?"
  633. [2014-10-30 07:16:39] <McQueen> "Fuck that, mince its insides!" She gives one last push of strength and pulls it down to the floor for a final blow. "Come and hold it here!"
  634. [2014-10-30 07:17:20] * Rick_the_Stick runs back over to the BigStiff and attempts to hold it to the ground long enough for McQueen to completely finish it off "Kill it already!"
  635. [2014-10-30 07:20:28] * McQueen lets go and rolls along the cave floor to reattach her cannon. As she turns, her armor glows orange once again and an ominous humming can be heard. She runs up to it, shoves her cannon into the hole Rick made and fires off a few rounds of superheated plasma. Its abdomen explodes in a shower of black and yellow gore, streaking the tunnel with what looks like bumblebee vomit. McQueen's shield comes up just in time
  636. [2014-10-30 07:20:29] * McQueen to block most of it. "AW I GOT IT IN MY MOUTH! EUHGK!"
  637. [2014-10-30 07:20:53] * Thompson nods. "Let's get the fuck out of here, then!"
  638. [2014-10-30 07:22:05] * Rick_the_Stick quickly runs out towards the exit of the cave, stumbling over his feet but not quite falling as he hurries out "DETONATE THE C4 WHEN WE ALL GET OUTSIDE, ALRIGHT?"
  639. [2014-10-30 07:22:06] * McQueen shakes herself off and turns to run back up the tunnel, littered with Stiff corpses.
  640. [2014-10-30 07:23:00] * Thompson charges upwards behind the rest of them. He's had his fair share of experiences booking it, but he still doesn't have Friendly's head start or McQueen and Rick's automated leggings.
  641. [2014-10-30 07:24:07] * RK_Friendly runs for the exit with rifle slinged on his back
  642. [2014-10-30 07:24:14] |<-- BigStiff has left ()
  643. [2014-10-30 07:25:12] <McQueen> "Come on boys!" McQueen shouts as she spies a light to the surface.
  644. [2014-10-30 07:25:35] * Thompson books it. "Control? Control, do you read me?"
  645. [2014-10-30 07:26:07] <McQueen> "We read you Rabbit Foot, go ahead."
  646. [2014-10-30 07:26:09] <Rick_the_Stick> "We're almost there! We just need to keep running and we'll be out of here!" seeing that same light as he continues to run
  647. [2014-10-30 07:27:14] <Thompson> "We're on our way out! Repeat, we are exiting the caverns. Mission is a success, and as soon as we exit we're going to blow the lid on this thing."
  648. [2014-10-30 07:27:57] <RK_Friendly> "Are we near the end? My visor is covered in muck!"
  649. [2014-10-30 07:28:03] <Rick_the_Stick> "DO NOT DETONATE THE C4 YET, I REPEAT DO NOT DETONATE THE C4 YET."
  650. [2014-10-30 07:28:43] <McQueen> "Confirmed Rabbit Foot, fill in that hole."
  651. [2014-10-30 07:29:38] <Thompson> "Roger that. Just keep running until we say so, Friendly!"
  652. [2014-10-30 07:29:42] * Rick_the_Stick manages to push onwards, escaping from the tunnel as he emerges, now in the alley "WE DID IT! WE ACTUALLY FUCKING DIT IT!"
  653. [2014-10-30 07:29:48] * McQueen is still running, eventually breaching the surface and being able to breathe fresh air and not the stick of Stiff corpse. "Jesus fuck. Keep fucking running!"
  654. [2014-10-30 07:30:50] * Thompson bursts through the entrance into the glorious light of the sun. "Oh thank god."
  655. [2014-10-30 07:31:07] * Rick_the_Stick now seeing the end of the alley keeps running as quickly as he can to at least get out of this damn alley "Are all of you guys alright?"
  656. [2014-10-30 07:31:40] * RK_Friendly hits the surface and keeps running blindly
  657. [2014-10-30 07:32:58] <McQueen> "I'm... fine.... jesus... fuck..." She speaks breathlessly, even her level of human fitness not being able to take her much further. She runs to the end of the alley and proceeds to collapse.
  658. [2014-10-30 07:33:16] <Thompson> "You....You can hit it, Friendly! We're clear!"
  659. [2014-10-30 07:33:49] * Thompson doubles over, hands on his knees near the entrance of the alleyway, panting.
  660. [2014-10-30 07:34:09] * RK_Friendly runs into McQueen from his impaired vision and falls over. "Ack"
  661. [2014-10-30 07:35:14] * Rick_the_Stick stops at the end of the alley, concentrating very hard as the suit came off of him with ease, sliding away in a bit of a liquid state before forming back into the car. He promptly falls on his ass, breathing incredibly hard as he looks around, guess that it was helping regulate his vitals somehow. "F-fuck..."
  662. [2014-10-30 07:35:54] * Thompson pulls the helmet off of his head, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. "Send those bastards to hell."
  663. [2014-10-30 07:36:29] * RK_Friendly rolls onto his back and pulls the detonator from his bag before slamming his fist down on the trigger. Multiple times.
  664. [2014-10-30 07:36:33] * McQueen clutches her stomach and groans as Friendly falls over her, "Jesus... rookie."
  665. [2014-10-30 07:37:01] * Rick_the_Stick pulls the neural interface helmet off of his head, tucking it under his arm, breathing much more easily than he had with it on "Fucking hell... rookie. You don't need to push it that many times."
  666. [2014-10-30 07:37:57] <RK_Friendly> "S-sorry uh...uh...I in...a movie.."
  667. [2014-10-30 07:38:13] <McQueen> A series of multiple explosions sounds out from within the tunnel, sending a massive plume of dust and dirt into the air of the entrance as it collapsed. The ground shook with the explosion, like a minor earthquake.
  668. [2014-10-30 07:38:30] <Thompson> "You catch that, Control?"
  669. [2014-10-30 07:39:31] <McQueen> "Affirmative, Rabbit Foot. Picked up the tremors from here. Good work gentlemen, Commander is ordering that you return to base ASAP for psych evaluation and debriefing."
  670. [2014-10-30 07:42:37] <Thompson> "Can you patch in a request to save that for later? It's meatloaf night and I hate having to reheat it."
  671. [2014-10-30 07:44:07] <Rick_the_Stick> "Agreed."
  672. [2014-10-30 07:44:30] <McQueen> "Confirmed, good work today men."
  673. [2014-10-30 07:45:18] <Thompson> "Thanks again, Control. Agent Sven Thompson, signing off."
  674. [2014-10-30 07:45:23] * RK_Friendly is still splayed on the ground lightly panting. "And here I was game over, man."
  675. [2014-10-30 07:46:21] <McQueen> "That is the... thing, kid. Bomb it from the... surface. Only... way to be sure." She was breathing heavily, the suit hissing and whirring as she rose to her feet and offered a hand.
  676. [2014-10-30 07:46:45] <Rick_the_Stick> [His name is Sven?]
  677. [2014-10-30 07:47:14] <Thompson> (Yeah. That's not too weird of a name, is it?)
  678. [2014-10-30 07:47:24] <RK_Friendly> [Fits]
  679. [2014-10-30 07:47:36] <McQueen> (I like it.)
  680. [2014-10-30 07:47:42] <Rick_the_Stick> [It's fine.]
  681. [2014-10-30 07:47:45] <Rick_the_Stick> [I should give Rick a last name.]
  682. [2014-10-30 07:48:07] <RK_Friendly> [I didn't expect Friendly to get this far so I didn't plan ahead]
  683. [2014-10-30 07:48:29] <McQueen> [Friendly survives.]
  684. [2014-10-30 07:48:38] <McQueen> [The Friendly lives.]
  685. [2014-10-30 07:48:56] * Thompson nods. "You get used to it."
  686. [2014-10-30 07:49:21] <Thompson> "Now, if you excuse me, Jessica makes some damn good meatloaf."
  687. [2014-10-30 07:50:20] * RK_Friendly gets up with the help and wipes his gore drenched visor, smearing bug guts into the corners. "I guess..I should go back to back."
  688. [2014-10-30 07:50:27] <RK_Friendly> [Back to base*]
  689. [2014-10-30 07:51:54] <McQueen> "Maybe you should bring some to work next time? Give us a taste of her famous meatloaf." She began to walk alongside the rest of her squad, into the sunset. The camera pans up and begins playing over the squad vox channel.
  690. [2014-10-30 07:54:20] <Thompson> (That. Was a good fucking session)
  691. [2014-10-30 07:54:42] <Rick_the_Stick> [I didn't get much of it, but it was good.]
  692. [2014-10-30 07:54:47] <McQueen> (Hope I ran something good.)
  693. [2014-10-30 07:54:54] <RK_Friendly> [You did, 10/10]
  694. [2014-10-30 07:55:06] <Rick_the_Stick> [You still gonna write a buffer story, Eri? I forgot if you said you were going to do that or not or if I'm just imaging that because I was part of this just now.]
  695. [2014-10-30 07:55:31] <McQueen> (Everyone feel like they got a good amount of attention?)
  696. [2014-10-30 07:55:52] <McQueen> (And yeah I will. But it will be a bit smaller than this.)
  697. [2014-10-30 07:56:06] <Thompson> (Yeah. By the way, thanks for throwing me that bone with its eyes. For a second there, I was wondering if there was really anything I could really help with against the big guy)
  698. [2014-10-30 07:56:06] <Rick_the_Stick> [Do you think you got all the personalities down?]
  699. [2014-10-30 07:56:17] <RK_Friendly> [Felt fine to me]
  700. [2014-10-30 07:57:09] <Rick_the_Stick> [Well, even if you can't use a strong-ass hi-tech thing to fuck it over. You can still blind the thing. Which is definitely a big thing.]
  701. [2014-10-30 07:57:43] <McQueen> (Yeah mostly, but would you guys just be able to write up just a short few points on defining features of their faces and their builds? I may even try to draw them individually.
  702. [2014-10-30 07:57:45] <McQueen> )
  703. [2014-10-30 07:58:00] <McQueen> (Also, happy to oblige, I tried to give everyone some screentime.)
  704. [2014-10-30 07:58:36] <Thompson> (I will when I get the chance, but I need to head to bed now)
  705. [2014-10-30 07:58:43] <RK_Friendly> [Does a helmet count as a face]
  706. [2014-10-30 07:58:45] <Thompson> (Also, I did a thing on the doc)
  707. [2014-10-30 07:58:48] <Rick_the_Stick> [Later Thompson.]
  708. [2014-10-30 07:58:53] <Rick_the_Stick> [Er.. Guffy]
  709. [2014-10-30 07:58:56] =-= YOU are now known as McGoFuckYourself
  710. [2014-10-30 07:58:56] *NickServ* This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
  711. [2014-10-30 07:58:56] *NickServ* nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
  712. [2014-10-30 07:58:56] *NickServ* please choose a different nick.
  713. [2014-10-30 07:59:01] <RK_Friendly> [Bye, Guffy]
  714. [2014-10-30 07:59:05] =-= User mode for McGoFuckYourself is now +r
  715. [2014-10-30 07:59:05] *NickServ* Password accepted - you are now recognized.
  716. [2014-10-30 07:59:07] <Hydromona> (I read through this, and it was good from what I saw. Eri runs good shit.)
  717. [2014-10-30 07:59:15] <McQueen> (Oh fantastic. Uh yeah a helmet could count if you want it to.)
  718. [2014-10-30 07:59:15] =-= Rick_the_Stick is now known as The-Haze
  719. [2014-10-30 07:59:21] =-= RK_Friendly is now known as Buddy
  720. [2014-10-30 07:59:30] <McQueen> (Also yay! People liked it!)
  721. [2014-10-30 07:59:46] <McQueen> (Originally it was gonna be us just patrolling the boardwalk.)
  722. [2014-10-30 08:00:00] =-= McQueen is now known as Eridana
  723. [2014-10-30 08:00:04] <Buddy> 0[Still ruined my moment of hilarious death so now I have to solidify this as an actual character]
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