
My Little Fluffies

May 16th, 2012
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  1. >Sitting at the bustop, waiting for a bus.
  2. >Blue fluffy pony comes out of nearby bushes.
  3. >Spots you and runs up to you.
  4. >"New fwend?"
  5. >You ignore it. Try not to look at it.
  6. >"New fwend?"
  7. >Don't... look...
  8. >"New fwend?"
  9. >It's sitting on your foot.
  10. >"New fwend, pwese? Pway?"
  11. >Groan. Knock it off your shoe. Fluffy pony lands on its feet and laughs.
  12. >"Pway toss! Fwuffy wuv pwayin' toss!"
  13. >"I'm not playing with you..."
  14. >Crap. You spoke to it. Now you're fucked until the bus gets here.
  15. >"New fwend!" it cheers. "New fwend big! Foodies?"
  16. >Fluffy pony somehow climbs onto the bustop bench.
  17. >Stands right next to you, smiling at you.
  18. >pokerface.jpg
  19. >"Fwend have foodies? Fwuffy hungwy."
  20. >"No, no food. Go away."
  21. >"Fwuffy babehs hungwy too."
  22. >You glance at the fluffy pony. It looks male.
  23. >"Where are the babies?" you ask, because you've got nothing else to do.
  24. >"Home! Babehs home wid mumma!"
  25. >You look around. Didn't he come out of the bushes?
  26. >"Where is home?"
  27. >"Fwuffy show fwend!" it coos. Pulls your arm with its front paws.
  28. >"No, I'm waiting for a bus."
  29. >"Home wight ower der!" Fluffy leaps off bench and goes to a stack of garbage cans. He disappears inside a big cardboard box.
  30. >You look down street. Bus nowhere in sight. Fine, quick look.
  31. >Walk over to box. Fluffy pony pops back out. "Wook inside, fwend! Ssh! Babehs are sweeping!"
  32. >You peer inside. A round pink fluffy pony mare is clearly dead. The color's gone from her face.
  33. >Huddled in her fluff, two foals are barley visible. They look alive.
  34. >"Mummah sweepy," the blue colt whispers. "Mummah sweep after pooping babehs. S'ill no wake upsies."
  35. >Your heart lurches. God these things are pathetic.
  36. >"Are you the father?" you ask.
  37. >Blue fluffy pony doesn't seem to understand. "Sweepy fwuffy is mummah. Babehs come from mummah's bottom."
  38. >Ugh. You can't leave them to starve. This is just heartwrenching.
  39. >You look at your watch. Bus is ten minutes late anyway. Your plans can wait.
  40. >"Do you... want to live in my house?"
  41. >"New home? New home for fwuffy?"
  42. >"You and the babies."
  43. >"New home for fwuffies and babehs!" Blue yells in his excitement.
  44. >Foals wake up and cry for hugs. Blue runs over and cuddles with them.
  45. >"Babehs hungwy! Mummah, wake upsies! Babehs hungwy!"
  46. >god thatssad.gif
  47. >"Alright, fluffies, let's go."
  49. >Got fluffy ponies in your arms, foals carefully nuzzled in Blue's fluff.
  50. >"Wait, fwend!" Blue gasps. "Forgot mummah fwuffy!"
  51. >"Mummah?" one of the foals mewls. "Mummah. Wan' mummah!"
  52. >You can't tell them right now.
  53. >"I'll come back for her later."
  54. >Blue accepts this. "Fwuffy hungwy! New home?"
  55. >You nod and start walkng. "New home."
  57. Part 2
  59. >Start thinking of names for your fluffies as you walk in the door.
  60. >God, what a weird thought. They're your fluffies. Not the pests in the alleyway.
  61. >They're yours. Your pets. Your responsibility until they inevitably get themselves mutilated somehow.
  62. >You put down the Blue fluffy pony and two baby foals as careful as you can.
  63. >They roll about on the hardwood floor.
  64. >You think of a nice, simple name. Something a fluffy pony can pronounce.
  65. >"Fluffy, your name can be Max."
  66. >Blue looks up ecstatically. "Fwuffy name Max?"
  67. >Just as you nod, the red foal poops on the floor and mewls a bit.
  68. >Predictable.
  69. >"No smew pwetty!" Max whines. He ignores the foals and keeps following you to the kitchen.
  70. >"Max hungwy! Fwend, Max hungwy!"
  71. >You blink. "What do fluffy ponies eat?"
  72. >"Foodies! Fwuffy wan' foodies!"
  73. >"Yeah, but... what foodies?"
  74. >Max's eyes go wide. "Max gets ta' choose?" He starts bouncing up and down.
  75. >"Sgetties! Sgetties! Max wan' sgetties! Fwuffy wan' sgetties!"
  76. >You can hear the foals sobbing on the floor.
  77. >Rush back in, didn't think they'd get too far.
  78. >Can't even walk, too tired, or too hungry.
  79. >"Sgetties?" the foals mewl helplessly. "Mummah? Sgetties. Mummah?"
  80. >Max looks at you oddly. "Where mummah? Babehs hungwy! Need mummah, fwend!"
  81. >You're still not ready to tell them.
  82. >You make some preperations for your new pets.
  84. Part 3
  86. >You coax your sister into dropping off a litter box, a large pet bed, and a few plush toys.
  87. >Meanwhile, you cook a huge batch of spaghetti. Melt some butter on it, and serve on a plastic plate.
  88. >"Sgetties!" Max coos happily. "Max wuv new fwend! Fwend wuv fwuffy?"
  89. >You groan. "Sure."
  90. >Max splats his face straight into the pasta.
  91. >You carefully scoot the foals foward, and help the noodles get to their mouths.
  92. >You just noticed the pink foal has tiny wings. They flap happily as she eats.
  93. >Finally, they've stopped crying for their mother and food.
  94. >You set up a 'saferoom' like your sister insisted on.
  95. >Completely clear out a walk-in closet, only had junk in it anyway.
  96. >Set up the bed and litterbox, and toss the plush toys inside.
  97. >Max and the unnamed foals finish the spaghetti shockingly fast.
  98. >You park them in the room and explain.
  99. >"This is your saferoom. You sleep in here, you poop and pee in here...."
  100. >On cue, Max pees on the floor.
  101. >You groan again. "In the box! In the litterbox! That's where you pee and poop."
  102. >Max looks confused. "Haf'ta poopie in box? Why?"
  103. >"Cus otherwise your saferoom won't smell pretty."
  104. >You can't believe you just said that, but it gets the message in.
  105. >"Okay! Max poopy and peepee in box!"
  106. >"And help the babies get in until they're big enough."
  107. >Okay!" Max immediately scoops up the foals and drops them in the box.
  108. >They roll around in the litter, babbling incoherently.
  109. >"Right..." you shrug. "Well, I guess that's kind of it..."
  110. >"Pway!" Max bounces. "Fwend pway wif' Max? Pway, pwese?"
  111. >You're already exhausted. "How about hide and seek."
  112. >Max's eyes beam. "Yeah! Dat game! Wanna pway dat!"
  113. >"Okay, you stay in here. And I'll go find you. Might take a while"
  114. >"Okay!" Max grins excitedly.
  115. >You shut the door and take a nap.
  117. Part 4
  118. >Three weeks later.
  119. >Max is well adjusted to his new home. Still calls you "fwend" instead of "daddy."
  120. >Both foals turned out to be female.
  121. >Named the pink pegasus Gumdrop, and the red earth pony Cherry.
  122. >Be relaxing in back yard, trying to interweb on laptop.
  123. >Fluffy ponies are playing in grass.
  124. >You've recieved almost no helpful info from the internet.
  125. >Look up what fluffy ponies like to eat, you get spaghetti recipes and nothing else.
  126. >Look up what fluffy ponies do for fun, find rule 34's of fluffy ponies.
  127. >Look up how long fluffy ponies live, nobody knows. Record is a few years, before dying horribly. No pony has ever been obserbed dying of old age.
  128. >Look up fluffy pony care methods, only find extermination methods....
  129. >Fluffy ponies are frollicking in grass.
  130. >Suddenly a squirrel shows up.
  131. >"New fwend?" Cherry coos. "Pway?"
  132. >"New fwend!" Gumdrop dashes over. The squirrel bolts through the grass and around the yard.
  133. >Fluffy ponies chase it relentlessly. They laugh and giggle and think they're playing tag.
  134. >Squirrel leaps onto brick wall. Suddenly a stray cat swoops out of nowhere and catchs the squirrel.
  135. >Fluffy ponies gasp. "New fwend?" Max says hesitantly.
  136. >The cat rips into the squirrel for meat.
  137. >"Munstah huwt fwend!" Cherry cries.
  138. >You've had your eye on the cat. Those things know fluffies are easier prey than squirrels.
  139. >"No!" Gumdrop wails. "No huwt fwend! Hewp, daddy!"
  140. >Gumdrop poops in her confusion, and looks even more fearful.
  141. >"Daddy, Gumdwop sowwy! Accident, daddy! No time-out, pwese!"
  142. >You don't let the fluffies poop in the yard. They spend a lot of time in the grass, and you don't want it getting in thier fluff.
  143. >"It's okay, sweety," you sigh. "Just don't sit in it!"
  144. >"Fwend!" Max calls out. "Munstah has fwend! Hewp, fwend?"
  145. >"It's not a monster. It's a cat." Should you be saying that? To them it's still very dangerous.
  146. >"Fluffies, come inside. It's lunch time."
  147. >"Nummies!" "Foodies!" "Wunchtime!"
  148. >They forget all about the squirrel in a heartbeat.
  150. Part 5
  151. >Lunch time. Be eating sandvich while fluffy ponies eat fluffy chow.
  152. >"Wan' sgetties..." Max complains. He's the picky eater. "Sgetties, fwend? Pwese?"
  153. >"No sgetties today. Only on weekends."
  154. >Max seems mature for a fluffy, but still has no concept of time.
  155. >"But Max wuv sgetties. Chow boring..."
  156. >You laugh. "Yeah, so are sandwiches..."
  157. >"Hey!" Max whines. "My foodies!"
  158. >Look up, see Cherry's eaten all her chow, and is now gobbling up Max's food. Again.
  159. >"Cherry!" You swoop over and snatch her up.
  160. >"Hugs!" Cherry beams, chow all over her muzzle. "Wuv you daddy!"
  161. >"No hugs!" You carry her down the hall. "Time out! I told you to stop eating other fluffy's food!"
  162. >Cherry's eyes water. "No! No time out! Fwuffy hungwy! Pwese, daddy!"
  163. >"You already ate your whole bowl of food and half of Max's. You'll live."
  164. >"No time out!" she bawls. "No!"
  165. >You open up the broom closet and plop her in a wooden box. It's just big enough that she can't get out. There's a litter box inside of it.
  166. >Fluffies know they get double-time out if they poop outside the litter box out of anger.
  167. >"You can come out in an hour," you say, plopping the miserable red fluffy pony in the box.
  168. >"Daddy! Chewwy sowwy! Pwese! Chewwy tummy hungwy!"
  169. >sigh.gif
  170. >You turn on the closet light, and shut the door to the sound of her sobbing.
  171. >Go back to kitchen, Max and Gumdrop have finished their food, and they both run up to you.
  172. >"Gumdwop s'ill hungwy, daddy!" "Max hungwy! Sgetties now?"
  173. >You blink. They're still hungry too? Maybe you need to start feeding them more.
  174. >You think of Cherry, having snuck food just from a chronically unfilled belly.
  175. >You feel a little wrong, but you can't go back now and undo the lesson.
  176. >"Alright," you nod. "From now on, you guys get more food."
  177. >"Fwuffy wuv daddy!" "Max get more foodies now?"
  179. Part 6
  180. >Be watching Max play with Cherry and Gumdrop.
  181. >Can't decide if he's more of a big brother or father figure to them.
  182. >Not even sure if he is their biological father.
  183. >Not sure if it matters with fluffy ponies. The only relationship they acklnowegde is mother to foal.
  184. >Siblings: nonexistent. Fathers: nonexistent. It's just mummahs and babehs.
  185. >"Wook!" Max chimes at the window. "Biwdies! Wook!"
  186. >Cherry and Gumdrop both coo at the sight of crows on the powerlines.
  187. >Gumdrop is flapping her wings like crazy. She bounces a little, and barely hovers.
  188. >Maybe she's a little chubby, or her wings are too small.
  189. >Or maybe pegasus fluffies are always flightless. You've never actually seen a fluffy fly.
  190. >"Wan' fwy!" Gumdrop sings excitedly. "Daddy, Gumdwop wan' fwy wike biwdies!"
  191. >"Yeah!" Cherry joins. "Chewwy wan' fwy too! Daddy, daddy, wan' fwy!"
  192. >Gumdrop laughs and nuzzles Cherry's side. "No wingies, siwwy! Chewwy neva fwy!"
  193. >You roll your eyes. Hear it comes.
  194. >Cherry bursts into tears.
  195. >"Daddy!" Cherry sobs. "Gumdwop say Chewwy neva fwy!"
  196. >You walk up to them and give Cherry a big hug. How do you explain this one?
  197. >"Well," you start. "Gumdrop has wings. You don't. But I don't think either of you will fly."
  198. >Cherry's just crying harder, and now Gumdrop looks like she'll join her.
  199. >God you're bad at this...
  200. >Max wraps his hooves around Gumdrop. "No sad! Huggies for Gumdwop!"
  201. >"It's nothing personal," you shrug. "It's just... fluffies don't fly. Maybe hover, but not fly."
  202. >Max gives Gumdrop and extra long hug. And when you let Cherry go, he hugs her too.
  203. >That'a boy, Max.
  204. >"If Gumdwop fwies," the pink pegasus sniffles, "get sgetties for pwize?"
  205. >You smile. "Let's have spaghetti right now."
  206. >And their worries are gone for another day.
  208. Part 7
  209. >"Fwend, wook!" Max jumps in front of the backyard door.
  210. >"Munstah has fwuffy! Fwuffy need hewp!"
  211. >You glance out glass door.
  212. >HOLY crap a bird is pecking at a fluffy pony in your backyard!
  213. >Run outside. Shoo bird away. Look down at miserable sight.
  214. >A yellow fluffy pony is dying at your feet.
  215. >Covered in cuts, wounds, bleeding quickly.
  216. >Wrap her in shirt and run inside.
  217. >Max, Cherry and Gumdrop sit outside bathroom door while you try to keep fluffy alive.
  218. >"New fwend?" "New fwend huwt?" "Daddy, fwuffy need hugsies! Fwuffy sad!"
  219. >Yellow fluffy pony finds the energy to wail miserably as you clean wounds with alcohol.
  220. >The others keep babbling. "Fwuffy huwt! Daddy! Why no huggiess?"
  221. >Yellow fluffy is female. Maybe Max's age. Hard to tell. Lot of fluff torn off.
  222. >You've done what you can.
  223. >Bundle her in clean blanket, let her relax on couch.
  224. >"New...Daddy...?" she mewls, finally speaking.
  225. >By sunset, she's eating cooked carrots and spaghetti.
  226. >Looks like you have a new addition to the family.
  228. Part 8
  229. >Max likes to draw. Unfortunately, he only draws things you'd rather not display.
  230. >Gumdrop taking a poopy. Cherry crying in time out. You cutting yourself while shaving...
  231. >And now, you have a crayon drawing of Buttercup getting attacked by a bird....
  232. >Great...
  233. >"Buttacup no wike!" she predictably cries upon seeing the horrid reminder.
  234. >"Max dwaw for you!" Max argues. "Is dwawing for Buttacup!"
  235. >"Buttacup no wike! Daddy! Daddy!"
  236. >You thought Cherry and Gumdrop were a handful...
  237. >Buttercup is terrified of... everything. Even for a fluffy pony, she is a walking nervous wreck.
  238. >She's afraid of the fridge, even when it's closed.
  239. >She's afraid of the television, and sobs when she sees it on.
  240. >She's horrified of Gumdrop when she manages to hover for a few seconds.
  241. >To top it off, she always, ALWAYS has a good amount of poop ready to unleash when she's scared by something.
  242. >Bright light turns on too quickly? *Squeak!* *Splat!*
  243. >She hasn't taken a step outside since the attack.
  244. >She watches from behind the sliding glass door as the others play in the grass.
  245. >Buttercup sure isn't afraid of you though.
  246. >"Daddy, I wuv you!" she says at every turn.
  247. >"I love you, too, buttercup."
  248. >"Daddy...."
  249. >"Yes?"
  250. >"I ... uhm... I wuv you!" she giggles happily.
  251. >She's adorable, and precious, but I consider giving her up. Not in a box like I found the others, but to a good home. Or a shelter, even.
  252. >Buttercup is a huge leap forward in caretaking compared to the others.
  253. >They're almost what you'd call confident and housebroken. A couple accidents, a couple fits or fights, sure.
  254. >But Buttercup's a paranoid, walking poop machine.
  255. >"Daddy, daddy!" she coos.
  256. >"You love me?"
  257. >"I wuv you, daddy!"
  259. Part 9
  260. >You've decided the extra work is worth it. Buttercup can stay.
  261. >Max treats her just like he cared for the foals on day one.
  262. >Every time she cries or panics, he hugs her.
  263. >Every time she poops herself and makes a mess, he calms her down.
  264. >Buttercup didn't just come from a traumatic event, she came from a traumatic home.
  265. >When you first had to give her a time out (after she borrowed Gumdrop's ball without permission and lost it), she had a panic attack.
  266. >"No sowry stick! No, daddy! No huwt fwuffy, pwese! Fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy sowwy! No sowry stick! No huwt fwuffy!"
  267. >It wrecked your heart to lock her in the time out box.
  268. >You googled 'sorry stick,' and realized how disturbing some fluffy pony's lives can end up being.
  269. >After time out, Buttercup had filled the entire time out box with urine and poop.
  270. >You knew it wasn't out of spite, so you didn't extend the punishment.
  271. >You hugged her, and told her you loved her, and that you would never, ever hurt her.
  272. >She finally stopped crying.
  273. >Buttercup took a few steps outside later that day.
  275. Part 10
  276. >It finally happened....
  277. >You weren't prepared for it. You let your guard down after all these months.
  278. >When you first brought them in, you said you'd care for your fluffy ponies.
  279. >And if they died, they died. That's what fluffy ponies do better than anything else. They die.
  280. >But this... came out of nowhere too quickly.
  281. >Gumdrop jumped off the top of the stairs, trying to fly.
  282. >Crashed, smashed her head, bled out.
  283. >Max, Cherry and Buttercup spent three hours trying to hug her back to health before you got home.
  284. >They still don't understand what happened.
  285. >Come home to Max frantically waiting at the door.
  286. >"Fwend!" he cries. "Gumdwop los' her boo-boo-juice. No be angwy at her..."
  287. >Run into next room and see the truth. Cherry and Buttercup's fluff are soaked with drying blood.
  288. >Gumdrop's head is shattered, and they're still trying to hug her.
  289. >"Gumdwop, arms gettin' tiwed!" Cherry complains. "You s'ill need hugs?"
  290. >Break down sobbing.... Fluffy ponies forget about their sister and start hugging you now.
  291. >"Daddy sad? Hugs?" "Hugs make daddy better?"
  292. >A bottle of wine and a quick burial later, what's done is done.
  293. >"Fwend?" Max asks me the next day. "Wen is Gumdwop comin' back?"
  294. >"She's not, Max. She died. Remember?"
  295. >"Gumdwop huwt her head," he nods. "Lose boo-boo-juice. Gumdwop better yet?"
  296. >"No. She's never going to be better."
  297. >"... When?"
  298. >"Max, go play with Cherry and Buttercup."
  299. >"Okay..."
  300. >In a few weeks, you'd think Buttercup and Cherry completely forgot Gumdrop even existed.
  301. >Max.... He keeps staring at the spot where it happened....
  303. Part 11
  304. >It's been a whole year since you brought Max and the two foals into your home.
  305. >There have been close calls, but Max and Cherry are healthy as ever.
  306. >Buttercup is slowly getting over her more irrational fears.
  307. >She even frolics in the grass with the others if you promise to stay right next to her.
  308. >One day, you hear both Buttercup and Max mention "special hugs."
  309. >You regret not looking that one up online.
  310. >A week later, Buttercup is bloating and you realize more foals are joining the family.
  311. >Two weeks later, Buttercup is so round she literally can't walk.
  312. >Max and Cherry take turns rolling her around gently like a big balloon.
  313. >"Buttercup gonna be a mummah!" she sings all day. "I wuv babehs! I wuv you, daddy!"
  314. >You've already got the bedding and food bowls prepared for three more foals.
  315. >Max sits next to you on the couch one afternoon, and he looks just like he did when he approached you on the bustop bench.
  316. >"Daddy? Babehs, soon?" Max asks you.
  317. >"That's right. You'll be a daddy soon."
  318. >He looks confused. "No... babehs! Buttacup is mummah. Babehs soon, wight daddy?"
  319. >You give him a good hug. "Yes, Max. Soon. Very soon."
  321. End.
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