
Sort of AiE related IRL thing.

Jun 13th, 2013
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  1. Been a while since put something here.
  2. >Be typical workday.
  3. >Thank imaginary man in the sky it's not fuck-all hot and humid as it was yesterday. Too early.
  4. >Still shitty though. Fuck this gay midwest.
  5. >Slow day, big boss off and the 2nd in command doesn't give a fuck about what we do in the shop as long as the little work there is today so far gets done.
  6. >Initiate maximum fucking off and getting paid. Sneak away, read pastabins on and off.
  7. [spoiler]Is Hazardus kill or on hiatus by the way? Somehow missed Anon in Discordia and was liking it. Doesn't look like it gets an end tho[/spoiler]
  8. >Fast forward two hours. Goddamned corporate overseer asshole shows up.
  9. >Have now resorted to walking around and looking angry to avoid looking like I'm not doing shit.
  10. >Thank you basedCostanza, it really works. Get told am the only one doing real work.
  11. >Company dude gets bored and leaves to probably buy meth from one of the local fine upstanding urban youths in the area.
  12. >The man loves his chemicals I tell you hwat.
  13. >Boredboredboredboredbored, suddenly get to unfuck a customer's specialneeds mechanic's fuck ups for an hour.
  14. >Write smartassed comments on the work order hoping they'll accidently read them to customer.
  15. >Resume bored status.
  16. >Fuck year lunchbreak.
  18. >Oh fuck yes, zombie Aether with an update outta fuckin nowhere.
  19. >Dominoes sammiches are goddamned awesome good too. Chicken bacon ranch, fuck yeah.
  20. >Reading like a sir. Get to Celly taking Anon aside for a chat. FeelsgoodmaYOU GOT A CALL NIGGA!ANSWERITANSWERIT!
  21. >Fucking 800 number. Eat a dick useless no-call registry.
  22. >Swipe answer symbol out of curiosity, suddenly a living person on the other end oddly enough.
  23. >Some scam credit card shit, asks if I have a time to talk about if my interest rate is currently blahblahblahfuckoff.
  24. "Sorry no I'm kinda busy at the moment reading pony fanfiction on the internet."
  25. >"..., uuh ok. Is there a better time that we can reach you sir?"
  26. "Not really. Also, I have enough on one credit card as it is."
  27. >"Ok then sir I just have to ask, do you have any questions before I go?"
  28. >Feel like being a cheeky cunt m8.
  29. "Who is best pony?"
  30. >"Uuumm, I'm sorry sir I, uuh..., Once again I am sorry for interrupting you and I hope you have a pleasant day..., Rarity.", click.
  31. >Haaaaaaaa
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