
suicide solaire in equestria:part one

Oct 29th, 2014
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  1. >you are anon
  2. >former larpist and current knight-champion of equestria since two years now
  3. >one would think that the life of a knight and champion in the magical land of ponies and frienship would be pretty awesome
  4. >it isn't
  5. >when you arrived to equestria a couple of years ago you were shuned and despised as a monster from another world
  6. >your warlord larp costume didn't made a good first impression
  7. >after being rejected in every town of of equestria you took refuge at the everfree forest
  8. >for about a month you survived at the forest with relative ease
  9. >turn out timberwolves aren that tough and you knew better that attack the bigger beasts
  10. >it was around the end of the first month when the element of magic found you dwelling at the old alicorn castle
  11. >of course she tried to rout you out with the royal guard
  12. >and of course you went full vietcong
  13. >your guerrilla tactics allowed you to endured for about a week
  14. >maybe you could have extended the time indefinitely if you actually killed some ponies
  15. >but you weren't about to cross that line just yet
  16. >between the lack of food due to the hardship of hunting or gathering under siege and the use of magic you finally were captured
  17. >it was when you were taken to canterlot, to face punishment for your resistance, that princess celestia found out about your skills
  18. >good thing that she addressed your trial ,otherwise they probably would had executed you
  19. >instead you were to serve among the royal guard for 5 years as punishment
  20. >soon enough your larp experience and your human resistance proved to place you above the common pony guard
  21. >half way through the fisrt year you were exonerated because of your heroic actions during a dimond dogs raid
  22. >but you didn't quit, why would you give up free housing and tree meals a day
  23. >so you offically joined the royal guard, they tried to deny you entrance at first but the favour of celestia got you in easily
  24. >quickly you scalated among the ranks of the royal guard
  25. >improving your skills through rigorous training ,eventually you became the capitan of the guard
  26. >the guards never liked you but at least they learned that it was better to obey you
  27. >the civil population however still shuned you as if you were a monster
  28. >so you started to wear armor all the time
  29. >three month after your promotion to capitan your true value as warrior became evident when you repelled the second changeling invation
  30. >for your heroism, celestia proclaimed you knight and champion of equestria
  31. >in retrospective you should have seen the political ploy behing that action
  32. >by becoming a champion you loss your position as capitan meaning that you no longer comanded the guard
  33. >and by being a knight you can't deny orders from royality, otherwise you would lose your tittle of knight and all it benefits
  34. >you wouldn't even be received back at the guard
  35. >and while a champion was a popular figure it wasn't a public figure, therefore any misstake you made would not be related to equestria as a state
  36. >plus they didn't had to invite you to royal parties anymore, of course they continued to invite you to the great galloping galla ,but only to mantain appearances
  37. >for two long years you had carried out your orders word for word
  38. >while in the guard your job was to protect equestria as it's champion your job was to smite it's enemies
  39. >doing the dirty job of celestia its not an easy task
  40. >killing bandits ,hunting pirates ,slaughter beasts ,slaying drangons and taking their loot back to canterlot
  41. >all for the good of ponykind
  42. >all in the name of equestria
  43. >All by the word of celestia
  44. >all by the will of the sun
  45. >she doesn't even give you your missions in person anymore
  46. >all she does it's send a courier to give you a note with your mission
  47. >after all your heroic actions for the well of equestria they still despise you
  48. >it's ironic but the only nickname without "monster" or "beast" that you been given , comes from the griffin bandits
  49. "the sword of the sun"
  50. >an appropriate name for the hitman of celestia
  51. >a hitman that has grow tired of his life
  53. >its the day after the second anniversary of your knighting
  54. >as usual there was not celebration only a small meal by yourself at the barracks acompanied by glares of disgust by the royal cooks and your fellow guards
  55. >you only eat meat while you're out in a mission but ponies still dislike the sight of you eating
  56. >as the first Light rays of the morning creep into your room you lay awake in your bed
  57. >you always awake a few minutes before sunrise
  58. >the sun iluminates your "luxurious" room you can't help but notice how actally barren it is
  59. >the only thing beside your fancy bed and bed bunk are the chest with your enchanted armor ,a wardrobe containig some rags, a single suit and sevaral sets of armor cushioning and a weapond rack with your enchanted shield and sword
  60. >no chairs or tables or anyting else
  61. >iluminated by a single window barely big enough to let sunlight into the room
  62. >it feels more like a fancy prision than a champion living quarters
  63. >you had requested new quarters a few times
  64. >but the quartermaster never acceded, according to him due to the lack of free rooms
  65. >you rise from your bed and go to your personal bathroom to shower
  66. >hot water doesn't work since you got this room
  67. >as you finish washing yourself in the cold water you take a look the bathroom mirror
  68. >you wont bother shaving today
  69. >for today it all ends
  70. >you dig into your wardrobe for a good loincloth to wear
  71. >after finding the shirt you had when you first came to equestria and donning it as undergarments you search into your armor chest for propper clothing
  72. >you found an armor belt that once belonged to minotaur warlord, a pair of steel bracer from a griffin bandit, the pelt of a bear and a pair of custom made fur boots
  73. >wearing your loot you finally retrieve a jagged dagger fashioned from the horn of the changeling queen from under your pillow
  74. >you leave a small note over the bedbunk and walk out of your room for what you hope is the last time
  75. >"i quit"
  76. >fastening your dagger on the armored belt you make your way towars the barracks
  77. >as you walk through the palace hall ponies, both guards and and servants, give you a wide berth
  78. >sure you looked imposing fully clad in kight armor but now
  79. >now with your pale, scared and muscular figure exposed ,you look like conan the destroyer without a tan
  80. >finally reching you destination you take a look at the bulletin board
  81. >theres a warning about an rabid ursa mayor roaming the everfree forest far from ponyville
  82. >that should do it
  83. >you take the poster and head towards the armory to get weaponry for you final battle
  84. >"h-HALT, w-WHO COMES THERE"
  85. >new recluits guarding the armory ,really now
  87. >"w-we are n-n-not suposed t-to let anyone pass without capitan permission"
  90. >you enter the armory
  91. >normaly you wouldn't be so rude, but you had to be fast if you were to finish this
  92. >you grab a Zweihander, 2 frankish war axes, a short sword, a long bow and a quiver full of arrows
  93. >in rater fast pase you stride to the chariot skydocks
  94. >upon arrival you requested a flying chariot to ponyville
  95. >and soon enough you were soaring the skies
  96. >the travels in flying charots were always akward
  97. >the ponies never utter a word while getting to your destination but now the guards pulling the chariot were plain scared
  98. >not that you blame them, you are three times their size and wearing the spoils of previous battles
  99. >finally you get to poniville, from here it's jus a small walk to the everfree
  100. >just as you were leaving the chariot you were intercepted by certain alicorn
  102. >"princess it's so good to see yo- oh, it's you"
  103. >goddamit
  104. >your relationship with twilight were never good ,right after she kicked you out of the everfree she tried to cage you like an animal to run experiments on you
  105. "greetings princess twilight of ponyville"
  106. >"yes, yes greetings ,what are you doing here?"
  107. >and it didn't get better after you became a champion
  108. "i have come here with a mission, now if you excuse me princess"
  109. >you begin walking
  110. >"what mission?"
  111. "recon"
  112. >"of what?"
  113. "the everfree forest"
  114. >"why?"
  115. "because of the ursa mayor"
  116. >"shouldn't you come with more guards"
  117. "i move faster by my myself"
  118. >"why aren't you wearing your armor?"
  119. "this is jus a recon mission, i don't need to much armor"
  120. >"then why you carry all those weapons?"
  121. "the everfree it's still a dangerous place"
  122. >"shouldn't then you need the armor?"
  123. "i know my way around the everfree, remember?"
  124. >"oh...right...sorry about that by the way"
  125. ...
  126. >killing the princess of friendship and dying figthing the guard still count like a honorable death right?
  127. >nah, better to stick to plan ,you're at the entrance of the forest anyway
  128. "farewell princess i'll be on my way now"
  129. >"kay bye"
  130. >and with that purple autism brinks back to her tree-castle-plastic thing
  131. >you move into the forest but not before glansing back at canterlot one last time
  133. >you are purple aut- twilight sparkle princess of frienship and element of magic
  134. >and sweet celestia that was akward
  135. >why did you had to bother him so much
  136. >he was just doing his job, you silly filly
  137. >probably because of his lack of armor
  138. >the last time you saw any of his skin was whe the royal guard finally captured him
  139. >you don't remember him being so pale or so scarred
  140. >but to be fair you didn't even remember his face
  141. >did he always had that missing eye?
  142. >and why didn't you knew about this mission any way?
  143. >sure princess celesstia was the one that gave him his order but she always told anyone involved
  144. >and you're fairly sure that the ursa mayor in the everfree is your business
  145. "SPIKEEE!"
  146. >your faitful slav- assistant runs down from his room to meet you at the main hall of your libr- castle
  147. >you miss your treebrary
  148. >"im here twilight what do you need"
  149. "spike write a letter"
  150. >the dragon produce paper an quill from an unknow space
  151. >"ahem- "dear princess celestia...
  153. >you cannot proceed to dictate a letter as twilight sparkle because you are about to be anon
  155. >as stated before you are anon
  156. >you had maneuver your way through the everfree without confrontation
  157. >mostly because the lesser beast won't come out with tha ursa dweling around
  158. >after an hour of searching around you finally spot the beast
  159. >and damm if this motherfucker ain't big
  160. >but not as big as you expected
  161. >you had fought ursa minor before and they are about the size of o a school bus
  162. >so you expected an ursa mayor to be a walking skyscraper
  163. >this one its just about the side of a barn
  164. >maybe you came a little too prepared to this fight
  165. >regardless you're not backing out of this battle
  166. >now the sensible thing to do would be to atack it eyes with the arrows and tire him off in a game of cat and mouse
  167. >but you didn't come here just to slay a beast
  168. >you came here to fight a titan in glorious battle
  169. >you fire an arrow at the back of the ursa mayor
  170. >it clearly felt that and it's looking for the agressor
  171. "HEY YOU!"
  172. >the ursa spot you among the trees
  173. "YES YOU"
  174. >you fire another arrow at his left eye
  175. "YOU'RE A FAGGOT"
  176. >the ursa growls in anger and pain
  177. >unkown to you a griffin scout watches from the clouds unable to belive what you just did
  179. >the beast swing it masive paws at you
  180. >you roll out of the way and fire anoter arrow at his head
  181. >trees and stones fly across the sky as the process repeats several times
  182. >while most of your arrow hit the masive bear very few of them actually laded on it's head
  183. >you're running out of arrows
  184. >splinters and small rocks take their toll on your skin
  185. >the ursa finally relizes that his method of attack is infective and decides to charge at you
  186. >you charge at him in turn and dash beneat it rigth before his paws hit you
  187. >you managed to fire the last of your arrows to his belly and back before the bear turns around
  188. >the kids gloves are out now
  189. >you drop the longbow and quiver
  190. >and pull out the Zweihander
  191. >its time to show this bitch why the legend never dies
  192. >you flash the beast a tooty grind
  193. >it roars in return and lunges at you
  194. >with a grace worthy of the giantdad you dodge his attack and slash at the side of the beast
  195. >you barely escape a swing of it's paw by rolling under his belly and proceed to stab it several times
  197. >the griffin scout has since long stop hiding to get a better look at the fight
  198. >he could not belive his eyes
  199. >the equestrian chapion fighting a ursa mayor and not only holding his ground but actually harming the beast
  200. >without even wearing an armor
  201. >your exploits were well know across the land but this was above anithing else you had done before
  202. >this was downright suicidal
  203. >obviusly
  204. >one blow from its paws and you would become a stain in the floor
  205. >and you knew that well
  206. >this was a battle worthy of a song, worthy of a tale and song, worthy of a masterpiece painting
  207. >worthy to be inmortalized in a stained window at the canterlot halls
  208. >worthy to bring death to a champion like you
  209. >the figth however would be over soon
  210. >you were growing tired and lossing blood from plenty of small cuts
  211. >all that it's takes is one trip, one slow reaction and you would be kill in a single blow of the ursa paws
  212. >once again the bear lunges at you this time how ever you roll under its belly
  213. >but not to poke his tummy oh no
  214. >your target has been swinging around long enough
  215. >and so with a jump and a slash of your Zweihander the ursa is now a she
  216. >barely landing behind the bear before fell to her/his knees you take slash at it's hindpaw making the beast fall to it's belly
  217. >you pull the Zweihander back into it's sheath at you back and pull out both of you axes
  218. >with a jump that you didn't know you could do you start to make your way up the back of the beast
  220. >the ursa writhes and shakes in trying to thrown down
  221. >it begins to scrach at his ow back in vain attempts to get rid of you
  222. >you just tankful that it didn't think of rolling on it's back
  223. >finally reaching the back of it head you pull your shortsword
  224. >as if the ursa realized what was about to hapend it gave a last powerful shake
  225. >strong enough to throw you out of its neck and into the skies
  226. >so, this is it, this is how it ends
  227. >at least it was a good fight
  228. >in mid flight you spot in with corner of your eye a griffin over looking the fight
  229. >you cannot help but smile at this point
  230. >your tale ends here but it will be told to generations to come
  231. >lets give your tale a propper ending
  232. >as the momentum ends you pull out your Zweihander and begin to fall towards the mouth of the beast
  234. >with last warcry you fall sword first into the throat of the ursa as it closes it's maw
  235. >almost instantly the beast roars in pain
  236. >it writhes in agony before finally falling dead to the ground
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