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Mar 8th, 2012
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  1. Sparque: so why are you up on taking fisdnar all of a sudden?
  2. Sparque: what have my brother and I done to you exactly?
  3. Smoothrich: as im telling nilstryfe, ive been hesitatn to attack fisdnar, which ive wanted to do since half our members left our clan and never came back, cuz i think you and nilstryfe are fine
  4. Smoothrich: but the trolling from zealot and damug, basically members of your clan
  5. Smoothrich: that you people seem to encourage it, saying its ok and people can do what they want
  6. Smoothrich: i went in the vent a couple times and they just told me to leave
  7. Smoothrich: over and over
  8. Smoothrich: until i did
  9. Sparque: that's ridiculous
  10. Sparque: we don't tell people how to act
  11. Smoothrich: so i guess im a sperglord who cant take being trolled, but in my eyes its like tears of destiny
  12. Smoothrich: you ahve two shit heads that go out of their way to grief and troll me and try to make me look like a shit admin
  13. Smoothrich: and a bad leader and anything else
  14. Sparque: well ignore them then
  15. Smoothrich: yeah
  16. Smoothrich: well maybe you shouldve
  17. Smoothrich: instead of being bad leaders
  18. Smoothrich: and letting your members shit talk the person trying to oganize all of LLJK
  19. Smoothrich: nonstop
  20. Smoothrich: and not expecting them to troll back
  21. Smoothrich: with videogame armies
  22. Sparque: i don't know what you're talking about "members"
  23. Sparque: and nilstrife and I aren't leaders or anything
  24. Sparque: we're just trying to do something in the silly horse game
  25. Sparque: because it's fun
  26. Sparque: you take this so seriously smoothrich
  27. Smoothrich: i dont take the game seriously
  28. Smoothrich: i tried to be friendly with everyone
  29. Smoothrich: i always have
  30. Smoothrich: but im sick of being trolled by faggot goons
  31. Smoothrich: for no reason
  32. Sparque: so everyone has to like you or no one can have fun?
  33. Smoothrich: just like fallen
  34. Smoothrich: tears of destiny shit talks me, calls me a bad admin, insults my pictures, whatever
  35. Smoothrich: your most vocal member, zealot, does the same to me
  36. Smoothrich: i tried to be friendly, repeatedly, since i never raelly had a problem with zealot or damug
  37. Smoothrich: they just started shit talking me out of no where
  38. Smoothrich: so well, im pretty sick of strat, and im definitely sick of some spergy goons shit talking me every chance they got, being told by every other person in the clan OH WOW LOL DID U HEAR WHAT ZEALOT SAID ABOUT U?
  39. Smoothrich: so i feel like your vent is not part of my clan at all
  40. Smoothrich: since im openly treated with derision for no reason
  41. Smoothrich: and other clans have more polite members then trollly as shit goons that cause drama nonstop
  42. Sparque: i can't control another person and what they say
  43. Sparque: neither can my brother
  44. Sparque: how hard is it to just ignore someone?
  45. Sparque: why do you let them get to you?
  46. Sparque: why does it matter to you at all what they say?
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